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Discussing Israel
Discussing Israel
Discussing Israel
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Discussing Israel

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About this ebook

This work is a compilation of debates on the recurring scourge of anti-Semitism, which is once again rearing its head in Europe and in the USA, in relation to the situation of Israel and the rest of the Middle East.

The objective of the book is to provide readers with arguments (pro and contra) Israel and to show how sometimes arguments, which are critical of Israeli policies and of Zionism, are in reality motivated by base anti-Semitism.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateDec 21, 2017
Discussing Israel

Johan Eary

The author has served for 34 years in the Belgian Armed Forces. From 1981 till 2002 as a member of the Para Commando Regt/Bde. From 2002 until 2014 as military/political analyst in the Intelligence Service, specialized counter terror in Afghanistan and the Middle East. During his military career the author participated in operations in Africa, the Balcans (Bosnia and Kososvo), Afghanistan and Lebanon.

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    Discussing Israel - Johan Eary

    Copyright © 2018 by Johan Eary.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2017918928

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-5434-7163-2

          Softcover         978-1-5434-7164-9

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    Rev. date: 12/21/2017






    Definition Of Zionism And Anti Semitism

    Anti Semitism Disguised As Anti Zionism

    Anti Zionism

    Jews Have No Right To Be In Israel

    Anti Westernism And Anti Semitism

    Political Correctness

    Political Correctness

    Far Right Versus Far Left Anti Semitism

    Europe And Anti Semitism

    Eu Bias Against Israel

    Muslim Anti Semitism

    Bds Campaign

    Clean Break

    Israel Is A Colonialist Country

    Collateral Damage

    Double Standards

    Disproportionate Force

    Gaza Siege

    Humanitarian Efforts By Israel And Arab/Muslim States

    Holocaust Industry

    Israel Invaded Palestine

    If Israel Did Not Exist, Would The Middle East Be A More Peaceful Place?

    Israel Is An Apartheid State

    Israeli Human Rights Abuses

    Israel Is Unwilling To Negotiate Seriously

    Iran And Israel

    Iranian Provocations

    Iranian Moderate Islamists

    Israel And Lebanon

    Israel And Hezbollah

    Is Hezbollah A Progressive, Modern Movement?


    Land Grab

    Media Bias Against Israel

    Ngo Bias Against Israel

    Occupation - Settlements

    Resolution 2334 Condemning Israeli Settlements

    Palestinian Identity

    Palestinian Objectives

    Partition Plan 1947

    Russia And The Middle East


    Syrian Civil War

    Syria – Israel Peace

    Targeted Killings

    Terrorism Definition

    Terminology Used By The Media:

    Obama And Failure To Condemn Islamist Terrorism

    Terror Justification

    Turkey And Israel

    Two State Solution:

    United Nations And Israel

    Jan 2015 Death Of Spanish Unifil Soldier

    Us Israel Relationship

    United States Politics, Israel And Aipac

    Us Jews And Israel

    Us And The Middle East

    Us Jews And Israel

    Discussing Israel, Anti Semitism and anti Zionism


    T HE PAST YEARS, the scourge of Anti Semitism has made a come back, with a vengeance. Hardly a day passes when acts of hatred toward Jews are not reported both in Europe and in the United States.

    At the same time, hardly a day passes in which the state of Israel and the Palestinian question, as well as the entire region of the Middle East are not mentioned in the media.

    These topics often give rise to passionate and heated debate. In the course of these debates, the specter of anti Semitism often rears it’s ugly head.

    While it is undoubtedly true that some of those who are campaigning against Israel are motivated by a genuine concern for the fate of the Palestinian people, others, many others, are motivated by what can only be deemed as pure anti Semitism, often masquerading as anti Zionism.

    Over the course of several years, I have been engaged in many conversations (debates) on these subjects on social media. I have made a compilation of these conversations which form the basis of this work.

    As the topics discussed can raise strong passions and lead to heated debate, I have for the sake of decency left out or edited some of the more offensive remarks. Also, for the sake of privacy, I have deleted all names (even pseudonyms) of those taking part in the discussion.

