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The Art of Strategic Conversation: Becoming All Things to All Men
The Art of Strategic Conversation: Becoming All Things to All Men
The Art of Strategic Conversation: Becoming All Things to All Men
Ebook82 pages1 hour

The Art of Strategic Conversation: Becoming All Things to All Men

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Those who have influence have power.
Unfortunately, the majority of the worlds influence comes from forces of negative connotations. In this thought provoking book, we will address some of the things that have made the influence of the modern church weaken. We will also discuss innovative means in which we can take it back.

Sometimes between cultures we lose communication. In order to bridge the gap, we must be willing to understand that it takes different methods to reach different people and our cookie cutter is not working.

- Terrell Monger

Where is the freedom that we speak about so much in the church? It is a shame that before someone can freely discuss salvation we must first claim a denomination. We might as well be a gang and ask, What set do you claim? Didnt Christ die for us all? Then, why are we so separated?

- a 16 year old man at church
Release dateSep 11, 2014
The Art of Strategic Conversation: Becoming All Things to All Men

Terrell Monger

Terrell Monger is Senior Pastor of One Accord Ministries, a thriving and innovative church located in Memphis, Tennessee. He has a passion for reforming, rebuilding and strengthening the image of the Christian community. He profoundly understands the challenges of the human nature that causes people to fall short of God’s plan. Through the ministry God has given him, he recognizes that being led by the Spirit of God can prevent those mistakes from becoming a lifestyle. Therefore he teaches biblical principles that produce social change agents dedicated to winning the influence back for the Kingdom of God. Terrell Monger is an author, songwriter, playwright and agent for social reform through the gospel of Jesus Christ. He shares his life and ministry with his wife, Tiffany and his children Tylon, Makayla, Terrison and Madison.

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    The Art of Strategic Conversation - Terrell Monger

    © 2014 Terrell Monger. All rights reserved.

    Contact information:

    Terrell Monger

    Office: 901-590-0167

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Published by AuthorHouse   09/10/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-3963-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-3962-3 (e)

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    Chapter 1      The Conversation

    Chapter 2      Speak to the Atmosphere

    Chapter 3      Out of the Church, Into the Kingdom

    Chapter 4      Freedom to Speak

    Chapter 5      Believe to See

    Chapter 6      The Work of Jezebel

    Chapter 7      The Final Word


    Terrell Monger is a man after God’s own heart. He has come through the fire of personal circumstance to the fire of passion for creating new soldiers for the Kingdom. In this book Monger sets forth a plan that is so simple that anyone can understand it, yet so powerful that the enemy will try to stop it. In lifting the legacy of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and challenging Memphians to grow beyond the darkness of the veil his death created, Terrell is on the cutting edge of true transformational ministry in the twenty-first century and beyond. I highly recommend this soul-searching text for anybody who is serious about ministry and tired of playing church. One caveat: Do not sit back, relax and leave the driving to the author. Put on your seatbelt, your sword and your shield, and get ready to come out fighting!

    Kenneth T. Whalum, Jr. J.D.

    Keeping It Real Ministries, Incorporated


    I would like to first make the announcement that I know that I do not think like the average person. This literary content will force you to stretch from your usual comfort zone, but be assured that I ain’t crazy. I know that is not grammatically correct but you get the point. For the sake of the established literary community I will do my best to operate in a dignified manner.

    I am thankful to have the opportunity to share with the world a few of the lessons that God has afforded me to learn in my life. These lessons shook me out of my tendency to be complacent and compliant to vain traditions. Let me start with one of the first lessons that I learned. I have learned that what we say and how we present ourselves goes a long way in life. I can remember when I was 19, working at an iron manufacturing plant making cast iron doors. It was the hardest job that I have ever had. I really needed the money, but the work was extremely strenuous. Though it was hard work, I challenged myself daily to outdo what I did the day before. That is just the competitive side of me that creeps out from time to time. I was living with my mother at the time. I would complain everyday about how much I hated that job. My mother said some words to me that stuck with me to this day. She said, I know it’s hard but people are watching you to see how you handle hard work. She said, It may not seem like it but somebody is watching you. These words changed my life. I went back to the job and continued to work just as hard as always. I came to work one day and saw that I was the only one in my section. My boss called me in the office and asked me to take a seat. He then informed me that we had completed the work that needed to be done in that area. He told me that he had let go of all the other workers in my area but he decided to keep me. He told me that he had been watching me. He told me that I took my job seriously and he would like to keep me there and place me in another area. He finished the conversation by saying, Son I will let you stay here because I know you need a job, but this is not it for you. You need to get your self in college because you have great things in store for your future. Just those words opened my mind to believe that I could be more than I saw at that time. People will be watching how you present yourself. So, this let me know that our mind must be fixed on presenting whatever we do with excellence. This raises not only our expectations, but the expectations of the people around us.

    There are two passages of scripture in the Bible that continue to minister to me in the area of expectation. One of these passages can be found in the 21st Chapter of the Book of John, verse 25, which reads; "²⁵Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written". The other passage comes from the 14th chapter of John verse 12. It says, "¹²I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father". These two points are very instrumental in my life because they keep my mind expecting new and fresh revelation from God. To know that if not even all that Jesus did was recorded in the Bible, all that I do will not be limited to the Bible. Remember, Jesus was God’s physical manifestation of what LOVE is. The fact that he announced that according to my faith, the work that I do will exceed anything that I have ever read, seen or heard raises my expectations of what I can do through LOVE. It also backs up the statement that our possibilities are endless if we truly

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