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Transcending Darkness: Fostered Love Series
Transcending Darkness: Fostered Love Series
Transcending Darkness: Fostered Love Series
Ebook401 pages6 hours

Transcending Darkness: Fostered Love Series

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Evie and Hunter have overcome many hardships since their parents died tragically. Theyve survived foster care and have proven they were meant to be together. Now they continue their journey, emotionally battling against the people who have tried to destroy them. Hunter remains by her side, sturdy and continually proving just how much he loves Evie. Overcoming many fears and obstacles, Evie opens up to new things and adventures. Their friends and family remain constants and continue to support them. Evie and Hunter prepare for the rest of their lives and continue to keep the faith that nothing can come between them. Or can it? Follow them on their continuing journey and see if they can overcome the odds.
Release dateDec 22, 2017
Transcending Darkness: Fostered Love Series

Kim Draluck

Transcending Darkness is the second book in the Fostered Love series. Kim is currently working on the third book in the series. Kim was born in 1969 in Manhasset, Long Island. She has been married to her husband, Doug since 1999. Her son is now sixteen years-old. Kim lives in North Carolina with her husband, son, two dogs, two cats, and two guinea pigs. Kim is creative; she paints and makes jewelry. Kims loves to shoot pool, and she is also an avid pistol shooter. Kim is passionate about all of her hobbies, including her writing.

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    Book preview

    Transcending Darkness - Kim Draluck

    -Chapter 1-

    I stood in Manhattan, at the entrance of the Queensboro Bridge. I didn’t want to, but something in my gut urged me to cross the bridge. My heart pounded; nausea set in. Taking a deep breath, I began cautiously walking. Halfway across, I stopped to look down. Two bodies splayed motionless on a sheet of ice. I stood confused, and couldn’t comprehend how or why the East River was frozen s olid.

    Suddenly, I stood alone on the frozen water next to the bodies. I looked up at the bridge; feeling as if I were in another dimension. I looked back to the lifeless bodies at my feet and realized it was Jimmy and Deloris.

    Jimmy had been shot between the eyes; I noticed a small cluster of bullet holes on Deloris’ chest. As warm blood seeped from their wounds, it coagulated into a slushy puddle beneath them. I looked at Deloris’ limp body and cautiously inched closer to her. As I reached down to feel for a pulse, she grabbed my ankle. She opened her eyes; they were black. It looked as though she’d been possessed by a demon. She laughed evilly at me. I managed to free myself from her grip and scream for help.

    I woke up in a cold sweat; my ankle had gotten tangled in the bed sheet. My heart raced. I reached for the water glass next to me and took a sip. I looked at my phone and saw that it was only 1:30 a.m. on January the second.

    FUCK, when will these dreams stop? I thought to myself. I took another sip of water, then put the glass back on the nightstand.

    I cuddled close to Hunter and pulled his arm around me. I closed my eyes and tried to fall back to sleep. It was going to be a long day. I knew that I’d never be able to start fresh if I didn’t close that bank account and try to get the rest of my belongings from the Mack’s house. I lay there watching the clock until I fell back to sleep.

    The alarm went off, Hunter flung his arm out and hit the snooze.

    Ten more minutes, he said, yawning.

    Babe, not today. We’ve got to get up.

    Okay, five, he said with a groggy laugh.

    Babe, you’re killing me.

    I turned and kissed him gently on the cheek. We lay there half asleep until the alarm went off again. I jumped out of bed and raced to the bathroom.

    I heard a knock on the bedroom door.

    Come in, we’re up, Hunter said while yawning.

    Frank was dressed and ready to go. He looked as though he’d been up for hours. I couldn’t figure out how he was so bright eyed and bushy tailed at such an ungodly hour of the morning.

    Morning. Sleep well?

    Morning. Not bad thanks. You? I said, yawning.

    Slept great. All will be well, I’m sure, Frank said.

    He winked at me as he sipped his coffee. I was sure he could tell I was anxious.

