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The Quest: Hazel’S Journey
The Quest: Hazel’S Journey
The Quest: Hazel’S Journey
Ebook214 pages3 hours

The Quest: Hazel’S Journey

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First time was a premonition of things to come. Now, her journey commences in love, courage, survival, and faith! A catastrophic event occurs, sending the earth into turmoil, disrupting earths foundation as the devil walks the earth. The devil sends out his armies to pursue Hazel as he wants her for his queen, wife, and the mother of his unborn. Jesus returns to earth to protect and prevent her from becoming the mother and queen of the devil. The battle of the war in heaven comes to earth as good and evil commences! The devil and Jesus acknowledge this battle on earth as the winner takes all. This time, Hazel is not a witness; shes involved in the battle!
Release dateNov 28, 2017
The Quest: Hazel’S Journey

Mark A. Cherpak

I was born and raised in Erie, Pennsylvania where I still reside. I love everything the outdoors provide regardless of seasons. I like listening to classic rock, classic country music from 60s to late 80s. I like attending concerts of music mentioned. My late father once told me, son- everyone has a hidden talent- you found yours. I want you to seek it, utilize it and chase it. I will help people in need as I was once there! I attended some collage where I decided upon a writing career. I travel a lot meeting new people on road. I enjoy spending time with family and friend as I am still single. I am a very ambition person and do things spontaneously.

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    The Quest - Mark A. Cherpak



    Hazel’s Journey

    Mark A. Cherpak



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    2017 Mark A. Cherpak. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version. Public Domain

    Published by AuthorHouse: 10/27/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-1360-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-1359-8 (e)

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models,

    and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.





























    This book is a work of fiction. The story described within this text is a fabrication of the author’s imagination. Biblical segments mentioned throughout are authentic from the Old Testament King James Version along with Hebrew of the Holy Bible. Names mentioned are genuine from the Old Testament in addition to fiction and have no immediate relations or similarities of past or present. Places and events are valid along with fiction.

    Book of Exodus: 20:1-17

    Deuteronomy: 5:4-21 (Hebrew Edition)

    Book of Genesis 1- 27

    Jesus of Nazareth (Christ): Hebrew/King James versions of Bible

    Noah: Book of Genesis

    Moses: Book of Exodus

    Satan: Genesis 3:1-16/ Isaiah 14: 12-15/ Ezekiel 28: 12-19/ Matthew 4: 1-11

    Watchers: Book of Enoch

    Mary Magdalene/ Mary the Magdalene/ Mary of Magdala: Holy Bible: New Testament

    Mary and Joseph: Gospels of Genesis

    Cain and Abel: Book of Genesis

    King James Bible

    The Temptation of Jesus

    (Mark 1: 12-13 Luke 4: 1-13)

    Matthew 4

    5 Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple.

    6 And saith unto him: If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

    7 Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God.

    8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain and sheweth him all the kingdom of the world, and the glory of them. 9 And saith unto him, all these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. 10 Then saith Jesus unto him, get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only thou serve. 11 Then the devil leaveth him, and behold, angels came and ministered unto him.



    MAY 2017

    Standing like a titan on the peak of Mt. Washburn surveying the endless landscape, a man holding a five-foot cane, wearing all white in addition to a devious smile saw a ravishing piece of real-estate before him. It expanded outwards as far as the human eye could see beneath a crystal blue setting!

    All this will be mine. All mine! Not you or anyone else will stop me! He said looking up with both hands on top each other grasping tight on the cane. It looked as if he was utilizing the cane for balance. My armies will be strong. I will devour the might core of this rock. You can send whoever, I have the power to destroy… to overcome… and nothing shall stop me!

    All around him were dozens of geysers ushering extreme heat along with steam high into the atmosphere manifesting small streams of gases resembling miniature smoke stacks! Numerous tourists carrying cameras were sporadic covering the grounds completely mesmerized by its natural beauty as mother nature opened her arms! In the center of this activity, a pair of couples swarmed by a large hole was moving their lips! Under the deafening sound, it appeared as if they were whispering.

    I wonder where in the hell is our guide. A male’s voice rang out sounding like a whisper.

    Shouldn’t he be here by now? A female voice added.

    I thought they told us he’s supposed to meet us here! Another man said searching the grounds. Meet us by the large geyser!

