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Brothers with Vengeance: Power & the Strength of Two Billionaires
Brothers with Vengeance: Power & the Strength of Two Billionaires
Brothers with Vengeance: Power & the Strength of Two Billionaires
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Brothers with Vengeance: Power & the Strength of Two Billionaires

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The McClain Brothers Michael & Brian are two wealth investors running a billion-dollar investment firm on Wall Street. One night the brothers were partying at a night club owned by Merlind an Albanian mobster. A fist fight erupted between the brothers & the Albanians, resulting in the brothers getting thrown out. Humiliated, Brian buys an empty building down the block, turning it into the hottest club in New York City, booking the best artistes in the music industry. Eventually, Merlinds club went out of business causing tension between the Albanians. Furious, Merlind orders a hit team to take out the brothers. Suddenly Edward, the father of the McClain Brothers was mysteriously found dead.

Now with the McClain Brothers at war with the Albanians, a slew of suspects involving Edwards murder, and Michaels daughter violated by a serial predator forcing Michael to go after the rapist, clearly is a recipe for Vengeance to brew in their blood. Now they are forced to retaliate before they become victims themselves.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 3, 2017
Brothers with Vengeance: Power & the Strength of Two Billionaires

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    Brothers with Vengeance - Jay Filter

    Copyright © 2017 by Jay Filter.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2017909970

    ISBN:   Hardcover   978-1-5434-3152-0

       Softcover   978-1-5434-3151-3

       eBook   978-1-5434-3153-7

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the

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    Rev. date: 12/08/2017





    I like to thank God, family, friends & everyone who has read this book. It’s been a long journey but a rewarding one. I couldn’t have done it without all the support. Bless you all. And remember, love yourself first, and always love to be loved with nothing in return.


    The Chinatown and Kew Gardens Stakeout

    The Deadly Home Invasion

    The Dark Side of The Diamondeer Club

    Cheers to The Six-Figure Acquisition

    The McClain Brothers Head to the Diamondeer Club

    The Brawl in The Diamondeer Club

    The Race That Burned His Face

    The Corrections Officer, The Lifer, and What Goes on Behind the Walls of Griswold Correctional Facility

    The Sexual Predator Strikes Again

    Officer Christina Vargas and the Crackdown on D Block

    Norman Chambers, aka Mad Dog, Erupts in D-Block

    Surprise Office Party for the Billionaire Twins

    Melvin, the South Bronx DJ, gets an Internship at McClain’s

    From Ferraris to Ferrari Jet Boats

    The Super Speedboat Race to the Brothers’ Mansion Party

    Magic in the Mansion: The Billionaire’s Heir and The Chef’s Daughter

    Shana, her Grandfather and the Family Photo Album

    Shana’s Encounter with a Copperhead Snake

    Club Vengeance. [The Payback, Phase I]

    Daisy Gets a Pass

    Shana’s Recovery

    A Bouquet for the Doctor from the CEO

    Edward’s Rejection

    Shana, The Lady Doctor and a Visit from Uncle Brian

    Christina and Brian’s Love Blossoms

    Michael, Lesley and the Wine-Tasting Adventure

    Police Sift through Evidence as Manhunt for Rapist Continues

    Shana Calls Her Grandfather

    A Double Date at the Wine Tasting

    Michael Asks Shana for her Opinion on Lesley

    Brian and Christina On a Helicopter Date

    The Brothers Are Falling in Love

    The Mutilator Strikes again

    Mad Dog Returns Back to Population

    Shana’s Rape Nightmares

    Michael’s Thoughts of Revenge

    Michael and Lesley Make Love… Under Surveillance

    Grand Opening of Club Vengeance. [The Payback, Phase 2.]