    Morning, Dad. Aren’t you exhausted?

    No. Mom and I have been up for a while. Let’s get a move on; see you downstairs.

    I couldn’t wait for the day the knots in my stomach would be gone for good. I was so over being anxious all the time. I watched Hunter get dressed and forgot about the nerves for a minute. I took another look at my beautiful ring and smiled. I was getting restless and couldn’t wait to get going.

    I’ll meet you downstairs. Do you want coffee? I said, hugging him.

    Please. I’ll be right down, he said, then kissed my forehead.

    Hurry up. I don’t want to be late.

    I kissed his soft lips. He smelled so damn good. He was beautiful; it took my breath away. His golden hair had been slicked back. No matter what he wore or how he brushed his hair, the mere sight of him sent me into a tailspin.

    Finally, Hunter came downstairs; Cindy followed behind him. Frank put our bags in the truck. We were out the door by 3:40 that morning. Everything at that time of the morning seemed serene and undisturbed. The birds weren’t even awake yet.

    You did get a hotel reservation, didn’t you? I asked in a panic.

    Of course I did. The Marriot on Broadway.

    Relieved, I smiled, and said, Oh, okay.

    Cindy reached back to take my hand. I leaned forward and latched onto her.

    Don’t forget, Frank will call Kirk first thing this morning; he’ll make arrangements to get you into the Mack’s house with a police escort.

    I don’t know if I’m ready for that, but I did leave things behind. Deloris probably threw everything out. But we’ll see.

    Hunter put his arm around me; I leaned back onto the seat. I stared into the darkness as we drove to the airport.

    I vividly remembered the day I’d found a hidden house key. Deloris had no clue that I was aware of it. I wasn’t allowed to have a house key. She was in the backyard getting drunk and yelling at the neighbor’s dogs. I looked out of my bedroom window to see why she was fussing. I saw her hide something under a large planter. After she was totally blitzed and passed out in the living room, I went down to see what it was. I was shocked to find the key.

    On several occasions when the Macks were passed out drunk, I would sneak out and go for a walk. I usually ended up at the park on Hobart Street, behind the elementary school.

    Sometimes I’d go to Astoria Park, on Forty-Sixth Street. I had to get away; it didn’t matter where I went. I just didn’t want to be at that house. That was as far away as I could get without any money.

    Looking back, I realize how dangerous it was for me to be alone at night over there. But at the time, I didn’t care what happened to me.

    I was startled back to reality when I heard Cindy’s voice as the car came to a stop. I realized we’d pulled into the airport and up to the curb.

    Keep in touch; let us know what’s going on.

    We will, Mom. Thanks. Love you.

    Try and have some fun while you’re there, Frank said.

    Thanks for everything, I said.

    We hugged Cindy and Frank, then said goodbye.

    We waved to them as we walked through the terminal doors.

    I was reticent as we arrived at our gate. It was 4:45 and I think Hunter knew I wasn’t in the mood for conversation.

    We had some time to kill before boarding, so we went into the magazine shop. Hunter found a cute little lavender teddy bear holding a red heart in his hands. After the cashier rang it up, Hunter handed it to me. I kissed his cheek softly.

    Thanks, Babe. You always know how to make me smile.

    It’s what I do, he said, winking at me.

    While waiting to board, Hunter put his arm around me and stroked my hair. I got more anxious as the minutes ticked by. Finally, First Class was called to board.

    We stowed our bags and got comfortable. Hunter moved the armrest and pulled me in close to him. I closed my eyes and waited for the flight attendant to start the announcements.

    A very attractive, blond-haired stewardess picked up and began talking. I listened as the plane taxied away from the gate. I knew I’d be a ball of nerves during take-off.

    As soon as I felt the plane lurch forward and pick up speed, I gripped Hunter’s arm, nearly digging my nails into him. I held the armrest tightly and pressed my back against the seat. I clenched my teeth and held my breath. Hunter put his hand over mine; I loosened my grip as the plane ascended. I started to breathe normally once we leveled off.

