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President in 2020—How She Can Win: Her Sure Path to Victory
President in 2020—How She Can Win: Her Sure Path to Victory
President in 2020—How She Can Win: Her Sure Path to Victory
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President in 2020—How She Can Win: Her Sure Path to Victory

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A new way to ensure a presidential candidates victory has been developed by the author, and it involves moving volunteers from excess states to deficit states so that the electoral college total is reached in a transplant program kept as quiet as possible until the residential and voter registration deadlines in each target state can be met by enough temporarily transplanted voter volunteers. Trouble ensues as these pawns are intercepted on the road and their buses attacked. People are injured and die in a theme of sacrifice by true believers. A counterprogram mounted by the Republicans comes too late, and Hillary squeaks out a victory for the White House.
Release dateSep 26, 2017
President in 2020—How She Can Win: Her Sure Path to Victory

Steve Canada

Steve Canada’s filmography is so skimpy it’s not worth mentioning (so why don’t we just go ahead and briefly describe it?): A hokey, small Western in which as an extra he sits at a table (with his back to the camera!) in a saloon playing cards with other “cowboys.” Online citing shows no photo of him. And a UCLA film school movie set partly in an on-site desert junkyard of which he plays the owner and delivers memorable lines in a gruff, desert-rat way the director tried to tone down (“Don’t do the voice”). His costume try-out fitting for one of the Planet of the Apes movies, filmed near the Pinnacles near the California, Inyo county town of Trona, didn’t turn out so well; he was too fat to pass for a chimp or human as portrayed in the film. German director Wim Wenders (over thirty films since 1973, including The American Friend, with Dennis Hopper) was in town later auditioning for a small speaking role the author tried out for in a face-to-face interview; he didn’t get the part but gave the director one of his crop circle books, to which Wenders said, “I might do a crop circle movie.” The author’s two minor skin cancer operations, while not life-threatening, alerted him personally to some of the fear victims’ experience waiting for biopsy test results and get really bad news. He’s trying to avoid that through healthy diet and exercise and extensive supplements that recently have extended into traditional Indian Ayurvedic and ancient Chinese medicine. So those are his “movies” and “cancer” connections to the subject of volume 2 of this series. As for “car crash,” he drove a 1959 Buick off a cliff at age nineteen and luckily lived to tell about it. As for “suicide,” he had a friend who committed suicide decades ago, in Oakland. This is not an intellectual exercise of revealing a secret code in holy writ. The implications are humanly profound and impactful on daily lives. At age seventy-three, he hopes to stay healthy enough to continue researching for these and other volumes and also finally do a collection of his poems (published in five countries over forty years and with at least one Nobel Prize winner for Literature, the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, in the Paris Review; receiving an encouraging note while living and struggling in Paris from the novelist Saul Bellow sustained his determination for years), essays, short stories, movie treatments, photos (doorways, stacked rocks) and drawings (Hands from Other Dimensions, exhibited at local museum).

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    President in 2020—How She Can Win - Steve Canada


    in 2020 - -

    How She Can Win


    Hillary Clinton’s Sure Path to Victory




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    © 2017 Steve Canada. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 09/19/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-0544-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-0543-2 (e)

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    Author’s Note



    Part 1 What Happened In 2016 And What To Do About It. Foiling Demography. Applying Lessons From 2016 to the 2020 Political Landscape

    Chapter 1 March 2020, Hillary’s PAC, and DNC Headquarters

    Chapter 2 April 2020, Hillary’s PAC, and Campaign Office

    Chapter 3 May 2020, Relocation Office, and DNC

    Chapter 4 June 2020, Campaign Headquarters, and PAC

    Part 2 Implementing The Plan – Pieces Of The Puzzle, Making It Work

    Chapter 5 July 2020, Hillary’s PAC, and DNC

    Chapter 6 August 2020, Hillary’s PAC, and Campaign Office

    Chapter 7September 2020, Relocation Office, and DNC

    Part 3 Bringing It Home – The Desperate Drive To A Close Victory

    Chapter 8 October 2020, Campaign Headquarters, and DNC

    Chapter 9 November 2020:

    November 1: Relocation Office, DNC, Campaign Office

    November 2: Campaign Office, DNC

    November 3: Campaign Office, DNC, Field Locations

    November 4: DNC, Campaign Office, Field Locations, Relocation Offices

    November 5: Denouement: Campaign Office, DNC

    November 10: Post-Election Analysis

    Addendum 1 The Partial Film Treatment of ‘Hillary 2020’

    Addendum 2 This Book, and 5 Related Projects

    About the Author

    Hillary 2020 – How She Can Win

    Her Sure Path to Victory.

