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With the Holy Spirit: On the Road to Eternity
With the Holy Spirit: On the Road to Eternity
With the Holy Spirit: On the Road to Eternity
Ebook209 pages3 hours

With the Holy Spirit: On the Road to Eternity

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Youre Never Alone!
God is a revelation and Christianity is a relationship built on that. God who is a relationship being created humans to be in an eternal relationship with Him. Man is a spirit, has a soul and lives in a body. The true measure of spirituality is the ability to relate with God personally.
When we cooperate with the Holy Spirit, He will lead us to the multi-dimensional knowledge of Gods secrets and mysteries. For us to cooperate with Him, we must know who He is and develop consciousness of His presence. There is limited understanding of His personality. When we mention the Holy Spirit, what comes to the mind of most people is a dove, fire, wind, force, power, a form or figure. Some Christian folks are quick to say that He is easily grieved and this is the main reason so many are afraid of relating with Him. The Holy Spirit do not have anger issues neither is He a fault finder; instead He is full of compassion, slow to anger and of great mercy. The Holy Spirit is in love with us and always seeks for our good.
This inspiring and life transforming book will help you understand the person of the Holy Spirit and how to cooperate or partner with Him. Daniels uplifting message through this book focuses on:
Salvation through faith in Jesus as the only way to belonging to God
The personality of the Holy Spirit
The manifestations of the Holy Spirit.
The pursuit of the presence of God
The Holy Spirit as Jesus unlimited
Getting dressed with God in preparation for eternity
Jesus promised to be with us till the end of the age and because of this, He sent us a wonderful person called the Holy Spirit who knows everything about us. Daniel inspires and encourages with this message the need for a supernatural cooperation with the Holy Spirit for a successful Christian experience.
Release dateAug 24, 2017
With the Holy Spirit: On the Road to Eternity

Daniel Igwe

Daniel Igwe is a gifted teacher and writer who is on a generational mission with the Holy Spirit to prepare the body of Christ through life and eternity. He started a deep walk with the Holy Spirit after the Lord Jesus came into his room in the year 2011 and this led him towards intense supernatural insights and revelations into the scriptures. He has also had different personal and group spiritual experiences. Daniel is a graduate of Kenneth Hagin’s Rhema Bible Training Centre Nigeria, Abuja Campus, where he got a diploma in spiritual leadership. He has made a commitment to volunteer to God’s work at the Centre and in his local church. He is passionate about molding minds to embrace God and uses such forums as bible study discussions, seminars, conferences, counselling and discipleship where he headlines, regularly. He lives in Abuja Nigeria.

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    With the Holy Spirit - Daniel Igwe

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    On the Road to Eternity

    Daniel Igwe


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    Published by AuthorHouse 08/24/2017

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    Section 1:   Becoming His Own

    Chapter 1   The Value Of Christianity

    Chapter 2   Spiritual Circumcision: The Birthing Process

    Section 2:   Understanding The Holy Spirit

    Chapter 3   The Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit

    Chapter 4   The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit

    Chapter 5   Understanding The Giver And His Gifts

    Chapter 6   The Ministerial Gifts

    Chapter 7   The Anointing Of The Holy Spirit

    Chapter 8   The Infilling Of The Holy Spirit

    Section 3:   Spending Time With The Holy Spirit

    Chapter 9   In Pursuit Of His Presence

    Chapter 10   Knowing God’s Heart And His Presence

    Chapter 11   Dwelling In God’s Presence

    Chapter 12   Getting Dressed With God

    Chapter 13   The Aroma Of Christ


    Christianity is a love relationship; the sweet Holy Spirit is our lover. The love of the Holy Spirit can be likened to that of a mother; He is full of compassion, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy. He is not a fault finder neither does He have hot temper or anger issues. He is always looking for half a chance to bless us. He has our interest in mind. For Jesus to call Him our comforter means He knows our pains, sees our tears, shares in our joy, strengthens our weaknesses, forgives our mistakes, identifies with us, teaches us about the Father and what the Son did for us and is jealous over us.