    Everything’s going to be okay. I’m here, and nothing’s going to happen to you.

    I hate taking off. I’m sure I’ll get used to it, I said, wiping the beads of sweat from my forehead.

    I worried we wouldn’t make it to the bank before closing. I rested my head back and stared out the window.

    One of the flight attendants incessantly made eyes at Hunter. I was getting pissed off; I wasn’t in the mood to deal with this bimbo. I tried to ignore her, but every time she walked by us, she’d smile and wink at him. Was she that oblivious he was with me?

    The shit was about to hit the fan; she came over and started chatting with him. I ignored her at first to see what she would do.

    Are you enjoying your flight sir, can I get you anything? How about a pillow? she asked with a smile.

    Then, she reached out and tried to put the pillow behind his head.

    Thank you, he replied, taking the pillow from her.

    She tried to lean over and stick her chest in his face. My blood boiled.

    You look familiar. Where have I seen you before? Perhaps on another flight?

    It is possible; I fly this airline frequently. Will you please get my Fiancée a blanket?

    Oh, yes, sure. I’ll be right back.

    As she turned to walk away, she wiped her hands over her ass, smoothing her skirt, making it obvious she wanted Hunter to notice her. I didn’t say a word.

    Women flirted with him no matter where we went. Just because I was getting used to it, didn’t mean I had to sit back and let it happen. I had a voice and needed to speak up.

    Are you alright, Babe? he asked, rubbing my leg.

    I’m fine. Just tired and anxious. I can’t wait to for this day to be over. I’m curious to see what’s in that safety deposit box.

    Before he could reply, the stewardess came back with a blanket. I smiled and put it over my shoulders. I waited for her to leave. Of course, she stood waiting for Hunter to say something.

    I swear, I’ve seen you somewhere before. It will come to me, she said, batting her eyelashes.

    I sighed but didn’t say a word as she walked away.

    The pretty blond stewardess brought us each a full breakfast of bacon, eggs and hash browns with a bagel, orange juice, and coffee.

    Sadly, it wasn’t long before my favorite stewardess came rushing over to Hunter. She stopped dead and put both of her hands on his shoulders, practically shoving her chest in his face.

    You’re Hunter Lane, aren’t you? I read an article about you in the newspaper recently. May I take a picture with you?

    Without waiting for him to reply, she took her phone out of her apron. Hunter grabbed the phone, and she smiled. I gritted my teeth and took a deep breath.

    Yes, that’s me. No, you may not have a picture. My Fiancée and I wish not to be disturbed.

    Inside, I was jumping up and down. I looked coldly at this air-head, but she just didn’t get it. What a bimbo!

    Are you sure? Just one picture? she asked, leaning in closer to him.

    No, Hunter said bluntly, then handed her the phone.

    Not even one? I’ll be quick, I…,

    Interrupting her, I stood up and got in her face. I spoke with authority.

    "Listen to me, Sweetheart. I SUGGEST you walk the hell away and leave us alone. If not, I’ll see to it that you no longer work for this airline!"

    I sat down, hoping she’d gotten the message.

    With attitude, she said, Fine, I get it!

    I could tell she was miffed as she walked away. I didn’t care and wasn’t in the mood for her shit.

    Wow, look at you all fierce, Babe.

    Yeah, I’m getting there. I smiled proudly, then kissed him.

    I hoped she would leave him alone the rest of the flight. But every time she walked by she’d smile and wink at Hunter. We continued to read our magazines and tried to ignore her.

    The pretty blond stewardess came over to us, and said, I’m sorry, she’s always bothering celebrities. She’s been warned about it. I’ll see to it that she’s taken care of.

    Thank you very much, Hunter said, putting his tray table up.

    I had plenty of time for a nap before we landed in New York. I stretched out and put my legs across Hunter’s lap and dozed off.

    When I woke up, my neck ached. Hunter had fallen asleep as well. When I moved to get up, his eyes opened. I sat up and leaned over kiss him.

