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The Re-Creation of Planet Earth and the Real Account of Life’S Beginnings: A Compelling Analysis of Creation, Evolution, the Big Bang, God, Jesus, and Heaven
The Re-Creation of Planet Earth and the Real Account of Life’S Beginnings: A Compelling Analysis of Creation, Evolution, the Big Bang, God, Jesus, and Heaven
The Re-Creation of Planet Earth and the Real Account of Life’S Beginnings: A Compelling Analysis of Creation, Evolution, the Big Bang, God, Jesus, and Heaven
Ebook106 pages1 hour

The Re-Creation of Planet Earth and the Real Account of Life’S Beginnings: A Compelling Analysis of Creation, Evolution, the Big Bang, God, Jesus, and Heaven

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Have you ever wondered why there is such a huge discrepancy between what scientists say about the age of our planet and what the Bible says? According to scientists, the planet is 4.6 billion years old. Yet the Bible says that this planet Earth is only six thousand years old. But what if both were right? What if there was an analysis of creation that combined science with scripture in the search for truthyielding a unique and provocative conclusion about lifes beginning?

In The Re-Creation of Planet Earth and the Real Account of Lifes Beginnings, author Brian Donnelly explores just this integration of science and biblical truth to provide a more realistic account of creation and re-creation. He addresses the ongoing debate between creation science and evolutionary biology, and he shows how creation is more viable than evolutionary theory and the big bang. The Re-Creation of the Planet Earth and the Real Account of Lifes Beginnings also speaks to the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, and it provides a detailed description of what heaven is likean account supported by scripture and near-death experiences.

Having a complete view of creation, re-creation, heaven, and lifes beginnings will help you better understand how God relates to us today. But even more, this understanding can go on to help you see through the fog of the world and better relate to God as a believer.

Release dateMar 24, 2017
The Re-Creation of Planet Earth and the Real Account of Life’S Beginnings: A Compelling Analysis of Creation, Evolution, the Big Bang, God, Jesus, and Heaven

Brian Donnelly

Brian Donnelly started reading the Bible when he was just eight years old, and he has been a religious leader for many years. He has combined his biblical knowledge with his engineering skills of problem solving using analytics, deductive reasoning, logic, and common sense to conduct an in-depth study of creation, evolution, and the big bang theory. He currently lives in Scotch Plains, New Jersey.

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    The Re-Creation of Planet Earth and the Real Account of Life’S Beginnings - Brian Donnelly

    Copyright © 2017 Brian Donnelly.

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]


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    Chapter 1 The Planet Earth

    (4.6 Billion or 6,000 Years Old?)

    Chapter 2 The Theory of Evolution

    (Fact or Fiction?)

    Chapter 3 God and Creation

    (A Unique Perspective On Both)

    Chapter 4 God and the People

    Chapter 5 Jesus

    (Just a Man, or Son of God?)

    Chapter 6 Heaven

    (What’s It Like?)

    Chapter 7 Final Thoughts


    Growing up in the city of Newark, N.J., in an area where many struggled to keep up, I never realized that we were poor until I got out into the world and reflected back. I was a happy child and received plenty of love from my family. My mother worked nights in a factory to support my grandmother, my uncle, who was only a few years older than me, and myself. Not having a family automobile, bus travel was how we got around the city. Life was simple and centered around friendships and the local churches. My church was my second home, and I was always there. It was a big church and there were many activities and social events with sports included. So, church meant everything to me. I was baptized as an infant, attended Sunday school, had catechism, confirmation, and enjoyed youth Bible studies. I didn’t have much so when I received a Bible from my pastor, during catechism, it was a treasured gift. I went home and started reading it at the age of eight and still read the same Bible today, all taped up. Fast forwarding to the present, I am now president of the same church. In 2018 we will be celebrating our 125th anniversary.