    One day, I watched a documentary of a Walrus giving birth; once she gave birth, it was difficult for her to look back and lick the baby clean because of her size and the sand at the sea shore. She almost broke her neck trying to make contact with her baby and I saw how desperately in love she was. When I saw the look on her face, it touched me and I wondered how an animal could be so emotional. Then the Holy Spirit said to me, do you know that that’s a little compared with how I care for my children? So since that day, whenever I read the verses of the scripture and I come across the word compassion, I quickly remember how it feels. I started to call Him ‘my compassionate God’.

    The word compassion means to love deeply with passion and with an unfeigned affection. Isaiah 49:15 says ‘‘Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee’’ (KJV). The word ‘‘compassion’’ is transliterated from the Hebrew word ‘‘Racham’’ and it means to have mercy, have tender affection, to fondle, to love desirously, to take deep interest in, to pay attention to, to identify with and to take pity on. The Holy Spirit is our mother and He does love us compassionately and if I should say; jealously. Like every mother, He is more detailed about things that concern us and He knows what we need and when we need them.

    He is more personal to us but most folks don’t know it and they miss out from this privileged relationship with the mother of our spirit. Jesus referring to Him said ‘‘him that is born of or by the Spirit is spirit’’. In other words he who is given birth by the Holy Spirit is also a spirit. So when you hear Christians say that they are spirits living in a flesh, you should not be confused; we are supernatural beings because of the person living in us. We are all possessed. We are different and so the things that happen to others don’t come near us. I tell people that am possessed by the power that created all the spirits so the devil himself knows that am not in his class.

    The Holy Spirit is our mother and He is so compassionate for us and will stop at nothing to make sure we are okay. But this is difficult when we don’t cooperate with Him. What we have as a believer’s problem is not a love problem but a cooperation problem. Because of the diverse teachings on the subject of the Holy Spirit, most folks have a head knowledge of Him instead of a relational or revelation knowledge. Knowing someone is different from having a relationship with the person. Most of us know the presidents of our countries but we may not be in a relationship with them: it’s a different thing altogether. This is what this book tried to address. Our God who is a relationship being desires our attention and affection. Most times the blessed Holy Spirit can be lonely inside some of us.

    This book promises to reveal the supernatural partnership every believer should enjoy with the Holy Spirit. He is here with us all along the way to accompany us to our high places on this earth and then into heaven. In this world where becoming a ‘powerful’ Christian is hard, we need to develop intimacy with the Holy Spirit who is the power of God and the force behind our existence. If Jesus needed Him to do all that He did while He was here, then we need this my Holy Spirit. Jesus promised us that He will send another helper and comforter. The world help means to take side with. So the Holy Spirit will take side with us and lead us to triumph in anything we do.

    There is still a vague understanding about the gifts and callings of the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ. When I ask some believers about the gifts operating in their lives, a majority don’t know and can’t even mention them. These gifts are for our empowerment and for the edification of the body of Christ. For us to supply to the joint of His body, we need to know what gifts we have and then fan them into flame. It is the heart desire and expectation of God that we manifest these gifts in our everyday Christianity and not only behind the pulpit. I gave instances where we can manifest them in our everyday life.

    I wrote this book in order to bring to the consciousness of every believer the need to relate with the Holy Spirit emotionally and experientially every day, time and moment. I discussed how we can develop intimacy with this person called the Holy Spirit daily, based on my personal experiences and upon scriptural evidences. The things of God and the gospel of Christ are simple and we tried to make this book as simple as possible and it is reader friendly. The emotional Holy Spirit told me one day to tell Him that I love Him and since that day, my relationship with Him entered another level. It is upon that level that I want to share with you. With the motive of making you a simple, smart and powerful end time Christian. At the end of the book, I expect to hear testimonies regarding how you have been transformed. When people see how you have been living a successful life and ask how it happened, you will say; with the Holy Spirit. People should be able to ask you ‘‘have you been with the Holy Spirit?


    Becoming His Own


    The Value of Christianity

    The Priceless Salvation

    If you should ask me, I will say that the next event that calls for shouts of joy in heaven apart from the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the salvation of a soul. No matter the amount of signs and wonders we do here, heaven rejoices more when a soul is saved. Another event that calls for rejoicing in heaven apart from these three is when a soul is received in heaven in death. In fact, angels will stand in ovation to welcome the soul. Even if that soul came home empty handed without witnessing to any soul about Jesus Christ or doing any work of salvation, yet that soul will still be received in glory. My ultimate ambition in life is to be welcomed home in glory not empty handed though, but with spoils and trophies, victories and stories.