    This book is in no way intended as to be presented as an authoritative or academic work. The aim is to give readers an idea of the intense feelings which exists regarding the problems of the Middle East, as well as it’s complexities.


    B EFORE ANYONE CAN discuss such matters as Zionism, anti Zionism or anti Semitism, it may be useful to define these terms.

    Definition of Zionism.

    When Theodor Herzl witnessed the public degradation of Alfred Dreyfus, and heard part of the crowd screaming death to the Jew, he realized that the crowd was not merely shouting for the death of Dreyfus, but for the death of Jews in general. Herzl, an assimilated Jew himself, realized that if such a spontaneous outburst of anti semitism was possible in a civilized as France, it meant that Jews would never be totally safe from persecution regardless of were they went. They would always be looked upon and tolerated as strangers in the best of cases, but would never be totally accepted. Forty years after the Dreyfus affair, Herzl’s fear became reality in so gruesome a way that not even Herzl himself could have foreseen in his worst nightmares. In 1935, the Nazis formulated the Nuremberg blood laws, which were the first step in the process of the holocaust.

    The only way Jews could be free from discrimination was to have a country of their own. This is no guarantee against anti semitism of course, but now, at least, Jews and people of Jewish descent have somewhere to go to in case they are victims of anti semitism in the country they are living.

    Let’s not for one moment think that what happened during the Holocaust can never happen again. It has already happened, albeit not to Jews but to other people. Remember the killing fields of Cambodia or the Rwandan genocide.

    Zionism is not an ideology of the left, neither of the right. One finds Zionists from one end of the political spectum to the other.

    To put it simply, Zionism is the belief that Jews should be able to live in a country of their own.

    Anti Semitism.

    Anti Semitism is hostility, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews. Antisemitism is generally considered to be a form of racism.

    Anti Semitism is sometimes called the worlds longest enduring hatred. Unfortunately, this form of racism is still very much with us in 2017.

    Without going into too much detail, I would say one can discern three main forms of anti Semitism.

    • The first form is what I call classic anti Semitism. This was prevalent in Europe from the Middle Ages up to the French Revolution and was based on religious motives. The Jews were accused of having, not only rejected, but also having murdered Jesus Christ. Therefore, in this line of reasoning, Christ had rejected the Jews and Christians were urged to do the same.

    • In the nineteenth century, with the rise of popular nationalism, another form of anti Semitism began to emerge, based on the idea that the Jews were an inferior race. This kind of anti Semitism found it’s most horrible expression in the Holocaust.

    • Lately, a third form of anti Semitism emerged disguised as anti Zionism.

    Classic anti Semitism.

    A perfect example of traditional anti Semitism was shown in an article which appeared on the Jerusalem Post in February 2017:

    Russian Politician, member of Putin’s party, claims Jewish ancestors boiled Christians in cauldrons. JP 14 FEB 2017


    He needs to be neutralized? Yes. Let’s hope Putting takes action against this vile anti Semite. On the other hand, I kind of wellcome the vile creature’s statements. It proves to those who have any doubts about the matter, that anti Semitism is alive and kicking. It underscores the need for a Jewish state and for that state to remain strong in the face of those who want to destroy it. Hate filled creatures like Milonov are living proof that Jews (and all others who oppose anti Semitism) should stand in solidarity with Israel and say: NEVER AGAIN.


    Very silly remark. Stay behind after school. You want all goim that do not follow your orders to be neutralized? Next time do not cry when you are be neutralized


    Simple question Do you approve of racism? Do you approve of bigotry. What this Russian politician said certainly qualifies as both.

    We want all people who tell lies that incite violence against us to be stopped. Those who write about neutralizing someone are not speaking literally. Neutralized in this case can mean that the politician in question is sanctioned by his party or that he be prosecuted in a court of law for hate speech or incitement to hate.

    We are only pointing out the absurdity of the defamation. In the Middle Ages, Jews were accused of using black magic to create the Black Plague. Such lies are no joke. Manny Russian Jews fled to the United States, some to Ottoman ruled Palestine (as it was then called), from Russia around 1905 between a pogrom in which hundreds of Jews were murdered and one in which thousands were murdered — for the crime of just being Jewish.

