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The Jail of Grace: Where Mercy Fails, Vengeance Prevails
The Jail of Grace: Where Mercy Fails, Vengeance Prevails
The Jail of Grace: Where Mercy Fails, Vengeance Prevails
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The Jail of Grace: Where Mercy Fails, Vengeance Prevails

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Many have had a genuinefalse conversion experience, a vain hope that promises life while progressively taking it away, these are seeds that sprout without ever bearing fruits, trees that cumber the ground and need to be cut down at the root. This book endeavour to evince the contrast between a new creature and a zombie. Zombies invasion is occurring in the midst of the children of the Lord, from pulpits to pews hardly is found someone who has The Life of God in his soul. Behold an allegory, that will help you find out, who really is your father and whether you were born in the womb or in the tomb. Beware, lest you mistaken who is your genitor as the Jews of old, do not flatter yourself by your pedigree, feelings, experience, activities, and so on For God will not collect his jewels by their appearances, He will test them by FIRE. Therefore, it is what you are right now which counts for Eternity, for in whatever condition you die you eternally remain. Thus, were it not for the ongoing transformations in my life, I would never believe the testimony of my conversion.
Release dateNov 30, 2017
The Jail of Grace: Where Mercy Fails, Vengeance Prevails

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    The Jail of Grace - Florian Mouafo Zambou

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    Published by AuthorHouse 11/28/2017

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    The Author’s Testimony


    Part I:    The Sentence

    Chapter 1 The Apprehension

    Chapter 2 Welcome Back

    Chapter 3 Sunday Worship

    Chapter 4 The Confrontation

    Chapter 5 Spiritual Warfare

    Part 2:    The Desert Crossing

    Chapter 1 Tribulation

    Chapter 2 The Trial

    Chapter 3 The Torture

    Chapter 4 Chariot Of Fire

    Chapter 5 The Day Of The King

    Part 3:    Eternity

    Chapter 1 The Millennial

    Chapter 2 Eternal Death

    Chapter 3 Eternal Life


    The Author’s Testimony

    Born in Yaoundé, Cameroon in a family of 7 children of which I am the 4th. I grew up assuming to be Christian because my mother is. Nevertheless, she never let us imagine for a single moment we are Christians because of her but kept telling us we needed to be Born again. However, I never understood its meaning, I supposed it meant getting baptize and becoming religious. Yet, I realised it will cost me so many things in this life I did not want to forsake. Indeed, I was first convicted of my sins when I was 5 years old; that Sunday morning, in our family prayer my mother preached on Hell and the Wrath of God against Sinners. She shook me to the core; it was as if she spoke to me alone. She exposed sin in a way that made me very uncomfortable and talk of Hell as if she has been there. Though I had not committed many sins back then, I felt there was no difference between me and the vilest sinner this side of eternity. Still, I did my best to ignore her warnings. Once the meeting ended, as I was walking up and down the corridor leading to the living room, I heard a voice saying: "When will you turn? and I replied: When I will be 30, then the voice answered: You may not get to that far". Henceforth, knowing I was not ready to face judgment, I strived my best to avoid considering death, although I was hoping for some future reformation.

    In the meantime, I kept living in sin till 21 when God ceased to reason with me. One night, as I was going through severe trials for about a month and a half, during which I have tried different "techniques to get God’s favour on my situation. Having a strong religious background, presumably, I knew how to pray and fast, which I did to the best of my knowledge. Yet I got none answer from God, but instead, the situation became desperate that I gave up, and made-up my mind from that day to never pray again in my life. Nevertheless, when I was about to go to bed, around midnight, a friend of mine living in the same student accommodation with me, came down from his room to see me. It was the first time and only time he came to my room in such an hour. He knocked at the door with insistence as if he knew I was not asleep. I opened the door and let him in, then he looked at me and said: what’s wrong with you? but I answer not a word. He kept talking for a while and I was hearing without listening until he said: Do you know Job?" that is the only part of his speech I remember. Coincidentally, I had read the entire book of Job a week ago. After saying that he left, and I locked my door. Then suddenly I began to sweat, my heart was beating too fast, I felt like I would have a heart attack. The atmosphere became heavy, and I felt there was someone else with me in that room, a spiritual entity perhaps. Anyway, I wasn’t alone. Then, I fell down on my knees, trembling and sweating, thinking I would faint and die. Instantly, all the sins I have committed, even those I could not remember anymore came back fresh in my mind as if I have just committed them, and I cried, as I knew what would happen if I were to die in that condition. After weeping for about an hour, there was a sense of peace, I felt like a heavy burden fell–off my shoulders. Thereafter, for the first time in my life, I prayed. I could sense the difference with the past, I was not babbling a few words of prayer in the air, my soul was on fire as I spoke to God for my first time. For a while I prayed, then went to bed and slept like a baby, not worrying about any of my troubles.

    I reckon that day to be my first day of existence on earth before that I was dead. After that day everything changed in my life: my desires, ambitions, goals, hobbies and relationships, etc. every single aspect of my life. Some people imagined I was losing my mind, others supposed it was enthusiasm and it will not last for long, while others had many other theories. All I knew was that I was not the same anymore, and just as I did not help my parents to give birth to me, I had no contribution to that change.


    The purpose of this book is not to point the finger at anyone or fight against any system of belief. This book is an allegory on the only two possible destinies of every human–being, regardless of his gender, religion or status. I, therefore, have no time to debate the contents of it, all I hope is to bring you in the light of eternity to self-examination concerning the path you are journeying now. Truly, many are self-deluded about the state of their souls and their eternal destinies. I plead with you, therefore, to read with a singular attention and refer to the truth revealed in the scriptures as often as you wish. Indeed, this book in no wise pretends infallibility. Consequently, I advise you to chew the meat and spit the bones, but be careful not to spit them altogether, lest you starve your soul to death. Finally, my great fear is for this book to fall into the hands of critics and rated according to man’s standard. I am not a story-teller, but there was no better way to reach the reader’s conscience than by illustrations. Therefore, my prayer to God on your behalf is that, if it will bring nothing profitable to the condition of your soul, may you never come to see the cover of it. May He restrain you from touching it, may He put Cherubim and a flaming sword to turn around this book to keep you from ever coming near to it, Amen!

    PART I

    The Sentence


    Chapter 1

    The Apprehension

    Once upon a time, they were a Great King living on a hill called Mount Moriah in the city of Jerusalem. He heard from his servants that two foolish men from the city of Gomorrah, beneath Jerusalem, profaned his vineyard. The vineyard at the foot of the mountain represented the boundaries between his glorious Kingdom and the city of Gomorrah.

    Indeed, Gomorrah was once a province of Jerusalem, but because of the wickedness of the citizens, the King abandoned the city to his long-time enemy, Beelzebub.

    The two men, Lazarus, and Judas well renown among their fellows for their wickedness enriched themselves by violence and deceit. By this time around they ventured to plunder the goods of King Immanuel of Jerusalem. They used to hear from his friends the account of his militaries exploits, spectacular victories, and power over all Kingdoms in the Universe. Still, they thought to themselves it was only a myth invented to keep brave men like them from stealing his goods. But by now they considered the matter, just by seeing the frightening sight of his soldiers. They shuddered and their hearts melted like wax and sank in their bellies. They tried to run away, as usual, being the fastest runners of Gomorrah they had a high opinion of themselves which even made them think they could overthrow Beelzebub and rule in his stead. But

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