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I Must Be About My Father's Business!
I Must Be About My Father's Business!
I Must Be About My Father's Business!
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I Must Be About My Father's Business!

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About this ebook

My book contains spiritual content. I study the Bible, and then I dont write scripture I write around it for layman terms. What I write I have spoken to the church from the pulpit on programs. The Pastor of the church I went to had me pick themes sometimes, and write for programs, and such. I love the Lord.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateDec 27, 2017
I Must Be About My Father's Business!

Joyce Marie Lewis

I started singing in the choir at the age of nine. My mom took me to church at the age of three. I never forgot it. I was raised in a foster home by a Methodist Minister, and family. I went to Vocational Bible Study everyday after school from the time I was nine to the time I was fifteen. I started teaching Sunday School at the age of fourteen. I wrote plays for the churches. Prepared programs with whatever theme, and scripture. Taught the Mission, and directed the choirs. Went through all the realms of The Christian Code Of Ethics using the step by step method. The Lord sent me out to be a witness for him for a time such as this. I play the piano various music gospel, and oldie goldies I like, and the guitar a little. I have diplomas from Stratford Career Institute for Psychology/Social work. To start your own business. Computer Training, and one from Golden State Schools for COP, Data Entry and Word Processing. Was in the Army for six years as a Helicopter Repair Person.The list goes on. I live in Waterloo, Iowa, but my home town is Hammond, Louisiana. I was raised in Sioux City, Iowa. Was a A, and B, student. I believe whole-heartedly that Luke the fourth chapter from the eighteenth to the nineteenth verse is the extent of my Mission because the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he has sent me.

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    Book preview

    I Must Be About My Father's Business! - Joyce Marie Lewis


    Father’s Business!



    Copyright © 2017 Joyce Marie Lewis.

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    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    WestBow Press

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-9824-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-9825-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017912341

    WestBow Press rev. date: 12/27/2017



    Chapter One: Guide My Feet Into The Pathway Of Peace

    Chapter Two: Damascus Road

    Chapter Three: Upon The Profession Of Our Faith

    Chapter Four: Hidden Treasures

    Chapter Five: Blessed Assurance



    It was discussed by many of the chosen ones such as those who were called by God to feed his flock. Those who most surely believed and were ordained to preach the word having no reservations of this world but to God’s will lead and perform those duties according to the divine one who holds proprietorship over all our souls and has full authority to judge and deliver us all.

    Therefore being able to obtain and take on a new face those who God appointed to instill in us by faith and as many that will come hear the word and believe did give access to the guide lines that reveal the keys of life to atone our livelihood sustain our existence and justify our faith through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ did become susceptible to the rise and fall of a warranted empire through the constant attack of Satan who takes on all disguises appealing to every man woman boy and girl so that his kingdom prevails.

    Becoming a worldwide controverse whether Catholic Baptist Methodist Protestant or no. A scandalous issue on who is Christ despite all literature and mainly of one Bible constituted the reconstruction of the twelve disciples today’s missionaries in lure of pastoral dilemma putting them at the scene and on the scene of worldly corruption disgrace and ungodly forsaken behavior questioning the old inspirational hymn I’m on the Battlefield for my Lord.

    Question for whom making a total mockery of Abraham Isaac and Jacob as if though they were just ancient myths. As if though God himself condoned the perpetration of those seeking out destroying the hearts of man so that he can’t be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven.

    We have a choice whether to pick up thy cross and follow. A commitment to serve or be overcome and consumed by the world. Thus making the Christian walk a thing of the past. Time asked the question what of fulfillment.

    The future gained a new start for the development of the mind to be constructed and instructed considering that nothing else makes sense. The present guaranteed no certainties.

    We as Christians wanting our Father’s blessings. Wanting peace love and happiness must bring forth into our midst the long lost action words that describes our strife today.

    We as Christians wanting to dwell in unity and harmony with our brothers and sisters must take the ultimate stand now and say I must be about my Father’s business.

    Chapter One


    In an era of weapons bombs and nuclear warfare. We are doomed and heavily bound for self-destruction but more than likely before any bomb hits. Before any government determines the outcome of our fate.

    We must have faith in Jesus Christ and in our belief believe that there is a God of eternal life who foretells the future plots our course and navigates our destiny.

    We must realize that the greatest of these destructive weapons are those that dwell within our own selves pointing directly at our soul ready to explode in any given moment because of confusion self-betrayal and spiritual denial.

    Having read this religious comment in The Good Shepherd Gazette young Lee Hastings rushed down to a little house that was being used for a church. This was a small town fairly populated ten miles outside of Georgia.

    In this small town were a group of people who were friendly God fearing and somewhat sheltered from the rest of the world.

    There in this small church were a group of people who believed that their primary concern was to survive and live together loving thy neighbor as thyself just as Jesus taught it.

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