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Rescue Rangers with Animal Assistants: The Rescue
Rescue Rangers with Animal Assistants: The Rescue
Rescue Rangers with Animal Assistants: The Rescue
Ebook193 pages3 hours

Rescue Rangers with Animal Assistants: The Rescue

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Owen Blaze is an average high school student with something unusual: two specially trained Burmese pythons he carries with him everywhere he goes. When a gang of poachers try to steal Owen's Burmese pythons and kill him, he has to do whatever it takes to stay alive and keep his pythons safe. While evading the poachers and near deaths, Owen meets highly intelligent Trent Hamilton and the big and strong Vincent Fenton, who are after the leader, Andrew Kane. Trent and Vincent take Owen to meet Selena Santiago, a traumatized prodigy inventor with a hideout base and an army of robotics. After providing Owen with a uniform, weapons, and gadgets, Selena brings in Penny McGinnis, a young girl who lost her parents and has been in hiding for two years. Each of them has their own highly trained animals. Working together to capture Andrew Kane and his men, they become the new rescue rangers with animal assistants.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 4, 2017
Rescue Rangers with Animal Assistants: The Rescue

Guanzhou Chen

Guanzhou Chen currently lives in San Diego, California and working at the World-Famous San Diego Zoo. Hes been around animals since his college years, caring for them and seeing their intelligence. Having a love for writing, he started doing it as a way of expression. After inspirations of animal companions from movies and TV shows, he created the Rescue Rangers with Animal Assistants.

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    Book preview

    Rescue Rangers with Animal Assistants - Guanzhou Chen

    Chapter 1

    Owen Blaze had arrived at Newark High School in his car. The 18-year-old had medium length dark brown hair and amber brown eyes. He lives in Austin Bay, California with his parents and much younger sister. Owen got all his school stuff ready. He was bringing something else with him; two Burmese pythons, Luke the common one and Alex the albino one. The 12-foot-long pythons were resting on the passenger seat next to Owen. Owen brought them onto his lap and the snakes slithered onto his arms and shoulders.

    It started when Owen was 10-years-old. He found the pythons in a box on the side of the road, during a volunteer work cleaning up. Back then, Luke and Alex were about 2-feet-long and when Owen found them, they were cold, scared and hungry. Owen took them in after getting permission from his parents. He was to care for them, making them his responsibility, and he loved them. Over time Owen started training his snakes to do tricks.

    Two years later, Owen became a big brother when his sister Beatrice was born. By then his snakes were as big as they were now. Owen’s parents were making him get rid of Luke and Alex because they were getting too big, and they can be fatal to his sister. There are reports of large-sized pet snakes, particularly pythons, killing babies and small children; then eating them. Owen said that his pythons were now specially trained, but his parents just won’t listen. He tried other things, like saying that the snakes won’t attack unless he told them to; his parents didn’t believe him. Nothing he says works with them. The ignorance made him furious and the fact that his words don’t seem to work. They just assume things, not being able to separate myth and facts.

    Not wanting to lose his life-long companions for anything, Owen comes up with schemes to hide his snakes from his parents. He lied to his parents about surrendering them to his favorite pet store; ZooStore Pets and Aquariums. What he does to his snakes is that he hides them in the back area out of view of customers. Owen and his snakes have been together for so long, it’s a bond that can’t be broken. He hides the snakes under his jacket and carries them with him; that’s how he secretly moves them from place to place so no one can find them.

    Ever since those pythons came into Owen’s life, he has done unimaginable things, making great accomplishments, and they were there for him. With the two snakes by his side, he can do anything. Over time, Owen trained Luke and Alex to obey his commands. After what his parents wanted him to do, he taught his pythons to attack if necessary. Pythons are not venomous snakes, but they pack a lot of muscles.

    Every time Owen thought about the senseless ignorance of his parents, it made him feel terrible. It was like they didn’t hear what he said, or that their ears weren’t working properly. Having friends for so long; a bond that can’t be broken. In his previous English classes, he wrote papers and journals about it, doesn’t mention that he secretly keeps Luke and Alex with him under his jacket; while he’s at school. No one did a thing about his parents.

    If you guys can understand me, you guys mean the world to me. Owen said as he held his pythons. The reptiles didn’t make any sounds; they just allowed Owen to have his hands on them. I will not give you up for anything. With you two by my side, I have conquered my fears. You’re my keys to success.