    Anti Semitism versus anti Zionism.

    Legitimate criticism of Israel or it’s government is not Anti Semitism. It it were so, then many, if not most Israelis can be accused of being rabid anti Semites. Many Israelis constantly criticize the government, and not always in very polite terms.

    Disagreeing with the occupation of the West Bank and the Golan, calling for an independent Palestinian state are perfectly legitmate points of view. One can agree with these points of view or strongly disagree, but they do not constitute anti Semitism.

    Singling out Israel for criticism or condemnation however, is a form of discrimination. Condemming the occupation of the disputed territories, supporting a BDS campaign, while all the time keeping silent about China’s occupation of Tibet or Turkey’s occupation of Northern Cyprus, (to name but two examples) is using different yardsticks to judge. That is discrimination. For that sort of discrimination there exists a specific term. It is called anti Semitism.

    Promoting conspiracy theories such as the ones proposed in the Protocols of the elders of Zion, namely, the Jews are out to control the world, Jew bankers control the world’s finances, are clear examples of blatant bias and prejudice.

    Denying Israel’s right to exist, calling for Jews to return to Europe, is and should be considered as anti Semitism. Why? Well let’s look at history. In 1933 there was not a single country that could or would stand up for Jews who were persecuted by the Nazis. Sure, some Jews, those who had money and influence managed to escape to the UK or the USA. Most European Jews did not have the means to do so. In any case, no country in the world took any measures against Hitler to force him to change his treatment of Jews. On 03 September 1939, the UK and France finally declared war on Nazi Germany, because Hitler had overplayed his hand and had invaded Poland. They din not do so because of his anti Semitic policies.

    Denying Jews a state of their own, putting them back into a position of helplesness may be called many things. I simply call it anti Semitism.

    More modern versions of such conspiracy theories are: the Jews control Hollywood, the Jews or the Zionists control the US Senate, US politicians are Zionist stooges, and so on. All these arguments are based not on an objective analysis, but on prejudice.

    When faced with the accusation of being anti Semites, some will counter by claiming to be anti-Zionist, not anti Semitic. Others even try to reverse the issue and to put the blame on the victim as can be seen in the following exchange.


    Netanyahu and the JPost do a good job of inciting and provoking antisemitism.

    Your comments also do a good job of it by conflating criticism of Israel’s policies and actions regarding the West Bank settlements and treatment of the Palestinians with objecting to the existence of Israel itself.

    Even more disgusting is your confusing criticism of Israel with antisemitism.

    You don’t seem to understand the difference between a Jew and an Israeli.

    Lot of Jews around the globe suffer antisemitism because of the immoral and illegal actions of Israel and assholes like Netanyahu proclaiming he represents all Jews.


    Let me repeat what I said before. Legitimate criticism of Israel or it’s government is not Anti Semitism. If that were the case then most Israelis could be deemed irremediable anti Semites, since many if not most Israeli citizens are sometimes very critical of their government or of certain politicians.

    Singling out Israel however, is anti Semitism. Condemning the occupation of the disputed territories, supporting a BDS campaign, while all the time keeping silent about China’s occupation of Tibet or Turkey’s occupation of Northern Cyprus, is using different yardsticks to judge. That is discrimination. For that sort of discrimination there exists a specific term.

    Anti Semites will hate Israel regardless of which party is in government. It is the very existence of the country that they object to.

    You are putting the blame on the victims. In case you hadn’t noticed: lots of Jews suffered from Anti Semitism long before there was an independent Jewish state, did they not?

    Counter argument:

    Your comment is ludicrous and childish.

    You people are always whining like small children that you are being singled out while other kids get away with murder.

    You make the problem of antisemitism even worse with that garbage


    Again, I see that you are blaming the victim. Tel me did Anti Semitism exist before the state of Israel existed or did it not?

    Counter argument:

    I was accurately describing your childish whining about Israel being singled out over the West Bank occupation.