    Did you have a nice nap, Beautiful?

    I did, thank you.

    I got up to use the bathroom and tried not to bother the sleeping couple in front of us.

    Hang on, I’ll go with you, he said with a devious smile.

    I think I’m capable of using the facilities by myself. I am a big girl, you know.

    Trust me, just go!

    He winked at me and I melted.

    I had no idea why he’d be following me to the bathroom. It was super tiny. What was he thinking?

    I walked to the bathroom and closed the door. Shortly after finishing up, I heard Hunter knock.

    Open up, Babe.

    Hang on, I said, reluctantly opening the door.

    Hi, Sexy, he said, entering the lavatory.

    He pulled me close and kissed me passionately. My heart beat faster; my knees went weak.

    Sooo, as you can see, I’m alright.

    Of course you are. I thought we could have some fun.

    Shyly, I asked, Right here?

    He reached down, unbuttoned my jeans and slid his hand into my panties. He wrapped his left arm around me, kissing me hard. Butterflies flooded my stomach as he maneuvered his fingers back and forth. I couldn’t believe he was going to fuck me in the tiny lavatory.

    I bit my top lip as I moaned. I grabbed onto him and buried my face into his chest. It wasn’t long before I exploded. He brought his fingers to his lips and slid them into his mouth.

    Mmmm, you taste good, Baby.

    Damn, Babe! I said, trying to gain my composure.

    It wasn’t long before his hands were on my shoulders gently pushing me to sit down. He unzipped and dropped his pants, revealing his rock hard goods. He placed my hand around his shaft; I stroked him slowly.

    He grabbed a handful of my hair; I opened my mouth and took him all in. Slowly, I pulsed back and forth. He moaned with pleasure. I took my time and licked him slowly from the tip to the base.

    He moaned louder. He stopped me suddenly, taking me by surprise.

    Reach into my pants, grab my wallet, then take your pants off, he demanded softly.

    He took a condom out of his wallet and slowly put it on. With ease, he lifted me onto the edge of the cold lavatory sink. I squealed as soon as it touched my ass. He leaned down and licked my peach; I was soaked and ready to explode again.

    He sat down, I straddled him as he slid slowly into me. I reached out for something to hold onto, and nearly yanked the liquid soap dispenser off the sink. I was unable to maneuver myself in the tiny space. He put his arms around me and wrapped my legs around his waist. He stood up and leaned me against the thin door. He buried his face into my neck and pumped me hard. It wasn’t long before he exploded with force. He grunted, and I could feel his sweat trickle down my neck.

    There we were, pressed up against the lavatory door, sweating and shaking. Slowly we separated. I tried my best to stand on my shaking legs. What the hell had we just done?

    "Damn, Woman, that was hot. Welcome to the Mile High Club," he said, deviously.

    Hunter Lane, you’ve corrupted me, I said, laughing.

    I’m sure I can think of some other good places for us to fuck.

    He laughed as he washed up.

    You’re bad, I said.

    I am, but you love it, he said, zipping his pants.

    I have to admit, I do.

    It was ridiculous trying to clean up in the tiny lavatory. It was too small for one person, never mind two. He looked into the mirror and splashed some water on his face, then ran his fingers through his hair.

    I’ll walk out first, come out when you’re cleaned up.

    He kissed me, then scurried out before I could say a word.

    I cleaned up and stood there in shock at what I’d done. I was sure that people would realize we’d been fucking in there.

    I took a deep breath and unlocked the door. As nonchalantly as I could, I walked out hoping that no one was paying attention. I sat down and smiled at him. He was a fantastic lover.

    So, what did you think of that? Hunter asked with a huge grin on his face.

    Holy fuck! Are you serious? It was incredible. I didn’t think I would be able to keep my mouth shut, I whispered.

    An older couple across the aisle watched as we came back. I was sure they knew what we’d done. I felt my face go flush when the woman smiled and winked at me.

