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Your Other Body
Your Other Body
Your Other Body
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Your Other Body

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About this ebook

Have you ever met someone you instantly felt you know? Why do our dreams hardly make sense? What are guides? Why do some people feel like a female in male gender or a male in female gender? These are just some of many questions you may have.

Your Other Body takes you into a deep dive of your soul:

* Soul mates, connections, and guides - who they are, and your relationships
with them.
* Dreams - three different types we have and their relevance to your soul.
* Reincarnation - its purpose, why we continue to do so, and what the body gives you.

First time author Lisa Wagman, speaks to us about memory.
She explains:
I have always known no one can teach us about our soul through spiritual groups and gurus, no matter what their credentials are. No one is more spiritual than someone else because we all have souls, and we all live through them occasionally in the body. The only way to learn about your soul is by remembering it, which we do while we sleep, but with enormous limitations. Our guides enable this.
Lisa shares her limited memory with us, giving us insight, which enables you to recognize your own memory

Your Other Body helps you see yourself as the soul, within your flesh, which gives you insight into another understanding of yourself and with others
Release dateFeb 24, 2017
Your Other Body

Lisa Wagman

Lisa Wagman is a first time author. She was raised in Toronto and moved to Chicago at 21 years old. She was abandoned as a child, and never had a family to call her own. She has lived her life alone but has never felt alone. She has always lived connected to another existence along with her physical life on earth. Her memories of herself in another existence began in adolescence. Her memory is enabled only while she sleeps. Because Lisa lives with a memory, she understands it is a fundamental requirement that we live as we are in the moment without searching for answers. We occupy the body in order for our soul to develop but we cannot if we consume ourselves searching for, or believing we have answers to our purpose. Her memory enables her to know, once we are out of the body we will know about our truth. Lisa knows that no one can teach us about our soul through spiritual groups and gurus, no matter what their credentials are. She knows that no one is more spiritual than someone else because we all have souls, and we all live through them occasionally in the body. The only way to learn about your soul is by remembering it, which your guides enable, while you sleep, but with enormous limitations Lisa shares her limited memory with you and helps you recognize yours; she also gives you insight to see yourself and others in another understanding.

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    Your Other Body - Lisa Wagman

    © 2017 Lisa Wagman. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 03/10/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-7594-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-7595-0 (e)

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    Chapter 1 The Soul

    Chapter 2 How We Develop

    Chapter 3 The Soul World

    Chapter 4 Guides

    Chapter 5 Death

    Chapter 6 Living As Humans

    Chapter 7 Dreams

    Chapter 8 Living As Animals



    Have you ever met someone and felt you know that person immediately without knowing who they are? Or have you reconnected with someone over a span of years of separation and the feeling of separation is not present other than the physical time? Have you ever dreamed that you are speaking, reading, or writing in a different language other than the one you use today? Have you ever moved in your dreams by the force of your own energy, which does not include your body? In your dreams, have you ever been close to or loved someone in friendship that you have never met or seen before? Do you live as a male in female gender or vice versa?

    If you answered yes to one of these questions, you are not alone. These are only a few of many questions you will find yourself engaged in. What you may have experienced is not a phenomenon. On the contrary, it is a life experience that is unfamiliar to you because you do not have an experience like that every day. Living through your soul will feel out of the ordinary for you from time to time.

    We are accustomed to believing experiences we do not understand are spiritual. In truth, we all have souls, and we will experience living through our souls from time to time regardless of our religious beliefs, the philosophies we embrace, or memberships in spiritual groups.

    If you travel to India to meet a master of spirituality—a guru—it does not mean that guru or your interest in meeting one are more spiritual than others are. On the contrary. What we believe spirituality to be has no relevance to our soul; because it is associated only with human experience. We have created the word spirituality, given it an illusory meaning, and measured it with those we believe are more spiritual.

    Some individuals refer to themselves as psychics or mediums. They claim to be gifted and that they possess spiritual talents such as speaking to the dead or foreseeing the future. You can watch them on television, listen to them on radio, or attend private engagements where they practice their alleged abilities. Unfortunately, they live misguided by their interpretations of themselves, which is disruptive to their own development. We give meaning to psychics and mediums on earth. However, out of the body, they do not have any relevance except for who they are as souls like all of us.

    This book is about memory—my truth. Remembering glimpses of my soul and of a particular work that takes place within all of us created an opportunity to write about it. This memory is not the same as the one with which we are all familiar. For instance, remembering you made a great dinner the night before or going to the grocery store and remembering what you need to buy is your memory of the present, your life that you live. This other memory takes place only during sleeping hours, allowing us to remember through another part of our mind.

    Our mind is three-dimensional. One dimension we are familiar with is the present, the here and now, your life and what you know to be real on earth. With an understanding of this, when you sleep, on occasion you will live through another dimension of your mind unrelated to your present life, which is your memory through your soul. This includes remembering your existence as a soul and knowledge that does not exist here on earth. There is a tremendous amount we will not remember because humans all live with amnesia. My memory has no proof because our soul is not flesh. It is true, however, that our body is flesh. We can see, touch, and feel our body and prove that it exists because we live in the physical world here on earth.

    We cannot teach and learn about the soul through education offered on earth through institutions such as colleges, universities, or spiritual groups. Those who attempt to do this commonly work in return for money, selling lectures and theories through seminars or private meetings. You are able to know about your soul only when you live through it in your memory. People that have a memory of it live quietly and out of the spotlight, knowing their truth.

    Let us talk about the word normal: what you know to be ordinary, familiar, and accepted patterns of behavior. This definition is not a formal one. If you draw a sixteen-foot line and walk across it, it is normal because you walked across it to get from one place to another. Walking is ordinary and common behavior. If you leap across that line in one jump, we describe this as a paranormal phenomenon, something you cannot explain by science or normal behavior. We explain this behavior by theorizing. Your soul has no theories. So normal has meaning only on earth.

    On earth, nothing is obvious, even though we may feel it is when seeing life through our physical eyes. For example, if a baby is born without legs, we say he has a disability because our eyes see the obvious: a body without legs. But is it a disability or a body in its perfection for our soul to occupy to feel and know the meaning of living without legs so we can acquire knowledge and develop from it?

    Think about the word development and what it means to your soul. Physically, you start out as a baby. In time, your body matures and you become a child. You continue to grow in your teen years turn into an adult. In adulthood, your body eventually peaks. From a natural aging process, your body begins to shrink and your skin begins to wrinkle. Once your body reaches old age, it will have limited mobility and become dependent because it can no longer perform as it once did. As it ages to its maximum, your body becomes shapeless, similar to that of an infant. Your physical process starts at birth and ends in death. During that time you undergo continuous life experiences, both pleasurable and challenging which your soul is required to process in order to acquire knowledge, which is what shapes and molds your mind. Thereby you develop.

    How we develop is not obvious, nor is how we live as humans. You might see someone with an addiction, an emotional difference, or a behavior that is different from yours and feel that person is not living well. Such may not be the truth at all. Persons living with extraordinary conditions that you do not understand or contrary to what you believe may be living in their process of development. Additionally, some may have the task to teach us valuable information, making you a student regardless of your position or status on earth. Rushing to judgment may reflect the opposite of what you see in others. Nothing is ever obvious.

    When our soul is created, we live in an infantile stage of development, not knowing anything. As our soul starts to develop, we produce color, which represents what we are learning and have learned. As we continue to develop, our color changes because we add more knowledge.

    You might ask yourself, Why is it that I have a memory and you do not? My answer is that you may already have a memory and not know

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