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Where Is God???
Where Is God???
Where Is God???
Ebook59 pages59 minutes

Where Is God???

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I wrote this book because I want all Christians to know that even when we are not paying attention to God, he is paying attention to us. Even when we are all wrapped up in our everyday life, having a good time, taking God for granted, he is still there.
Release dateJan 26, 2018
Where Is God???

Kenneth Ray Dykes

My name is Kenneth Ray Dykes and I am 77 years old. I am a retired contractor who not only built houses, but helped with the small jobs that was hard to find someone to do. As I look back through the years of my life, as far back as I can go, I can see where God was involved in every experience of my life. Some, I knew He was there, but some I didnt realize , but He was still there. I want my born again readers to be aware of Gods presence in all their everyday life. I am 77 years old and accepted Christ in my life at age 15 during a revival at my home church. I was never a bad boy, but God showed me how unworthy I really was, until I accepted Him in my life. Now, that doesnt mean everything has been perfect since then, far from it. Ive said things and done things I shouldnt have, but with repentance, God is always gracious to forgive us. So Im still a sinner saved by grace. As I look back to my younger life, I find that God was always with me. Reminds me of the poem FOOT PRINTS,when there was two sets of footprints, God was walking with me, but when there was only one set of footprints, God was carrying me. But it wasnt always during the tough times God had to carry me. There were times when I thought I had everything in control and was doing well, but wasnt necessarily in Gods will. Even in those times God was there to put me back in line and let me know He was still there. It was easy for me to lead a good christian life in my young days, because my parents attended church regularly. God lead me into music at a young age. I started leading music in church, learned to play guitar, and sang in a teenage quartet. Music remained and continued to be a major part of my life.

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    Book preview

    Where Is God??? - Kenneth Ray Dykes

    © 2018 Kenneth Ray Dykes. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 01/26/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-2639-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-2638-3 (e)

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    Scripture taken from The Holy Bible, King James Version. Public Domain

    New International Version (NIV)

    Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Even in my younger life, I could see Gods hand of protection. There was a time when I was 16 to 18 years old I really wanted to kill snakes. In a short period of time I killed about 145 snakes of all kinds and sizes. I loved to use an old single shot 22 rifle to shoot with. and I could shoot most of them in the head. There was a hugh snake at Grandma’s stock pond I could see, but I could never get a good shot at it. I could walk across the bank of the pond, and it would always crawl down the bank behind me. I tried to swerve and shoot with the rifle, but always missed. I decided the next time I went I would carry a 12 guage shot gun. Well when I went back down to the pond with the shot gun, and walked across the bank, carefully looking for the big one, sure enough, when I passed, it crawled down the bank behind me. Still I swerved and shot with the shot gun. This time I could see blood in his path, so I knew I had hit it somewhere. I then ran around the edge of the bank and kneeled down to watch when he came back up. After a couple minutes I heard water splashing behind me. I looked around just in time to see an angry snake with about a foot of his body sticking up above the water, fastly coming toward me. I quickly turned and fired the 12 gauage toward him, not having time to aim, but I hit it just under it’s head enough that it’s head dropped so when it crawled onto the bank, it couldn’t strike and soon died. I realized then God had a hand in this. I pulled the snake up to grandma’s house, close by and my aunt took a picture of me holding the snake up by the tail. It was about 6 feet long and as big around as my arm. If it had bitten me, I never would have left the pond. Thank you Jesus!!!


    J ust a few days after killing that large snake, I was back down at grandma’s pond with my 22 rifle looking to kill more snakes. I was walking alongside the pond looking up under the edge of the bank, where I had just seen one. The ground was wet where I was walking and my foot slipped. I caught myself with the butt of the rifle, which I had already cocked, in my left hand. I must have raised my right hand in the air, because when the butt of the rifle hit the ground, it went off and a bullet went through my right arm between the wrist and the elbow. It was closer to grandma’s house, so that’s where I went, knowing my uncle would be there. They wrapped my arm then carried me to the doctor’s office. Again, the Lord was looking after me, because the bullet went through my arm cleanly and without hitting a bone. GOD IS GOOD!!!!!

    Even at a younger age I could see Gods protective hand in the lives of us young boys. My brother, which is 2 years younger than me, then there was two cousins that was close to our age. They lived within sight of our house, therefore we spent a lot of time together. There was a ‘hollow’ between our houses, so that’s where most of the time. It was a dry-bottom hollow with lots of trees with vines hanging on them that we could swing from. There were ‘possem-grape’ vines so thick you could crawl up in them and hide. And we did just that when we were playing ‘fox and dogs’ or some other chase game. That vine also produced plenty ‘possem-grapes’ too, when

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