    You remain confused about the difference between criticizing Israel and its policies with actual antisemitism.

    The problem is that Israel no more represents American Jews than Kaiser Wilhelm or Hitler represented American Germans.


    You did not answer the question. Did anti Semitism exist befor the creation of the state of israel or did it not?

    No one is claiming that Israel represents all Jews in the world. Israel was created in order to offer Jews a safe haven whenever anti Semitism rears it’s ugly head and Jews become the victims of persecution.

    It is very telling that you insert Kaiser Wilhelm and Hitler into your argument. Equating Israel with Nazi Germany or Prime Minister Netanyahu with Hitler is a tactic often used by those seeking to de legitimize the state of Israel.

    But, coming back to the former question, you still have not answered. Did anti Semitism exist before the state of israel came into existence or did it not?

    Counter argument:

    You are making a specious point. The fact that antisemitism existed before the State of Israel came into existence is irrelevant.

    Nobody can dispute that it is on the increase at the current time because because of the actions and rhetoric and policies of Netanyahu and the State of Israel.


    One who thinks that the existence of Anti Semitism before the creation of the state of Israel is irrelevant shows that either that individual has

    • No grasp of historic events or their importance

    • Is copletely biased and as a result, incapable of facing historic truths.

    Anyone who thinks that Semitism is the result of the current Israeli PM, is completely deluding him- or her self.

    Counter argument:

    Your dishonesty rivals your stupidity.

    Nobody can dispute that antisemitism is on the increase at the current time because because of the actions and rhetoric and policies of Netanyahu and the State of Israel


    Besides using slander, you fail to give a response to the original question. Did anti Semitism exist before israeli independence, or did it not?

    This is a typical argument used by the average anti Semite. Blaming the victim instead of condemming the perpetrators.


    Defining the problem.

    W E SHOULD MAKE a distinction between naked anti Semitism, that is to say, individuals who attack Jews simply because they hate Jews, and the more refined or politically Correct modern form, camouflaged as anti Zionism.

    In the US we have seen a rise in the former. Anti Semites, who support President Trump (while forgetting that Trump’s daughter is Jewish and married to a Jew, who is one of the President’s closest advisors) attack Jewish opponents of Trump, using anti Semitic language.

    In Europe, we see mainly the satter form, that is to say, anti Semitism disguised as anti Zionism.

    All manifestations of racism and anti Semitism are despicable and must be condemned.

    But which of the two, classic anti Semitism or anti Semitism camouflaged as anti Zionism, is more dangerous?

    Naked anti Semitism is the work of individuals, while PC anti Semitism is organized and supported by established political parties and other official organizations.

    Do parties which are labeled far right support BDS? Does Marine Le Pen support BDS? Does Geert Wilders ? The answer is: NO, they do not support boycotting the Jewish state in any way or from.

    On the other hand, do respectable parties on the left support BDS? Does Jeremy Corbyn support anti Israel Defamation? Do other left wing politicians support the demonization of Israel?

    Answer: YES, they do.

    So, which of the two strains of anti Semitism is the most dangerous?


    The Chosen people aim to rule the world.

    Had a conversation with a rabbi once

    Yes no kidding. The rabbi told me the following:

    HaShem gathered all nations to choose his chosen ones

    First He asked the Germans. But thou shall not kill: naaaah (nein)

    Then He asked the French. But thou shall not be adulterous Naaaaah (Non)

    At the end He asked us the Jews

    We asked : How much does it cost?

    HaShem said in Latin. Gratis(. Free)

    We took it. Oy have we been sorry


    The destiny of the chosen people is quite clear in the Hebrew scriptures -- to eventually run the world. Even non-Jews are subject to the laws of their god."


    I think you confuse Jews with Islamists. The aim of Islamists is to convert the whole world and to create a world wide Califate.

    Christians too see it as their duty to convert the entire world to their relgion. Nowadays, it must be said, most Christians are rather moderate or have become secular. In the past however, this was not the case. In past centuries, the drive to convert on Christians was very strong both among Catholics and Protestants.

    Jews (even Orthodox) have never been active in converting other people to their religion. Quite the opposite. It is not easy to convert to Judaism.