    Owen may be the only person Luke and Alex trust. On his free time, Owen would do things with his snakes, like train them to fight, but Owen would get his snakes to scare people. Luke and Alex are big and terrifying. If necessary, they can attack and suffocate people. Despite how big and fearsome Luke and Alex can be, they can be really gentle. Owen would let his huge snake near his sister; to prove that they are gentle. His sister sees them behind their parents’ backs. She knows about the huge snakes and that they are specially trained.

    Today Owen was going to use Luke and Alex on mean kids at his high school. Recently at his high school, Owen saw kids bullied and it wasn’t a pleasant thing. Someone had to do something about it, and his solution; using his Burmese pythons on them. From what he witnessed, the bullies are in the same grade as he was in. Those bullies were picking on students who are in the lower grades. Owen knew some of them and what they were doing.

    Owen changed the conversation, Today let’s take out some mean kids. Now, get into my jacket and I’ll let you know when to attack. He instructed Luke and Alex as he was devising plans. They slid into their owner’s jacket and prepared for action.

    Chapter 2

    Owen’s first target was Nash Hunter, a guy who picks on kids under his age, who steals money and other valuables. Someone had to do something about it and Owen may be the only person to. Telling a grown-up never worked and Owen’s snakes may be the solution.

    Owen finds Nash in the hallway of the high school looking for kids to steal from. He quickly thought up a plan to lure Nash in, have his snakes scare him and forcing him into giving everyone their stuff back. If the scaring didn’t work, he would use his snakes to attack. By the time Owen got there Nash was now taking stuff from everyone.

    Stop what you’re doing, now! Owen called out, demandingly.

    Mind your own business. Nash replied, This is between me and them.

    Nash, if you’re going to keep doing this, Owen confronted, you’ll have to deal with me.

    Nash was taking money from kids. You got stuff for me, Owen? Nash asked menacingly. The kids gathered around the two.

    It’s all in my jacket if you want them. Owen responded.

    Nash checked Owen’s pockets, but finds no valuables, not even his wallet. He then unzipped Owen’s jacket and reached his hand in to grab whatever he can find. Something coiled around his wrist. The next thing Nash knew, he couldn’t pull his hand out, and something was slithering along his arm. Owen unzips his jacket to reveal Luke an Alex around his chest. Before Nash could scream in fear, Luke slithered to his neck and got it coiled so he can’t scream.

    As Nash tried screaming in fear, Owen wrapped Alex around Nash, tying his arms to his side. By this time Luke was already on Nash’s shoulders. The snakes were so heavy that Nash fell face down on the floor. Owen was watching Nash and his fear of the huge snakes.

    I’ll get my snakes off you once you give back everything you stole from everyone. Owen stated and Nash nodded. Owen pulled Nash to his feet. Getting his snakes’ tails and working them like control pendants, he gets Nash to go where he wants.

    Owen walked Nash to his locker, watching his every move. Nash opened his locker and had everything he stole given back to their rightful owners. Once everyone got their stuff back, Owen unwound his snakes from Nash. He breathed in huge gulps of air. With a last look at Owen’s reptiles, Luke and Alex hissed and showed their teeth. Nash was trembling with fear, once Owen pulled the snakes off of him, he stood still for a moment.

    You keep doing this, you’re going to have to deal with me and my snakes. Owen said sternly. When Luke and Alex hissed, opening their mouths, showing needle-like teeth, Nash runs away in fear.

    The students applauded and praised Owen. He announce to them that he will use his pythons again at lunch time on someone. He like their help in keeping the teachers away. The students agreed as Owen put his snakes back under his jacket.

    If anyone has similar problems, Owen announced, Call me and I’ll take care of them. He passes out papers with his cell phone number on them.

    Later in the day at lunch time in the high school cafeteria, Owen saw Jody Selfridge tormenting another girl. Judy was a year younger than Owen. She was an alpha-female who torments and pushes smaller and weaker students around, particularly those who are freshmen and some undergrads. Recently, Owen notices that Jody was tormenting one particular girl. He didn’t know her name, had one class with her, and she looked miserable with all the tormenting.

    Someone must teach Jody a lesson for picking on the little guys. Owen observed, determined to put an end to it, and that’s what I’m going to do.

    Its action time boys. Owen announced to Luke and Alex, bringing them out on each of his arms, then called out. Hey, why don’t you pick on someone your own size?

    When Jody turned around to face Owen, she was instantly terrified of Luke and Alex. She stopped what she was doing and started to back away. Keep those things away from me! Jody exclaimed terrified.

    What’s the matter? Scared of the huge snakes? Owen mused.

