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An Adventure Around the World: To Harvest and Invest World Wealth Without Harming the Earth and Have Fun
An Adventure Around the World: To Harvest and Invest World Wealth Without Harming the Earth and Have Fun
An Adventure Around the World: To Harvest and Invest World Wealth Without Harming the Earth and Have Fun
Ebook179 pages2 hours

An Adventure Around the World: To Harvest and Invest World Wealth Without Harming the Earth and Have Fun

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The discovery of a large collection of gold nuggets at the bottom of a waterfall in an enchanted valley triggers a group to circle the world to gather world wealth without disturbing the earth or causing pollution. Some of the wealth would be used to fund Green Earth projects, with some as basic as solar panels, in addition to worldwide awareness of the pending disaster of global warming and destructive wars.

They develop a small SeaDrone able to jet to the bottom of the seas for vast collections of wealthsome spewed from under sea volcanoes, others from sunken shipsand gathering rare elements concentrated in the seas. Other wealth hid in open sight on the earths surface. The SeaDrone also flies into the skies to post antiwar holograms above war zones. As the group travels, they experience many old cultures and share philosophies.

Material from my subconscious library stored over a lifetime adds nonfiction reflections and history from around the world, with the past, present, and our future to be in the making.
Release dateOct 19, 2016
An Adventure Around the World: To Harvest and Invest World Wealth Without Harming the Earth and Have Fun

Robert Chandler Stever

Robert Chandler Stever graduated from Swarthmore College in 1957 and the University of Pennsylvania Medical School in 1961. He moved with his wife to Seattle for an internship. Before starting the practice of medicine, he volunteered for two years of medical care in Kratie, Cambodia, sponsored by CARE. It was a challenging time when war was heating up a few miles away in Vietnam. Two flew to Cambodia, and three returned with another in process. Magic moments. Over a lifetime, his subconscious helped record numerous very special short stories resulting in the book, Magic Moments as Paths Cross. One story told of a mountain-tribe couple hiking for two days with a dying baby boy. Arriving at 3 a.m., the startled doctor opened the front door just as the baby gasped and stopped breathing with pneumonia and severe dehydation. The mother thrust the baby into Stever’s arms, where chest compressions started his breathing again. They rushed to an emergency room across the street with no night staffing. The couple followed nonverbal instructions, holding an oxygen mask on his face and holding arms while a tiny needle searched for a tiny vein. It worked. Stable now, the couple with the baby were moved to the ward, also with no staffing till a few hours later. They learned to control the IV. With their care, the baby thrived. They went home two weeks later. As they prepared for their long hike home, the mother thrust a tiger’s claw into Stever’s palm, curled his fingers around it, and pressed his hand to his heart. It was their most valuable item for luck. He watched them begin their two-day trek home in the high mountains. She wore a handwoven sheath, and his shoulder carried tiny curare-tipped darts in a sheath and little bow, part of their dress code. Never assume the uneducated are dumb. Respect matters. One-on-one medical care practice leaves little legacy. However, one day, Stever tried to teach a TB patient not to cough on his kids. The patient didn’t understand until he looked into a microscope with a glass slide of sputum. The bacteria danced. Suddenly, the patient realized that diseases like TB and others were not caused by evil spirits, but by bacteria. Word spread across Cambodia—cover mouth when coughing. They all did. Another memorable story involved his trip to Cambodia with the first planeload of food and medicine sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee in November 1979. Pol Pot fled when the Vietnam government ordered invasion of Cambodia. Stever toured the various torture rooms and saw fifteen foot piles of bones and skulls, all neatly stacked. He heard a story from refugees returning home. He still understood some Khmer language. One told about a pregnant woman who wanted the day off from required hard labor on the rice fields. As an example, they tortured her in unprintable ways until death. That was when Stever learned that much of the torture and terrible stuff had been done by kids younger than twelve, taken from parents during the four-plus years of Pol Pot and taught to be killers. It was like shades of Lord of the Flies. Sadly, Stever also learned Pol Pot had learned from the Chinese Party of Four, who wanted to do much the same in China except the country was too vast for such terrible microcontrol. The party folded in disgrace. An interesting Chinese philosophy said the political winds blow like wind on grass then pass so the grass stands again. In 1964, Stever joined the number one top-rated health-care organization as rated by Harvard, GHC (later becoming GHP). GHC/P has huge support as a cooperative from super dedicated members. It began in the late 40s, with idealistic doctors and dedicated members all striving for the best in medical care. Stever’s e-mail is

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    An Adventure Around the World - Robert Chandler Stever


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    © 2016 Robert Chandler Stever. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 10/18/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-4549-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-4548-9 (e)

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    Chapter 1    The Enchanted Valley