    Michael Takes Shana to Therapist Emily Lockford

    Surveillance on Michael and Brian’s Bacalao Treat

    Michael Holds Up an Armored Car

    Persuasion and a Conspiracy to Murder

    Michael and Brian at Their Shooting Range

    The Un sudden Heart Attack

    Hired to Kill

    Michael and the Therapist Burn up the Dance Floor

    Too Much to Ask For

    Lesley Checks in on Cheating Michael

    Edward the Meddler, Part 1

    Edward the Meddler, Part 2

    Mirlind’s Plot Against Club Vengeance

    Mad Dog Gets to Feast

    Michael Enters the Doctor’s World

    Mad Dog kills the Mutilater

    Julian Puts the Priest in his Sights

    Christina Gets Her Engagement Ring

    Julian Gets His Gun

    Another Fabulous night at Club Vengeance

    The Doctor’s Son and an Act of Justice

    Shana and Max Spring a Trap

    Christina, Agent of Revenge

    The Suicide of the Doctor’s Son

    Brian Catches a Shady Dealer at His Club

    The Drug Dealer Scouting Report for Merlind

    Murder for Hire, Murder for Sex

    Mad Dog Feasts Again!

    Emily and Michael’s Unfaithfulness

    Lesley Catches Michael in his Lies

    Michael’s Double Proposal Rejected

    Rossana and her Deadly Stalker

    The Attempted Rape

    Mirlind Sends a Death Threat

    A Little Sibling Rivalry

    Michael and Brian Receive Death Threat

    The Stalker Turned Arsonist

    Edward’s Sudden Death

    This One Is Personal

    Felton on the Trail of Edward’s Murderer

    The $100 Billion Dollar Will

    Felton Visits a Prime Suspect

    Judgment Day for the Jealous Arsonist

    Revenge Served Flaming Hot

    Michael Unravels Christina’s Secret

    A Surprise Visit for Mad Dog

    Jericho Nkumu Mendoza, Messenger of Death

    Jericho Mendoza and the Map to Mad Dog’s Freedom

    Christina Delivers Closure

    The End of the Road for Christina

    Michael Stops Brian From Committing Murder

    The Bloody War Between the Albanian and the McClains

    The Whole Family Goes to Monaco




    On a late Friday afternoon in New York City’s Chinatown. Valdrin and Anton, two Albanians who work for a club owner in downtown Manhattan, stare across the street through military-grade binoculars at Kim and Aja Chung’s jewelry store in Chinatown. The owner and the manager sit in a booth behind a double-glass partition, in the very back of the store. Kim’s cousin Chin, the trusted manager knowledgeable about every item on sale in the store, talks animatedly behind the partition out front to a fashionable, eager young couple who are looking at diamond wedding rings. Even from that distance and despite the store front’s dinginess, the binoculars magnify the glints of gold, crystal and silver from the expensive items in the showcases. One of the two Albanians keeps his binoculars trained on the couple, the second on cousin Kim and the rings he’s showing to the potential buyers.

    *     *     *

    Early that same Friday evening at the Chung residence in Kew Gardens. There is a shadow behind a tree in the backyard. Andres, another Albanian who works for the same club owner as Valdrin and Anton, now stares at Aja Chung skinny dipping in her backyard pool.

    Aja’s cell phone rings. It’s Kim:

    Hey baby. Want to go clubbing at the Diamondeer tonight?

    Sure. What time?

    I’m closing down the store now. I’ll be there shortly to shower up.

    You must be hungry?


    I made your favorite. Sushi

    Which kind?

    You know I always make the three main ones you love. Maki, Nigiri, and Oshi.

    Great, thank you babe just one of the reasons I love you so much. You always find away to work your way up from my tummy to my heart. Mwa

    Love you too.

    The Diamondeer Club: Playground of High Rollers and One Percenters

    That very Friday night at The Diamondeer establishment, an exclusive dance club located by the water in Manhattan’s South Street Seaport, near the Financial District. The owner, an Albanian by the name of Mirlind Demai, took the club over when his father passed away from heart complications back in the 90’s. Ever since then, The Diamondeer club has dominated the club scene and has generated millions of dollars annually.

    Most of its profits go to Mirlind’s three main vices: gambling debts ranging from online sports betting to horrible losses at the poker tables; the females he keeps in his stable to satisfy his middle-aged ego, splurging on them while mentally and physically abusing them; and hard liquor, like the half liter of shlivovicës he needs in the morning with his tea in order to function. He has an authentic Cuban cigar permanently attached to the corner of his mouth, which explains the discoloration of his teeth and his foul breath. He is arrogant and short, with a Napoleon complex. Mirlind Demai, whatever you think of him, is the king of New York City’s downtown nightlife. His club bears witness to his business savvy, through which he has turned his property into a playground for Wall Street’s high-rollers, the one percenters and their associates across the world.

