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Find the Leader in You: A Guide to Discovering Your Unlimited Potential
Find the Leader in You: A Guide to Discovering Your Unlimited Potential
Find the Leader in You: A Guide to Discovering Your Unlimited Potential
Ebook116 pages1 hour

Find the Leader in You: A Guide to Discovering Your Unlimited Potential

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About this ebook

Finding happiness, peace and freedom is something that we all aspire to attain. In this fast pace, changing and increasingly demanding world you can find yourself in a place you don’t want to be, having drifted away from the things that really matter.
Find The Leader in You, invites you to take an unconventional journey to discover what it takes to achieve success in life with our love ones, in our career and in the world whilst enjoying every moment.
This guide will help you become the master of your life and realise your full potential as a human being.
Release dateJul 25, 2013
Find the Leader in You: A Guide to Discovering Your Unlimited Potential

Jennifer.E. Rhule

Jennifer Rhule the Managing Director of Leadership Transformation Limited. She is an experienced Human Resource and Organisation Development Executive located in London . She has more than 25 years’ experience working in the field of Strategic Human Resource Management, organisation, leadership and cultural development. Much of her work in business has contributed to national and international accreditation e.g EFQM, IIP and Fortune Best Company to work for. As a result of the death of someone very close to her when she was in her teens and at the start of her career she developed a desire to understand the meaning of life.As part of her quest she discovered that we all have the leadership capability within to succeed and live happy and fulfilling lives.

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    Find the Leader in You - Jennifer.E. Rhule

    © 2013 Jennifer.E.Rhule. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 08/01/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-7582-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-7581-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-7583-0 (e)

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    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

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    Table of Contents

    A Brief Word


    In Pursuit of Happiness

    The Power of Love

    The Sweat Lodge

    Love Is the Answer to Freedom

    Our Beliefs Shape Our World

    Finding Your Chosen Path

    Bringing Good Things to Life

    Becoming the Conductor

    Becoming GREAT






    Ascension and Your Role

    About the Book


    I dedicate this book to my two wonderful children, Robyn and Joel. Thank you for bringing so much love and joy into my life.

    A Brief Word

    My motivation for writing this book is that I care about the world we live in and want to contribute in any way I can to the evolution of humanity and the creation of a sustainable future, one where we all experience love, joy, and happiness.

    Having worked as a human resources executive for nearly three decades, I have discovered that humans have an amazing capacity to embrace change, but I have also witnessed people becoming so overwhelmed by the demands of life that they lose their way and fail to tap into the unlimited potential that they possess.

    This book is your guide to finding the power within that will enable you to live a rich and fulfilling life, irrespective of what is going on around you.

    My hope is that when you find the leader in you, you will become empowered and motivated to be a harbinger of transformation for good in your life and the world around you.


    We have entered what many call the planetary phase, a time in history when we have the means to examine the trajectory of progress from a global perspective. We can evaluate and consider the long-term and universal impact of our decisions and make informed choices about the quality of the future we create and the legacy we leave behind for future generations. We have the potential to create a social and environmentally sustainable future. The question is, do we care enough? If we do, we need to plant the seeds today that will lead to creating a future that we collectively want to experience.

    The time has come for all of us to face the truth and make choices about the world we want to be part of. If we look at our collective achievements as a civilisation, we have made many technological, medical, and scientific advances. We have sent the Curiosity Rover to the surface of Mars, found cures for many life-threatening diseases, and through the Internet, revolutionised the way we work, play, and communicate.

    All these achievements are noteworthy accomplishments that we should celebrate. However when you look at the state of the world from a humanitarian and ecological perspective, there is clear evidence that we are falling short. Alongside these admirable technological and scientific advances, we continue to live in a world where

    • Global growth has decelerated and unemployment has started to increase again, leaving an accumulated total of some 197 million people without a job in 2012 (Mahmood, Lee 2013)

    • 73.8 million young people are unemployed globally and the slowdown in economic activity is likely to push another half million into unemployment by 2014 (Mahmood, Lee 2013)

    • More than 350 million people suffer from depression (Marcus et al.2012)

    • 850 million people are starving *

    • 863 million are living in slum conditions*

    • 7.6 million children die each year before their fifth birthday*

    • The basic requirement of fresh water is being denied to around 600 million of the world’s, population*

    • 42.5 million people have been forcibly displaced due to conflict and violence*

    (*United Nations Millennium Development Goals Report 2012)

    • As a result of human actions, the structure and functioning of the world’s ecosystems changed more rapidly in the second half of the twentieth century than at any other time in human history One consequence is that the diversity of life on Earth is being depleted at an accelerating rate. (Corvalan, Hales, McMichael et. Al 2005)

    It could also be said that we have a leadership crisis:

    • Politicians have been found wanting, breaking the laws they have put in place to govern society

    • Decisions made by members of our financial institutions have led to global financial collapse

    • The morality of religious institutions is being called into question

    • Millions of people have lost their livelihood and have been exploited by business leaders who prioritise profit above people, purpose, and meaning.

    Is this the type of world that you want for yourself, your children, and your grandchildren?

    If we look at our world today, our progress from a humanitarian perspective, trails behind our technological and scientific advances. These statistics speak for themselves. If we don’t act now, the situation is bound to get worse. If you are not affected now, you will be in the future.

    It is clearly evident that our current way is not producing results that contribute to improving the quality of our life.

    I have observed that stress levels, fear, and feelings of uncertainty and insecurity increasing. If we continue to inflict damage to our environment at the same pace that we have in the last fifty years, the earth will not be able to provide us with resources we require to sustain human life on this planet. The way we live our lives today has been proven ineffective from a humanitarian and an ecological perspective. It is time for us to find another way.

    The change that is needed requires that we all play our part in the transformation. For eons, we have given the responsibility for leadership to someone other than ourselves. When we do this, we empower others to make choices on our behalf. You can see where that has led us, and it is not a good place to be. Abdication of responsibility is no longer an option. Neither is mediocrity. We all need to raise our game. This can be achieved when you to find the leader in you.

    That is the premise of this book. When you discover your true potential and choose to live in harmony with the desires that serve your best interest, your life will be transformed for the good of yourself and humanity.

    Finding your leadership is a metamorphic process, your personal transformation. To progress, you are required to let go of any ideas and beliefs that prevent you from reaching your full potential and to invite those that do.

    By selecting this book, you have decided to embark on journey back to yourself. All that is required at this stage is to open your mind and, more importantly, to open your heart. Be willing to challenge your deeply held views. Throughout the

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