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Letters to the President the Futuristic View
Letters to the President the Futuristic View
Letters to the President the Futuristic View
Ebook98 pages55 minutes

Letters to the President the Futuristic View

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The book is a compilation of letters addressed to Obama. These are all the things that the author would like the president to know.
Release dateFeb 3, 2017
Letters to the President the Futuristic View

Anis I. Milad

My name is Dr. Anis I. Milad. Besides teaching in higher education for more than 15 years, I also worked as an accountant and manager/owner in my practice for many years. Helping students achieving their educational objectives, dealing with their struggles to survive, and interacting with the successes they encounter are valuable life experiences I treasure because they add meaning to my current work and give me the sense of accomplishment. I am interested in writing about different subjects, watching cable channels for entertainments and world affairs, and reading the newspapers on the Internet. During the years, I wrote military projects, poetry, music, short stories, minute plays, thoughts in religion and philosophy, interpretations on accounting theories and methodologies, critical reviews in business management, and I also wrote critical reviews in leadership. I have published twelve books, eight books plus my dissertation were published in the United States and three books have been published and distributed overseas.

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    Letters to the President the Futuristic View - Anis I. Milad


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    Published by AuthorHouse 02/02/2017

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    Letters to the Presidents the Futuristic View

    About the Author

    Letters to the Presidents

    the Futuristic View

    Dear President Bush

    The Palestinian-Israeli conflict might last another 100 years. This type of negotiation during the last century was ineffective. You may say that the extremists are winning to keep the continuous threat and terror against the Israeli, American, and the Arab countries. Yes the extremists are terrorizing the Arab people and their governments as well.

    The solution for this ongoing conflict is to normalize the relationship between the United States and the Palestinians, and between the Israeli and the Palestinians. The United States will encourage the G8 to follow suit. Exchanging the ambassadors and building permanent embassies in both sides will allow further diplomacy.

    Normalizing the relationships with the Palestinians will create a new culture to the extremists. The conflict will last forever if we do not normalize the relationships with the Palestinians. The role of the extremists on the both sides of the aisle will be eliminated as the protector/destroyer of the Palestine Muslim nation. In contrast, the role of the United States will denote the presence of the superpower in Palestine.

    The goal is to eliminate the need for extremism illegally. It is interesting to know that Hamas, that is the Palestinian Muslim extremist group, is the extension of the Egyptian Muslim Brothers group which is illegalized by the Egyptian governments for more than 70 years in Egypt. All the Egyptians presidents, previous and current, illegalized the Muslim Brothers and the group is under scrutiny 24/7. In the democratic system the religious extremists are the far right and should not be eliminated. In general, the extremists are on both sides of the aisles and legally the extremists are the far right of the conservative party.

    My best regards


    Dear President Obama

    The recovery monies were taxes which were collected from the people by the government. NOW the taxes are returned to the people and collected by the people.

    My best regards,


    Dear President Obama

    I believe saying the truth by former VP Gore and you about the Environment and the war in Iraq unfreeze the common culture during the period of the former president G. W. Bush. The country needs to be in-a freeze stage in the new era. The investors around the world, and especially in the USA, do not trust that the market will be better in the near future. The stock market is based on the middle class and the retirement savings are going down the drain. Do not say the country will be worse before it gets better because you are still in the first stage. You are frozen in the unfreeze stage. You should be talking about the recovery plan and you need to elaborate the hopeful tone to improve the stock market and the housing market. You cannot continue to unfreeze G. W. Bush’s era the rest of your presidency. Stop this stage because you are offering the recovery plan, so you need to freeze your new culture of hope.

    Also I would like to add 9/11 event probably was performed by an independent group of who did not have anything to do with Al Qaeda. When this group destroyed the Twin Tower Al Qaeda claimed the plan. We, as America, can discredit Al Qaeda from 9/11 disaster. No evidence to support the stupid Osama ben Laden was the master mind of such event.


    Dear President Obama

    Please the following subject needs your immediate attention especially the country is in two wars and many women soldiers recently are humiliated by their fellow soldiers. During WWII, thirty-eight women pilots sacrificed their lives in support of WWII. The government at this time did not honor them. If you really believe that

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