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The Miracle of Adam
The Miracle of Adam
The Miracle of Adam
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The Miracle of Adam

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What iflike it is said in the Biblewe were supposed to live forever? But Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, and somehow, our bodies changed, giving us a limited life span. We all know Adam lived 936 years, and as each generation came about, our life span kept getting shorter until we got to the present day, only living to about 75 to 100 years if we were lucky.

Science knows that almost every animal on this planet has all the amino acids needed in its liver to constantly make vitamin C to keep them healthy. Some time ago, we lost that ability because we were getting enough vitamin C in our diets, so our liver quit making it. This is just an example of how our bodies once again turned something off, which has become detrimental to our health. But what if somewhere down the line, that switch turned on again, and what if that peculiar switch was our ability to live forever again? This brings me to my story.

He was born sometime in the late 1800s. Growing up normal, he didnt realize how special he was until he got a clue while fighting in World War I. A soldier was dying and needing blood to possibly save his life. So he gave his blood to help him. The doctor told the dying soldier that if he lived, he still would not have the use of his right arm again. It was just too damaged. Several days later, the soldier not only regained the use of his right arm but also healed much quicker than any of the doctors thought. They viewed it as a miracle. This disturbed our main character because he felt something was weird about himself. He couldnt put his finger on it, but he knew something was not right. So he kept to himself after the war.

One day, he looked in the mirror and noticed something. He knew he was in his forties, but he didnt look a day over twenty. As time went on, he became more protective of disclosing his age and changing his identity to reflect an age much more suitable to his looks. By the end of the Korean War, the government was looking for him, so he changed his identity often and moved around a lot.

This brings us to Phoenix, Arizona, where a freak accident brought our hero to his end. And that is where the story begins. Not knowing who our hero is and how he will change the lives of so many people is a miracle in itself, but the stories that follow are just as miraculous as the people who received his organs.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 11, 2017
The Miracle of Adam

Byron Williams

I was born in Cleveland, Mississippi but I never knew the place because my father moved us north to Crest Hill, Illinois which was right next to Joliet Illinois. Growing up in the town of Joliet Jake Blues was Interesting, it was a bit of old history in the downtown area of Joliet with modern industry surrounding it. When I was 18 years old I became fascinated with Bruce Lee and joined a Martial Arts school learning Tae Kwon Do. I also was an avid runner. Always curious about new things I studied how vitamins played an important role in my health seeing how my diet was atrocious. Between eating pizza, burgers and whatever was my whim that day. But I managed to keep myself in fairly good shape. Later in my life I became bored just working all the time and not doing much else when an opportunity came along to become club D.J. at the Charlie Club. Life became interesting again. After doing this for 3 and a half years I got burned out so I gave it up only to be called back to another job with W C Flicks as one of the first video D Js in the Chicago area. I had only one problem I just got laid off from my job at Caterpillar. I had to figure something fast, I had a wife and a son and daughter to think about. I had no skills to speak of so I went back to school in Tulsa, Oklahoma with Spartan Aeronautics and became an Aircraft Mechanic. About 4 years ago I became curious about something that got stuck in my head about the Bible. You see I had a southern upbringing always going to church as a child. The question was could it be true that we were never supposed to die. So what happened? That is the reason why I started writing my book, but it took a life of its own. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing.

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    The Miracle of Adam - Byron Williams

    Copyright © 2017 by Byron Williams.

