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Sabotage: A Mallory O’Shaughnessy Mining and Manufacturing Mystery Volume Ii
Sabotage: A Mallory O’Shaughnessy Mining and Manufacturing Mystery Volume Ii
Sabotage: A Mallory O’Shaughnessy Mining and Manufacturing Mystery Volume Ii
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Sabotage: A Mallory O’Shaughnessy Mining and Manufacturing Mystery Volume Ii

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Erik Bransom crept along a dank alleyway, soft, warm rain dripping from the brim of his hat to mix with the fetid rivulets beneath his feet. With several leads to pursue, his starting place was with the Filipino landlord. In Cebu City, on his own reconnaissance, he was an army of one. No backup. No margin for error.

He froze as a back door flung open and an angry couple emerged, arguing hotly. Hopefully, their differences would resolve quickly, or the rain would drive them back inside. He flattened even more tightly to a slimy wall as headlights turned into the narrow passage. Relief! As the car backed around onto the silent residential street, the angry man strode away in the opposite direction.

Stepping forward to continue his mission, he emitted a moan and dropped in the mucky swirling river of the alley.
Release dateDec 4, 2017
Sabotage: A Mallory O’Shaughnessy Mining and Manufacturing Mystery Volume Ii

Paula Rae Wallace

With a love for writing, Paula Rae Wallace addresses today’s issues that challenge Christians: in the home, the church, places of business, and American society over all! Using gripping plots and captivating characters, Paula addresses day to day issues! Don’t miss any of her titles beginning with DAZZLING! As a pastor’s wife for over forty years, and as a Christian for even longer, Paula writes from experience on God’s miraculous faithfulness for those who ASK!

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    Sabotage - Paula Rae Wallace

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    Erik Bransom crept along a dank alleyway, soft, warm rain dripping from the brim of his hat to mix with the fetid rivulets beneath his feet! With several leads to pursue, his starting place was with the Filipino landlord! In Cebu City on his own reconnaissance, he was an army of one! No back up! No margin for error!

    He froze as a back door flung open and an angry couple emerged, arguing hotly! Hopefully their differences would resolve quickly, or the rain would drive them back inside! He flattened even more tightly to a slimy wall as headlights turned into the narrow passage! Relief! As the car backed around onto the silent residential street, and the angry man strode away in the opposite direction!

    Stepping forward to continue his mission, he emitted a moan! And dropped in the mucky swirling river of the alley!

    Jeremiah 17:5-8 Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.

    For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited.

    Blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD, and whose hope the LORD is.

    For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.


    Chapter 1 : NOTIFICATION

    Chapter 2 : ACTION

    Chapter 3 : TRANSACTION

    Chapter 4 : GAME

    Chapter 5 : ESCAPE

    Chapter 6 : FRUSTRATIONS

    Chapter 7 : TRESPASSERS

    Chapter 8 : BUSINESS

    Chapter 9 : GETAWAY

    Chapter 10 : DEATH

    Chapter 11 : LIFE

    Chapter 12 : NUPTIALS

    Chapter 13 : DOUBLECROSS

    Chapter 14 : FLIGHT

    Chapter 15 : ARRIVALS

    Chapter 16 : RESCUE

    Chapter 17 : DISCOVERY

    Chapter 18 : DETOX

    Chapter 19 : VICTORY

    Chapter 20 : ATTEMPTS

    Chapter 21 : SNAGS

    Chapter 22 : FINES

    Chapter 23 : WISDOM

    Chapter 24 : ROMANCE

    Chapter 25 : CHARGES

    Chapter 26 : DELIGHTS

    Chapter 27 : DEFENSE

    Chapter 28 : ORGANIZATION

    Chapter 29 : DIAMONDS

    Chapter 30 : MEMORIES

    Chapter 31 : FUN

    Chapter 32 : FAMILY

    Chapter 33 : SUMMONS

    Chapter 34 : SUMMATION

    Chapter 35 : BLOW

    Chapter 36 : OUTCLASSED

    Chapter 37 : SHOWDOWN

    Chapter 38 : WARFARE


    Prominent Tulsa Geologist Daniel Faulkner smacked futilely at the alarm on the bedside table! Aside from the glow of the digital device, the room was still black dark! But the annoying sleep interruption wasn’t the alarm! It was the phone! Gone from its stand, but still buzzing! Diana was gone, too! Suddenly wide awake, he bolted for the door!


    Stopping just long enough to submerge gas cans in the foul, turbid water that was the river, three lowlifes rumbled toward the ferry dock in an antiquated outboard! Boarding the ferry with practiced ease, they blended with other locals on the deck! One checked the second hand of a knockoff Rolex!

    And, three, two, one~

    Laughter erupted as the ferry churned out into the bay! See, easy money!

    Not one of the passengers seemed to notice the orange glow and rising black column coming from the heart of Cebu City!


