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The Adventures of Ninbato: Rizon Prince (Ninbato) Was Born
The Adventures of Ninbato: Rizon Prince (Ninbato) Was Born
The Adventures of Ninbato: Rizon Prince (Ninbato) Was Born
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The Adventures of Ninbato: Rizon Prince (Ninbato) Was Born

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For over seventeen years, Ive been living in secrecy, hiding in the shadows, alone in the world, until now. I lost my parents on the planet that they used to call home. Hope and justice represent the symbol N on the chest of the gear that I wear to save a city called Tampa, Florida, from the evil villains who dare to destroy the world and the universe around it. I live with my foster mother Cha-Chi, who has given birth to me through the power of my real father who magically placed me in her stomach with just his finger, and my foster father, Brady.

My father, Ryokuzo, imprisoned the soldiers who have betrayed the law of our lands for twenty-five years, where they await to be freed to destroy all planets in the universe and cause chaos and devastation. Ive set off for an adventure to California as a new transfer student making friends with some amazing people, finding my one true love that I am thankful for, and fighting crime, saving the world, the people, and the universe around it day and night.

My name is Ninbato, and this is my story.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 5, 2018
The Adventures of Ninbato: Rizon Prince (Ninbato) Was Born

R.P. Rich Prince

About the Author: I've always wanted to be a superhero and a movie star some day. And now it can finally happen. I'm a young new Author 29 years young. Graduated in June 2007 at age 16. I live in Tampa Florida on my own. Always looking for great opportunities. very open minded and love seeing new places meeting new people.

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    The Adventures of Ninbato - R.P. Rich Prince

    Copyright © 2018 by R.P. Rich Prince.

    ISBN:                   Softcover                               978-1-5434-7500-5

                                 eBook                                     978-1-5434-7499-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 01/05/2018





    Main Characters


    Chapter 1 Zorellinia Has Fallen; (Ryokuzo Visits Earth): Cha-Chi Meets Ryokuzo; (The Hope Of Zorellinia Is Placed On Earth)

    Chapter 2 The Transfer Student; (Rizon Makes New Friends): (The Truth About Me):

    Chapter 3 (The Secret Underground Cave; The Training Begings)

    Chapter 4 My Seventeenth Birthday; (LiveShock Was Born)

    Chapter 5 (The Celebration Of LiveShock’s Defeat): SoundWave Was Born LiveShock Returns; (Hero Earns The Key To The City)

    Chapter 6 (Ninbato Vs. LiveShock and SoundWave): (Nighty Night Spark N’ Screeky)

    Chapter 7 (Hero Down Now Rejuvenated; A New Enemy Was Born)

    Hero’s Exist in each and every one of us all. The question is, what makes you a Superhero? What strength defines you to stand out the most to the best of your abilities? Whether you’re a great artist, a great musician, an awesome dancer, a professional cook, or any skill that you possess that you are really good at, and nobody else can do better than you. Never be afraid to show the world what you’re made of. Be bold and courageous, and never give up in life. Life will always have its ups and downs. But it’s your choice if you want to get back up, or stay down permanently. So let yourself be known. Get out there and be the Hero you were meant to be. Weather if it’s drawing, dancing, writing, or whatever great talent you have. There are many opportunities out there that await you out in this vast world of ours. So go out and grind for it. And no matter the outcome, never give up. Let yourself be heard and known. My challenge for all of you reading my book is to be yourself. Because nobody else can do you better than you can. You are all one of a kind and unique. Don’t let what others call you or say about you bring you down, or be your downfall. Because at the end of the day, only you can define who you really are. So live life to the fullest, and go chase whatever dream you have. I’m not going to say it’s easy, because it isn’t. But if you set your mind to it, you can achieve the impossible. Just remember, never give up, and stay consistent. And you too will have the life you all dreamed of having. I am Ninbato. And if I could do it, you can too. Now go out there and show the world what you’re all made of! ~

    -R.P. Rich Prince


    Rizon Prince (Ninbato) - Pino Rich (Earth’s Superhero Ninja)

    Ariahana - (Rizon’s Bestfriend/Girlfriend/Wifey/His Everything)

    Mariah - [Rizon’s New Best Friend]

    Chase - (Rizon’s Best Friend)

    Sarah - [Chase’ s Girlfriend] (Rizon’s New Best Friend)

    Summer - (Rizon’s New Bestfriend)

    Alissia - Tamara Viado (Cuzzo Cuz) (Rizon’s Best Friend)

    Skylar - (Rizon’s Best Friend)

    Cha-Chi - (Rizon’s Earth Mother)

    Brady - [Rizon’s Earth Father]

    Katerina Nevaeh - (Billionaire N’ Queen of Media) [My Boss]

    Katie Love - [SoundWave] - (Rizon’s Other Enemy)

    Haley West - [LiveShock] - (Rizon’s First Enemy)

    Zeltamort - (Ryokuzo’s Brother)

    Naruko - (High Councilmen)

    Hitara - (High Priestess)

    Kyokuzo - (Rizon’s Birth Father)

    Hinara - (Rizon’s Birth Mother)

    George - (Papa John’s Pizza Manager)


