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In the Solitude of the Night
In the Solitude of the Night
In the Solitude of the Night
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In the Solitude of the Night

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A volunteer named Joyce Ryan lost her befriended elderly lady; in an unexpected circumstance. In general terms, it brought to the fore the widespread concept of loneliness and isolation; particularly in the elderly and the disabled.

The sad occurrence caused the bereaved volunteer, and her associates to instigate debates and discussions, including reviews of the structure of care and contacts with those deemed to be vulnerable in the United Kingdom.

The time, and nature of her befriended elderly ladys loss, brought back memories of her early deprivations in her own life. She also had extended reflections on the caring, giving and inclusive life of the lady that passed away.
Release dateDec 30, 2017
In the Solitude of the Night

Virginia Egbujor

Virginia Ada Egbujor is a literary fiction writer. (Novelist.) Her other Novels include: As the sky Darkened: the untold story of Biafra the homeland Footprints of the Amazons A lonely place to be: the tale of a migrant The Wounded Warrior. All published by Author house publishers.

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    In the Solitude of the Night - Virginia Egbujor

    © 2018 Virginia Egbujor. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse   12/28/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-8642-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-8643-1 (e)

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    The Novel is dedicated to the elderly and all the people; young and old who are afflicted by Loneliness.


    I am thankful for the professional and ethical disposition of my Marketing Consultant Mr. Abel Turner. I appreciate the inclusive nature of my Publishing Consultant; Ms Judd Cur and Mr Glen Garcia the convener of my website; at I’m thankful for his efforts to bring my books to the reading audience.

    The clerical work of: Ms Anita Mpamugo in typing the handwritten manuscript for me remains excellent. Thank you one and all!


    oyce Ryan went into the room to pick up her travelling bag. She had been in Spain for the past two weeks with two of her friends. It was to have a break and remove themselves for a short while from the hustle and bustle of the city life and work in England. The three friends had booked into an economy hotel in the suburbs. Jesse and Freda, her friends, have shared the bigger room and she had been in the smaller one. It appeared that Jesse and Freda want to spend some time more; not yet ready to go.

    They had attended the same school and college, and were members of the same church in the middle of their West Midland city of Birmingham. The friends were also in the befriend club of the church. Here in the club, the young persons; males and females volunteer to offer companionship to people, particularly the elderly who are alone. Some may be lonesome and vulnerable. In some cases, the elderly in the country fall in the category of people who nobody wants. They may have children. They may have children who are grown up and perhaps have left home, or even away from the country. Others could be widowed and have no children of their own. Sadly, that is relevant to many that the ‘befriending’ young people help. It is where Linda finds herself; and Joyce got connected to her from the church, and they can pass for real relatives, at least as the grand-mother or the great aunt that Joyce had only for a brief period.

    When Joyce reminded her friends the day of their return home in England, both friends had made other plans, behind her back. Jesse was the first to speak. I was thinking Joyce. We could spend two more days at least! Freda also agrees. We are sorry you didn’t know about this change of plan. I was thinking that now we are out here, we can make the most of it; we can make the most of our time out here. Two or three additional days will not hurt. It is warmer a bit, more in Spain. What is more, we have about one week to spare in our requested holiday from work. It is not like there is any child crying for our attention at home. Jesse chuckled, as she does when she wants to put on the fake mischievous side of her.

    They were twenty-two year old young women. They have been together for long spells of time, considering being mates at primary and secondary schools. Freda and Jesse left school at sixteen. Joyce went on to do her A-levels. She was not very outstanding in her grade. All friends attended the state schools, or comprehensive institutions. There was not a choice for Grammar school exposure for the girls. It is accepted that the education environment is a privilege and it more or less runs in the family. It is an acceptance from people of humble working class. The three girls agree that outright academic pursuit is not for them. Joyce tried to break that glass ceiling, but the effort did not pay off. For all of them, the love, meaning; the Christian love for all is foremost in their upbringing. It may not be mere coincidence or for absence of something better to take up as a profession. They are all in the caring career, and appear to love and enjoy it.

    Joyce gave Jesse time to finish speaking and then she said, I know you are still in a leisurely mood. I don’t blame you, given all we go through at home. We have to do our basic fulltime jobs of 37 and more hours per week. Then, get in some agency or locum additions and we don’t forget our befriended elders. It is essential.