    Hunter squeezed my hand. Grinning, he said, If you’re a good girl, we can do that again on the way back.

    I’ll have to remember that, I said, trying to sound sexy.

    I bet that door swing would come in handy in that little lavatory. I thought to myself.

    I can’t get enough of you, he said, smiling.

    Well, Babe, the feeling is mutual. The thought of you inside me makes my body tingle. I want to learn new things and explore it all with you.

    I reached out and stroked his cheek with the back of my hand.

    I’ll make you feel things you’ve never dreamed of.

    The thought of that made my whole body numb. He kissed my nose and handed me a magazine. I flipped the pages and got bored. I leaned back and watched the clouds float effortlessly across the sky.

    We finally landed; it was 2:45, New York time. The pretty blond stewardess apologized again as we began to exit the plane. Hunter grabbed her to snap a quick picture. I could tell the other flight attendant was pissed off.

    Thanks so much. Maybe I’ll see you on the return flight. Stay warm, she said, smiling.

    Hunter pulled his business card out of the pretty, gold card case and handed it to her.

    If you’re ever in California, call me. Evie and I will take you on a tour of the Studio.

    The look of jealousy on the face of the other flight attendant was priceless.

    I’ll do that, thanks so much. You two have a fantastic time in New York.

    She shook his hand and gave me a hug. I felt like a celebrity. We got off the plane and made our way through the terminal.

    A fiery red-haired chauffeur was waiting for us. She held a sign that read Hunter Lane. When she saw Hunter, she rushed toward us.

    Hi, Mr. Lane, great to see you again. Did you check any bags?

    Hi, Cheyenne. Thanks for meeting us on such short notice. This is my Fiancée, Evie. No, just the carry-on bags. We’ll need to go to the bank on Metropolitan Avenue in Forest Hills first.

    I smiled and shook her hand. Pleased to meet you, Cheyenne.

    The pleasure is all mine. Let me take that bag for you.

    The cold air stunned me as we walked outside toward the shiny, black luxury sedan. Thankfully, Cheyenne had snagged a spot fairly close to the terminal.

    I enjoyed seeing the sights of New York again. Suddenly, nausea hit me in the pit of my stomach. I hoped Cheyenne wouldn’t take the Queensboro Bridge. Hunter handed her a slip of paper with the bank’s address. He texted Cindy and Frank, then dialed the bank.

    May I speak with Mrs. Mardino, please? This is Mr. Lane.

    He waited in silence for her to answer. Hi, Mrs. Mardino, Evie and I should arrive before you close. He paused. Yes, that’s perfect. See you then. Thank you.

    I surveyed the familiar, yet vague sights of the Grand Central Parkway. It seemed an eternity since I’d traveled that road. Cheyenne maneuvered onto the Jackie Robinson Parkway, then onto Metropolitan Avenue.

    The knots in my stomach got tighter as we drove past the antique store. I remembered how Mom and I often visited Cheryl when she lived above that store. She probably didn’t live there anymore. My heart nearly hit my throat, and I stifled the tears.

    We drove past the funeral home, then Seventy-First Avenue. I took a deep breath when I saw the bank on the right. Hunter took my hand, and we started to walk.

    We’ll probably be a little while, Hunter said to Cheyenne.

    Take your time.

    The bank was busy for a Thursday afternoon. We sat down and waited for Mrs. Mardino. I watched people come and go. I recognized Mrs. Mardino walking toward us and stood up immediately. It was as though I’d seen her last week. As soon as she was close enough, she grabbed hold of me and squeezed.

    Evie, you’ve grown into such a beautiful young lady. Your parents would be so proud. I’d recognize you anywhere. I’m so sorry we have to see each other under these circumstances.

    Mrs. Mardino, thank you so much. It’s a pleasure to see a friendly face from my past. I appreciate you seeing us on such short notice.

    Handing me a grape lollipop, she said, It’s wonderful to see you, Evie.