    For over seventeen years, I’ve been living in secrecy, hiding in the shadows, alone in the world, until now. I have lost my parent’s on the planet that they used to call home. Where Hope and Justice were the symbol to the N on my chest of the gear that I wear to save a City called Tampa Florida from the Evil Villains who dare to destroy the World and the universe around it. I live with my foster mother Cha-Chi, who has given birth to me, due to the power of my real Father who magically placed me into her stomach with just his finger, and my foster father, Brady. My Father Ryokuzo, has imprisoned the soldiers who have betrayed the law of our lands for 25 years where they await to be freed and destroy all the planets in the universe and cause chaos and devastation. I’ve set off for adventure from California as a new transfer student making friends with some amazing people, found my one true love that I am thankful for finding, and fighting crime, saving the world, the people and universe around it day and night. My name is Ninbato, and this is my story.~

    -Pino Rich-


    Zorellinia Has Fallen; (Ryokuzo Visits Earth):

    Cha-Chi Meets Ryokuzo; (The Hope

    Of Zorellinia Is Placed On Earth)

    Zorellinia…. February - 13, 2000, A Zorellinian Dragon roars a mighty roar. Do you not understand? Zorellinia’s core is collapsing. We may only have a matter of hours. I warned you, harvesting the core was suicide. It has accelerated the process of implosion to our Planet. Ryokuzo said worryingly. Our Chakra Source was exhausted. What would you have done Ryokuzo? Naruko said. Look to the star’s, like our ancestors did! There are habitable Worlds within reach! We could begin by using our old Alphas! Ryokuzo said Argueingly. Are you seriously suggested that we evacuate the entire Planet? Hitara says. No, everybody here is already dead. Give me control of the Zoretex Core. I will ensure the survival of our race. There is still hope. I have held that hope in my ha…

    An explosion came from a distance behind. Exploding Ninja Stars flew across the room As the Zorellinian’s fight one another. Four of Zorellinia’s Soldier’s has just been killed. Zeltamort and his Soldier’s entered. This Council has been disbanded! Zeltamort said demandingly. On who’s Authority?! Hitara said declaringly. Mine… Zeltamort raises his hand and conjures multiple Exploding Ninja Stars hurling them at Hitara. Hitara was then killed. The rest of you will be trailed and punished accordingly. Zeltamort said. What are you doing Zeltamort?! This is madness! Ryokuzo asked. What I should have done years ago. These law makers with their endless debates, has led Zorellinia to ruins!

    Naruko was then dethroned and shoved to the ground on his knees. And if your forces revail you will be the leader of nothing! Ryokuzo said. Then join me, help me restore our race. We’ll start a new one, and sever the degenerative bloodline that led us to this state… Zeltamort said. And who will decide which bloodlines survives Zeltamort….., You? Ryokuzo asked. Don’t do this Ryokuzo, the last thing I want is for us to be enemies. Zeltamort said vigorously. You’ve abandoned the principles that dawned us together. You’ve taken of the sword against your own people. I will honor the man you once were Zeltamort. But not this monster you’ve become." Ryokuzo said.

    Take him away. Zeltamort begins to walk away. Sir, is everything alright? Computer Hinabiku said. Out of the way! I said, out of the… Ryokuzo breaks free and conjured up some Exploding Ninja Stars. He kills three of Zeltamort’s body guards. Get me Hinara. Ryokuzo commands computer Hinabiku. Ryokuzo, behind you!" Hinara said.

    Ryokuzo kills another one of Zeltamort’s body guards. Hinara, prepare the travel. I’ll be with you as soon as I can. Ryokuzo said. He then flies off to find the Zoretex Core. Zorellinia was beginning it’s destruction slowly below him. Did you find the Zoretex Core? Ryokuzo asked computer Hinabiku. It’s just beneath the Zorellian Forests of Zorillon City Sir. But I’m compelled to tell you, breaching into the Genesis Chamber is a Class B crime, punishable… Ryokuzo interrupted, Nobody cares anymore Hinabiku, Zorellinia is about to come to an end. He then head beneath the Forest of Zorellian and steals the Zoretex Core. Alarm sounds. A hidden high tech machine activates ready for an assault to kill Ryokuzo. Ryokuzo, by the authority of Lord Zeltamort, surrender the Zoretex Core."

    It then attacks Ryokuzo, but Ryokuzo escapes and heads to go see Hinara. Did you find a world? He asked Hinara. We have. We’re getting a main sequence of a yellow star, just like you said it was. Hinara said. A young star Earth, it’s cells that drink it’s radiation. A World with a huge population of Human’s. I shall head there Right at once! Ryokuzo said. He’ll be an outcast, a freak, they’ll kill him. Hinara said worryingly. No, He’ll be a God to them. Ryokuzo replies back. What if he doesn’t make it? He’ll die out there…. Alone… I can’t do it… I thought I could… But…. Not if it’s here… Hinara said crying as she walked away. Hinara, Zorellinia is doomed. It’s our only chance left. It’s our people’s only hope. Ryokuzo said hopingly. He then heads to planet Earth.

    Earth…. February - 13, 2000, It was a late evening. Alone in a

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