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Ebook62 pages55 minutes


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About this ebook

As kids, Tommy, Eric, and Sara did a prank that goes horribly wrong, then seven years later, they will soon find out that their actions have consequences and that everyone has someone. Can they get out alive, or will Bubbles get them all? If you kill Bubbles, then Bubbles kills you.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 18, 2017

Joshua Martinez

Josh likes to spend time with his family going camping telling scary stories. His hobbies are fishing, telling stories, and watching sports. He is happily married with two children he resides in Texas.

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    Bubbles - Joshua Martinez

    Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Martinez.

    ISBN:                        Softcover                              978-1-5434-5917-3

                                     eBook                                    978-1-5434-5918-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 10/14/2017











    Dedicated to Destiny, Harley, Jacob, and Austin.

    Without the campfire stories, BUBBLES wouldn’t exist.


    It was Tommy’s birthday, and he was turning ten. Tommy was real excited for his party. The streamers and balloons were hung, and he could smell the chocolate cake baking in the oven. His two best friends were coming over. Tommy was wearing his favorite superhero shirt, which had Superman on it, and his khaki shorts.

    Sarah was the first one to show up at Tommy’s. Sarah was excited to go. She had liked Tommy since he moved to town last year. Sarah showed up with her blond hair in pigtails, her pink glasses, and her always-faithful blue coveralls. Sarah rang the doorbell with Tommy’s present behind her back, anxiously waiting for the door to open. Tommy came running down the stairs.

    I’ll get it! Tommy yelled. Tommy opened the door.

    Hi, Sarah said.

    Hi, come in. The party is fixing to start, he said excitedly.

    Here, I got you a present, Sarah said nervously. Tommy grabbed the present from Sarah.

    I wonder what it could be, Tommy said as he placed it on the kitchen table that was decorated with balloons and a Superman table cover.

    Eric was on his way to Tommy’s house. He was real excited this year for his friend’s party. Ever since Tommy moved in last year, Eric, Tommy, and Sarah had been inseparable. This year was going to be epic.

    *     *     *

    Eric remembered the first day that Tommy showed up at his school. Eric was sitting by the window, daydreaming as the teacher was talking.

    Hello, class. We have a new student, he said.

    Hi, Tommy said nervously.

    Go and sit next to Eric, the teacher instructed Tommy. As Tommy walked through the aisles of children, he found his seat.

    Hi. I’m Tommy, he said, extending his hand.

    Eric, Eric replied.

    As the teacher carried on with her lesson of Abraham Lincoln, Tommy could hear Eric scuffling with something. He turned to see sparks coming from an M-80 firecracker. Eric rolled it down the aisles as it exploded. The whole class screamed; Eric and Tommy burst out laughing. Mrs. White walked over to them both.

    Who did it? she scolded. Eric and Tommy looked at each other and then at the whole class. The class stared back.

    Eric, go to the office now. I’m tired of your childish games, she said. Eric got up with his head down.

    It was me, not Eric. I did it, Tommy said. Eric turned and looked at Tommy with astonishment.

    What? Mrs. White replied.

    It was me, not Eric, Tommy said again.

    Well, I don’t know how your other school was, but here at this school, that’s not acceptable, Mrs. White replied. Well, I don’t want any more misbehavior out of you this year.

    Yes, ma’am, Tommy replied.

    Mrs. White walked back to the front of the classroom. The school bell rang. Read chapters 7 and 8 tonight. Quiz tomorrow! Mrs. White yelled over the scuffling of papers and talking.

    Tommy grabbed his backpack and started down the hallway.

    Hey, you, Tommy! Eric yelled from down the hallway.

    Tommy turned to see Eric running toward him. Eric was wearing black jeans with holes on both knees, his tennis shoes were old and a faded green, and his black shirt was so faded it looked gray, but you could still recognize the Pink Floyd logo on it.


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