    That was always my favorite part of coming to the bank.

    Hunter smiled at her. Thank you for your help, I appreciate it. I assume you have a copy of the court order.

    All the paperwork is right here, Mr. Lane. Follow me. When you’re finished, meet me at my desk. We’ll go through the account.

    Will do, thank you, Hunter replied.

    She pulled down Mom’s box, then escorted us to a small private room. My hands shook; my heart raced. Hunter rubbed my back as I stared at the box.

    Do you want me to wait outside? he asked.

    No, please stay.

    Of course, Angel. I’m here.

    I wondered what my Mom was thinking the last time she was here. Tears slid down my cheeks as I opened the box.

    The box contained a bank book, two large Manilla envelopes, a small wooden antique jewelry box, and a large waxed paper bag filled with pictures.

    Hunter sat quietly as I sifted through the pictures of family I’d never met, as well as some pictures of me with my parents. I couldn’t understand why Mom put them in that box. I did recognize her handwriting on the back of each picture.

    Take your time, we’re not in a rush.

    Thanks. This is strange, I said, wiping the tears from my eyes.

    One manila envelope contained a stack of fifty dollar savings bonds. But I was more stunned when I opened the other and saw stock certificates that had been purchased back in nineteen eighty-six. When Hunter looked closer, his jaw nearly hit the floor.

    I had no idea my parents bought stock in anything, I said, handing him the certificates.

    Holy shit, Babe, these have to be worth a small fortune by now. I’ll have our stockbroker look at them. I’m no expert, but this is excellent stock. You could be very rich, he said, laughing.

    You’re crazy; no way that my parents had money to buy expensive stock.

    Babe, anything is possible.


    I opened the savings passbook; the balance read six thousand dollars. There probably wasn’t much left after the accruing fees. I put it aside and opened the jewelry box.

    I couldn’t believe what I saw. There was a set of wedding bands and an engagement ring that belonged to my Mom’s parents, a gold watch that belonged to my Dad’s father, a locket with a picture of my Mom and Dad’s parents, and a pair of diamond earrings that belonged to one of my Dad’s aunts. Each piece of jewelry was in a small plastic bag and contained a note as to whom they’d once belonged. I took the locket out and put it on. Mom was very meticulous and deliberate with the contents of this box. She could never have known that this box would be the only family link I’d have left.

    I gathered everything, then went to Mrs. Mardino’s desk.

    Okay, let’s see what we’ve got here, she said, going through the passbook and bonds.

    I don’t understand why my parents never made a will, I said in a confused tone.

    Evie, Mom and I talked about it all the time. I gave her the number to an attorney. She and your Father had an appointment to see him. Sadly they passed a few weeks before the appointment. I was devastated when I heard that.

    Well, at least I’ve got this stuff now. I’m a little worse for the wear, but I’ll be alright.

    I wish I could turn back the clock, Sweetheart.

    She smiled and wiped a tear from her eye.

    Me too, I said.

    She sat quietly going through the bonds and savings account. I assumed that she had good news. Her smile grew as she continued hitting the adding machine keys. The suspense was killing me.

    With the savings balance and all the bonds you’ve got seventy-five hundred dollars here. I’m assuming you want to close the account.

    I guess so. It stinks that you don’t have a branch in California. Can you give me a check?

    Of course. Do you want any cash?

    Sure, Fifteen hundred dollars, please.

    Of course. I’ll be right back.

    Hunter and I waited for her to return. My head was spinning as I looked around the bank at the familiar surroundings.

    Here you go, Sweetie. I kept a close watch on that box all these years. I tried so many times to get in touch with you, but no one would give me any information.

    I appreciate it, and I know my parents would too. My caseworker and the Macks were horrid; they made sure no one could find me.

    She sat with tears in her eyes, holding my hand as I gave her more details about what was going on.

    Oh Evie, I wish I had known. I would have done my best to make sure you were taken care of. Your parents were wonderful people. They’ll always have a special place in my heart, she said.