    Di, Honey? Daniel’s voice squeaked out in a frail, mousy tone; but at the moment, his manliness was the least of his concerns! What’s going on? Al? One of the girls?

    She shook her head as she sniffled and dabbed her pinkening nose with a tissue! No, no! Nothing that bad, thankfully! There was a fire at the facility! Ramon Hermosa~uh~is horribly burned~and not expected~

    He stared blankly, Did~uh~you tell them about the~honey~

    Tears flowed, No, I haven’t even thought to pray! ‘Dear God, please help Ramon~and~uh~his family! And help me~’! Sobs! "It took out everything! DiaMal’s ruined!"

    Here, your coffee’s done brewing! It’s actually almost cold! Do you want me to start you another? I’ll drink this one! Who all have you called? Noticing her laptop, Or emailed?

    No one! It’s three in the morning! I didn’t want to bother you rummaging for my Bible, so I accessed one~

    Well, Di! I would want you to wake me up when~You’re~you’re sure it took out everything? Who~uh~notified you?

    Ronnie! she blew her nose and sopped more tears! Veronica, affectionately known as ‘Ronnie’, was the operations manager of DiaMal’s offshore clothing manufacturing company!

    She said there was this bogus inspection~the uh~inspector~ordered everyone out~and then they~were told they couldn’t~go back in~because the building was unsafe! It’s one of the best properties there, and she knew that! She was trying to call the police, but her phone~was jammed~

    Daniel’s mind reeled! ‘Seriously? The fire wasn’t an accident? Why would anyone deliberately strike a blow at Diana?’

    Okay, plan of action! Call Gray first! He’ll probably have to get Joe Hamilton to look into the insurance angle! Then you need to call Mallory~

    He paused in consternation as she scribbled! What are you doing? I said, call Gray!

    It’s the middle of the night!

    He pulled her close and kissed her, Di, this is no time for good phone manners! I’ll call Gray! He doesn’t like me anyway! You need to let Mallory know!


    It would be easier if Diana just came here! David’s observation as he checked off a list of what would be required to set up a temp office for Mallory at the Faulkners’ Tulsa mansion!

    She glanced up, What’s easiest isn’t necessarily what’s best! I get it that this isn’t your war! I can call Sam Whitmore!

    He brightened, Well any war that’s your war is mine, too! But calling Sam is genius! I don’t have to disconnect everything here, and make a six hour drive with it! I can put you on a plane and Sam can have you up and running by the time you get up there! I’ll reserve you a rent car! Right after I see if Sam can do it! It’s time for us to purchase upgrades, anyway!


    Joe Hamilton reported to Gray Prescott! "Kind of as I feared! Since Mallory torched her Colorado cabin she couldn’t keep rented~"

    Gray frowned! Is that what the adjustor thought? Or did you plant the doubt?

    "Well, insurance companies~they always grasp~you know~at anything plausible~to keep from paying! And the immediate report out of the Philippines is that it’s definitely arson! And clumsy at that!"

    Gray frowned, If Mallory felt that her cabin wasn’t profitable as a vacation rental, she only needed to sell it! She’s never done anything fraudulent or criminal! I’m sorry the insurance company took that stance! And even sorrier that your thought process is the same! A meaningful silence caused the bean-counter to squirm!

    he defended his opionion, Well, I asked about it once; point blank! Of her and David both! They never denied doing it!

    Well, you were asking them for a job! You were out of line grilling them! It’s nice they overlooked your faux pas, and you’ve done a creditable job! Because they didn’t feel they owed you a response is no reason for you to assume their guilt! And share your opinion around! You’re out of line, and if I must deal with this myself, what need have I of you?

    I~I can do it, Sir!

    Be certain, Joe, because if Ramon should die, there will be murder charges added in with the arson! I’m not asking you to be on Mallory’s side, but only on the side of what’s right! After a very careful investigation is made! I hope your attitude hasn’t been harmful already~although I fear it has~


    Hello, Deborah! Mallory’s tone was normally friendly and warm! How’s everything going for you?

    A guarded response, "Quite well! Thank you for your call! I heard about the fire gutting DiaMal’s production plant! So, I’m not too surprised at your call! I just don’t know what you think I can do!"

    Mallory’s laughter rippled naturally! I’m sure you’re ready to duck and run! I know your orders are pouring in for your company, and your staff is pressured to keep up!

    The laughter in response was forced, Okay, then, so why call me? You know I’m in your debt~

    "Well, that’s the thing Deborah! I don’t see it that way! I’m in your debt, but I’m not asking for favors you can’t deliver, to indebt myself to you further! I’m wondering about Pablo and José!

    An audible sigh of relief! Ah, my brother and cousin! Of course! You’re not looking to my seamstresses to help fill your orders! You’re looking to get the operation back up and running!

    Another laugh! Yeah, no kidding! Like yesterday!