    Chapter 2    Plans Take Shape

    Chapter 3    Subconscious Acts

    Chapter 4    The Robotic SeaDrone

    Chapter 5    Green Harvest of World Wealth

    Chapter 6    A Gold Yin Yang Nugget

    Chapter 7    The Amazing Resort

    Chapter 8    Rare Rubies in the Land of a Naked Tribe

    Chapter 9    Restoring a rain forest

    Chapter 10    Middle East Adventure

    Chapter 11    Adventures in the Aegean Sea

    Chapter 12    Special Time in Malta

    Chapter 13    Green Plans to Speed Change

    Chapter 14    Woo Estate Celebration

    About the Author


    S ubconscious Speaks

    Hey, Stever, you created us for the book. This is Tom in your subconscious contacting you. About time for you to continue writing your book and free us from cyberspace jail. However, while Ron and I roosted on hold, we collected a lot of ideas and info about the mysteries of life you want in your book. Tom hesitated a moment. "The stuff existing just beyond what we know, will know or never know. Gosh, we can never know what’s at the end of the universe. It’s the Yin Yang philosophy where the black becomes the white as the ends of the Universe meet and collide starting anew again. Einstein said so. The mysterious black holes in the universe are where material vanishes into darkness for creative changes. It could be like our mental subconscious including sleep where material is stored, then edited to be back in the conscious. Your subconscious library has been packed with info from many years. It’s a one person library built over a lifetime. And storage space in Giga bites? Unmeasurable. It just rides around in your noggin.

    "Ha, Stever, we exist in the book till the end. This is Ron. Now what? Like the universe, the end hides from us. It’s like the black holes play mental ping Pong with the conscious. Once created, we may be a part of the endless universe or even find others to explore where the past of the world hangs out and the future molds itself into time warps to fly between. Look and see. Hey, we also have the third eye soaring way above you for a long distance view of yourself. Ha, got you covered.

    Too many look but don’t see the obvious or the hidden mysteries and beauty. Others don’t even bother to look. The sighted blind with withering brains. Best to harvest ideas for the mental IN box so the OUT box will have material to be creative with. Tom crossed his arms. Too many fill in the unknowns of life with assumptions or turn the universe into the mystery of Heaven.

    We have lots of the unknown to explore. Remember, only a few hundred years ago, people thought the world was flat and the sun rotated around the earth.

    And God didn’t thunder down to earth in fury. A simple human mistake had happened, but they locked Galileo under house arrest till he died. That beat being burned at the stake. Tom shrugged. Maybe you can explain gravity to us. No one falls off the earth when it rotates and goes around the sun. What did Europeans think when a boat sailed over the horizon and literally appeared to sink into the ocean then sailed back? They must have thought something.

    But it’s more than the unknowns of earth and universe. What evolves and happens in the human mind? We thrive in your subconscious brain, a Universe in itself. Is your subconscious created by only you or forces beyond your imagination? Remember, without your subconscious, your thoughts would be rudderless, flying in circles through a fixed time warp. They would be trapped in a mental locked box full of assumptions and false info by those who refuse to accept or explore any unknowns.

    The human brain runs on electrical impulses like a computer, so we teamed up to hijack some electrical messages, read them, and send them to their destination. But we keep secrets. Tom and Ron chuckled and poked each other. Too many want to live in the box of the known. That mental box is like the Black Hole in the Universe sucking in systems too near it. Get outside the mental box and roar into the unknown realm of the open mind, the unexplored, have fun, problem solve, tease the brain cells with mental pushups and learn. How people relate to each other, why we fight, love or become creative is in the cyberspace library of past, present and to be of the future.

    As you use your brain, those parts either grow or shrink from disuse. We live in here, we know. You don’t want mental shrinkage. Use it or lose it. But other characters from years ago still lurk in your subconscious, brain gremlins. Free them and they want to frolic with trouble and violence. Yep, the Pandora’s Box critters, or the genie in a jug. Keep them jailed. Even the ancients knew about those bad guys.

    But don’t forget other characters creating music, art, and science. Too bad brain scans didn’t exist for Einstein, Mozart, and all the other brilliant brains to leave the world their legacies created by forms of autism. Sigh, but then a brain scan couldn’t play such brilliant music. Those brains might have shown musical notes scattered everywhere with no room for much else. Autistic brilliance without common sense.

    But wait, science might find cyberspace music flying away from us at the speed of sound, much slower than light. They say visual recordings of the past still fly into the universe at the speed of light. And music from the past captured and heard again. Maybe the famous time warp can bring us back to eras of the past.

    Time to return to the book and that incredible valley by the sea. Isolated pockets like this valley still hide from most people. Guard them against human invasion. We realize your idealism can collide with realism. Leave nature alone to work its own magic creations. Indeed, saving the valley propels you to glean ideas and gold from the valley to reverse global warming. You have been inspired with a purpose, a real purpose the valley is teaching you including getting natural wealth to be invested in a green Earth. You can use that bounty, natural harvests of wealth, that don’t drill, destroy. That real green" harvest bounty can be an investment income with extra income to restore a ‘green’ world. The big corporations can learn that their profit can be gained big way without disturbing the Earth. The solar industry does this. And best of all, a fun adventure around the world to gather the natural wealth and visit different cultures. We can choose not to be human weeds. Develop a green purpose. Again, we both realize your ideals can collide with realism. Persist. Common sense can mediate.

