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Moving Light: Meditation Journeys
Moving Light: Meditation Journeys
Moving Light: Meditation Journeys
Ebook127 pages55 minutes

Moving Light: Meditation Journeys

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This book is for you. It is a series of ten sequential meditation journeys that will develop your imagination, inspire you, and challenge you to rebuild your inner self in a whole new way. There is humor, tenderness, freshness, and a profound underlying sense of care in the way Dr. Andrew Dean presents this book.
Release dateSep 29, 2017
Moving Light: Meditation Journeys

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    Moving Light - Andrew Dean

    Copyright © 2017 Andrew Dean.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    Interior Graphics/Art Credit: Lauren Dean

    Balboa Press

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-0995-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1012-3 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 09/29/2017




    Pre-departure notes

    Journey 1: Forest

    Journey 2: Desert

    Journey 3: Water

    Journey 4: Space

    Journey 5: Rainforest

    Reflections on the Journey 1

    Journey 6: Ocean

    Journey 7: Fire

    Journey 8: Sky

    Journey 9: Heart

    Journey 10: Forest

    Reflections on the Journey 2

    Further Journeys


    Afterword from Suzanne Chipperfield

    Afterword from Darren Drake



    This book has been made possible as a result of collaboration between three people who share a common interest in meditation and spiritual development. Our meditation group literally spanned the world; one of us is located in England and the other two are in Australia. This book is a result of that experimentation and collaboration.

    I acknowledge the encouragement and suggestions from the two other group members, Suzanne Chipperfield and Darren Drake.

    To my daughter, Lauren Dean, thank you for the beautiful original artwork created for this book. Your creativity brings something very special to these meditations.

    To my wife, Diane, and children, Lauren, Sally and Julian, who are the real ‘moving lights’ in my life, thank you.

    Andrew Dean

    July 2017



    I certainly did not intend to write a book about meditation.

    I work as an emergency doctor, in a hospital emergency department (also known as an ER). My workplace is very busy, and each day brings patients with diseases or injuries for us to help as best we can. It is a very satisfying career, but can also be exhausting at times. My family life has felt the effects of the long hours that accompany the life of a medical professional.

    Following an illness several years ago, caused by being ‘run down’, I realized that I had to institute effective methods for maintaining health and balance in my own life.

    Our brains are not designed to run at high speed all the time, and I knew that I needed to develop very efficient techniques for rebalancing my energy after each day at work. In other words, I needed to find what could help me ‘spin down’, to achieve relaxation and quality sleep patterns, without resorting to drugs or alcohol. Not only would I benefit from such an outcome, but also my wife and family would have a husband and father who was hopefully better company!

    So my journey has been a long one, involving courses about spiritual growth and healing, and several courses about meditation, from different traditions, including Transcendental Meditation and Buddhism. Since joining life paths, my wife and I have also studied the teachings of Stuart Wilde, whose explorations of spirituality, consciousness and meditation continue to influence our lives today. Tai chi, yoga, hiking in nature regularly, and dietary changes have all been important contributors to our shared balance and growth.

    But my progress with meditation itself was sporadic. I found it hard to actually meditate, and certainly did not set aside any regular time for the practice. My meditation results were therefore disappointing, for many years.

    But some experiences are hard to forget. Some meditation experiences from forty years ago when I was a beginner in meditation stayed with me. These experiences are hard to explain scientifically, but are commonly described by meditators, or people who practice mindfulness. The subjective reality of these experiences acted as a niggling reminder that perhaps I really did have the tools I

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