    Thank you so much, Mrs. Mardino. The fact that you managed to make sure nothing happened to that box means the world to me. The jewelry and pictures alone can never be replaced. I hope we can keep in touch.

    I’d love that.

    She wrote her personal information down on her business card and handed it to me.

    I appreciate your help, thank you, Hunter said, shaking her hand.

    "You’re very welcome. I wish you two the absolute best. Let me know if there’s ever anything I can do for you."

    I will, thanks again, I said.

    She escorted us out the front door and hugged her. After stepping onto the sidewalk, I looked back to wave at her and saw her wiping tears from her eyes.

    Cheyenne, can you swing a U-turn? I’d like to go into the convenience store before we head into the City, Hunter said.

    Sure can, she said, then bolted across the busy street.

    While Hunter was in the store, I went through the pictures, Cheyenne didn’t say anything. She could tell I was crying; she handed me a box of tissues.

    Thank you, I said, wiping my face.

    Hunter came back with chips and soda for all of us. My stomach grumbled as soon as I put the first chip in my mouth.

    Inquisitively, I said, Hey, can we run back up Metropolitan? Not that I want to give anyone a heart attack, but maybe Cheryl still lives above that antique store.

    Sure. If you think you’re up for it.

    Cheyenne drove up and parked the car in front of the candy store. I started to get out, and Hunter grabbed my hand.

    Babe, wait for me. I’ll come with you!

    No, I’ll be alright, I said, getting out of the car.

    I dodged the cars as I walked across the street. I rang the doorbell. No answer. I rang again and waited, hoping she’d answer.

    A woman’s voice blared from the window above the store. I stepped back and looked up at the unfamiliar face.

    Yeah, who is it?

    I’m looking for a lady that used to live here; her name is Cheryl.

    Who are you, and what do you want?

    Does she still live here? I shouted.

    Maybe! Why?

    My name is Evie Adler. I have something important to speak to her about.

    Listen, kid, I ain’t buying anything. So this better not be a story.

    Adamantly, I asked, Ma’am, is she here or not?

    She didn’t answer me, slipped back into the house and slammed the window shut. I was gutted. I was about to walk away when I heard her come barreling down the stairs. She opened the door and looked at me like I was crazy.

    I’m sorry to bother you. I just need to know where she is.

    Little girl, I ain’t givin’ you no information about my Niece, but I’ll get a message to her.

    Are you pulling my leg? This is serious! I said.

    No! Do you want me to pull your leg?

    "NO, but I’d appreciate you getting a message to her."

    I took the pad and pen from my purse and wrote down my contact information. She grimaced when I handed it to her.

    "Please, tell her that Evie was here. I’m Lyla Adler’s daughter. She probably won’t believe you. But please, tell her to contact me as soon as she can."

    Yeah, okay, Evie. Got it. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m missing my shows.

    Thanks very much.

    She dashed into the hallway and slammed the metal door before I could reach out to shake her hand. I hoped this lady wasn’t messing with me. Maybe she was some nut and didn’t even know Cheryl.

    As I got into the car, Hunter asked, Does she still live there?

    Not sure. That woman said she was Cheryl’s Aunt, and appeared to be a little crazy. I gave her our contact info. Hopefully, she’ll give Cheryl the message. I’m so mad at myself because I don’t remember her last name. Honestly, the memory of her living here came just came flooding back to me as we drove past.

    I’m sure Hawkeye can get info for us if need be, Hunter said, writing down the address of the apartment.

    Before I knew it, we were heading through the Midtown Tunnel. Cheyenne eased through the crazy Manhattan traffic without incident.

    Thanks, we’ll see you at 7:30 tomorrow morning, Hunter said, shaking her hand.

    See you in the morning, she replied.

    She waved and pulled away from the curb. We checked in, then went up to the room. I wanted dinner, a hot shower, and sleep. We didn’t say much; Hunter knew I was still processing everything. He placed a room service order while I took a shower.

    By the time

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