    Library of Congress Control Number:             2017918374

    ISBN:                   Hardcover                        978-1-5434-6976-9

                                Softcover                          978-1-5434-6975-2

                                eBook                                 978-1-5434-6974-5

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the

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    Rev. date: 12/04/2017





    The Investigation

    The University Research

    The Book of David

    The Book of Mary

    The Book of John

    The Race Is On

    The Answers Are Told

    A New Beginning

    By the looks of the busted windshield and the blood all over the dash, he hit it pretty hard. No movement or sound came from his lifeless body. The officer puts his hand through the window and checks his pulse on the side of the victim’s neck. He’s still alive, he thinks to himself. He calls for an ambulance to get here immediately. Then, he hears a door open from the truck that hit the victim. A man crawls out and is starting to stagger off aimlessly, not knowing where he is. The officer runs around the truck, drags him down, whips out his handcuffs, and puts them around his wrists. The old man lies there, moaning and groaning to himself. The stink of alcohol from his breath gives the officer a good idea of how the accident occurred. The officer looks up, and two more squad cars show up at the scene. One of them, his sergeant, rushes out his vehicle, the smell of antifreeze misting in the air as he approaches the white sedan. He looks inside at a man hunched over the steering wheel. He opens the driver’s side door, and he eases him back, only to notice he’s bleeding pretty bad from his forehead. He quickly grabs a handkerchief from his back pocket and applies pressure to try to stop the blood as it gushes from his temple. In the background, he hears the siren of the ambulance arriving. The other officer runs around the truck and directs the ambulance over to the vehicle where the victim is. The paramedics jump out of their vehicle, grab their medical bags, and run over to the white sedan.

    Guys, he’s bleeding pretty bad, the sergeant says.

    The paramedic says, Thank you, we will take it from here.

    They bring the gurney next to the car and carefully ease the victim onto it. Working frantically, one of them addresses the wound and the other takes his vitals. They finish stabilizing the victim, and they rush him into the ambulance and leave for the hospital. After making sure the ambulance got off safely, the sergeant walks over to the first officer. He has a very perturbed look as he says, You take this guy to the station and test him for alcohol and charge him with everything you can think of. Do you hear me?

    Yes, sir, it’s as good as done, the officer responds to his sergeant.

    The paramedics, in the meantime, have gotten the victim in the ambulance, and they are heading for the hospital with urgency, realizing he is in critical condition. In the ambulance, the paramedic is watching the victim’s blood pressure. He notices it getting worse. Hank, his blood pressure is dropping, he says with urgency in his voice. We need to get there now, or we are going to lose him.

    You got it, Ed, Hank answers with excitement. He thinks to himself, I love this part.

    Ed picks up the radio mike and calls the ER and tells them that the victim’s blood pressure is dropping fast and to be ready.

    A couple of minutes later, the ambulance arrives at the ER entrance. The doctor and nurses are waiting for him as he opens the doors. Ed barks out his vitals to the doctor. They rush him in to the ER and start working on him. The work continues for almost half an hour. His vitals are stabilized, the blood pressure is back to normal, and I order x-rays to find the extent of his injuries. I pull off my gloves and walk toward the hallway door, feeling exhausted after the ordeal. My name is Dr. Bill Lancer, and I’m here at the ER today because of a shortage of doctors. My normal duties are running the ICU on the second floor; I’m not used to this kind of excitement. I walk out of the ER and notice the sergeant from the accident waiting in the hallway. Officer, can I talk to you for a moment?

    He walks over to me, taking out his notebook as if he knew what I was going say.

    Is there any next of kin or wife we can notify?

    No, none that we have found yet. I’ve made phone calls and only found a girlfriend, and she is on her way in.

    Do you have his wallet or driver’s license, and could I take a look at it?

    The officer reaches in a bag where the man’s valuables are being kept. Yes, I do. Here ya go.

    I look it over, noticing something on the back. I ask, Can I make a photocopy of it?

    The officer says, Yeah, sure.

    I hand the driver’s license over to our insurance representative so she can take care of the paperwork.

    Soon after, while I was asking the officer about the accident, a frantic woman runs into the ER, gasping for air as she runs straight for the officer.

    Are you the officer that called me about Adam’s accident? she asks with panic in her voice.

    Yes, ma am, he’s still in the ER, but this is the doctor who worked on him. He can fill you in on his condition.

    What happened? How did he get into an accident?

    The officer looks around and sees some chairs against a wall. He tells her, Come over here and sit down, and we’ll explain. It was not his fault. The officer explains what happened.

    With a scared voice, looking directly at me, she asks, Is he going to be all right?

    I kind of look down, and with a little hesitation, I tell her, We don’t know yet. He suffered a massive head injury.

    Can I see him? she asks.

