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God’S Power in Action: Book Ii
God’S Power in Action: Book Ii
God’S Power in Action: Book Ii
Ebook66 pages43 minutes

God’S Power in Action: Book Ii

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Gods Power in Action: Book II is Phylliss second book of Christian plays and skits published. It consists of six regular Christian plays and two Christmas plays, as well as a pastor appreciation play. Each story line is derived straight from the Word of God and given a visual learning content through Phylliss writings. Once again, the characters found on the front cover of this book consist of people in her church congregation as they were performing these plays. The man holding the two little boys on the cover of this book is her son, Michael, and her two small grandsons, Lucas and Nicholas.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 30, 2017
God’S Power in Action: Book Ii

Phyllis Courtney

Phyllis grew up in a large family of nine children which she is number seven. She has been married for forty-eight years to Roy Courtney. They had two children, Elizabeth (Beth) and Michael. She is the proud grandmother of two little grandsons, Lucas and Nicholas. Her daughter, Beth, died at the early age of eight. She and her husband have always enjoyed working in their local church ministries with people of all ages. Other than serving as a Sunday School Teacher, Women’s Ministry Treasurer in their church, Phyllis enjoys writing most all the plays and skits performed there. Her desire has always been to inject a little humor to bring to life God’s word, in her writings, for all ages to enjoy as they witness God’s love and power in action for his people.

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    God’S Power in Action - Phyllis Courtney

    Copyright © 2017 by Phyllis Courtney.

    ISBN:                  Softcover                      978-1-5434-6073-5

                                 eBook                          978-1-5434-6072-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture taken from The King James Version, Public Domain.

    Rev. date: 11/08/2017





    Moses  A Simple Ordinary Man

    Praying  Jesus Is My Friend

    The Parable Of The Unmerciful  Forgiven and Unforgiven

    David  The Chosen One

    How God Speaks  Story Of Samuel

    Martha And Mary  Jesus Is Coming!

    Pastor Appreciation Skit  Based On Scriptures:

    Wise Men And The Nativity

    The Nativity  Performed To Music


    A Simple Ordinary Man

    Book of Exodus


    Moses, Hebrew Slave, Egyptian Soldier, Pharaoh’s Daughter, Hebrew Handmaiden, Narrator, and God’s Voice, four men to open and close the Red Sea and a couple of adult group leaders


    Blue Tarp, Burning Bush, Large Basket, A Baby Doll, Crackers, head gear for Hebrews, head gear for Egyptians children, and costumes.

    Scenes: 1. Moses in Red Sea (Basket) Pharaoh’s daughter finds him

    2. Moses kills the Egyptian Soldier and runs away

    3. Moses and the Burning Bush

    4. Moses and The Red Sea

    5. Moses and the Mana from Heaven

    Opening Stage Scene:

    Opens with the Tarp, sliced down the center, (Red Sea) in place in center of large room.

    Narrator: "Hello Boys and Girls. We are so glad to see you here today. I have heard that you have been learning a lot about a man named Moses.

    Today I need your help in doing some of the things Moses and the Hebrews had done. Will all of you help me? (allow responses) First, I need for each of you to put on the head gear of either Hebrews (younger children) or that of an Egyptian." (older children)

    Pause Reading:

    Group Leader: (Hand out and help put head gear on each child)

    Scene 1:

    Narrator: As you have been told already today, Moses was a simple ordinary man. At the time of his birth, his parents were slaves to King Pharaoh in Egypt. Before Moses was born, King Pharaoh of Egypt started thinking that there were too many Hebrews in Egypt and that the Hebrews would soon take over his kingdom, so he decided to have all newborn baby boys killed. Now Moses Mother did not want her Baby boy killed, so she hid Moses and as he became older he started making too much noise to stay hidden, so his mother had to find another way to protect him from being killed. She decided to put him in a special made basket and placed him in the Nile river, hoping that someone, without knowing that he was a Hebrew baby, find him and take care of him.

    Pause Reading:

    Moses’ Mother: (places basket in the river with baby in it)

    Pharaoh’s daughter: (walks in and walks down along the river and sits down)

    Handmaiden: (walks in behind Pharaoh’s daughter)

    Narrator: It was a pretty day and King Pharaoh’s daughter went down along the river with her hand maiden to take a bath. When they got there, the handmaiden noticed something in the river beside the bank.

    Pause Reading:

    Handmaiden: (points to the basket)

    Pharaoh’s daughter: (pretends to instruct her handmaiden to go get the basket)

    Narrator: "Pharaoh’s daughter told her handmaiden to get in the water

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