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The Healing Power In Finding Your Innocence
The Healing Power In Finding Your Innocence
The Healing Power In Finding Your Innocence
Ebook103 pages1 hour

The Healing Power In Finding Your Innocence

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About this ebook

This books intention is to help you shift your mind-set to finding your innocence in your life in areas where you still feel shame, blame, or guilteven when you believe your actions were unforgiveable or cannot be redeemed. These step-by-step processes, tools, and exercises allow you to connect to your heart and who you truly areall-embracing love.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateOct 13, 2017
The Healing Power In Finding Your Innocence

Aimée Wilde

Aimée Wilde is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor, certified Classical Homeopath, Holistic Intuitive and has been practicing for over 20 years. She is also certified as a Life/Health Coach with IIN, NY, WATSU® practitioner, and Raw Food Chef Instructor, LLI. Another passion of hers is the NLMM® (Non Linear Movement Method®), and Intimacy and Attraction Workshop®, created by Michaela Boehm. Aimée channels a healing frequency LoveLight + Sound Healing® for trauma relief and transformation. Aimée inspires and supports spiritually and health-conscious individuals all over the world to reconnect with their heart, their inner peace and balance, and to experience profound healing. Inviting them to make deep reaching, lasting transformative changes in simple and easy to implement steps. Aimée is based in California, USA.

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    The Healing Power In Finding Your Innocence - Aimée Wilde

    Copyright © 2017 Suzanna Jamieson.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-8964-8 (sc)

    978-1-5043-8965-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017915252

    Balboa Press rev. date: 10/13/2017





    Author’s Note

    Chapter 1: Why Find Your Innocence?

    Chapter 2: How To Find Your Innocence

    Chapter 3: The Bigger Plan

    Chapter 4: The Healing

    Chapter 5: Coming Home To Your Self (Getting Out)


    ‘Innocence’ comes from the Latin root ‘innocere’, meaning harmless, or no intention to hurt/harm. Here it means the pure and childlike state of wonder and awe towards Life in every moment. Being truly intimate and connected with oneself and the one in front of you. Open curiosity about the other. Intimate in the sense of discovering what is there to be discovered about the other in this moment, whilst experiencing and feeling in your body how they make you feel. (Being intimate isn’t referred to in a sexual context here; however, sexual interaction is greatly enhanced whilst practicing this kind of intimacy and connection.)

    Imagine an infant on its belly, taking in its surroundings. Oh, what’s that!? There is a wooden cube in front of it for its exploration. The infant doesn’t know that this is a ‘cube’; it also doesn’t know that it is made of ‘wood’ — none of these labels or concepts exist in its experience in that moment. It is just completely focused on this ‘thing’. It wants to know it intimately, is curious about finding out everything there is to find out about this particular ‘thing’. The only way it can do that is through all of its senses.

    So there is sight to begin with. The infant has visually perceived this ‘thing’. Excitement! Crawling towards it, wanting to get closer, it is next going to try to grasp it, get a hold of it, exploring the feel of it through its hand and fingers. Really exciting! The infant is absolutely in the present moment in this exploration — it’s timeless, nothing else exists or matters. And it doesn’t stop at touch. It wants to take this ‘thing’ in, integrate it, completely — literally — by putting it into its mouth. Tasting it, smelling it, listening if it makes any noise, taking in as much of it as possible. There is no judgment about this ‘thing’ being good or bad or too ‘cube-like’, not round enough, too ‘wood-like’, not soft enough — no judgment whatsoever. Unconditional curiosity and openness to that which is in front of this infant. The infant experiencing within its body, through its senses, how it relates to this ‘thing’ — and it’s just amazing!

    Next there is a bug crawling up. The infant doesn’t have any concept of ‘bug’ — there is just this new ’thing’. Something new to explore. Exciting! Wow, this one is actually moving! Of course, the infant isn’t thinking that, it is just observing that this new ‘thing’ is behaving differently than the one before. The excitement is exactly the same. Something new to explore. So, wanting to grab it: hhhhmm, it is feeling the bug’s legs squirming against its hand — interesting! Feels different than the one before. Still no judgment! This new ‘thing’ experience is not better or worse than the ‘cube’ one. It’s just that: an experience, an exploration, becoming intimate with what there is to experience with the other. All of it. So next it’s going to want to put it in its mouth, taste it, smell it, take it in completely. Usually at this point, Life will have it that some screeching Mom, parent or nanny is going to jump in to prevent this exploration — bummer.

    In this experience, the infant is not aware of being separate from anything; it is one with everything there is. It also isn’t questioning its worth or if it should be doing something differently. It is unafraid of censoring, in a state of beingness, living life unquestioned. Bliss and pure love, every new moment fresh.

    This is the kind of innocence I am referring to in this book. Open curiosity, being intimate fully and completely with what there is to experience in every moment. Without judgment. Which might translate for us as adults into something like just taking in fully the experience of sitting on your back porch, watching the starry sky, smelling the fragrance of the flowers around you, or the exhaust of a car just starting, internally connected to what this moment has to offer — without judgment. Getting in touch with your feelings and sensations as you are experiencing this moment. And the next. And the next. Open curiosity. No judgment.

    It doesn’t mean that there won’t be consequences to our actions, even if we find our innocence in hindsight. Of course there are and they’re part of the learning process. My wish for you if you are currently incarcerated or have been and one of the intentions for this book is for you to release yourself from the stigma of being an ‘ex-con’, is finding in that innocence full acceptance and forgiveness for yourself so that you can be truly free as you walk out or are living your life outside. Unapologetically.

    Maybe you can find where your time inside has been something like an ‘apprenticeship’ — and in a way that’s really what it is

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