    Not yet, they are still doing some tests and getting some x-rays, and he’s not conscious yet. Can I ask you a question? I gather you are not his wife.

    No, I’m not.

    Does he have any relatives I can contact?

    No, he doesn’t. I’ve been seeing him for about five years. His parents apparently died years ago. He has no brothers or sisters. He is pretty much alone.

    Your name is?

    Shirley Albright, she says.

    Shirley, I am going to have to ask this officer to try to find a relative. Some decisions have to be made, and I have to follow protocol, but I want you to understand that policy dictates this.

    Shirley hesitates as her eyes drop to the floor. With a sad voice, she says, I understand.

    I tell her with a reassuring voice, I will be back to talk to you in a little while, OK?

    OK, she says. Can I wait here?

    Yes, that will be fine.

    The officer and I stand up, and I explain to him, I need you to try to find some relatives because we are going to have to make some tough decisions about this case.

    The officer says, I’ll get right on it, and I’ll let you know as soon as I find out anything.

    Good, but don’t take too long.

    I will do my best as quickly as I can, the officer says as he walks out the door.

    I stand there in the hall, knowing I haven’t told Shirley everything. I think to myself that this is never easy as I walk into the waiting room where she is sitting. I look down at her. I ask, Can we go into my office for a little more privacy? She nods. I help her up, and we walk down to the elevator, up to the second floor, and into my office. I help her into a chair, then I sit down at my desk.

    Miss Albright, I haven’t seen the x-rays yet, but I have seen these injuries before. I don’t want you to be alarmed. The extent of the injury, the loss of blood to the brain itself—it’s difficult to diagnose, but I am not going make any conclusions yet. I need to see the tests, so stay optimistic, as I am.

    She says I’ll try as she is trying to hold back her tears. She sits there fiddling with her handkerchief. As tears start flowing down her cheeks, she tells me, Ya know, he was so happy all week, almost giddy. We were supposed to go out to dinner tomorrow. I think he was going to ask me to marry him. I love him so much. You have to save him, please. My heart dropped to the floor. I looked at her tearful eyes pleading to me.

    I’ll do my best, I promise … Is there anything I can get for you?

    No, I am fine … I guess I’ll be in the waiting room if you need me.

    That will be fine, I will come get you if there are any changes. We walked out of my office, she to the waiting room and me back to the ER. I make my way to Adam’s room. I wanted to check his chart and make sure curtain tests were being done. Being an intensive care doctor, we have a habit of rechecking to make sure nothing is missed. I reach over and pick up his chart. As I look it over, I can’t help but stare at his seemingly lifeless body lying there. Sometimes you just feel helpless, knowing there is nothing else that can be done to save this man’s life. But I need to find out if there is a chance. I flip through the pages and notice a test I think should be done. I make a note on the chart to have it done just as a nurse walked in.

    Excuse me, we need to have an EEG done on this patient. Could you take care of it? I hand her the chart.

    She smiles and says, Sure, I’ll get it done right away.

    I rub the fog out of my eyes and head back to my office. Once there, I sit down on my chair and close my eyes for a moment to collect myself again, dreaming about being in a warm bed sleeping the day away. A few moments later, I open them again, only to look down at all the paperwork on my desk that needs my attention. Shaking my head, I start into it. About thirty minutes go by when Dr. Larry Benton walks in.

    Bill, you busy?

    I look up at him and sarcastically say, No, I love doing paperwork.

    He gives me a twisted smile and says, You’re a sick man. I just stopped in to tell ya I checked up on your patient after they hooked up the EEG. Looks like he has no brain function at all. And his x-rays show, from what I could see, a severe brain trauma.

    I thought so. It was pretty bad, but did you make sure all the wires were hooked up to the machine? We don’t want another incident like what happened a month ago.

    Oh my god, I remember that. The poor guy was brain-dead for half an hour when somebody figured out one of the wires had come loose on the machine. Dr. Jones was about to tell his wife the bad news when a nurse told him everything was fine. I thought he was going to go ballistic right there in the hallway, Larry says as he busts out laughing.

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