    It so happens that José just recently worked himself out of a job! And he liked when he helped David overseas before! Is David going~

    Not if José can handle it! Which we know he can! Why we’re wanting to contact him! And I won’t have to take Pablo away from you! If he can order the new equipment we’ll need on line and get it shipped promptly, I’ll pay him seventy-five dollars an hour for his time!

    Deborah’s laugh, gleeful! To think that I almost didn’t take your call! Pablo will be delighted! He has a bambino in the oven, and Tia Rose’s problem keeps him strapped!

    Okay, I’ll have Gray get travel documents and airfare in order for your brother to get over there as soon as possible! He’ll need to find a suitable space and be there to take delivery as the equipment arrives! He did great hiring a local crew before, and I know he can get this done! I love you and your family, Deborah, and appreciate all you do! Thanks for taking my call!


    Okay, why don’t you go work on designing, and I’ll address the nuts and bolts of getting production back up and running? Mallory slid into position behind an electronic assortment covering a new mid-sized desk in Diana’s design studio/office!

    I’m not sure I can get the creative juices flowing right now! Usually not one to hide behind artistic temperament, the response didn’t set well with Mallory!

    Well, let’s pray about it, and then maybe you can give it a try! If we get these orders filled, there’s always the next line to consider! If the devil’s fighting us, I don’t want to give him a win!

    Well, I have at least one very important call to make first~

    Okay, well let me make the calls! That’s what I’m here for! I can make calls, but I can’t design!

    "Well, I need to make this one! To Leeds & Strattonhouse, Ltd. I have a great relationship with them!"

    Mallory frowned; she was a pretty good finesser, if she did say so herself! As far as she knew, she hadn’t ever alienated a supplier yet! "Okay, suit yourself! I’ll call David and tell him I got here; no problems! But why do you have to call Leeds?"

    Well, all the fabric they shipped was destroyed in the blaze, and I’m going to ask if they’ll share the loss!

    Seriously? Why would they do that? Their liability ended when the product shipped!

    Well, I’m a very good customer! What can it hurt to ask?

    "Unh? Your relationship? Diana, this isn’t their fault, or their problem! We just need to pay their invoice and hope for the best with the insurance companies! It is the insurance company’s problem! I didn’t torch a plant half way around the world! Especially one actually making me money! And providing me with killer outfits! I didn’t burn my Colorado cabin, either! And the way I proved I didn’t was by finding out who did! If the local police don’t make good headway with this right away, I’ll hire a private eye! It’s ten o’clock at night in the UK anyway!"

    I’m calling Edward Leeds at his home, and it isn’t getting any earlier while you stand there arguing!


    Tammi Larson opened the door wide to admit her brother and his four kids!

    Hi, Aunt Tammi! Hey, Aunt Tammi, guess what? Where’s Uncle Kerry? All four questioning excitedly!

    Hey, don’t all talk at once! Let Aunt Tammi get the door closed! Although David could be loud, he wasn’t sure his kids were hearing him, or obeying!"

    Yeah, I’ll talk to her first because I’m the oldest! Hey, Aunt Tammi, guess what we got?

    David shook his head in bemused defeat!

    Tammi laughed, Go on, Bro! I got this! As David made his exit, she turned her attention to Amelia! Although she thought she knew the answer, she played along! A Jedi?

    Adam cackled at the wrong but cool answer!

    "Nuhn-uhn! Guess again!

    Um~a golden carriage made from a pumpkin?

    No! Come on, Aunt Tammi! Get real, and try to figure it out!

    That’s what I’m doing! She acted hurt!

    Guess again, ’cause you only get three tries! You have one more guess left!

    I don’t know! A bicycle?

    No, Aunt Tammi! Amelia’s ire rose, flushing her delicate complexion!

    New parrots! Avery spoke up diffidently, figuring her older sister would fly at her, bracing herself for the attack!

    Tammi swooped her up, New parrots? I wouldn’t have ever guessed that, Avery, and y’all wouldn’t have gotten a chance to see how I fixed the playroom, and the new toys~

    New TOYS?! In unison as they stampeded toward the stairway!


    Mallory couldn’t help overhearing Diana! And Edward Leeds’ voice carried across the line, British upper-crust accent floating to her quite clearly! There was ‘being nice’ and then there was business! The sweet Diana sometimes seemed to live in a vacuum! Would she do anything she could to help a business associate struck with a disaster? Yes, she probably would! But, most people wouldn’t, and Edward Leeds sounded like most people! He was sorry about the fire, but DiaMal still owed! The total amount! What Mallory couldn’t understand was why Diana didn’t ‘get it’ and end the call as gracefully as possible!