    I wonder if that man is looking for his? The other female said.

    What man? Both men asked simultaneously.

    Pointing in a direction opposite of the geysers, they followed the woman’s aim where a man in white stood.

    That man there… He stated. Excuse me sir!

    No reply. He just stood there griping his cane looking up and around.

    Excuse me sir! The male screamed.

    Unexpectedly, the man turned to face the voice.

    Excuse me sir… can you hear me?

    Barely… but yes I can! He returned an answer under a thundering sound. Using his right hand with motions, he formulated communication by placing his hand near his ear like he couldn’t hear! However, he was able to hear extremely well. Better than any living species crawling on earth’s soil.

    "Are you waiting for your guide? He screamed virtually losing his voice.

    What? The man said making believe he couldn’t hear. Sorry, I can barely hear you!

    Are you waiting for your guide to show up? The man emphasized having both hands cupped around his mouth like a megaphone. We are!

    No… why?

    We’re looking for ours… can we come to you? The man said looking at the others. Can we wait with you?

    No! Stay put! I’ll come to you! He stated placing a stop sign with his right hand while his left was still clutching onto his cane. This area is too sensitive… the grounds are soft… almost like quicksand. And we don’t want to lose any of you… okay?

    Maneuvering closer to the awaiting couples, his weight was not producing footprints on the soil. Deep or shallow, large or small! It was as if he was walking on thin air! It was almost like a spirit, a ghost, or perhaps an angel floating! Behind him was no evidence of footprints of any kind. The flooring was still like a virgin. Not touched! Within moments, he arrived before them using a casual smile.

    Can’t believe how beautiful it is here. The man said with enthusiasm. No wonder this place draws millions a year! He paused a moment studying this man’s attire. Excuse me sir… but you don’t look like a tourist… you look more like… like a…

    What? A businessman? He responded with a humorous tone.

    You took the words right out of my mouth! He said forcing a smile through nerves.

    In ways… I’m here conducting business. A salesman sort of speak!

    That statement took both couples by complete surprise. All of them just gazed at this man.

    A businessman… a salesman… usually sells product, right?

    Well… yeah! The man answered not acknowledging where this was heading. If you’re a businessman… what are you doing here? Are you on vacation?

    Look around… I’m selling her! She is displaying her natural beauty!

    All of them were completely silent. It was as if their brains suddenly had a meltdown not communicating with their tongues.

    Are you a businessman? He asked.

    Not really. I work for a private firm! A relatively small firm… however, it’s getting bigger as days turn into nights! This volcano! You do know records indicate this is the largest volcano around!

    Jesus Christ! Duhh… I know what you’re saying! The man said surveying the landscape. Damn… my brain finally caught up! Talk about a blonde moment!

    Everyone commenced to laugh as their friend struck himself in the head with his hand. Immediately, the man in white seized the emphasized phrase: ‘Jesus Christ’ and smiled a devilish grin with matching eyes gazing directly at him.

    And I’m a licensed physician! He said with a smirk. Thank God I don’t conduct brain surgery. I’d have lawsuits up the ass!

    Really? Physician of what may I ask?

    Doctor of medicine! He said grabbing onto his woman. My manners are fucked up today! Let me introduce myself… I’m Russell Fitzgerald… next to me stands my beautiful wife, Hazel! Over here… Roy Dandridge and his lovely wife, Heather! We met on the way here!

    Well… hi folks! I’ll introduce myself now. Name is Stan… Stan Anderson. Just call me Stan… everyone does!

    He extended his hand outward to Russell to shake hands. Without hesitation, their shake was a done deal!

    It’s a pleasure to meet you Stan Anderson! He said. "Are you feeling okay?

    Likewise! It’s Stan… okay? What makes you think I’m feeling ill?

    Your gripping your cane like your about to lose your balance!

    Oh this dang thing… as far as I can recall, I had it! You know… a sentimental thing!

    With Russ still holding onto her through hands, her eyes lit up like two large spotlights searching for lost vessels! Her pupils resembled full moons illuminated, completely dilated by an afterglow of the sun! It was as though a sudden rush of an unseen force penetrated her body and played to win! Instantly, her mouth turned completely dry as moisture inside vanished. Dried up like rivers in the southern states! Too her, it felt as though she was experiencing heat exhaustion exposed to dangerous conditions with no recovery insight! Her tongue felt like a piece of rough sandpaper as her taste buds harden causing discomfort! Deep inside her body, she could detect and feel her blood surging through her veins like a million gallons of water being poured down a mountain slop! Her vital signs commenced to race each other towards the finish line to see who was victorious!