    Hey, we support you, Stever. We have more exciting ideas ahead. Just peel them off layer by layer as we nurture your garden of useful ideas.


    The Enchanted Valley

    T he isolated trailhead hid, but Tom knew how to find it, one of the most unusual trails he had ever hiked. First it snaked through thick brush and tall Fir trees mixed with Cedars along the Pacific Northwest coast. Saltwater mists supported magnificent Madrona trees, a part of the Rhododendron family with evergreen leaves, peeling red bark exposing swatches of yellow in many colors, and twisted branches. Evergreen huckleberry bushes with yummy berries tried to hog the trail. Salmon berry bushes extended their prickles. Trilliam flowers gathered their blooms under protective shrubs. Thick layers of moss in many colors clung to the north sides of trees hundreds of years old and lined the trail. It formed nature’s natural garden special to this area. Abruptly, the trail came to an apparent end with views over the ocean. Tom dropped down to a ledge that connected by a rock bridge to what would be a huge sea stack in millions of years, islands of steep rock formed by eroding softer rock away with the relentless storms of the Pacific Ocean. The Pacific Ocean was not very pacific. At the top of the sea stack he expected his most favorite place around, a rock roost looking down to a deep canyon winding a half mile to the ocean. From this exact spot the pounding ocean could be seen and heard. Ocean spray shot up the sheer walls. The canyon acted like a giant megaphone. Once he had thrown a rock into the canyon and listened to echoes of it bouncing from ledge to ledge before splashing into a torrent of water gushing from the rain forest behind him, a rain forest getting twenty feet of rain a year. Thick clouds drifted in and out of the trees adding mystery to the scene. As he rounded a corner through dense brush, he froze. Sitting on his favorite spot was a middle-aged man. An intent stare seemed to draw the attention of the man who looked surprised at first, smiled, and gestured for him to come over.

    I’m Ron. He paused to study Tom’s face. For me this exact spot can’t be matched. I’m amazed you know about it.

    For the same reason. I found it years ago, but it’s a long trip from home. Still, I come as often as I can just to be on this spot. It seems to exude energy from the core of the earth while providing the most incredible scenery I have ever seen. I enjoy both. His eyes rolled in thought. I think the valley has messages for us to learn, messages from Mother Nature, from the Earth itself to teach us. Just be quiet, look, listen.

    They chatted for an hour until Ron turned to Tom. I feel I can trust you to show you more incredible scenes. I discovered the canyon years ago while on a small plane doing studies of this wilderness area. Come with me. Then he turned to Tom. Did you know that brains have electrical waves that can be measured up to four or five feet. Some have stronger waves than others. I feel I can read you from what you project. We must be open to accepting new facts about what is current reality. He laughed. Indeed, our brains are like wireless WiFi computers sending and receiving. Stay tuned to my mental WiFi. He chuckled and turned to study the dramatic canyon. As you know, our vision limits us from many wave lengths of color, and our hearing misses many sounds. Sitting here and in various places of the canyon, it seems I can see more colors while hearing more sounds. Something tops the norm here.

    Tom studied the canyon, then added a comment. Two events may operate here. The canyon exudes energy, color and sounds. But our brains have special powers to be tuned to hear, see and sense all that’s possible. So it can operate two ways.

    And we expand our senses with amazing instruments looking into the Universe beyond our dreams only centuries before. Also, the clutter of noise and too much light at home differs from the canyon.

    Ron said, Follow me. They dropped down several ledges to a thin trail. Took me many attempts to find the animal trails safe enough for canyon access. Animals such as Mt. Goats use this all the time. Look ahead and you see nothing. Persist and the trail continues. Several times they ducked to pass under rocks, then came to a point over looking the canyon with a drop of hundreds of feet to the roaring river still carving out more canyon. After a pause, Ron squeezed by a rock covered with shreds of goat hair, and continued on down the trail.

    The trail widened by a lookout. Ahead is my hidden house. Deep spaces formed from a protective overhang with a cave behind that winds deep into the cliff. A helicopter used ropes to drop windows, cement, wood, and essentials needed for basic protection. On the ledge below are a dozen solar panels making all the energy I need. I see myself as guardian of this special place, guardian against development. Well, you also found it so we have the same purpose.

    I left a ledge in front for the animals to use. They get right of way. He pointed to another viewpoint. There I can drop a long line to catch fish. I feed them, so they grow bigger than usual. That plus some seafood I get from a beach forms most of my diet. He pointed to a number of pots. The pots grow a variety of vegetables. A small spring to the right gives all the water I need. It spills into that pond heated by the sun so I can bathe there. He laughed. And I have a WiFi computer that links me to the world as well as to books to read. It looks south for a satellite connection. Technology amazes me. Won’t be long till I can ask Scotty to beam me up. Discoveries happen when minds escape the box of the known.

    Hard to believe all this. Don’t you get lonely? No family or friends?

    "Of course I have family and friends, but they are all busy, launched and away so much that this is my getaway spot, but I want to guard it as well. From the quiet, I paint some watercolors and write some ideas for books. I

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