    Having taken an early retirement because of my wife’s unexpected sudden illness and subsequent passing, I was left with a lot of unwanted free time. I needed a project to take my mind off things. I decided to further explore what has bothered me for so many years and that is the Theory of Evolution. Over my lifetime, I have watched it grow into what it is today, a universally accepted theory of how humans evolved from the ape species. It’s even being taught in some schools as fact. For me, it’s hard to believe that so many have accepted this theory when it used to be laughed at years ago. Did the female gorilla species eventually produce Elizabeth Taylor? I dedicated myself to research and learn all I could about evolution and the Big Bang Theory, never fearing that it would shaken my faith. In fact what I’ve learned actually strengthened my faith in creation. I then decided that I should share my findings with others. That was my motivation for writing this book, along with having grandchildren that I don’t want believing in evolution.

    What I discovered as I was doing my research was that reading about the subjects was not easy and very tedious. I had to re-read some of the complicated tedious scientific dialogue to make sure I got everything right. I realized then that most people accept these theories just based on the theory’s basic premises without really knowing why they accept them. This was confirmed to me when I began to discuss the theories with others. Nobody I spoke with had any inkling of how the ape species evolved, only that they believe that humans evolved from the ape species. Even though creation scientists have challenged the theories with science to science, evolution and the ‘Big Bang’ are the ones gaining ground. I decided another approach was needed. I challenge the theories with very basic and understandable text, making it very clear what the scientists tell us about evolving life forms and what they want us to believe. Looking at the theories with a different set of eyes, I break down the difficult to understand to common sense and logical conclusions, using my engineering skills in analytics and deductive reasoning. I am very passionate about restoring people’s confidence in creation by attacking these theories and exposing them to be, in my opinion, preposterous while adding some humor to the mix.

    In my book creation is also looked at from a different and unique perspective by combining science with Scripture to bring us closer to the truth regarding ‘Earth’ and life’s beginnings. Some of the conclusions that are reached go against conventional Biblical wisdom. I hope you enjoy the book.



    Have you wondered why there is such a huge discrepancy regarding the age of our planet? Scientists say the planet is 4.6 billion years old and the Bible says that the ‘Earth’ is only 6 thousand years old. Well, the scientists and the Bible are both correct about the age of the planet and of the ‘Earth’. This is all explained in chapters 1 and 3 of my book which provides a totally unique and provocative analysis of creation and re-creation that combines science with Scripture in the search for truth. What is written is credibly presented with fact and unique Scripture interpretations that, combined with science, gives us a more realistic account of creation and re-creation.

    In this book you will also be convinced that creation is the more viable option to believe in than evolution and the big bang theory. The book breaks down the sciences so that you can see, with clarity, what the scientists want you to believe. You will also learn more about Jesus from a perspective that is not necessarily Biblical in nature. You will get a detailed description of what Heaven is like, that is not visionary, but supported with Scripture and NDE experiences. The book also writes about how God relates to us today and how we relate to him and many more relevant and interesting topics that will satisfy your palate.

    Chapter One


    (4.6 Billion or 6,000 Years Old?)

    Scientists claim that our ‘planet’ is 4.6 billion years old. How they can be so precise, without actually witnessing the planets beginnings, is questionable. But for the sake of argument let us assume that the scientists are at least in the ballpark with their estimate. Creationists say that the ‘Earth’ is 6,000 years old. Who is right? Well, they both are. Let’s look at what the Bible says first. Moses is credited with writing the first five books of the Bible or at least most of it. All Biblical scholars agree to this. I think that most believers and even non-believers agree that Moses was an incredible historical religious figure, to put it mildly, who led the Jews out of Egypt across the Red Sea (Exodus).

    According to Biblical scholars Moses began writing the book of Genesis at around 1445 BC, but there is no way to be 100% sure. The Bible seems to argue for a 1445 BC date for the Exodus at which time it is believed that Moses began his writing. We know that the Lord had spoken to Moses when he gave him the words of the Covenant - The Ten Commandments. In Exodus the Bible tells us that Moses spent forty days and forty nights on Mt. Sinai. Without going further with this, keeping simplicity as our goal, it can be believed or assumed that the Lord revealed, either directly or under the Spirit’s inspiration, the order of creation to Moses if not the entire book. For now we are only concerned with the creation itself. Let us look now at what the Bible tells us about Earth’s creation, Genesis, chapter 1 verses 1, 2, and 3 (King James Version).


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