    "Well, while we’re sharing our difficulties with one another, then, Mrs. Faulkner, my mill supervisor mis-entered your order! Well, actually, he doubled the order because DiaMal sent us duplicate orders! Figuring you wouldn’t make such a disastrous error, we didn’t contact you! We have yards and yards of identical fabric that we’re stuck with! We could sell it, but it’s designed to your secret specifications, so we assumed you would not wish your competitors to get their hands on it!"

    "You double-milled? No wonder you’re being so unreasonable! Maybe it was Leeds~"

    Mallory sprang across the studio to snatch the phone from a startled Diana!

    "Hello, Mr. Leeds, this is Mallory Anderson, Diana’s partner! That’s where our corporate name DiaMal comes from: Diana and Mallory!"

    Cold silence!

    She continued, How fortuitous that the order got mixed up and you now have the extra inventory! We’re working very hard to equip a new facility and fill our orders! If you could please expedite shipping, we’ll gladly purchase the surplus!

    She spun away from the spluttering Diana to respond to the spluttering Edward Leeds! Yes, Sir, she intimated that we might not pay unless you cut us some slack, but I’ll wire the money first thing in the morning! The entire invoice amount doubled! Oh yes, Sir, plus the extra shipping charge for expediting!

    "Was Mrs. Faulkner inferring that Leeds Strattenhouse, Ltd burned her slimy Philippine factory to force her to purchase our overstock inventory?"

    Listen, Mr. Leeds, we’ve had a grueling day! We can’t figure out who torched us, or why! I guess it occurred to Diana that being stuck with an overage might have been a motive for your company~but on second thought, you’ve been a highly respected company for years and years! We regard you highly, and our business association with you! Sorry to phone you at home so late in the evening!


    Daniel paused in the doorway of Diana’s studio! The hour was late, and he had assumed she’d be asleep!

    Sensing his presence, she looked up from her sketchpad, her face tear-stained!

    She forced a smile, Hey, welcome home! Who won?

    He moved forward! "The Lady Lions! Nadia led the team~ Are~are you okay? I hate that I left you with everything! I’ll~uh~be around tomorrow! Wow! That looks gorgeous!"

    She shook her head! There wasn’t that much you could have accomplished! You needed to go with the team! I’m~uh~upset for proving myself to be an unequivocal moron!

    Let’s move toward going to bed; you can tell me about what you mean! You’re a brilliant designer~and~

    Well thanks! That’s mostly what Mallory tried to tell me when she got here! To get busy designing next season, and let her do the business~part~

    He shrugged, Well, you were doing the business part before we ever even met her~

    "Yeah, I guess! I was just upset at Leeds & Strattenhouse!"

    Why? What did they do?

    Well, it’s a long story! I thought that based on our business relationship, that if I called and explained that the fabric order was destroyed in the fire, that they might lend a hand, financially! Cut me some slack on having to pay for what’s destroyed! Mallory tried to stop me! She tried to tell me that business is business!

    His expression turned worried, Yeah, Honey, you’re so idealistic~

    The volume of tears increased, and he encouraged, So, go on! I’m guessing you called anyway, and their sympathy didn’t run as deep as you hoped!

    Well, the problem was that they accused me of placing a duplicate order, so that they double-milled my order! And they were taking the loss of having all that inventory without whining to me to help them out~


    Well, it suddenly occurred to me, that they might have been the ones to torch the plant, so I’d need to replace the ruined fabric with their overage~

    Well, Honey, it’s easy to want to place blame; you~you didn’t say anything~accusation-wise; did you?

    Well, yeah sorta! And that’s when Mallory grabbed the phone to do damage control! I just can’t figure out~who~

    Yeah, I can’t either! That’s an old and respected company! If they were complicit, which I rather doubt, proving it would be tough!


    Up early, Mallory tried to control her frustration! "Could you please connect me with someone there whose English is better?"

    "Mrs. Anderson, my English is very good! I understand the best of anybody here! Our officers are working on the fire and who set it! We are being told that you are the one who orders these things done! And we are looking at that angle especially! Mrs. Diana Faulkner makes many people here angry, also! Maybe this should be a sign for you two women to call it quits here! I do not think that you will find other landlords so you can just establish again!"

    Striving for control, Mallory queried gently, What did you say your name is, again?

    "I am Inspector Henri Malcolm! I speak the best English, and I am trying to tell you that you are wasting time we could be finding out~"

    Listen, Inspector, the last thing that Mrs. Faulkner and I want to do, is waste your time and slow the investigation! What did you mean when you said that Diana has made people there, mad? She works very hard at taking good care of her workers!

    And maybe that is just the problem! She overpays! She makes too nice, everything! Big space, light and airy! Medical care and air conditioning! Seamstresses try leave others for Ms. Diana’s company! Makes others mad!

    Well, she stays within the parameters set by the government!