    The majority population in Israel are secular, not ultra orthodox. Israel certainly does not consider it a holy duty to convert te peoples of the Middle East, let alone the entire world, to Judaism.


    I very much know the history. There was peace in the Middle East for years until you all began murdering and killing everyone around you. I have seen the mangled legs of young men that look like hamburger and babies with planks through their heads from your bombs. I also know that it was you, the very same group, that started the Bolshevik Revolution that killed and starved approx. 75 Million people. You fly the Star of Remphan and lie about what it stands for. Your father is the devil and you do what he says. All of your financing is from the bankster Rothschild to try and achieve your world dominance and put your antiChrist on the throne. I have not fallen into any trap, especially not your pittyful lies and your hidden agenda


    Here we can see a real example of how traditional anti Semitism and anti Zionism go hand in hand.

    First, we see the traditional arguments put forward by anti Zionism: The Middle East was an oasis of peace and harmony before this peace was shattered by the Zionists. Which of course is complete nonsense. It suffices to take an objective look at history to realize the utter foolishness of such a claim. The author then gives a graphic description of the horrors of war, much in the overhyped tradition of Pallywood propagandists, portraying Israelis as baby killers and as cruel savages, intent only on killing as many people as possible regardless of the identity of the victims (civilians or combatants).

    Next, we see some of the classic anti Semite claims. The Jews were behind the Russian Revolution while at the same time they are leading the world of Capitalism. By being the driving forces behind both Communism and Capitalism, Jews ultimately seek to dominate the world. These are exactly the arguments used by Nazi propaganda.


    President Trump is a Jew.

    Donald is Jewish. He played a funny trick on white supremacists. Jews do make the best comedians. Donnie’s a hoot. He’s also incredibly volatile, sensitive, and unstable. Truly one of the most twisted mentally ill personalities I’ve ever had the displeasure of listening to and unfortunately for the rest of the world and the United States, mental illness can be transmitted socially to others. Ask anyone who’s worked in a mental hospital for years.


    Donald is neither Jewish (his daughter is, she converted after she married Jared Kuchner), not is he mentally ill. If being a successful businessman and rising to become President of the US is a sign of mental illness, then my I be smitten with the same affliction.

    Donald Trump is a Protestant, who has a lot of Jewish friends. His daughter, Ivanka, has converted to Judaism. Just google it! Why does one invent such ludicrous things?

    Counter argument:

    It’s not an invention. Donald’s father, Frederich

    Drumpf’s mother’s maiden name was Kober(and from people who wrote of her, they say her name was Kolber). On his mother’s side, her grandmother lists her sisters as Elisabetha Freund and Sylbia Schuster. Donald was born at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in Queens. His mother and father both died there. All the Trumps attended Kew Forrest, a Jewish school. Donald’s brother who died was a member of a Jewish fraternity in college and said in an interview the Trumps(Drumpfs) are in fact Jewish. When one looks at a photo of Donald as a younger man he looks nothing like he does now. His hair isn’t blond, and he’s had a nose job, extensive plastic surgery, and uses orange-tinted spray tanning products like John Boehner to hide his ethnicity and please don’t make us laugh about the Presbyterian claim. He’s not a protestant. He is no registered member of any Presbyterian church and he has only set foot in one twice, both of them photo ops. Melania is Jewish. Ivana his earlier wife was Jewish. Any more questions?

    Donald J. Drumpf’s true ethnicity and faith are Jewish and Chabad-Lubavitch. He was just at an Americans for Lubavitch reception with Kushner’s family. They’ve donated millions to the Chabad-Lubavitch missionaries, and he’s donated exactly zip to Presbyterian causes. Follow the money.


    It’s funny as I’ve seen on YouTube the story that Putin is also a Jew. Trust me that a person shouldn’t necessarily be a Jew to sympathize with us. We aren’t that horrible! And besides, Trump never made it a secret that he likes the Jews. I can’t imagine how the white supremacists could miss it? Either they’re very dumb indeed or, alternatively, they’re concerned much more with Muslims and/or Mexicans.