    Honey, we have to continue on! We can’t stay here much longer! For some reason, I’m not feeling well! She said almost out of breath holding her forehead with her free hand.

    You look pale my dear. Are you okay?

    Let’s go… like now! I feel like I’m going lose it! She demanded pulling on to his hand.

    Are you going to vomit? He asked.

    Let’s go! She was gazing directly into his eyes without blinking.

    Sorry Stan… as you can see… my wife isn’t feeling well. We got to go!

    Understandable… the heat and excitement here can get to people. I will see you later… much sooner than you think!

    Huh… what? He said looking back as he was dragged off by her.

    The other couple followed as they made tracks back to the visitors building. As they paraded on, Heather repeatedly stayed by her friend’s side.

    I don’t want to sound like a mother hen… but sweetie, are you feeling okay? She asked trying to slow her down. I mean, in ways… you do look little pale. Like you’ve seen a ghost or something…

    Stopping several hundred feet before the visitors building, Hazel glanced back at the area where they stood.

    What did you think about that man? Hazel asked glaring at Heather’s eyes.

    Seemed pretty nice… why?

    There’s something wrong with him. I received some strange vibes. I’m a people person Heather… but this man… sent chills up my spin! I’m a damn nurse okay… I heal people… this man totally made me feel inadequate. I mean… this man is not normal!

    Girl… I think all this excitement really got to you! I didn’t see anything wrong with him. Heather stated looking back.

    From where they stood, Stan was able to hear as well as view their actions.

    There’s something not right with that woman… can’t place my finger on it. He emphasized clutching harder onto his cane. Welcome to my kingdom!

    Following that phrase, he raised his cane high into the atmosphere gazing at high noon.

    I’m claiming what is now mine! I Lucifer… your nemesis… shall conqueror this rock…

    His cane was glowing a bright red slamming it into the earth’s surface. With the impact, from the origin of the cane, he watched as numerous lacerations commenced to appear.

    My time has come… deliver me from these chains and dungeon! I AM FREE! He shouted as his voice echoed throughout the mountains causing the wildlife to stand and take notice. In a matter of seconds, he disappeared! It was like he became dust in the wind!


    At the visitors building, everyone was inside displaying fear, hysteria, along with total confusion as the grounds shook mildly outdoors. There was a congregation of fifty people or more searching for answers from the staff. Unfortunately, they did not have any! They were confused along with their guest. However, they were trained to camouflage it! In this particular case, it was extremely hard! The structure of the foundation was holding, however the question was, for how long? How much of an impact will this place sustain until it says: ‘can’t hold much longer!’

    Do we have access to the weather? Russell asked searching for a radio or television. We need to hear something… something for us to guide on!

    Yes sir we do! A woman said trying to tune in a local station on the radio. Can’t seem to locate a signal…

    What about a television? Something must be broadcasting… Hazel asked searching for another form of communication.

    Television is down… we lost our signal a half hour ago! The woman said.

    Is there any form of communication in here that works? Roy demanded looking around. What kind of place is this? You should be prepared for this type of emergency!"

    I got something… it’s a local weather report. The woman emphasized enhancing the volume.

    Seismologist in Colorado indicate a mild earthquake of five point five on the Richter scale struck Yellowstone National Park approximately 1100 this morning. Minimal damage was reported. Thousands of people in the vicinity have lost power due to power lines reported down! Power outages are reported several miles in each direction. Scientists indicate more aftershocks will follow! Local and state jurisdiction is asking everyone in the immediate area to seek shelter. More news will follow as reports are up-dated…

    Well folks, we heard the reports! It’s time to vacate… seek shelter! Russ said grabbing Hazels hand. Babe, like you said a while ago… time to go!

    Suddenly, she unleashed her hand from his backing away fast.

    Stay away from me…

    Completely shocked, dismay, confused and all the above, his jaw dropped to the floor with matching eyes. The color from his face literately drained turning pale.


    You heard me… back the fuck off!

    Heather along with the others were bewildered. All of them had vast question

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