    "Yes, at the very high end! No one else; Americans operating here, want such extravagances~provided~ This is reason why~"

    So, as a police officer, what’s your thinking? If she’s within the parameters the government sets, and operating legally, is she entitled to protection of the business? By the police? You have told me possible motives of our competition! That locals would rather work for us than for them! Are you investigating every angle? Or just assuming I did it because that’s easy and takes it out of your hands?

    "The police hands are tied! If local people set the blaze, it’s very possibly large corporation behind it! Not a Philippines company!"


    Twenty year old Matt Morrison sat in the small faculty break room! Skin pallid, he leaned against a wall for support! With his belly torn apart by a gunshot wound sustained in stopping a child abduction, he was slow regaining strength!

    What kinda reader you got, Morrison? Hopkins, the assistant football coach leaned forward into his space!

    "Bottom of the line, _____________! He mentioned a bargain brand with a good-natured chuckle!

    Yeah? What kind of reading material do you fancy? Guessing you’re a porn junkie since you always act so~stealth~

    Matt considered thoughtfully! The only things I have loaded are a Bible and some commentaries!

    No joke, man! That’s forbidden fruit here! Can end you in a world of hurt with the school board!

    Yeah, I realize I can’t carry a Bible! The kids might see it and ask me about it! Have to keep them sheltered! I only read during my free hour~in here! You’re the first one that’s ever asked!

    Yeah, well a word to the wise? A Bible’s a Bible, whatever format! You should probably leave it home from now on! Why waste your time? It’s an obsolete, dusty relic!

    Matt sighed, If that were true, why would they fight so hard against it? Obsolete and dusty relics can’t hurt anything! But if the Bible is really the preserved and miraculous Living Word, then its power is truly something to be feared! Thanks for the advice, though! How’s the team looking?

    Well, I guess you know the answer to that about as well as I do! You’ve put both Wharton and Davidson on the ineligible list!

    I’m sorry; what? Pretty sure they’ve put themselves there! They’re the ones not turning in assignments and sleeping in class~

    Well, practice is grueling and doesn’t leave a whole lot of time for lengthy term papers! And lots of rest! Why don’t you cut ’em some slack?

    Why don’t you suggest to Coach Parker that he shorten practices?

    Guess what, Genius? These characters need all the practice they can get!

    They need academics! Sports are extra-curricular activities; they’re not supposed to be the main emphasis! It’s like the tail wagging the dog!

    Without warning, Hopkins threw a punch on the unsuspecting Matt, causing his head to hit forcefully against the cinder block wall!

    Dazed, he sat there, wanting to floor his tormentor, but realizing the folly of trying it! Surreptitiously, he dabbed at blood, aware when he once more had the space to himself!


    Trent Morrison didn’t know what to do about the social evil of bullying! How could you stop it in kids, when faculty was guilty of it? Of course, Matt didn’t want him to make a big deal about the blow in the break room! He wouldn’t have known about it except that his older son, Michael, had mentioned it to him after seeing the bruise!

    He sat reflecting! He and Sonia both thought Matt’s position was too physically demanding for where he was on his healing continuum! And that was without some supposedly macho assistant coach using him for a punching bag! What kind of man~

    He reached for his phone and smiled when Matt answered! Hey, just wondering if you’re planning on going to the game tomorrow night!

    A laugh! Of course, Dad! I’m in charge of pep band! And I like the kids and they love it when you care about what they’re doing! Why? Are you interested in coming? And if so, why are you? I mean, I’d love for you to see the band’s half-time performance! I don’t need you to butt in and help me with Hopkins!

    Ouch! That stings! That was exactly what was on my mind, and I never considered the fact, that~uh~you have a pep band~ I~I’d love to come! Because of that!

    A self-conscious laugh, A warning, to you though! About half the kids don’t know right from left, so the formations are still a little~! Well, I’ll just tell you what the formations are, ahead of time! And~

    Sounds fantastic, Matt! Can I buy you dinner before the game?

    A teasing laugh, Maybe afterward! If it won’t have you out past your bedtime?

    It’s a done deal! Maybe I’ll go home and have a nap tomorrow afternoon~

    Yeah, good idea! Game starts at seven-fifteen, but the band will be playing beforehand!


    Don’t send anything electronic! Even if you think you delete things, there’s always someone who gets paid to dig things back up!

    A return email argued, Well, you refuse to be seen with us! And you don’t want pen and paper~

    A nod at an ever-present problem solver, They don’t ‘get it’! Take care of it!

    A laconic grin, Sure thing! Ya want me to email you when it’s done?

    Very funny, Chuck-o!


    Deborah was relieved at her parents’ response to her hastily convened company meeting! Although she owned The Rodriguez Corporation, outright, her parents were both officers, contributing to her success! Settling in behind a desk cluttered with drawings and fabric samples, she placed a call to Mallory Anderson! Time to backtrack and save a vital relationship!

    Hi Deborah! Mallory’s tone typically chipper! "How’s it in the bustling metropolis of Texarkana?"