    Tonight, as happens every Friday night, a steady stream of young adults, middle-aged couples and lone party animals stroll in through the entrance.


    Around two a.m., Kim Chang and his wife Aja exit the club. The valet brings their white Lamborghini Diablo. Kim tips the parking attendant a hundred dollar bill. As he rides off he turns up the radio and revs the powerful engine. It’s the first gift Kim treated himself to when he won the New York State lottery, exactly two years ago tonight, along with the jewelry store in Chinatown. As they drive home to Queens. Aja yawns.

    I’m tired. I can’t wait to get home.

    Me too. I don’t know how you do it, baby.

    Do what?

    Dance in those high heels. Poor toes, you tortured them tonight.

    If you’re that concerned, why don’t you come to their rescue and massage them?

    Do I have a choice?

    They laugh. As they pass through an intersection, a black Suburban with tinted windows makes a right turn behind their Lambo and starts to follow it.

    Inside the Suburban, three white males with ski mask on trail the Lamborghini from a few car lengths away.

    *     *     *

    Chang steers into his driveway. The garage door opens and he drives in.

    Babe, you really going to massage my toes?

    Of course, my love, and you get a happy ending as well.

    Oh, I love those.

    She goes upstairs, undresses and gets in the shower. Kim goes to the fridge, takes out a bottle of wine, grabs two glasses and starts to fill them. He hears a noise in the living room.

    Somebody there?

    He goes into the living room and notices the glass door leading to the pool has been opened.

    Aja, did you leave the sliding door open again? I hope there aren’t any raccoons in here.

    Valdrin sneaks up on Kim and hits him over the head with his gun. Kim crumples to the floor. He sees a man wearing a ski mask pointing a gun at him. Valdrin tells him:

    After tonight you going to wish it was raccoons in here instead of us.

    Meanwhile, Valdrin’s cousin Anton is upstairs in the master bedroom sitting on a couch. When Aja comes out the bathroom naked, she sees a man with a ski mask on and starts to scream.

    Kim! Who the hell are you?

    She runs towards the door but Anton’s cousin Andres, the third intruder invading the Changs’ home, stops her. He duct tapes her and drags her downstairs. Valdrin has just finished tying Kim up and blindfolds him with duct tape. Kim hears his wife screaming for help and shouts.

    Please! I beg you don’t hurt my wife. There’s a couple of thousand dollars in the safe upstairs. You can have it. Just leave us alone!

    Thanks for the gesture, but I had something else in mind, replies Valdrin.

    What do you want? The Lambo? The keys are on top of the kitchen counter.

    Valdrin laughs.

    No Mr. Chang, you wrong again. Now listen good. We can do this smooth, or things can turn real ugly and deadly.

    Just give them what they want, Kim, says Aja crying.

    Something very simple is what I want, Valdrin continues. Give us the code to the safe in your jewelry store and we’ll be out of here, soooo fast… If you follow my orders.

    You’re crazy! What makes you think I’m doing that?

    Kim, just give it to them so they leave us alone. Please!

    Valdrin walks over to Aja and rubs a sharp knife along her Adam’s apple.

    I think you should listen to your pretty little wife Kim, so you don’t have to hear her moan like how she does with you in bed.

    Kim starts to squirm on the floor.

    Leave her alone. Please! I don’t have the combination, the manager has it, my cousin Chin. I’m not lying. He’s the one who opens in the morning. Look, there’s a million dollars in diamonds upstairs in a little pouch bag inside a shoebox. Take it and get out of my house.

    Valdrin motions to Anton to go upstairs.

    So now you telling me your manager has the combination of the store safe. Did you really think I was going to fall for that? So how about if one day your manager dies? How in the hell are you going to get in the safe? Valdrin puts his boot on Kim’s face and presses. You know what? I’m tired of all the games you playing. Now we play my game.

    Valdrin rips the duct tape off of Kim’s face. He sees his wife Aja naked, her ankles and wrist bound with duct tape.

    Why do you have her naked?

    Aja looks at Kim with tears rolling down her cheeks.

    Kim, give them what they want!

    Valdrin loosens his belt and unbuttons his pants.

    I beg you, leave her alone!

    Aja looks at Valdrin in horror, then screams at Kim.

    If you don’t tell him, I will, Kim!

    Kim’s eyes widen.


