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Love or duty? What is more important? For three kingdoms, these royal families will be put to the test. From arranged marriages, duels, and assassination attempts, these families will discover that royal blood does not make you family.
Release dateJan 13, 2018

Diamond Spring

Diamond Spring was born and raised in Indiana. She is married with four children and has enjoyed writing at an early age. Her favorite pastimes, besides writing, are reading, dancing, and going to the movies.

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    Vincala - Diamond Spring

    © 2018 Diamond Spring. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  01/09/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-2146-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-2145-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-2144-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017919091

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41

    Chapter 42

    Chapter 43

    Chapter 44

    Chapter 45

    Chapter 46

    Chapter 47

    Chapter 1

    Nat stormed down the corridor, furious. His royal purple cape flowed around him like a waterfall. As soon as he entered the enormous sitting room, his gray eyes scanned his surroundings until they landed on a beautiful noblewoman sitting with two other ladies, having tea. Her long black hair cascaded down her back, practically covering her golden colored gown. Her light brown skin was flawless. The woman had not noticed the king enter the room. She was too busy talking with her companions.

    Without saying a word, Nat grabbed the woman in gold by her arm and forced her out of her chair. He dragged her into the nearest empty room and slammed the door shut.

    What is wrong with you, Lita!? Nat bellowed. This is the most ridiculous thing you have ever pulled!

    Lita just stared at the angry king. His gray eyes glared at her for an explanation. Lita could not believe that it was only a fortnight when she had laid in his arms, her hands stroking over his muscular tan skin and combing through his midnight black hair. His anger forced hers to rise to the surface. What’s ridiculous? Lita shouted back. That I had to watch the man that I love marry a woman who is not fit to have a crown rest on her head or that I married the first king that came along, who also happens to be your enemy?

    Lita smirked at the hurt look on Nat’s face. Ever since they were children, Nat was always at odds with the now King of Zendale, Zen XIV. Their feud began when Zen’s father broke the alliance by invading Nat’s kingdom, Cold Shore. Even though Cold Shore’s army forced Zendale back, the war took a toll on the kingdom’s funds.

    Nat let out an irritated sigh. I told you that Redwood and I have a business arrangement. My kingdom is low on funds. Her dowry will be enough to make more weapons and recruit more soldiers. In return, Redwood will be able to do all she can with the townspeople. With the title ‘queen’, she feels that she can make a difference.

    So what was supposed to happen to us?

    After Redwood gives me an heir, I would have come back to you.

    So I’m supposed to take sloppy seconds! Lita walked up to Nat and began poking his chest. Listen to me and listen well, Your Majesty. I am now Queen Lita of Zendale and I deserve the best. Lita quickly turned on her heels and angrily walked to the door. As soon as she opened the door, she froze. A woman with skin the color of a redwood tree stood in front of Lita. Her royal purple gown matched her unusual violet eyes and her black hair with red streaks was done in small braids. A golden crown rested on her head.

    Redwood of Galway, now Queen of Cold Shore, was a woman who would rather become a politician than a queen. Lita figured that once she became of age, Redwood would hop on the first carriage out of Cold Shore to absorb the knowledge that was just waiting for her beyond the stone walls. Instead, she accepts the king’s proposal and wedded him the day after. Lita could not believe that the brainy woman had her fooled. I bet she had this planned all along, Lita thought as she stared the queen down.

    How does it feel to be me, Your Majesty? Lita asked through clenched teeth.

    Redwood sighed as she returned Lita’s stare. She knew that most of the kingdom believed that Nat would wed the woman that he took as his mistress. Instead, he shocked the kingdom, Lita, and Redwood by asking for Redwood’s hand. Redwood had to admit that marrying the king was the last thing on her list of things to do, but after thinking over all the good she could do, she agreed. Redwood never thought that she would marry for she loved knowledge more than the etiquette of a proper noblewoman, thus should have been prepared for a life of spinsterhood, but something about the king, besides the power he possessed, intrigued her, and Redwood was never the type of person to ignore her instincts. She gave Lita a blank look and replied, I hear congratulations are in order. I just heard that you are the new queen of Zendale.

    Lita continued to stare Redwood down as she spat, As far as I’m concerned, Nat and I are history, but I’ll have you know that I will find a way to repay you for taking the man that I love away from me.

    All three of them knew that Lita never loved Nat. She considered him as her possession. Redwood remembered all the times Lita paraded around the kingdom as if she already claimed the title ‘queen’. The townspeople cringed at the sight of her, not out of fear but out of annoyance. Redwood could not believe the relief on the townspeople’s faces when they heard that the king did not plan to wed Lita. The kingdom has become livelier, as if in celebration of the fact that Lita had lost her place in the kingdom forever.

    Redwood did not flinch as she returned Lita’s stare. Lita, I am not afraid of you and you will find that I do not scare easily. In fact, I can be just as ruthless and treacherous as you, so I suggest you leave my palace before you find yourself thrown out. Before Lita could come up with a nasty remark, Redwood turned around and marched down the hall. Lita then turned to Nat to see him watch his wife leave. A look Lita had never seen before was on his face. It looks as if he cares for her, Lita thought as she could feel her blood boil in anger. Well, I’ll put a stop to this. They won’t live happily ever after.

    Chapter 2

    Misha sighed as she stared at her reflection. Her tanned skin looked flushed and her almond shaped hazel eyes were red and puffy from crying. Her head bent down, unable to look at the woman in the mirror any longer. She then felt a hand on her shoulder and looked back into the mirror to see the most handsome man she has ever known standing behind her own reflection.

    I know how you must feel, replied Zen as he knelt down and met Misha’s eyes with his own light brown ones. You know that if I could I would marry you.

    I know you would, replied Misha, but everyone in Zendale would cause a riot if they ever found out that their king married his concubine. Even though Misha knew all of this, the hurt never subsided. She closed her eyes as she placed her head against Zen’s chest, her mind wandering towards their first meeting. She was a servant girl from Zhuojun, a gift for the then eighteen-year-old king for an alliance between the two countries. She was immediately sent to the king’s harem because of her unusual beauty. Three months passed before she finally met the king. At first glance, Misha knew that she would love him for eternity and beyond, but so did the other women in the harem. The fact that she knew nothing could come of this never entered Misha’s mind. To her, Zen would be the only man for her.

    Over the past eight years, Misha noticed the numbers in the harem began to thin until only she remained. When she asked Zen why he disbanded his harem, he answered by professing his love for her and did not want no other. They sealed their love that night, to which they conceived a child. When they realized that she was carrying, the kingdom was in an uproar. Half of the kingdom demanded that the king marry a noblewoman to cover this shame while the other half immediately asked for Misha’s head for disgracing their kingdom. To prevent a civil war, Zen married a noblewoman from a nearby kingdom, which appeased the townspeople. Misha had to hold back tears as she watched the man she loved marry another woman.

    It’s because of that possible riot that I did not marry you when I found out about our child. Misha let out a small gasp as

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