    Deborah’s laughing response came relaxed, "Well, my corner of it always seems bustling! We just got a building permit to add on, and Gray and Preston Prescott just got the red tape cleared for yet more of our family to come from Honduras to work! Some are moving to Miami for the branch there, others here!"

    Oh, wow! You do have a lot on your plate! That’s stellar though, that business is expanding!

    And I wouldn’t have a business at all if not for your~help~your seeing something in me~that~I never~

    "Well, Mr. Haynes and everyone in Murfreesboro could always see it!" Mallory’s reference to their shared high school principal and the small town of Murfreesboro, Arkansas!"

    Well, not that awful Mr. Hal Thompson~

    Who is under indictment and going to jail! If he’s found guilty! Innocent until proven guilty! David and I never~well, I guess David kind of knew~but I didn’t~that he was such a racist! Don’t dwell on the haters, though!

    You’re right! I have the Lord on my side, and wonderful friends! I’m sorry I~uh~acted distracted~when you phoned me~earlier!

    Hey, not a problem!

    Well, on the spur of the moment, I couldn’t think of any way we might be of help! But since then, and with the new workers arriving, we can help fill the orders for your blouses! Aside from my mother, our seamstresses don’t tailor to Diana’s standards! But the shells and blouses, we can turn out very nicely!

    Oh, wow, Deborah; that is huge! Thanks a million!

    And Pablo is working from here, in his spare time, to locate machines! I actually have a couple that are in very good working condition that we can ship! I’ve ordered some machines that are tailored to specific functions, and I was going to trade in, but what they offered was insulting to me!

    May be we can purchase them~

    No, please let me lend them! As I said their resale value seems almost nil! When you and Diana are past this hump, I may use them on my line again! And we are sending fifty thousand dollars to help until the insurance gets worked out~

    Uh~it may not get worked out~

    "Well, there won’t be a timeframe on the payback! We all owe you far more than that anyway! And my brother is very eager to work in the Philippines again! Some of the same guys he used before are dying for work! Again, the Misters Prescott are arranging the necessary documents! Her voice dropped and grew emotional, We’re all praying for you! We know what it’s like to have criminals burn what you work hard for!"

    That’s right! That’s encouraging, to remember you made it through!

    Yes, we did! A little worse for the wear, but we’ve made it! I have one more idea~

    Okay, Girl! Out with it! We need all the ideas we can get!

    Deborah chuckled at Mallory’s fake distress! Okay, while your production has taken a hit, maybe you can focus on your products that are manufactured by other suppliers!

    That’s positively brilliant! The leather goods and jewelry! I’m gonna tell Diana to change gears right now and start drawing handbags and jewelry! Wow! Thanks for your call!


    A horrific stench assailed Jay Vincent’s nostrils as he flowed along with the crowd on the Manilla, street, trying not to get separated from his wife, Sophia, and their adopted teens, Brandon and Breeze!

    Here, there’s a place to pause a moment and get our bearings! He eased from the surging pedestrian traffic to where a narrow alleyway cut across the sidewalk!

    Brandon tensed as he surveyed the chaos, and his demeanor crumpled, No! No, Sophie! Please, no! Don’t make me!

    Shocked, Jay turned toward Sophie, who was practically as emotionally undone as Brandon!

    What is it, Sophie? Brandon, nothing’s going to happen~

    Jay, can you hail us a taxi, please? We must return to the hotel!

    Well, yeah, I can, but we’re almost to the address! I thought you wanted to help Diana!

    Tears broke unchecked over pallid cheeks! Yes, very much! But~I~I’ve been here~before~they brought me here~and Brandon, too! Look at him! It’s okay, Brandon!

    The young man sobbed brokenly!


    Okay, you’re the proud owner of an international property!

    Jay kissed Sophia’s cheek tenderly as he slid the key into her hand and took his seat in the dining room of the elegant five star hotel! You both seem to have regained your composure! Sorry for the shock!

    Yes, we never knew what countries they brought us to! There were always the strange languages and odd smells! Of course, much of it was after they took my eyesight, so hearing and smell were my major senses!

    They’ll make us go back! Let’s go home! Now! Brandon’s terrified voice insistent!

    Okay! They can’t do that! They can never make you go back again! Jay’s attempt at consoling his overwrought son!

    Jay, I’m not positive of that! Sophia’s soft and urgent assessment! "This isn’t the US! Our business here is completed, thanks to you! Let’s just go now! To the airport, and try to get out tonight!"

    Okay, well, let’s have dinner first, and then pack!

    No, Jay! Go to the concierge and have them come immediately with the airport shuttle!

    I’ll tell them, thirty minutes, and I’ll go up and throw everything into the suitcases!

    No, Jay! Tell them immediately! We have our passports and e-tickets with us!

    Brandon nodded dumb and terrified agreement!

