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Together: Never Alone
Together: Never Alone
Together: Never Alone
Ebook191 pages2 hours

Together: Never Alone

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About this ebook

Have you ever wondered about Christs opinions and comments on the affairs of the modern world? Together answers your questions as it contains commentaries by Jesus in our era.

The purpose of the book is to reveal the loving character of Jesus as he comments on individual, church, and world conditions. McDermott does not hide his frailties either, as Christ directs and corrects him. The Lords comments on the American scene are really a commentary of what he has already revealed to the apostles and disciples in truths we have overlooked or avoided. He is reaffirming His eternal truths.

Absorbing the knowledge contained in the book will hopefully encourage your personal relationship with the Creator.

Release dateJan 19, 2018
Together: Never Alone

Jerry McDermott

The author has a BA degree with additional graduate studies. He has published five previous books and hundreds of magazine articles. He was previously an engineer, an account manager as well as a church council president and lay pastor. He served in the USAF Reserve for eight years. He and his wife live in the Southwest, USA.

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    Together - Jerry McDermott

    Copyright © 2018 Jerry McDermott.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc. ™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible with Revised New Testament © 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. and are used by permission of the copyright owner. All Rights Reserved.

    The book cover shows water representing Baptism while the dove represents the Holy Spirit Baptism.

    The Photos and commentary by McD Photo.


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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-3248-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-3249-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017914598

    iUniverse rev. date: 01/11/2018

    Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’ (Isaiah 30:21-NIV).

    How can we know the way? Jesus told him: ‘I AM the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father but through me.’ (John 14:6)


    I think your writing is a charism that the Lord will use for His glory. Consider doing a book of your testimony. That is always powerful in helping people. Rev. Robert DeGrandis S.S.J.





    Part 1. Prophetic Conversations

    Chapter 1. The Early Years

    Chapter 2. 2005

    Chapter 3. 2006

    Chapter 4. 2007

    Chapter 5. 2008

    Chapter 6. 2009

    Chapter 7. 2010

    Chapter 8. Photo Commentaries

    Chapter 9. 2011

    Chapter 10. 2012

    Chapter 11. 2013

    Chapter 12. 2014

    Chapter 13. 2015

    Chapter 14. 2016

    Chapter 15. 2017

    Part 2. Closing Thoughts


    About the Typist/Author


    The background for this book is a wonderful experience as I rise early every morning to make coffee and have morning prayers with our Lord. As a result, Together is a listing of prayerful conversations, thoughts and happenings from my journals. This book relates the Lord’s replies as His comments, advice, and prophecies.

    A reasonable question is why am I exposing some of my faults and fallacies? The reason is to reveal Jesus to more people. In the talks, you will find that He wants all people to know His love as well as His personality; character; tenderness; direction; and desire for friendship. The other monumental objective is having the Son of God as a friend with a personal relationship. If this sounds like a form of heresy, think of the close relationship between God and Abraham, Moses, and David and that Jesus referred to so many apostles and followers as His friends.

    The book title is really a theology lesson for when we are Together with God we are Never Alone. A Born Again Christian has accepted the saving grace by the action of Jesus Christ. As a result, he is filled with God’s Spirit. Since everyone is born a sinner as result of Adam and Eve’s disobedience, an unbeliever is not alone either and is subject to the ministrations of evil spirits. Refusing salvation portends a different lifestyle with incessant temptations. By contrast, accepting Jesus results in a new spiritual life. We pray that by absorbing His words from my journal, you will acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord, Redeemer, and friend.


    I acknowledge the actions of the Heavenly Father for His constant love; to Jesus for His love as well as His inspiration and corrections and to the Holy Spirit for His love as well as His guidance as a Divine Thesaurus.

    I also acknowledge my wife, Mary, for her patience as well as her editing and my daughter, Erin, as my consultant, for her advice, her proofing, and her mastery of MS Word. I also recognize the many people who encouraged me, especially Colleen Aitken.


    This a book about a one-to-one relationship with God which is an incredible friendship. Do you know God or just about God? If you know nothing of God, let Him tell you about Himself through His prophets, who gave the most remarkable enlightenments by our sovereign God.


    Then God said: ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness’ (Genesis 1:26).


    The Lord is the eternal God, creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint nor grow weary, and his knowledge is beyond scrutiny (Isaiah 40:28).


    I AM the first and the last; there is no God but me. Who is like me? Let him stand up and speak, make it evident, and confront me with it. Who of old announced future events (Isaiah 44:6-7)?


    At the beginning I foretell the outcome, in advance, things not yet done. I say that my plan shall stand; I accomplish my every purpose (Isaiah 46:10).


    The person most mentioned as a friend throughout the bible was Abraham who believed God and received the title, ‘God’s friend’ (James 2:23). In the New Testament, Jesus considered Mary, Martha, and Lazarus as close friends and often visited them at their home in Bethany. Of course the apostles and disciples were with Jesus each day and were His friends. Speaking to the disciples, He said, I say to you who are my friends: ‘Do not be afraid of those who kill the body and can do no more’ (Luke 12:40).


    As a friend, God repeatedly stated in both Testaments that he would never leave us nor forsake us. (Joshua 1:5b; Joshua 1:9b; John 1:5).