    Then Freda cut in, she spoke for the first time: remember that we were advised, when we joined the club of befriend, that we should not allow the role to bring conflict to our lives. We have to live our normal lives as young women or girls. We’re still girls aren’t we She smiled looking at each of the other girls’ faces.

    I understand you Freda; Joyce went on, but some other things may be important as well as far as extending our stay is concerned. First, we have to rebook our stay in this hotel. It is inexpensive, though, but don’t forget that there may be bookings immediately following ours. Have you made sure we’re not usurping the orders of people behind us? Secondly, what of rebooking our flights back? We’re booked to leave this afternoon. Finally, this is particular to me, I’m sorry to say that I’m getting worried about Linda. She has not answered her calls for three days, I may be wrong, but it is unlike her not to do so. I have always left messages for her, and my greatest shock and apprehension increased when I called again this morning and was not able to leave a message. I was informed that the mail box was full.

    That appears scary! Jesse said. You can then go without us. I’m sorry. As for extending our stay in the hotel, I took it for granted, that ‘were all in it together’ as our former prime minister used to say. I had extended our stay when you were glued on your laptop yesterday. I did not want to disturb you. I can do the flight rebooking straightaway. The hotel reception clerk did not mind any change in our departure date. They were even happy for the extension. To think of it, how often do they get three friends coming to stay together? They promised that the rooms are still for us. We can keep them; at least Freda can have her own room. Yes Freda gleefully joined in, and she can happily disengage from her mum’s or aunt’s apron strings here in pretty warm Spain. Tell me about it, the three girls said collaboratively, as they remembered how it is growing colder every day in the dear old England. The weather man does not miss to tell everybody what lies ahead.

    Joyce took leave of her friends and went to say ‘goodbye’ to the staff of the hotel, in the reception area. She and others have a working knowledge of the Spanish language. They studied it at school as part of modern languages course. The teacher had informed the class that it was essential as members of the European Union. It is easy to find one’s way in any country, if they can communicate in the language. Foreign language learning is quite easy for Joyce. It was part of her A’ level studies. Though further academic pursuit is not in the works for her, but that may be only for now. Who knows what the future may hold in store. In the meantime, these can be put into practical use when she travels to these neighbouring countries. As Joyce left the office or the reception, she thought of what will happen now her country has indicated her withdrawal from the Union, by voting to leave. It was very recently and the reverberations of the shock of the actions on the 23rd June 2016 have not completely steadied yet. Though the divorce papers are not filed yet meaning; the invoking of the ‘separating article 50’ of the Treaty of Lisbon but in all intents and purposes it is only a question of when not if.

    When she left the reception, she saw Jesse and Freda waiting for her at the Lobby. There was a thought in her mind and also a question ‘did the girls have a rethink? Did they want to travel with her?’ no, none of that was practicable. They did not look like prospective travellers, by the look of them. They were still in their slippers and their demeanour was very leisurely and layback. She did not blame them for making the most of the time. They had only come to wave goodbye to her. Jesse waved her goodbye by hugging her and offering an apology for letting her travel back alone. Joyce accepted her apology by saying it’s ok, and not at all. When Freda spoke in the same vein. It is a well-known tongue in the cheek philosophy of the people. It is rare for people to say how they really feel. They would run the risk of being dubbed rude.

    She called for a taxi to take her to the Airport. In no time, one of the new Uber taxi brands arrived. There was no haggling for charge. It is already pasted in front, beside the seat.

    Joyce continued to think about Linda as she travelled to the Airport. She had remembered to buy her Christmas card. It was late November, not yet December. She knows that this season of the year is a never forget period for Linda. She confides in Joyce that as little kids, she used to be jealous of Joshua her young brother. He was born shortly before Christmas. Just two days before the greatest day of the year. She used to tease her younger brother that he could not wait to arrive; to partake in the large Christmas lunch, their mum used to prepare. As Joshua grew older he was quick to return her teasing by saying ‘Sorry sis you’ve always been a late goer, you missed the great day by five slow days’. Sometimes the teasing and bantering will escalate and Rachael; their mum would intervene by shouting to them, to stop it now. It is a season of ‘peace and joy’. There should be no teasing. Linda said their mum would name her in particular. Lin, you should know better, not take your little brother to too much task.

    "To think

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