    Breeze just wondered dazedly how anybody could be rich enough to walk off and leave expensive suitcases and clothing behind! Made her glad she had decided to stay with her brother and Jay and Sophie!


    Once boarded, Sophia made two calls! The first to Diana Faulkner! To offer a warehouse for very reasonable rent, for the DiaMal business to get on its feet again! Her call to Erik Bransom to inform him of the squalid neighborhood that had been part of his human slavery investigation, went unanswered!


    Mallory listened uneasily as Jared Harrelson stopped her in the chow hall of an Idaho mine, Hunt & Son Gemstone Mine, she co-owned with Alexandra Hunter! Although the space was nearly empty mid-afternoon, she was aware of the lingerers tuning in to his grievance!

    Lowering her voice she leaned in, Jared, Alexandra’s the one you need to talk to if you’re bent out of joint! You work for her, and she won’t like this~

    I’ve tried talking to her; she won’t listen! She treats me like a kid, and if I leave the properties during the forty hour work week, she’s on the horn, asking where I am and what I’m doing!

    Well, since she pays your salary, you’re accountable to her! But this isn’t the place to resolve anything, and I’m not the go-to person~

    She flushed guiltily as Alexandra came in for a coffee refill, sweeping her gaze coolly across them!


    Hey, Ed; beat you in a game of checkers? Inspector Henri Malcolm’s grin split his broad face!

    Former FBI Agent Erik Bransom grinned in response, "If my memory would come back, I might could remember better checkers strategy!

    "Excuses! Excuses! You Americans always have excuses for your shortcomings!"

    "I’m taking your word for it, that I’m an American! I sure can’t remember anything~"

    The Inspector’s eyes narrowed, "And why not? Take my word for it? My word is gold! Listen to yourself; you murder the English language like~an American~I call reds, by the way!"

    Bransom pouted, You always call red! It must be the lucky color!


    Color flushed Alexandra’s delicate cheeks; stormy gray eyes attempted to wither her opponent across the desk!

    Mallory wasn’t easily cowed! Why am I in here, on the wrong side of the big desk? I didn’t do anything! I was trying to tell him to discuss his grievance with you!

    He doesn’t have a grievance! He drives me crazy!

    Mallory frowned without comment, and Alexandra elaborated! "You know the kind of salary package he has; and yet, he just takes off! Without running it past me! His brother, Devon, who’s about to graduate from the Colorado School of Mines, has been here! He’s staying on my property~well, it’s partly yours, too! And eating in the chow hall! And~"

    And Jared hasn’t seen him in a while, and he’s entertaining him?

    Right! On my dime! Well, our dime! We pay him a lot of money!

    And we get a lot from him! I agree he might just mention when he takes off~but he’s always on call on weekends! He doesn’t get extra for that!

    Well, no! That’s part of the job description~

    Mallory sighed!

    Do you think I’m unreasonable? Alexandra’s tone made it clear that she didn’t think so!

    A chuckle, I can’t figure out what your issue is! Why you want him glued to you every minute! Does is bother you that he’s gotten over his crush?

    "Oh, that is tacky! And I’m not sure he had a crush on me, as much as on my Colorado silver mine! I just think he should give me what I’m paying him for!"

    Are you sure he doesn’t? Some employees are harder working and more talented than others! Some don’t ever finish a week’s worth of work in forty hours chained to a cubicle! Others can blow through the same amount in twenty-five!

    He slops through stuff so he can get to the ski slopes!

    Like what? Maybe you could just talk to him; give him flex time! It is cheaper to ski on week days and it’s less crowded! Especially when he’s showing his brother around! Let him make up whatever on Saturdays! He and Abby are really involved in their church, which I should think would make you happy!

    Alexandra shoved a file from a corner of her desk toward Mallory, This is the paperwork he’s supposed to do! Look at the last date~

    Mallory took several minutes to look the paperwork over! Where did you find this?

    What do you mean?

    This is amazing! Have you been going to management seminars I’ve missed out on?

    Alexandra frowned, No, the reason why I’m not a good manager, and just resort to yelling and screaming!

    Mallory laughed, So, did you make up this report yourself? Or was it~ I’m amazed! I mean, if you’re going to micro-manage, this looks like a great tool!

    I don’t micro-manage~

    Sure you do! And you have to! These miners aren’t just going to do what they need to because they see what’s necessary! The kitchen help isn’t going to sweep between serving times if you’re not checking up! It’s just~Jared’s different! I’ve been thinking, but I’ve been afraid I’d make you mad~

    A tired sigh, Thinking what?

    Well, you were trying to lock him down, just to your silver mine! You were filled with fear and trembling at the thought of expanding here and having him be mining engineer for both operations! And he’s managing both of them remarkably well, and still has time on his hands! I mean, he isn’t going to stop and put X’s in all your little boxes here! It just isn’t him! It’s important, from a management standpoint, but to him I’m sure it looks like busy work!

