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Trusting God Through Troubles & Tears
Trusting God Through Troubles & Tears
Trusting God Through Troubles & Tears
Ebook215 pages2 hours

Trusting God Through Troubles & Tears

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Divorce, unemployment, accidents, cancer, addictions, disabilities, loneliness, warwhy do we have so many heartaches and problems? If God is so good, why does He allow bad things happen to innocent people? Why should we trust Him when He doesnt stop earthquakes, floods, and tornados from destroying countries, or prevent terrorists from torturing and murdering Christians?

In Trusting God Through Troubles & Tears, author Cindy Rooy guides you on an inspiring journey exploring three of Gods attributes to prove His trustworthiness. She asks the questions that many people have and directs you to the Bible for the answers. Cindy presents ways to deepen your faith in God, and reveals the benefits of trusting Him. This introspective and enlightening study features nine biblical reasons why God allows pain and adversity in ones life.

The books relevant topic is applicable for men and women, teens to seniors, and is designed for small groups and individual study. Each of the six chapters contains five encouraging lessons, plus group discussion questions. The lessons include personal stories, principles, Bible verses, prayer suggestions, and space for journaling. Various methods for answering the questions make the educational study refreshing. This six-week workbook is ideal for short-term and summertime Bible studies.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateNov 20, 2017
Trusting God Through Troubles & Tears

Cindy Rooy

Cindy Rooy is a religion/faith columnist for newspapers and a contributing author in several devotional books. As a former Kraft Foods sales representative, high school teacher, dental assistant, home caregiver, editor, and inspirational radio commentator, Cindy was surprised to discover her passion in writing about the Bibles relevant truths. Her mission is to motivate believers from complacency to a deeper, more vibrant faith in the Lord by trusting Him wholeheartedly. Cindy is a wife, mother, and grandmother, but especially cherishes being a daughter of the Lord Almighty.

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    Trusting God Through Troubles & Tears - Cindy Rooy

    Copyright © 2017 Cindy Rooy.

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    A Note From The Author

    Helpful Hints to Leading a Bible Study Group

    Introduction Session (Optional)

    Chapter One: Do You Trust God?

    Day One: My Ability to Trust

    Day Two: God’s Trustworthiness

    Day Three: Bible Belief

    Day Four: Opposition

    Day Five: Knowing God

    Chapter One Discussion/Review Questions

    Chapter Two: God’s Power

    Day One: Universe

    Day Two: Nature

    Day Three: Creatures

    Day Four: People

    Day Five: Nations/Government Leaders

    Chapter Two Discussion/Review Questions

    Chapter Three: God’s Knowledge

    Day One: God Knows Us Best

    Day Two: Knowledge and Understanding

    Day Three: Spiritual Wisdom

    Day Four: Wisdom’s Benefits

    Day Five: Be Wise

    Chapter Three Discussion/Review Questions

    Chapter Four: God’s Love

    Day One: Biblical Descriptions and Assurances

    Day Two: Biblical Evidences of God’s Love

    Day Three: Personalize God’s Love

    Day Four: Our Response

    Day Five: Second Chances

    Chapter Four Discussion/Review Questions

    Chapter Five: Troubles and Tears

    Day One: Biblical Troubles

    Day Two: Today’s Troubles

    Day Three: Reasons For Troubles

    Day Four: Reasons For Troubles Part 2

    Day Five: Reasons For Troubles Part 3

    Chapter Five Discussion/Review Questions

    Chapter Six: Choosing To Trust God

    Day One: Will Over Feelings

    Day Two: Excuses

    Day Three: When God Is Silent

    Day Four: Why Pray?

    Day Five: Benefits of Trusting God

    Chapter Six Discussion/Review Questions


    Personal Notes


    God orchestrated this book project and used several people to convince, encourage, and assist me. After participating in a Bible study that I wrote and led at a women’s church retreat, Dianne Barker introduced the idea of getting published and attending a Christian Writers Conference. Her persistence and persuasiveness resulted in my praying about it. Consequently, I received overwhelming confirmation from God with opened doors to proceed. Thank you, Dianne, for what you claimed—listening to and obeying God in prodding me to take action.