    Kim, do you think I’m going to let him rape me because you don’t want to tell them what they want to know?

    Valdrin’s pants drop to the floor.

    Okay! Okay! I’ll tell you! Just don’t touch her.

    Valdrin laughs.

    What’s the matter, Kim? You don’t want me to show your sexy little wife what a real man can do?

    Stop it! Stop it! Please! I’ll tell you everything!

    Valdrin pulls his pants back up. He goes over to Kim, kneels next to him and pulls his hair.

    If you lie to me, we all gonna pull our pants down while you watch. Understand, Mr. Kim Chang?

    Yes! I understand. Just please don’t touch her.

    Valdrin smacks him in the face.

    You got me all hard for nothing.

    Aja screams.

    Leave him alone! He told you he was going to tell you what you want to know.

    Kim starts to tells Valdrin how to get in the vault.

    Like I told you, my cousin Chin opens up in the morning. He has the combination.

    Valdrin’s eyes start to widen. Kim speaks quickly.

    Wait. I can only get into the safe by pressing my hand against a screen pad.

    Anton tells Valdrin:

    He’s lying!

    Aja replies quickly.

    It’s the truth, he doesn’t need to lie.

    What time does Chin come into work? asks Valdrin.

    He usually opens around 10 a.m. says Kim.

    That’s late in the day already. At that time everybody’s awake,. What now? Andres asks.

    The stickup crew huddle and whisper amongst themselves. They break the huddle and Anton starts to untie Kim. Valdrin pulls out his knife.

    I’m going to have to cut off your hand, so which one do you prefer, the right or left? If you don’t tell me, I’ll cut off the two of them.

    Are you out of your mind? You can’t cut off my hands. The system is designed with heat sensors or the vault won’t open.

    He’s not lying! He’s telling you the truth! Aja insists.

    Valdrin’s phone rings. It’s his boss.

    What the hell’s taking so long?

    Valdrin explains, then hangs up.

    Okay, this is the plan. Anton and Andres, go with Mr. Chang and open the safe. After you empty the vault, tie Mr. Chang up and leave him cuffed. When you get away, call me and I’ll leave here with Ms. Chang unharmed. Now if Mr. Chang does not comply, put him on the phone so he can hear his lovely wife screaming for mercy. Do you understand, Kim Chang?

    Yes I do, just don’t hurt her. Please.

    Anton tells Andres to go and get the truck. It’s now 3:30 in the morning. Once Andres returns with the vehicle, they load Kim in the back of the stolen Suburban at gunpoint. Andres takes the exit off the highway and stops at the light. He notices a police cruiser slowly approaching behind him.

    Looks like we got company, he says, as he grips his 357.

    Kim starts to pray. Please Lord, don’t let us get pulled over. He knows it’s over for his wife if that were to happen. Then the unimaginable occurs: the patrol lights go on and the siren starts blaring.

    Anton tells Andres:

    When they approach the side of the car, shoot thru the windows.

    Andres points his gun towards the window.

    Of course.

    At that precise moment, the officers in the patrol car receive a call on their dispatch radio. All units: Reports of gunshots fired over at 10th and Fourth. The patrol car makes a u-turn and drives off. Kim sweats profusely. Suddenly, he realizes that with all the madness, he forgot to bring the key with him that opens the front gate to the jewelry store. He has to think fast. The jewelry store’s only a block away.

    Hey guys… silly me. I forgot the key to the front gate.

    Anton screams at the top of his lungs.

    You fucking serious you dummotherfucker!

    Andres shakes his head in disbelief. Kim tries to calm the angry men down.

    I’m sorry, the thing is, everything’s happening so fast! Look, my cousin lives right up the block. We can get his key.

    Anton sticks the barrel of his gun in Kim’s mouth.

    You little monkey! I should blow your head off!

    I’m sorry! Stop right here, Kim begs, pointing out a building on a quiet street to the anxious robber.

    Look, my cousin lives right there! Let’s get the damn key and get this over with!

    I can’t believe it! Anton screams.

    We have no choice, let’s just get the key! Andres tells Anton.

    They park and all three men exit the truck. The cousins flip down their ski masks. They walk up to the front entrance of a four-story residential building. Kim rings his cousin’s bell a few times before Chin answers.

    Who the hell is it?

