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Solo Soccer
Solo Soccer
Solo Soccer
Ebook70 pages23 minutes

Solo Soccer

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About this ebook

Solo Soccer is a self-teaching soccer guide for players, parents, and coaches.

This guide is designed to help young players practice soccer on their own. Footwork/dribbling, ball control/receiving, passing, shooting, and soccer fitness are all discussed and broken down into simple activities that players and parents can easily understand! Dont forget to have fun!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 18, 2016
Solo Soccer

Greg Bowman

During the past three decades, Greg has served globally in building group ministries as a strategist, trainer, and consultant (most recently with the Willow Creek Association) and has served locally as Group Life Pastor for four churches. Greg and his wife Connie live in Elgin, Illinois, where he is on staff with West Ridge Community Church as the Pastor of Spiritual Formation. He is co-author of Coaching Life-Changing Small Group Leaders and Equipping Life-Changing Leaders.

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    Book preview

    Solo Soccer - Greg Bowman

    Getting Started

    Young players need simple soccer activities to improve technically. Solo Soccer puts over 50 activities together to improve individuals in all aspects of the game. Players must have fun playing on their own outside of practice and games. This book addresses footwork, ball control, passing, and shooting to teach players how to practice at home.

    Parents can now be involved with daily soccer challenges for their children. Solo Soccer can easily become family time! Moms and Dads can help shag balls to speed up repetition time or act as a wall or bumper while their child is practicing passing, turning, or shooting. Parents could use a stopwatch to time their child during a speed challenge with any Solo Soccer activity. These are only a few suggestions. Feel free to think up new ideas using Solo Soccer as a guide. This is intended to help young players develop while involving the whole family.

    Follow the soccer-doodles as they outline fun, energetic, yet simple sessions that will help children improve on their own. Pick a few and get outside with your young player. All the activities are taught on an individual level, so only one player needs to be present in order to enhance his or her ability. Give your player a challenge and you will be surprised with the results!

    Camps, clubs, and individual training can push your child’s soccer ability higher. Solo Soccer will continue to enforce the skill training received from these camps, clubs, and individual training. Why spend the time, energy, and other resources and then not encourage your child to practice what they have learned at home? With this book and a ball, parents and players can continue applying the skills that have been taught by various coaches in the backyard. Here’s how! Pick a title from each section of Solo Soccer and have your player work on them each day. These sessions progress from beginner to advanced to challenge all skill levels. If only a few of these activities are used each day, players will improve and continue their love of the

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