    Owen I mean it. She warned seriously.

    Owen released his hold on Luke and Alex, preparing to throw them onto Jody. Owen heaves his huge snakes onto her. Once they made contact, Jody was silent and froze to a stone statue. The snakes were cold, because they can’t produce their own body heat. The next thing she fainted. Holding his snakes by their tails, Owen pulled her before she hit her head on the floor, and placed her down gently. The whole confrontation brought students around to watch.

    That’ll teach you for picking on the undergrads. Owen mused, satisfied with what he did.

    Owen had other ideas in mind. Instead of taking his snakes off, he leaves them on Jody, releasing his hold on his reptiles. With their combined weight, he wants to see her pull them off. Owen wakes Jody up to see her reaction. She was screaming in hysteria as she tries to get the snakes off, but they were too heavy for her to even push. Owen drags Jody up to her feet; by his snakes coiled around her. She staggers around with the two huge snakes coiling her. She was like in a mess if tangled ropes.

    Owen mocked, Snakes wearing you down?

    This is not funny Owen. Jody yelled.

    With 150 pounds of combined reptile weight, Jody was about to fall over, unable to hold the excess weight. Alex was on her chest while Luke was on her shoulders and neck, creeping her out. They were tightening their coils on Jody. The more she struggled, the tighter the coils got. Students were taking photos and recording videos with their cell phones or cameras.

    After a while, Owen got Luke and Alex off of Jody and back on him, wearing them like a short cloak around his shoulders. They hissed and was ready to strike Judy. Seeing how terrifying and strong the snakes are, it sent Judy screaming and running out of the cafeteria. Everyone was applauding for what Owen did.

    Chapter 3

    Owen walks to the girl tormented by Jody. He introduced himself and said that he watched Jody from time to time and how she picks on others younger than her. The girl said her name was Carly Welsh. She was light skinned, had green eyes and light brown hair. Owen assured her that his snakes won’t hurt anyone unless he commands them to. He asked if he can sit with her and she allowed him to. A conversation went on about how Jody torments other students. Owen was starting to like her and getting more info on Judy.

    Thank you Owen. Carly thanked Owen.

    Hey, someone’s got to do something about her. Owen replied, I wasn’t just goanna let her push people around.

    Owen wanted Carly to tell him everything about that Jody was doing. Carly started with how Jody does the most horrible things to her; locking her out of the school, pushing the lunch tray onto her, blaming things on her, and many more.

    Wow, that just wrong of that she’s done. Owen expressed, I gave her a heck of a scare with Luke and Alex. Let’s see what those people did with those photos they took with their cell phones. I want to see them posted on the internet.

    To make matters worse, Carly went on, I try telling people, but no one listens.

    I know how that feels. Owen backed her up and relates his similar experience with his reptiles.

    Owen told Carly that the snakes were his lifelong companions, how he found them, that his parents made him get rid of them because of his sister, and he lied about what he did and hides them from his parents. Luke and Alex are like family to me.

    Do you always lug them around with you? Carly wondered. They’re big and I don’t want to get bitten by them.

    Luke and Alex are Burmese Pythons and they are not venomous. Owen explains, I used them on people earlier this morning and now Jody. They probably told teachers by now and I always hide them from them.

    If Jody picks on you again, have them bite those people in the face. Owen said and lets her pet the huge snakes.

    Owen took out a piece of paper and wrote his cell phone number on it along with his email address and gave it to Carly. If anything happen or if Jody get you, call or text me. Owen finished.

    After lunch, no one gave her any problems. She then heads to her class with new hope. She hasn’t felt this since she started high school. Today, after what Owen has done to Jody, she feels she has the strength to stand up for herself.

    It was the end of the school day. By now Owen was satisfied with everything he did, but he had one last thing to do; mess up a sports car of a student. Locating Justin Callaghan’s sports car, almost like new, no scratch, shiny, expensive looking.

    Owen puts his snakes on the hood of it, then he instructs them to poop on the car, which they did. Soon Luke and Alex were rubbing their wastes around the hood then the windshield. Anything keratin, like hair and nails, were undigested and passed out through the wastes. In a few minutes, the car was a stinky mess of snake poop. Owen sees Justin and teammates coming. Working fast, gets his snakes, goes off, hides behind another car, cleans them up, and watches Justin’s reaction.

    Justin Callaghan went to his car with his girlfriend and a few teammates. He was athletic with short hair. When he saw his car a stinky mess, he gasped and freaked out.

    My car! Justin wailed,

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