    Donna Hanegraaff is my life’s sounding board and prayer warrior. Her enthusiastic approval of this endeavor surprised and motivated me. She also took the front cover picture of the sunset over Lake Michigan. Thanks, Donna! Our lifelong friendship is a blessing to me.

    I appreciate Steve and Carole Lyons who provided affirmation and proofread the text for biblical accuracy, and Kathy Anderson for editing the grammar.

    Melanie Rutstrom provided helpful editing as she individually worked through the study. Melanie, your support encouraged me and I am grateful for all the time you’ve put into this workbook and selflessly assisted me. Thank you, my friend.

    Karen Boatright and Cathy Leming organized and led a group of ladies in a test run of this Bible study, and gave valuable feedback. Thanks, Karen, for opening your home, and Cathy, for believing in me from day one. I treasure your friendships! I appreciate the Bible study members for giving their time and comments.

    Jim, I needed your total support and you gave it. Besides buying a computer and desk for me, you didn’t complain about a lack of income. All the times I wrote instead of cleaned the house, you were silent. Thank you, my husband, for your Christian faith and willingness to partner with me in this venture.

    Most importantly, my heavenly Father spoke to my heart, presented affirming confirmation every time I doubted, provided for my needs before I had to ask, and gave me the energy and strength to write for hours on end. It was incredible how fast the time passed when I was in the Word. Thank You, Father, for allowing me to see Your hand in every aspect of this project, and for giving me such joy in composing this study. Your faithfulness to me was noticeable.

    It was amazing how the Holy Spirit gave me ideas and the words to write. Thank You, Spirit, for equipping me for the task You set before me. I am so thankful for the undeniable divine help I received while writing.

    Now Lord, I ask that You bless everyone who works through this Bible study. May You speak to them and act in their lives like You have in mine. And in the end, may You be forever praised and glorified by all, Amen.

    A Note From The Author

    Hello my friends! Welcome to this topical Bible study about trusting God. This workbook has six chapters, each consisting of five lessons and chapter review questions that foster group discussion. Before you start, allow me to introduce myself and share my motivation in writing Trusting God Through Troubles & Tears.

    I am one of those people who just cannot remember when I accepted the Lord as my Savior. I started attending church in my mother’s womb. My father thought it was important for me to spend my formative years in Christian schools, so all of my education – elementary, high school, and college – took place in Christian institutions. I made my profession of faith formally in a church when I was 16, but I had a relationship with God long before that. I remember privately praying to God in first grade.

    Nevertheless, I didn’t realize my deep personal need for the Lord until I got married after my junior year of college. Dealing with a volatile marriage, being a full-time student, and paying monthly bills opened my eyes to life being difficult. I learned to wear a fake smile while I struggled on the inside. I had all of this biblical knowledge but did not understand how to apply it to myself. It stayed in my head but didn’t enter my heart. I tried to deal with my problems without God because I reasoned that if He allowed me to have them, He wasn’t going to take them away. When that self-reliant method failed, I started praying for help. But I didn’t want God to help me persevere through my troubles; no, I begged Him to make them disappear. God allowed that attitude to go on for years before He finally intervened.

    While secretly suffering, I saw life-threatening and painful adversities that some of my relatives were going through. And I realized that life is not fair for anyone. While God dealt with me - educating and healing me spiritually through years of Bible studies - my siblings were not getting relief from their hardships. One underwent 17 surgeries and another suffered an auto-immune breakdown - losing his health, job, and family. I could not understand why God, if He supposedly loved us, allowed so many disappointments, heartaches, and constant pain. I questioned if He was really in control. So I searched the Scriptures to find some answers. What I learned surprised me.

    All people experience troubles and tears, some more often than others. By sharing my stories and the discoveries of my study, perhaps others can prevent wasting years of their lives misunderstanding God and living their lives without peace and joy.

    Writing a book was never a desire of mine, but God had a plan and provided repeated confirmation concerning the call to write this Bible study. I responded with lots of prayer for guidance.