    One great mystery about salvation is that it is for everybody: everything born of woman can be saved. It is important to call for altar calls in every Christian gathering, because there may be a strange sheep amongst the congregation? Also there is a great possibility of a sheep that might have wandered away. A careful shepherd loses not his sheep instead strives to win other ‘strange sheep’ to his own flock

    Like A Corn Of Wheat…….

    For us to be Christians, we must die in Christ. At salvation, we don’t give our lives to Christ rather we receive God’s kind of life. Our former life was dead and rotten and God has no use of it. God has no use for our past. So instead of saying come and give your life to Christ we should say come and receive a new life of Christ and after we have received this new life, we need to allow God show us how to live it. We are like a corn of wheat plucked out from the world through the priceless salvation, but needs to die in order to produce fruits. It is possible for someone to be like wheat, which Jesus has thoroughly purged and put in His sheaves or garner but the person has not been cast to the ground. It could be that that person avoids the hand of the master whenever He reaches to collect him from His sheaves to cast into the soil of his word to die and bear fruit. Experience creates conviction. A lot of folks are bench warmers in the church, not growing and not producing. These folks are yet to die!

    There is a difference between matriculation and attending classes. Salvation experience is matriculation into the family of God and after that we need to keep learning the values of our newly adopted family so as to be awarded a degree during our convocation into eternity.

    There is no way someone can be alive and yet claim to be dead. If we have not died, then we are not baptised into His death.

    It is when we are baptised into the death of Jesus that we can have dominion over sin. When we sow a corn of wheat into the ground, it stays for some days so as to break its seed coat dormancy and then afterwards a brand new seedling will germinate. The salvation experience does not end at confessing Jesus. We must be buried in Him unto death. We must stay in Him in order to remove our outer seed coat of sin.

    The father removed the filthy coat of sin from the prodigal son and gave him a garment of righteousness. Our outer coat which sin gave us needs to be completely removed. These sin coats are slave coats. Sin was referred to as a master in Romans 6:6. Sin being a master has several work clothes for his servants. Unbelievers are slaves to sin while backsliders or hypocrites are hired labourers of sin. Some of the work clothes of master sin are seen in Galatians 5:19-20. Sin is a master to those who are not in Christ Jesus but if you are in Christ Jesus you are now a master over sin because a switch has taken place and you have dominion over the devil who is the source and originator of all iniquity.

    When we confess Jesus, He being a new master must cleanse us and give us His own work garment: the garment of His righteousness, which will produce the needed holiness. This garment is called the newness of life which is the God kind of life. It is this life that comes when we pay the price of intimacy with my Holy Spirit.

    For us to be partakers of His divine will, we must be planted in Him, for it is in Jesus that we live, move and have our existence, according to Acts 17:28. In Psalms 52:8 Christians are likened to green olive trees planted in the house of the Lord. Many places in the scripture, we have been likened to as trees of righteousness. These trees did not just grow out of nowhere; they were specifically and deliberately planted by the farmer of all souls - the owner of the harvest field. These trees are the trees of salvation, planted with no man’s effort, not of works, but by the grace of the almighty God.

    No human can save any soul; it is my Holy Spirit who does. We cannot smooth talk people into salvation, they must be convicted. No matter how long people answer altar call for confession, if they are not convicted, they are not yet wheat in the master’s sheaves. Every Christian is a tree of salvation planted deliberately by the husband man, to bear much fruit in strategic places in the field. The field is the earth. Through the fruits these trees produce, other seeds are planted in love to grow together in one. God saves souls through Christians; we are now debtors under obligation. For this reason Paul said woe to him if he does not preach this gospel. When we have an understanding of what God saved us from, then we will not find it difficult preaching the gospel to unbelievers.

    How Costly A Salvation…….

    What is the value of a single soul? The value of a single soul is the value of the death of Jesus on the cross. Isn’t that too costly? It is not God’s will that souls should perish, but that they come to repentance. If we should still practice the Old Testament like the Israelites in killing animals, baking of cakes, presenting of heave or wave offerings, sacrifices for the purification of sins, scarcely will anyone go to heaven. We’d do remain agriculturists. In Leviticus chapters 3-7, we find out there are different sacrifices of sin offering, peace offering,

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