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Does He Know You?
Does He Know You?
Does He Know You?
Ebook68 pages34 minutes

Does He Know You?

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About this ebook

Does He Know You? consists of great inspirational poetry gifted to me from the Heavenly Father. Each poem was strategically designed by the Holy Spirit working through me as a vessel to bring forth this message. Inspirational poetry has an uncanny ability to instantaneously change lives upon reading. This book will, without a doubt, paint a picture of how powerful and relevant God is today, while giving him the glory at the same time.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 10, 2017
Does He Know You?

Jaudon Byrd

Jaudon Byrd is married to a wonderful, loving wife with two beautiful daughters. His creativity is generously graced from God, but his inspiration is clearly drawn from his family. Jaudon's first project was too a book of inspirational poetry entitled "The True Spot...words from within". He is a very insightful, inspirational poet anointed by God to share wisdom with the world by way of poetic expression. This unique style of poetry is powerful enough to impact lives in a mighty way. God took center stage during the composition of each poem.

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    Book preview

    Does He Know You? - Jaudon Byrd

    A Mother’s Love

    Thank God for a mother’s love, it’s the physical form of grace from above.

    Her passion for genuine affection runs deep,

    I remember how it broke my heart to see her weep.

    A mother’s love sprinkles joy on a daily basis; she always gives her best effort to put a smile on her kid’s faces.

    She always tells me that I can be whatever I want to be, and that if I walked with God, all things are a possibility.

    A mother’s love comforts my insecurities; her wisdom guided me through the tough days of my immaturities. I apologized for the times when I indulged in the world’s impurities.

    A mother’s love sees the right when I’m wrong; she always knew the truth even if I was lying all along; it always warms my heart to hear her sing her favorite song.

    She didn’t always give me what I wanted, but I always had what I needed.

    Her confidence always gave me strength when I felt defeated.

    A mother’s love turns girls into women and boys into men; mothers should never feel neglected.

    All moms need appreciation; their love needs to be respected. Think about the time and energy our mother’s invested to make us feel protected.

    There is no other physical love that can compare to

    A Mother’s Love

    A Pocket Prayer

    Dancing for the Lord to the right beat,

    Heavenly rhythms and spiritual vibrations moves my feet.

    A joyful noise makes my soul sing; just to praise God aloud makes my heart swing.

    Multitudes can be fed with only a few loaves of bread.

    My God is real; his abilities are omnipotent when it’s time to heal.

    Sickness has no place, pain has no home.

    His spirit is always with me. I am never alone.

    My strive for success is built upon prayer. I never have to ask Lord, are you there?

    My life has new meaning, my thoughts are meditated daily,

    my world is surrounded with peace and grounded in unwavering belief.

    During times of tension, God is my relief.

    To be anchored in truth and married to salvation,

    God chose me to be saved from damnation.

    Under God, there are many people, but there is only one nation.

    My ministry is built from word; God puts phrases in my mind that my brain has never heard.

    God’s word is spoken before my lips move,

    sacrificial gestures possess simple sounds that soothe.

    Everlasting life is headed in my direction,

    hard times and bad days are a past reflection.

    Nothing but goodness, grace, and mercy shall receive me,

    God’s word says, You can have whatever you desire just believe in me!


    A Pocket Prayer

    As a Man Thinks

    Instinctively, we struggle and strive as a means to survive.

    Accomplishments being measured by the amounts of dollars treasured.

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