    As you work through this book, it will be easier (but not required) if you use the 1984 New International Version Bible to answer the questions. The references given are from that version, unless specifically noted. If you do not have a 1984 NIV Bible, you can gain access to it through the internet and download a free app.

    Being a former student and teacher, I like variety in the homework. So you will find a mix of matching, fill-in-the-blanks, check or circle all that applies, short answers, and thought or application questions. At the end of each chapter are discussion and review questions for group studies. There is an average of 3 discussion/review questions per lesson and they can be answered immediately after your day’s lesson or left for a sixth day of study. Whether you are doing this Bible study by yourself or as a group, I encourage you to actually write out your answers to all the questions. Some questions may take more thought than others, but working through them brings better retention and growth in your spiritual life.

    If you are in a group study, don’t hold back in sharing your answers. You may think your answer isn’t very good, but more times than not, it is just what another person needs to hear. You can learn as much from the discussion as you can working through the lessons.

    Begin each lesson by asking the Holy Spirit to help you absorb whatever information He deems beneficial for you that day, and to give you insight as you read the material and answer the questions. With His help, every minute invested will be worthwhile.

    Finally, my prayer is that your mind will be attentive to your heavenly Father speaking to you through this Bible study. I pray that you will be greatly encouraged in your spiritual walk with God and motivated to trust Him through every adverse situation you experience. And somewhere in these pages, may our Lord Jesus Christ touch you and leave His fingerprint on your heart.

    Helpful Hints to Leading a Bible Study Group

    If you have never led a Bible study before, the following suggestions may help.

    ~ One hour of time is needed for this group study. If an additional 15 minutes is available, that is even better. The extra time will allow a full hour for discussion plus prayer requests and updates to be shared before the closing prayer. Begin and end each session with prayer.

    ~ Arrange the seats in a circle (if possible). Discussion is easier when everyone can see each other’s face. If you serve coffee and/or snacks, provide a table to sit around. It’s

    a bit awkward to handle food, drink, Bible, workbook, and pen at the same time.

    ~ If your group is larger than 15, consider breaking up into two or more discussion groups. This allows more people to answer questions and participate in the discussion.

    ~ Take time to pray before the group convenes. Ask the Lord to help you facilitate the discussion and for His blessing upon all who attend.

    ~ Smile and relax. Just be yourself and allow others to see your weaknesses. They will feel more comfortable around you and be more willing to share their answers.

    ~ The group will become more talkative as they get to know each other. If there is a question that no one wants to answer first, you (as the leader) share your answer. Then ask to hear how they responded to that question. Remind the group that many of the questions have no right or wrong answers. We learn from each other by sharing our thoughts, experiences, and faith.

    ~ Do not let one person dominate the discussion. If this happens, immediately after reading the next question, ask to hear from those who haven’t contributed yet.

    ~ Be aware of the time, (wear a watch if there isn’t a clock in the room), and move the discussion along so that every question is addressed. Some participants may be waiting to hear the answers to the last question. Divide the number of questions by the time allotted and you have an idea for the average amount of time per question. As a courtesy to every person present, do your best to start and end on time.

    Introduction Session (Optional)

    Decide whether your Bible study group needs an additional introduction class. Benefits from choosing to meet an extra day include having the opportunity to distribute the books, and to get to know one another in the group. The following suggestions are to help the leader introduce the study and set the tone for the following weeks:

    As you welcome each person, give them a name tag to fill out and wear (if there is a chance that any person in the group does not know another’s name). Bring extra pens in case someone forgets one or their ink runs out.

    Open the session with prayer.

    Ask the participants to introduce themselves with general information (family, job, hobbies) and answer the question, What is your favorite food? The leader shares first, then go around the circle. This should take up most of the time. Providing an opportunity for the group members to learn about each other enables them to bond sooner.

    Promote faith in the environment; comment on the significance of everyone keeping the conversation of this group confidential. No one will share their answers if they think others will gossip about them. Make sure everyone is in agreement.

    Emphasize the advantage of using the 1984 New International Version

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