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From Earth to Umbria: A Science Fiction Novel
From Earth to Umbria: A Science Fiction Novel
From Earth to Umbria: A Science Fiction Novel
Ebook171 pages2 hours

From Earth to Umbria: A Science Fiction Novel

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Scientists from every inhabited planet have predicted that the Earths sun would one day become a supernova and destroy everything within millions of miles. Jarod Dask is the leader of the planet Umbria, located fifty light-years from Earth. When the Umbrian scientists inform Jarod that this cataclysmic event will take place in the near future, he volunteers to develop a mission to rescue the doomed earthlings and bring them to Umbria to form a new civilization. How will this happen, and who will be involved in this mission? Will the earthling civilization survive? Will Jarod Dask achieve his destiny and be forever remembered for saving another race from total destruction? This is the story of From Earth to Umbria.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 7, 2017
From Earth to Umbria: A Science Fiction Novel

Patricia Howell

Patricia Howell lives in Louisville KY and works as an Administrative Assistant and Support Staff at Sullivan University's Admissions Office. A former teacher, she taught Science and Language Arts in Kentucky, Missouri, Texas and New Mexico. She loves to read, listen to music and watch movies. Her favorites include JK Rowlings, Neal McCoy, Neil Diamond and James McAvoy. Even though she has written several stories, FROM EARTH TO UMBRIA is her first published book.

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    From Earth to Umbria - Patricia Howell

    Copyright © 2017 by Patricia Howell.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2017908836

    ISBN:                    Softcover               978-1-5434-2772-1

                                   eBook                    978-1-5434-2771-4

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 06/05/2017






    The Beginning of the Story

    The Jarod Dask Story

    Levena Qark of Zorack

    Araak Dask, Gex Gershom and Querk Pak


    The Mission ‘Save the Earthlings"

    The Journey of the Divinity to Earth

    Time on Earth

    Friendships, Relationships, Decisions and the Chosen Few


    Meanwhile Back Home On Umbria

    Sayana Dask and Treme Osk


    Final Days on Earth

    The Chosen Few

    At the Same Time Back on Umbria


    A Miraculous Reunion

    Jarod, Gex, James and Computer Glitches-All at the Same Time


    The 3 Men


    Lost and Alone

    Signs of Life Out There

    Waiting Anxiously on Umbria


    Home Again

    Mission Accomplished-A New World-The Future

    I would like to dedicate FROM EARTH TO UMBRIA to the following:

    In loving memory of Mom, Daddy, Debbie, Carol, Gary and my family who have passed from this world and are waiting for us in eternity..watching and waiting for us to join them when our time here comes to an end. They are always and forever in my heart and memory. I miss them every day.

    To my brothers, (Ken, Bill, Ray and Dan); sisters (Linda, Donna, Vicky and Judy), all my in-laws (Sets, Mary Ann, Bill, Tony, Bill, Tom and Sara), and all my family. You love me even when you don’t want to and it’s hard to do. You’re the most important people to me and I am blessed to be a part of your lives.

    To Joan and Larry Schindler, Theresa and Clark Messmer, Mary McDermott, Martha Keller, Kathy Gallo and all who call me friend. We have known each other for a very long time, and you still like me. Our relationships are very special to me and I cherish each of you. My life is good because you’re in it.

    To those I work with and know at Sullivan University (especially JD Blevins and Myla Hayes, the only grandchildren I will ever have) I appreciate your support and I enjoy working with you.

    Thanks for being there and encouraging me.

    To Neal McCoy and all your people. We have known each other for a long time and I have felt loved from the very first time we met. Thanks for spoiling me and making me feel like I am a part of your family. You know forever works for me, and there’s no doubt about it.

    Finally, to James McAvoy, who has used his mutant powers and captured my heart and inspired me to share this story that I had hidden away. Thank You, James, for sharing your gifts and talents with us in the world. I am proud to have been McAvoyed and call myself a Jamesy Girl.




    The Beginning of the Story

    The planet known to the intelligent inhabitants as Earth was in the third orbiting position around their star, they called the Sun, in the group of celestial objects named the Solar System in the spiraling galaxy known as The Milky Way. The Earth had a single satellite the Earthlings called The Moon. It had never been considered as a second home for them because they believed it was not able to sustain life. Most earthlings only thought of the Moon as being in control of the rise and fall the Earth’s tides and the calculation of their method of keeping track of time such as days, weeks, months and years. The earthlings had made several attempts to travel away from their home planet, but never quite succeeded in sending manned spaceships to explore the regions of space. Remaining curious about the possibility of life existing on other planets was a major interest of those in the study and field of science, and occasionally there would be stories of UFO (beings from outer space) visiting earth, and things known as movies that would feed their imaginations, but as far as any normal human person was concerned, these events were considered science fiction and not real. However, those who studied the stars and the planets remained curious, eager and enthusiastic to discover life out there in the vast and infinite space where multitudes of stars and planets shone like twinkling lights in the night sky. The closest the earthlings ever achieved in learning more about the mystery of space and escaping the gravitational pull that held them to the surface, was the miraculous landing on the moon during the early days of their space program that began in the twentieth century when 2 astronauts stepped into history and planted a flag on their moon’s surface.