    Donald had a nose job? Really? So you seem to think that all Jews have hooked noses as depicted in Nazi propaganda cartoons? Ypur reasoning displays all the classic symptoms of the real anti Semite.

    As for Melania Trump being Jewish, again, this is not true. Melania Knavs as she was then known was secretly baptized by Franc Čampa, the parish priest of St. Lawrence’s Church in Raka, (Republic of Slovenia in the former Yugoslavia) on June 14, 1970.[

    Counter argument:

    You don’t understand how the white supremacists could miss it? Well that’s the easiest thing to explain.

    Jews have learned to make money off racism and anti-Semitism. The white supremacists are welcome over at the halls of Breitbart (owned 100% by Jews). They even print headlines specifically aimed to draw in White Supremacists. I suspect it has a twofold purpose. One, to keep your enemies close, and two, because they enjoy mocking them. The headlines will often read something akin to ZIONISTS back at it again Israel angry at US.

    Unfortunately, it’s big business as you can I’m sure attest to, because many in Israel receive reparations from Germany despite the fact that there are likely few still alive that would be responsible for it and should pay for it. How you all managed to con Germany’s youth into paying for the sins of their fathers is a magic trick the likes I’ve never seen.


    Here we see once again the classic anti Semite reasoning at work. Jews control the press, Jews manipulate everybody. Even those who hate Jews are in fact manipulated by them and so on.

    After World War II, West Germany paid reparations to Israel and the World Jewish Congress for confiscated Jewish property under Nuremberg laws, forced labour and persecution. However, no reparations were paid for killed Jews during the Holocaust.

    Individual Jews have sued and have received reparations for property confiscated by the Nazi regime.

    Although, truth be told, no amount of financial compensation can make up for the loss and the suffering that victims of the Nazi regime endured.

    Accusing the victims of genocide of profiteering from the crimes they were subjected to is despicable and proof of anti Semitism. By the way this argument is also regularly used by modern day Neo Nazis.

    Counter argument:

    Hmm. Let’s see. Two massive depressions struck Germany triggering two world wars. Jews had taken over aspects of the German government as well as banking. US great depression. Jews. Most recent great recession, Lehman Brothers/Goldman Sachs, both Jewish owned banks. Now say again? Jews don’t do what?


    Historically Jews never caused economic demise to the host nations. But some individual Jews did well for themselves and were hated by many jealous people. So, in aftermath of the economic prosperity, the Jews were expelled (say from Spain), and the results of their exile were truly disastrous. Just recalling nowadays Russian joke: Our life is so bad because of the Jews: Too many of them have left the country!

    Of course, there are Jewish criminals as well. So, when one Jew commits a crime or behaves in an immoral way, all Jews get blamed. Typical argument used by anti Semitic hate mongers.

    Counter argument:

    I know. The American atheist Jews I have no problem with. They left the camps understanding that they had been abandoned by God and decided to live a good life here in America and do good works. The other Jews that had the camp doors flung open raced straight for the bayonets, rifles, and long knives and went to work slaughtering some 400,000 German POW’s trapped in cells to the horror of the onlooker Red Army and Allied forces. My grandfather being one of them. Those Jews were filled with righteous anger and fled to Israel.


    400.000 German POW slaughtered by surviving (emaciated and weakened) holocaust survivors? Really? Do you believe the nonsense you are spouting? And you dare accuse President Trump of having a mental problem? Looks to me it is you who has problems in that department


    Netanyahu is on record stating he hates the United States. Hates it with a passion and sees it as Israel’s Golden Calf. His words, not mine. One glance at that entry in Wikipedia tells me we’re to be sacrificed, carved up, packaged, and eaten one day if we do not stop Israel first preemptively.

    Israel only has 500 nukes. Russia and the US should team up and one should distract Israel while the other bombs them.


    Wealth should be continuously created, like blood in our body. That’s why little loss of blood is harmless, while a lot and in one go might be disastrous. I tried to explain to you that the Jews have no interest to harm their host nations because they’re having really good life, why would one kill a chicken that

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