    It’s me, Kim. Open up.

    What are you doing here at this hour? Are you drunk again, Kim?

    Just open the freaking door!

    Chin buzzes Kim in. When they get to Chin’s door, Kim rings the doorbell. Chin opens the door and asks Kim,

    What, you fighting with Aja again?

    Anton rushes in, pushing Kim into Chin.

    Who the hell are these people, Kim?

    Andres punches Chin in the face.

    Where are the keys to the store?

    Kim, what’s going on?

    Anton hits Chin in the face with his gun.

    I said, where are the keys!

    Chin points to his jacket. Anton retrieves the keys.

    Are these the keys, asshole?

    Chin holds his jaw.

    Yeah, what you want the keys for?

    Anton shoots Chin in the face. Kim screams.


    Kim runs toward Chin and Anton, screaming.

    Why the hell did you shoot him?

    Anton accidentally discharges his weapon at that moment, shooting Kim in the forehead killing him instantly. Kim drops to the floor and dies with his eyes open.

    Shit! Now what? Andres screams.

    He looks at Anton, who yells:

    Why are you standing there staring at me like I wanted to kill him?

    Now what?

    Get a knife. We do what Valdrin wanted to do in the first place.

    And what’s that?

    Just get the damned knife!

    Andres goes into the kitchen and comes back with a kitchen knife. Anton grabs it and starts to cut off Kim’s right hand.

    Boil water in a pot.

    For what?

    Just do it, asshole. Remember what he told us, the security pad has a heat sensor. We got to keep his hand warm!

    Oh yeah! Right!

    Andres darts into the kitchen and starts looking for a pot. Anton continues to cut off Kim’s hand while looking at Kim.

    I hope it’s the right hand. What the hell, I might as well take both hands just to be safe.

    Andres brings the water to a boil quickly and comes out with the pot. When Anton finishes cutting off Kim’s left hand, he places both hands in the boiling pot.

    Come on, now let’s get the hell out of here!

    *     *     *

    Aja asks Valdrin to cover her because she’s shivering from being naked. He comes close to her, staring lustfully at her.

    I’ll turn the heat up.

    After you get what you want, you’re going to kill us, right?

    Valdrin smirks and glances at his watch. It’s almost five o’clock. Aja starts to wonder. He’s going to kill me. Why would he leave me alive? What if Kim can’t open the safe? I’m better off trying to seduce him and reach for his gun.

    Valdrin’s phone rings. He listens for a second, then starts talking in Albanian:

    Çfarë do të thuash, ju qëlloi gabimisht?\ Valdrin rips into his cousin for shooting Kim by mistake.

    Aja doesn’t understand his language. She thinks, Whatever it is, it doesn’t sound good. Think fast, girl. Work him, work him. Valdrin gets off the phone and turns to Aja.

    What are you doing?

    Aja starts to touch herself, moaning and pouting at him.

    I always dreamed of making love to a big strong man. Kim is a wimp. I only married his sorry ass because he hit the Lotto. You saw how he hesitated when you were going to rape me. Untie me. Payback is a bitch. Valdrin sneers and laughs.

    *     *     *

    Anton is at the wheel as the stickup crew drive to the jewelry store. He asks Andres:

    Is the water still hot?

    I think so, it’s warm.

    Take the hands out and put them against the vents.

    Anton turns on the heater full blast. Blood drips all over the seats and carpeting. They finally arrive at the jewelry store.

    *     *     *

    Why should I untie you if I could easily have my way with you just like you are, hogtied and helpless, begging for me to spare your life?

    Valdrian slobbers over Aja, then laughs.

    I never thought I’d have to beg for my last orgasm. Keep me alive. Come on, untie me and after I drain you dry to the last drop, I’ll lead you to where Kim keeps a huge stash of cash he keeps from the lottery win.

    Valdrin’s eyes pop out of their sockets.

    Oh yeah? Maybe it is worth it to untie you and spare your life.

    He unties her slowly, salivating and biting his lips.

    What a treat to have a young Asian kitten.

    Aja feels a sense of relief. Now she can fight for her life, even if it means killing him. Valdrin lays on top of her, giving her no wiggle room. She starts to kiss him through his ski mask as he pulls his pants down. Aja puts her hands on Valdrin’s waist and feels around his mid-section.

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