    They had somehow managed to send several unmanned ships to explore space, but unfortunately none of these ever physically returned to allow the scientist to investigate and analyze the data first hand these flying laboratories and telescopes gathered as they hurled through endless space. Having never obtained the vital information concerning the star, they called the Sun, no one on Earth believed or understood that their world would soon be destroyed and absorbed into the sun as it began to expand and finally explode and absorb everything within millions of miles. Since the beginning of their existence, scientists had predicted such a catastrophic event as this, but they were only able to speculate when this would come about. It was never fully believed or realized by most humans that it would occur during their lifetime, so as the years passed and the Earth grew older, the Sun became hotter and the time of the end drew closer.

    The death of the billions of earthlings and their way of life would soon become a reality.

    However, on distant planets outside the Milky Way Galaxy, there were indeed other humanoid lifeforms very similar to the earthlings who were more highly developed and evolved and very aware of the Earth’s future. Their scientific experts were interested in studying the conditions and history of Earth and kept their leaders informed and prepared for whatever might happen to not only Earth but also their own worlds. Working together in developing an interplanetary organization, many of the planets supported and encouraged everyone to work and live in peace and harmony with each other regardless of race, creed or life form. There were no wars or conflicts about who was stronger, better or more intelligent among these planets or whose leaders were more powerful. Considering each other as equals, their leaders worked diligently to preserve and maintain the highest level of respect and friendship for every one on all planets, not just their own.

    Upon realizing the approaching doom and destruction of Earth, the leaders of the eleven planets the made up the star system in the Specktrum galaxy gathered on the planet Umbria to discuss their discovery.

    Sitting around the table in the conference room, Jarod Dask, the leader of the planet Umbria, said, We have come to discuss a situation that our scientists have informed us about the planet known as Earth. According to their investigation and studies they have spent many years doing, they have concluded that the star the Earth revolves around is going to expand and eventually explode. When it does, it will cause the destruction of the objects in orbit around it for millions of miles. The Earth being the only humanoid planet will be consumed and billions will perish. We need to do something about this for even though they are different from any of us, we share a common bond as humanoids.

    "What do you suggest we do about it, Jarod? There are billions of earthlings, and not all our planets are able to accommodate that many people, even if we wanted to…our atmospheres and planetary conditions are different and they would not be able to survive if we took them to ours."

    I know that, responded Jarod, but we must do something to help them, regardless of the challenges and hardships it would cause everyone, out of compassion we must do something. Even if we just save a few, we could prevent an entire civilization for being totally destroyed.

    Contemplating this idea of the reality the Earthlings were facing, the discussion of various solutions and possibilities filled the remainder of their day and lasted well into the following days. They all made suggestions and expressed opinions as to what they would do to help and. support and carry out a mission to prevent the inhabitants of Earth from being wiped away.

    The planet Umbria was located approximately 25 light years from Earth. Jarod Dask was one of the most influential and highly respected planetary leaders and had been the leader of his home and society like his father, grandfather, and other ancestors. His education and development had given him opportunities to travel to other planets, providing him the knowledge and wisdom to become known as the greatest leader their galaxy had even known. Upon his father’s death, Jarod had assumed the leadership role and began his destiny, working endlessly with his co-leader, Berom Gershom, in achieving a peaceful and harmonious way of life not only for his fellow Umbrians, but among the whole planetary system. The major goal of his life’s work was to maintain a relationship of freedom and peaceful existence..where everyone on every planet would share life, respect and prosperity believing that every human creature deserved the same thing…the right to living one day at a time while living in peace and freedom.

    In addition to these meetings, Jarod called his group of advisors and government officials together to discuss his idea and solution to the earthlings’ problem. At the conclusion of the third day of meetings and discussions, Jarod had made a decision. Rising from his chair, Jarod addressed the leaders and scientists, I have spent these last few days with you listening to our ideas, and thoughts about the situation with Earth. After long hours of thought and contemplation and with the support of my co-leaders, I have come to propose a plan of action. I believe my plan will not only benefit the Earthlings way of life but also enhance ours as well.

    Upon hearing what Jarod Dask had to say, the others unanimously elected to approve and accept his proposal, which they named Save the Earthlings. Each one of them congratulated Jarod for his insight and courage for being the willing one to carry out this mission…one that would involve every citizen of Umbria to face the challenge facing them, for the proposal Jarod Dask had presented was to develop a fleet of ships in order to travel to Earth and rescue a million Earthlings and bring them to Umbria where they would combine with his people and create a new world connecting both Umbrian society and Earthlings into one civilization ensuring that the humanoid race called Earthlings would survive long after their home planet was destroyed.

    The Jarod Dask Story

    Jarod Dask had been a young man of twenty when he was sent to the planet Zoack to study interplanetary economics. Considered handsome for his dark hair and light brown eyes and facial features, and coming from the most prominent and well-known families, Jarod Dask was highly regarded by both males and females when it came to bonding together in marriage. The Umbrians were open to the idea of love and marriage as bonds of respect, honor and feelings of affection regardless of race or sex. To an Umbrian, love meant the wanting of whatever and whoever to have life of being loved for who they were and open acceptance of another, and wanting whatever was best for their mate/the other person, wanting to spend their life making the other feel accepted, honored and respected above all others. Making a deep commitment to the other for life…in good times or bad. To always be dedicated to helping and supporting their spouse in everything they did or desired.

    While on Zorack, Jarod met a young female named Levena Qark also a student of the same program of study. During their yearlong course they spent almost every waking moment together not only attending classes but outside activities too enjoying social events and just spending quiet private times together.

    One night as they walked along the streets on the college campus, Jarod turned to Levena "Levena, I feel very drawn and attracted to you. I’ve enjoyed our times together. You’ve become very special to

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