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The Secret Place: Dwelling in the Father’S Presence
The Secret Place: Dwelling in the Father’S Presence
The Secret Place: Dwelling in the Father’S Presence
Ebook105 pages1 hour

The Secret Place: Dwelling in the Father’S Presence

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Do you want to enjoy a life of abiding in the presence of God?
Christian life should be the most exciting life on earth. You have received eternal life and the God who created the heavens and the earth Himself becomes your Father. Because of this, every day you should be buzzing with life. Yet this is not the reality to many Christians. Why? What is it that we are missing?
The purpose of the creation of man is to have fellowship with the Father. Jesus Christ came and died for our sins so that this fellowship, which was broken by sin, would be restored. Through Christ, one comes into relationship with God. However, very few have intimate fellowship with the Father. This is mostly because of ignorance of the finished work of Jesus Christ.
The invitation to come into the presence of the Father is open to all yet taken by few. In this book Andrew Babu tackles some of the hindrances that prevent us from enjoying fellowship with the Father. This book will free you from the yoke of religious bondage and liberate you into the open spaces of Gods grace!

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 19, 2017
The Secret Place: Dwelling in the Father’S Presence

Dr. Andrew Babu

Dr. Andrew Babu is a medical doctor who is also an author, teacher, preacher and a keen woodworker. He completed his training in the field of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care in the UK, He now works as a consultant Anaesthesiologist in the National Health Services, England. Apart from his medical career, God has also called him to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ. He obliged to the call of His master instantaneously. His teachings are simple, well rounded and easy to apply. He serves in a local church and also travels around the world proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ.

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    The Secret Place - Dr. Andrew Babu

    Copyright © 2017 Dr. Andrew Babu.


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    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-0433-4 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017915696

    WestBow Press rev. date: 10/17/2017



    Chapter 1   Climbing the Mountain

    Chapter 2   The Cross

    Chapter 3   Righteousness by Faith

    Chapter 4   Holy Spirit

    Chapter 5   Entering into His Presence

    Chapter 6   Obedience is a Key

    Chapter 7   Calling on that Name


    About the Author

    This book is

    dedicated to the glory of my Lord Jesus Christ without whom my life is meaningless.



    He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

    Psalm 91:1, KJV

    T his verse used to fascinate me, particularly the phrase ‘the secret place.’ Growing up as a young Christian, I wanted to know where this secret place existed and I wished that if I could only dwell in that secret place, all my life’s worries would be sorted. I have heard many sermons preached on that verse and some have even concluded that the secret place is praying to God early in the morning. After all, Jesus prayed getting up early in the morning so it’s reasonable to assume that early morning is the secret place. Excited by hearing such exhortations, I used to set up my alarm for early morning prayers. This practice would go for a few days and then boredom would strike and soon I would slam the alarm and go back to sleep. I have heard people say that if there is any sin in your life, He will not reveal His secret place. Therefore, I used to confess all my sins everyday only to my vexation that the list kept growing each day. After all how can one see God without holiness?

    Many years ago, I was in a small group Bible study and this topic about holiness came into discussion. I found out from that little discussion, that everyone had a similar problem like mine and the overall conclusion was that we cannot attain holiness in this life. However, one still needs to keep trying his best. That was a noble thought, yet I was not very happy at that conclusion. If I cannot be holy and righteous in this life, how can I see God? All my desires to enter into His secret place were now dangling on a thin thread. Yet in the Bible I find that the invitation to enter His secret place is wide open!

    One day while reading the Bible, I came across Psalm15. The psalmist, David, opens this psalm with this stunning question; Lord, who shall abide in Thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell in Thy holy hill? This thrilled me because David gives a prescription as to what I can do to get into His tabernacle. Taking that prescription, I decided to keep all of it to the best of my abilities. However, that excitement died very soon because I couldn’t sustain those demands and soon I was wretched inside and was frustrated. I came to only one conclusion; Christian life is boring, mundane and dead flat.

    Have you been struggling along those lines? Have you come to the end of yourself? The very reason that you are holding this book in your hand is the proof that you are searching. You have come to the right place. But wait a minute; this book is not the answer. It’s the Holy Spirit who can guide you into His presence. I believe this book is just another tool in the hands of the mighty Holy Spirit who will help you adjust your thinking which will help a great deal in enjoying His presence.

    In Matthew’s gospel chapter 6, Jesus taught His disciples to pray and fast. He said that those who pray and fast should pray to the Father who dwells in the secret place. Why is the Father hiding in secret? Why is the call to enter the secret place so intense in the Bible? And yet there appears to be no clear guidance as to how to find and enter that secret place. If it’s that difficult, how come the Old Testament saints enjoyed so much intimacy with God? Enoch walked with God and was not! Abraham was called the friend of God! David was the man after God’s own heart! God was with Joseph in the prison! The list is endless. What are we missing?

    If you have been struggling and yet the desire to dwell in the Father’s presence is unquenchable, then relax, put your guard down, sit down, make a cup of tea, have your Bible next to you and read on. This book will help you find the secret place and dwell in it 24/7. A word of

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