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Raven: Princess into Warrior
Raven: Princess into Warrior
Raven: Princess into Warrior
Ebook63 pages42 minutes

Raven: Princess into Warrior

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About this ebook

Raven Rena Ring is the princess of Stronghold. She never liked the lifestyle of a princess. Raven meets her bully, Jake Windsor. Raven discovers her moms darkest secret. Someone knocks on her window. Raven doesnt know that person could change her life forever.
Release dateJan 24, 2018
Raven: Princess into Warrior

Bin2 Kaba

Bintou Kaba is a 13-years-old girl. She lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan. She is in middle school. Bintou is an army, BTSs fandom. Her birthday is July 3rd, 2004. She has two little sisters. Her favorite food is sushi. Bintous favorite thing to do instead. of writing and reading books is to play on my phone.

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    Raven - Bin2 Kaba

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    iUniverse rev. date: 11/29/2017



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen




    Being a princess, in general, is hard. So many responsibilities, unnecessary meetings, and everyone in your kingdom expects you to be perfect. Raven Rena Ring is the princess of Stronghold. Her mother, the queen, Felicia Rena Ring is a very busy woman. When the king dies because of cancer, she has to take care of the king’s and her own duties. The most important duties that Felicia has is to teach her daughter to rule a kingdom. Felicia has to remind Raven about being a lady. Raven is going to be queen in two years. She is the opposite of a princess. Raven loves the color of black, skateboarding and video games. She also loves sports and never wears dresses or skirts. A princess loves the color of pink, to clean, and wears both dresses and skirts.

    Chapter One

    As Felicia was getting Raven ready for a royal meeting, Raven refused her princess attire.

    Raven, stop it, now, demanded Felicia.

    But, mom, I don’t want to wear the dress, Raven said.

    You have to, we are going to a royal meeting, the queen stated.

    We went to a meeting, last week, Raven said rolling her eyes in frustration. The dress Felicia picked was pink and had jewels all over.

    Plus, I don’t like pink, Raven complained.

    Why, asked the queen.

    Pink reminds me of barf, Raven laughed and walked to her closet, grabbing a black suit.

    "Please, just wear it," her mother begged.

    Fine,. Raven said and put on the dress.

    Don’t you look beautiful, the queen exclaimed.

    I look like an idiot Raven thought. Yeah, so great,. she said sarcastically.

    Raven, what did I tell you about smiling, the queen said, and frowned.

    Smiling is a way to be kind without words, Raven said, annoyed.

    You are not smiling. Smile, would you? the queen asked. Raven fake smiled and rolled her eyes.

    See, beautiful, Felicia smiled. "Now, ask your lady-in-waiting, to do your makeup, and no complaining," the queen stated as she left the room. Raven went to her lady-in-waiting, Hillary, for help.

    Hi, Princess Raven! So, since you are wearing a pink dress, would you like to wear pink makeup too, Hillary asked.

    Sure, Raven said with a fake smile. Hillary put on pink blush, lipstick, and mascara.

    Ah, beautiful as a rose, said Hillary, smiling. The blonde

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