    For years, I have related to Jesus as my friend! A reaction might be, Who does he think he is? I know exactly who I am as a child of God and a friend of Jesus. The apostle John explained, God’s love was revealed in our midst in this way: He sent His only Son to the world that we might have life through Him (1 John 4:9). He continues, When anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwells in him and he in God. We have come to know and to believe in the love God has for us. God is love and he who abides in love abides in God and God in him (1 John 4:15-16).

    What so many do not realize is John’s proclamation: I have written this to you to make you realize that you possess eternal life—you who believe in the name of the Son of God (1 John 4:13). Note the timing: eternal life can begin now and is not contingent on our passing.

    My inquiries or thoughts are addressed by Jesus and are the major impact of the work as He shows His love and friendship. Do not look for a theme or consistency except for two friends talking. Furthermore, consider His replies as also speaking to you the reader. As a result, I have shared some of these with the church community.

    Part 1

    Prophetic Conversations

    Chapter 1

    The Early Years

    IN THE 1970’S, I STARTED TO ATTEND A Wednesday night Catholic/Evangelical charismatic prayer group. The songs were all new and the proceedings were a mystery, clearly not the usual Catholic occurrence. Also, The revelation of the charismatic gifts was something completely new to me. And what was this Baptism of the Holy Spirit? My first recollection of God talking to me was on an airplane heading back to Detroit, my home at that time. On the plane, I was reading Pat Robertson’s book, "Shout It from the Housetops."

    When Jesus spoke to me, He said, I want you to go to the prayer meeting tonight and receive the Baptism of the Spirit. At that time, I had not learned that you did not debate Jesus. I said that it was too late and by the time I got there, the hall would be closed. I continued that I had to get my luggage, take the bus to the car parking lot, and then make the drive to the site. Jesus only said one word, but it had such authority. He just said, Go.

    When I arrived at the site, the parking lights were off and most cars were gone as I expected. However, I noted a few cars and went inside and saw that some of the leaders were still there. Once I related God’s request, they could not wait to lay their hands on me. All of us prayed that I would receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. I did not experience anything that night nor for a few months. Then the gifts came. In a few churches I received prophetic words quite often. I started a journal of conversations with Jesus and prophetic words he gave me..


    Fear not for your life, what you will wear, or what you will be. Seek only me; seek only my will for you, for your family. You please me, my child, but there is so much more. My son, I love you; that is all you need to know. I AM coming soon to free my people, my beloved. I will use you; fear not; be patient and await my call. Now you have heard my word. Let those words be in your heart for tonight you have heard your Lord and your God speak to you (December 19, 1980).


    My anointing is upon you. Oil flows upon your person; great are the blessings I bestow. See my Son who is your brother. He will teach you the secrets of my heart, the truths that you will bring forth. Be comforted; be glad that I have chosen you, called you my own. Yes, the mercy that is mine is yours for you are beloved. You dance in royal robes before my throne. Welcome. Now come (March 7, 1984).


    As I AM holy so are you called to be holy. My robe of holiness covers you and clothes your feet. Your steps are holy, your journey protected by that holiness that dwells within me. Your place is at my side, carved into my side, body of my body; your place is my own. For many are called; few are chosen. and I say to you I have called; you are chosen. Come receive my oil of gladness, my truth, my Spirit and bring these gifts to the lands (1984).


    Go with desire in your heart with the expectation of my coming, with peace and rest as my gift to you for you are my beloved, holy and beautiful for my eyes to see. I welcome you; my arms are open, waiting. I call your name; come to me (December, 1984).


    Be transformed by light and love. I AM the only one, the one eternal (November 24, 1985).


    Write the pages of your life, the song the angel sings as he cares for you. For there in the song and the words you will find the Father’s holy blessing. Therein you shall see the fruit of all your labor. The vineyard is vast says the Lord God and you are one who has worked with faithful hands and loving heart (November 24, 1985).


    Blessed son, I have shared many gifts with you and have many more to give you, but the greatest gift you have is yourself (1985).

    Commentary- This is true, for each of us created in His image, but each of us is to reveal His glory in a special, individual way.


    Why won’t you accept my love? (1998).

    Commentary: This was the Father speaking to me and really catching me off guard. I really had to stop and consider our relationship. I had to do some soul searching to realize that God’s love is so much greater than I ever imagined.

    Missing 2004 Journal

    Chapter 2


    I AM WITH YOU. I AM YOURS AND YOU ARE mine. Be not afraid of what is coming soon. You and your families will be protected. Fear not; keep your eyes only on me. I AM love and desire all men to love me, but my wish is not being fulfilled. Soon people will know my wrath for abandoning their God. Stay with me; be with me and yearn for me always (June 25, 2005).


    I AM the Lord, your God. Have no other gods beside me. My world has turned against me, but my followers remain true and will be blessed. Fear not little ones; my coming is sudden like the wind. I will carry you forth to my Father. Fear not; my love conquers all doubt. Look to the heavens for your God as the time is short (June 26, 2005).


    I AM sending my Son again, but not to bring hope or salvation, but to bring His people home where we have prepared a banquet. You have already trusted; now taste and see the glories of my Son (June 27, 2005).



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