    A New Solution to Mal-distributed Votes.

    A Practical Proposal and Future History

    of How Hillary Clinton Wins the

    Election and Becomes President


    For my parents (she gone in 1997, he in 1999), lifelong Democrats, of the Stevenson-Mondale variety. From a grateful son. And to my sister, who was upset that Hillary lost in 2016, so I set myself the challenge of figuring out how she could have won with a new strategy, and how to apply that in the 2020 election, and beyond, and if possible to special elections, and to midterms in 2018 and 2022.

    Special thanks to Elena V. who suggested over lunch I change the film treatment of ‘Hillary 2020’ into a novel. At first I resisted, but as usual, her advice was right. Her informed counsel over the years on things creative has been appreciated. She is a local theater stage director and film talent agent, among other things. It was thrilling for me to get a couple of ‘extra’ parts in small movies made locally, and get an audition with German film director Wim Wenders here in the high desert creating one of his independent films.

    Author’s Note

    No one can tell for sure what will happen between the the publication date of this book and the 2020 presidential election race. Perhaps Hillary Clinton will decide not to run, or for some reason won’t be able to run. The voter relocation plan outlined in this book applies to the race of any candidate chosen by the party. The voter base and demographics would be altered somewhat for any candidate other than Hillary, but planning can be adjusted for whomever runs.

    A cautionary note is that the operational aspects are usable by any major party, so counter-moves can be expected. But keep in mind that no matter how many Texans (for example, a red state where lots of ‘excess’ votes are cast in-state, whereas they could be used effectively to turn a purple state red) Republicans moved north to the Blue Wall states to neutralize the DNC’s relocation program, if they miss the typical 30-day residency requirement for voter registration, they’re out of luck, so it’s best for the DNC to keep this relocation plan under its hat and hidden for as long as it can.

    The focus of this book is on Hillary because she is a proven vote-getter, beating Donald Trump by almost three million votes in the popular vote in the 2016 race. This book presents a fool-proof way to ensure an Electoral College vote win, thus victory and the White House. In April 2017 she formed a Political Action Committee (PAC), and was sounding like she was getting geared up to run again, and beginning to prepare for the battle, and laying the foundation for campaign funding, and developing strategies around policy formation.

    Think of me as a mechanic, not an emotional advocate. The last thing she needs is another emotional advocate. If she wants to win, this is the method to use. Hopefully she won’t run a ‘traditional’ campaign, but will relax into connecting with the electorate and citizenry on a relatable basis, and will NOT agree to ‘debate’ Trump. Demeaning herself and lowering herself to exchanging insults and name-calling with him will not help raise her stature to a presidential level. Plenty of rallies, town hall meetings, television interviews, and targeted speeches should be sufficient positive exposure for her this time around. Eye on the prize.

    The author is available to help apply the principles described in this book, to help the DNC in the 2018 Congressional races, and the 2020 presidential race (whoever is the candidate), and the 2022 Congressional races (if he lives that long; he’ll be age 81.5 then).

    The lessons of ‘16 have not been learned. The DNC insists on playing with the same old campaign rule book. That ensures they’ll continue to lose in 2018, and in 2020. My new method practically guarantees wins in 2018 and 2020, and 2022, and beyond.

    This program avoids problems like voter sexism, misogyny, and gender bias, by overwhelming the opposition’s numbers, putting excess voters where their votes are needed and actually count toward a Democrat candidate’s victory.

    Operational aspects of the 2018 Congressional races would be organized along the same principles as described in this book for the 2020 national presidential race: (1) identify vulnerable Democrat candidates (2) assess the degree to which they are vulnerable (3) choose the candidates most likely to benefit from an out-of-region voter relocation program (4) recruit volunteers, screen them, and choose the best among them (5) orientation and relocation to Congressional districts where their votes are needed by the Democrat candidate to hopefully win.

    In this particular project I take a rather pedestrian approach, one based on simple, direct solutions to only an issue of unbalanced concentrations of partisan voters. Millions of ‘excess’ Hillary voters live in solidly blue states. Move enough of them to barely red states and you have the recipe for victory, as long as they move there in time to establish residency (usually either 10 or 30 days) and then register to vote (some states have same-day registration as election day).

    I look forward to the theater production of the story depicted in this work of ‘faction’ (the literary genre of fact and fiction intertwined and cojoined at the creative hip), and the musical production (described briefly in the film treatment), and even the operatic version staged with just enough panache to make a splash on Broadway, or even off Broadway.

