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Apocalypse Modern Meaning
Apocalypse Modern Meaning
Apocalypse Modern Meaning
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Apocalypse Modern Meaning

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In the light of modern knowledge, we discover the real signification of the apocalypse. It does not represent the end of the world but some successive stages of creation. During the big transition, the humans will be replaced by new men. Creation involves matter, energy, information, intelligent project, and spiritual components (souls). Immortal human souls have the mission to learn and progress. Not all succeed with this. During the big transition, only the evolved souls will return to life by new incorporation in selected human embryos. Then, by a new divine intervention, they will give rise to new men.
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateFeb 7, 2017
Apocalypse Modern Meaning

Constantin Portelli

Constantin Portelli was born in 1927, in Romania. He is doctor in medicine and biophysics. He professed medicine and became scientific researcher and writer. He acted for an informational and spiritual interpretation of creation, for the synthesis science-religion and convergence of historic religions. He published the book `Modern Universal Christian Religion`.

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    Apocalypse Modern Meaning - Constantin Portelli

    Chapter I

    Integral Logic of Creation

    S CIENTISTS DISCOVERED THAT UNIVERSE had an origin and developed from simplicity to complex and sophisticated reality of present. Data and logic arguments demonstrate that at origin of universe existed matter, energy and information. I introduced at this point a personal contribution. We live in a cyclic universe, which developed according to a program and information, received for a previous cycle (1982). At origin of universe has been a black hole, inherited from the convergence of previous cycle. The black hole had a magnetic axis with two poles and a proper axis of rotation. Looking from the North center of black hole, the rotation could be in clock wise sense, or against clock wise sense. We do not know the real sense, but it has been one of them. This is enough! It shows that the initial black hole of actual cycle presented a spatial and temporal asymmetry. The initial asymmetry has been an information. After the Big Bang, it determined the separation of matter from antimatter and the principal role of matter in actual cycle. It also determined that all living organisms in actual cycle will select a certain set of asymmetric molecules (C. Portelli, 1982). Therefore, the origin of life received a pre-determination starting from the origin of actual cycle. We can deduce that in the series of universe cycles, in a cycle the matter plays the important role, while in the previous cycle, the antimatter had this role. Passing from a cycle to the next, the black hole situated at origin probably reverses its magnetic axis. This simple reverse could to change the initial asymmetry of cycle. According to this interpretation, all appear perfectly projected and achieved.

    In the evolution of universe, we discover two critical moments. One was at Big Bang and another will be when the expansion of universe will end and the compression of matter will start. The both moments are programmed. The Big Bang has been produced when the temperature and pressure, induced by gravitation in the Black Hole (initial nucleus of actual cycle) attained the highest projected limits. Then, matter and antimatter combined and created the highest energetic photons. The gravitation suddenly diminished and the Big Bang has been produced. The second critic moment will be produced when the expansion of universe will acquire another programmed limit. Then, the temperature of cosmos will attain zero absolute degree. It is known from thermodynamics that the expansion of space diminishes the temperature of cosmos. On other side, it is not possible to go under zero absolute degree. At zero absolute degree of cosmos, something unusual will be produced. The `dark matter` and photons will change the characteristics and will modify the relation between expansion and convergences forces, in the favor of the last. The key moments of universe evolution are programmed.

    On other side, many data and arguments demonstrate that cosmos organization, origin of life, evolution of species and genesis of intelligent beings (men) have been guided by means of information. The fact that the biologic evolution created intelligent beings demonstrates that at origin of project has been a Superior-Intelligence. Only a Superior-Intelligence could create by evolution and information other intelligent beings. Intelligence cannot arise by hazard. Going farther, we discover that the psychic characteristics of living organisms and especially human intelligence and affectivity cannot be explained only by the matter organized in neurons, nervous systems and brain. Matter alone includes information, but not intelligence and psychic capacities. Intelligence and psychic capacities appear only by the interaction of matter high organized with spiritual components. Besides the Meta-Cosmic Creator Intelligence, we need to accept the role of Universal Spirit, which animates by His components all living organisms. Absolute Spirit created the immortal human souls, which act in our brain and body. In the light of modern knowledge, Divinity appears like Creator Intelligence and Absolute Spirit. They are two aspects of Unique Divinity. If we add the Universal Love, we discover the multiple aspects of Unique God. Divinity is One, but for men appears in many aspects.

    Analyzing the creation from A to Z, we discover the existence of superior project and the role of divine logic. The logic of creation indicates that all processes and essential events are connected to achieve certain objectives. Essential processes present a double determination: causal and finalist (following goal). The causal determination has been investigated by science, but the finalist pre-determination has been ignored until now. We must adopt the complex explanation of informational and intelligential universe. Information includes in the same time the probability (hazard) and pre-determination (program & objective). In the context of universe, information is connected to Creator Intelligence.

    From human point of view, there are: a) A divine creation which appear projected in material reality; b) A divine creation concerning souls & spirits, developing in transcendent. The creation projected in material reality is investigated by science, while the aspects concerning souls and spirits have been presented by divine revelations and are subjects of religions. The creation developed in material reality is associated with spiritual aspects. The spiritual intervention involves the incorporations of souls in bio-organisms. Following the scientific data and the evolution of universe from A to Z, we can discover the logic of divine creation projected in material reality. In present, we can perform a jump of knowledge. The revelations concerning the trajectory and evolution of souls, presented by different religions and especial by Apocalypse, can be organized in a logical unity. The evolution of souls is part of divine logic of creation. We discover for the first time the `Integral Logic of Creation`, which includes material and spiritual aspects of divine creation. This is marvelous, because the Integral Logic of Creation is a perfect tool to investigate, discover and organize the hidden aspects of soul trajectory and mission.

    The Integral Logic of Creation indicates: 1) Meta-Cosmic Intelligence projected and achieved the entire creation from A to Z. Cosmos organization, life, bio-evolution, intelligent beings (men) and progress of knowledge (human history) have been guided by Creator Intelligence. 2) Meta-Cosmic Intelligence is also Absolute Spirit. The Divine Spirit acts in creation by His spiritual components. They are incorporated in living organisms from mono-cellular to men. 3) Creation presents a material projection and a spiritual trajectory. Material projection is accessible

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