    Well, if he kites around when everyone else has to stay and put their hours in~

    They’re hourly laborers! He has a Master’s Degree! It isn’t apples to apples~ Do you want to hear my idea that’s guaranteed to make you mad?


    Laying it on you anyway! You know you expressed concerns that he might want us to hire Devon, so they can work together? And we don’t even have enough to keep him busy full-time?

    Well, we do! A pointed look at the folder!

    We need to let him go!

    Alexandra’s expression more frightened than angry! What? Let him go; and hire Devon?

    An exuberant ripple of laughter, No, let him go, and let him hire his brother if they want to work together!

    Alexandra went limp with relief! Let him go~as in helping him incorporate?

    Yep, then we contract with his company, and he can offer his expertise to other mining startups! He’s salary capped again, where we have him! We can’t offer more pay to have him do less and have his brother hanging onto his coattail! It seems like a good solution~

    Alexandra shook her head wonderingly, It’s the only solution!


    Arkansas Bureau of Investigation Agent, Ivan Summers, sat at his regular table at Daisy Lodge, still trembling with fear and exertion!

    You okay, Hon? A hard-bitten gal named Carol expertly righted the coffee mug and poured it full! Something bad wrong with that little gal of yours?

    Summers frowned, afraid to ask what she was talking about! The reason for his jangling nerves had nothing to do with Britainy, but rather with having done battle with, and conquering a rattler!

    Yeah, when you haven’t answered your cell, she’s kept calling here for you! Figured she managed to get in touch~ You gonna go with your regular artery-clogging~?

    She broke off as he scrambled past her, fishing his phone free on the way out! Berating himself for forgetting to unmute it after church the previous evening, he punched ‘recents’ to return one of about ten missed calls!

    Hey, Baby, what’s up? Sorry I missed your calls! My phone’s still been on mute! Everything okay?

    Britainy struggled for enough composure to assure him she was fine! Instead, she broke down completely! Well, no, not exactly!

    Still shaken from the snake ordeal, he just slid to the porch planking, unable to speak, hoping she’d go ahead and unload on him what her problem was!

    Daddy? Tearful and weak!

    Yeah! Yeah, I’m here! What~what’s going on?

    His belly writhed and tears sprang from somewhere deep! Uh~does~uh~your mother know?

    Pitiful sniffles, No, not yet! I just found out~for sure~

    Silence as he considered! ‘Why call him? Why not the parent she had opted for in the custody hearing?’ He always saw pictures of her and his ex, smiling, posing, on this trip, visiting this site! Happy! Carefree! Why not? He sent the money; quite a bit, proportionately speaking! They had fun together, but then when there were problems~


    Yeah! Yeah! Still here! Trying to think! Where are you?


    "Nashville! Isn’t today a school day? Don’t you have classes?"

    Um, no, Sir! I didn’t enroll this semester!

    His mind reeled! Odd! The university hadn’t returned his tuition payments with an explanation that no one by her name was enrolled~

    O~okay, sit tight! I’ll see if I can get a flight in there tonight!

    "Okay; into Nashville? No flights come here! If you’re going to be at Daisy for the next hour or so, I can drive over~"

    "Oh, so you’re here in Arkansas! I just thought you meant~"

    "The real Nashville? Nope; stuck here! Will you wait there for me?"

    Yeah! You got enough gas? You have any money?

    I have enough to get over there~


    Yeah, mystery of the decade! Mallory doesn’t know yet, that we can’t locate him! David whispering softly to Jay Vincent! "We’ve found out that his last conversation with Suzanne was nebulous! She’s so used to his not being able to open up to her when he was with the FBI, that she just kissed him good-bye, told him to be careful, and she’d see him when~ She still figures he’s fine! Just doing something covert! But what? I mean, I don’t think he’d go to the Philippines, solo, to find out who torched the factory!"

    Well, that possibility makes as much sense as anything! What credit card would he have used to book flights? Would he have an account that Suzanne isn’t aware of? If so, where might the statement go? You want Sophia and me to hire a private investigator?

    A soft, mirthless laugh, A private eye searching for a private eye? Not yet, but thanks for the offer! Thanks for going over there, and purchasing the property! Some of Deborah’s relations are already boots on the ground! Which is a good thing, because if I showed up to begin necessary renovations~

    "It’s so odd, that people at every level over there, seem to be conspiring to force DiaMal out! Why would that be?"

    "We don’t know! Pressure from some of the huge corporations that use the same labor force? Diana stays within the guidelines, but people who want to keep wages on the low side of that~? Seriously, DiaMal is so small in comparison! It’s no threat that she’ll gobble up all the garment workers! Or that we’ll put any of the competition out of business~"

    "Maybe it isn’t industrial competition! Perhaps you’ve fired someone, or overlooked someone for

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