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God’S Gifts for You: America the Beautiful
God’S Gifts for You: America the Beautiful
God’S Gifts for You: America the Beautiful
Ebook100 pages4 minutes

God’S Gifts for You: America the Beautiful

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The book title, Gods Gifts for You, is a fitting title for this book because it causes you to realize and observe the beauty that surrounds us. The positive messages of this book will encourage and inspire anyone that reads it.

Emelie, through her photography, will make you realize the many blessings God has created for us all to enjoy. All we have to do is take a deep breath and escape, even for a minute, from our busy lives and rat race schedules. Emelies book is like a breath of fresh air, like a miniretreat into the majesty of Yosemite, the beautiful trees, the running streams, waterfalls, and spectacular scenery. You can escape to the snowcapped mountains of Nevada, or to the Saguaro National Monument in Arizona, Catalina Island in Callifornia, or Laguna Beach with its tropical palm trees and beautiful foaming waves crashing on the rocks.

This photo book will be a welcomed, positive gift for anyone, young or old. One of the reasons she composed this photo book was because of her desire to help and inspire others. She describes in her personal story that she survived breast cancer twice and of her desire to help and encourage other women going through cancer and to assure them that God is there for them as well.

Emelie has purposely not given the different locations where her photos were taken. Why? Because many people are sure they have been there. It has become like a game to allow those that view her photos and fantasize about when they were there at that very same spot. There is always the possibility that they are correct and that they were, in fact, at that very spot. It has become a fun guessing game among many who have viewed these photos.
Release dateOct 20, 2017
God’S Gifts for You: America the Beautiful

Emelie R. Cady

The most interesting part of this book is Emelie Cady’s personal story. Emelie has survived breast Cancer twice and numerous other surgeries. She feels it is part of her ministry to speak to , and encourage other women going through the same thing. Emelie feels God has brought her through all He has so that she can help and support those dealing with Cancer today. She describes how she was routinely going along enjoying her life and family, children, and grandchildren, when she went for a routine check up and was told she had Breast Cancer. Emelie does a of beautiful job blending some exquisite photos with the word of God. Her book will cause you to realize how fortunate we are. As American’s we have the freedom to visit and enjoy many natural parks and the natural beauty, all around us. Emelie believes the United States of America is clearly blessed by God. She emphasizes through her photography the many blessings God has created for us all to enjoy. After previewing these beautiful photos, you will want to share them with all your loved ones. This book makes a wonderful, encouraging gift for anyone, young or old, it will take you on stimulating visual celebration of nature, and all it’s natural beauty.

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    Book preview

    God’S Gifts for You - Emelie R. Cady


    This book has been coming together for many years. It’s been my pleasure to photograph the places I have visited, over a long period of time.

    Although I’m not a professional photographer, I’ve loved photography since I was a little girl. Just think how exciting it is to have the ability to press the shutter button and have all that’s in front of you captured forever. The beauty of a seascape with the foaming waves splashing against the rocks. Or a sunset in the early evening with its array of colors and shades of oranges, reds, and blues. Or snowcapped mountains in the distance, with an old farmhouse in the foreground.

    But my favorite photos are those of children their expressions are so honest and pure. The fact that

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