    This book could as well be titled Democrat Presidential Candidate 2020 – How He or She Can Be Elected Using ‘Excess’ Votes in Solidly Blue States and Relocating Them Temporarily To Recently Turned Red States Hillary Narrowly Lost in 2016.

    My goal is to participate in consulting and possibly help manage an election campaign all the way to victory. But since I have no experience in any of that, I would expect a very minor role only.

    No famous person’s name can be used in the title of a work without their permission (unless it’s sought and given). It was not sought in this case, so the title doesn’t have her name. Perhaps a later edition and re-issue of this book will have it.


    How she won the 2019-20 Democrat Party Primaries, in the nationwide, state-by-state series of bloody battle for delegates to the Convention, would by then be a matter of historical record, but will not be recounted here, nor the maneuvers and mechanisms used by her team to finally secure the nomination, after winning enough delegates to carry her over the top prior to and at the party’s convention. Records would have been impounded, and would be destroyed if demanded by the FBI or Congress. There is no need for them to know the intricacies and the agonies.

    It was a newly designed method of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data to guide polling results and the relocation allocation heuristics of a proprietary tool to designate up-to-the-minute need for volunteer transplants. Nimble and quick on the draw were the advantages that made the difference in her winning enough state delegates that sewed up her nomination for the 2020 race. Very hush-hush. No outsiders got behind the scenes to leak and expose it.

    Pessimism about Hillary’s election chances come mainly from lack of narrative imagination. Trapped in a vision tunnel worse than living in the dark or having blinders on, just because they got no Republican operational, field resistance in the 2018 elections when they were able to use their volunteer transplants for the first time, the DNC and PAC and Campaign planners thought they could fly under the enemy’s radar in 2020. They were wrong. The dead and mangled bodies proved it. The kidnapped and prostituted girls proved it. The grieving families of young, naive volunteers who disappeared and were never found proved it.

    Proving the hard way that there is no victory without sacrifice.

    Between this ground game and this data, the relocation program was a game-changer for the whole electoral landscape, and also will be in future elections. The redistricting to be done in the year of the next national census, 2020, will affect the distribution of voters for the 2022 midterm elections.


    Will life imitate art, or will the film version of this story stand alone as a tribute to what could have been? If Democrats realized what power lay in moving ‘excess’ voters from blue states to key red and purple states in sufficient numbers to sway the outcome, Hillary would be in the White House today. The Blue Wall need not fall again. Transplanting enough dedicated Hillary voters to key swing states in time for them to establish residency and register to vote is the key to her victory in 2020.

    Getting started on this vital project as soon as possible is essential if she is to win. This is the path to a guaranteed victory. The old ways are necessary for her campaign, but not sufficient to get her there. This is as sure a way as there can be in a close political race. There is no substitute for victory.

    Of the more than 120 million votes cast in the 2016 election, 170,000 votes in three states effectively decided the election. Clinton won decisively in 18 states and D.C., netting her 222 electoral votes. Many of these states are traditional Democrat strongholds that are densely populated and near the coasts. Trump won convincingly in 26 states, collecting 227 electoral votes. Most of these states usually vote Republican, except Iowa and Ohio, which voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012.

    Six states were won by less than 2%: NH and MN (won by Clinton), and 4 won by Trump – FL, MI, PA, and WI (all 4 won by Obama in 2012). PA and MI had not voted for a Republican president since voting for George H.W. Bush in 1988. WI had not gone R since 1984.

    Clinton won the popular vote by about 2.9 million; only the fourth time in history that a candidate has won the popular vote but lost the election.

    MI, WI, and PA accounted for 46 electoral votes. If Clinton had won these states, she could have sealed the presidency with 274 electoral votes; minimum 270 needed to win. If she flipped the three states where she lost by the smallest margins, she’d have 278, and Trump 260 electoral votes total. The relocation plan presented in this book addresses this problem directly and offers a straightforward way around it, changing the outcome from loss to win. It is worth studying and implementing.

    The final tally was Trump 306 and Clinton 232. The election was effectively decided by 107,000 people in these three states (MI, WI, PA). Trump won the popular vote there by that combined amount. That amounts to 0.09 percent of all votes cast in that election. In PA Trump won by 68,236 votes, in MI by 11,837 votes, and in WI by 27,257 votes.

    So the DNC needs to move those numbers of loyal Democrat voters in those numbers to

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