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December 25, the Date of Birth of Jesus: A Reality to Discover
December 25, the Date of Birth of Jesus: A Reality to Discover
December 25, the Date of Birth of Jesus: A Reality to Discover
Ebook66 pages51 minutes

December 25, the Date of Birth of Jesus: A Reality to Discover

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This book is a historical presentation in the form of a scrupulously prepared research. It is a meticulous effort, deployed in order to provide the general public an objective analysis of the facts concerning the birth of Jesus Christ. By using the Bible, the author is trying to reach the proximity of the controversial date of December 25. My hope is that the Holy Spirit, the infallible guide, will illuminate everyone’s intellect to comprehend the views, the ideas that are expressed in the pages of this book.
All that you need, on your side, is an open mind to examine everything objectively. I guarantee each and everyone of you that you will find this impressive, fun, fascinating, and interesting book. so read it and ponder deeply what you have read and, pull your own conclusion while doing a comparison of what you have believed or though in the past.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 8, 2018
December 25, the Date of Birth of Jesus: A Reality to Discover

Rév. Wilguymps Charles

L’auteur est un Ministre ordonné, diplômé du Séminaire Théologique de Gordon Conwell. Il est le Pasteur titulaire de l’Eglise Baptiste Evangélique des Rachetés à Medford, Massachusetts (U.S.A.) qu’il dirige depuis plus de 24 ans. Pendant longtemps, l’auteur hésita d’afficher son appui à une telle célébration jusqu’au jour, où, convaincu par le Saint-Esprit, il croit trouver un atout majeur à explorer dans le texte de Luc 1 :26-38 …, que la date du 25 Décembre puisse être, en réalité, la date de la naissance du Sauveur Jésus. Alors, lisez ces pages et méditez profondément sur ce que vous aurez lu, et tirez votre propre conclusion en comparant ce que vous avez cru ou pensé dans le temps avant la lecture de cet ouvrage. Que le Saint-Esprit vous aide à comprendre les démarches qui ont été effectuées dans sa rédaction et vous persuade à accepter les faits qui y sont rapportés comme étant authentiques !

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    December 25, the Date of Birth of Jesus - Rév. Wilguymps Charles

    Copyright © 2018 by Rev. Wilguymps Charles.

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    All Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International

    Version. N I V. Copyright c 1973, 1978, 1984, 1985 by International Bible Society.

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    Rev. date: 03/23/2021





    I dedicate this book, first and foremost, to my family,

    specially my wife Jusleine Charles and my daughter

    Joanne Charles for their love and support.

    I, also, dedicate it to my nephew Reynolds Charles for his

    encouragement, to sister Maud Dieudonné for her advices,

    and to Rev. Rosemond Antoine for his encouragement.

    I finally dedicate it to all the members of Evangelical

    Baptist Church of the Redeemed, dedicated also

    to all my parents and to all my friends.




    Chapter 1   Angel Gabriel’s announcement

    Chapter 2   The Different Jewish Calendars

    Chapter 3   The various criticisms set out

    Chapter 4   Various criticisms (continued)

    Chapter 5   Strive for substantial restoration of Christmas

    Chapter 6   The reason for Jesus’s coming in this world

    Chapter 7   A calling to draw nearer to God


    I am thankful to the Almighty for the privilege that He has given me to write this book. I would like to give thanks to my God who has guided me through His Holy Spirit while I was taking that endeavor.

    December 25th, the date of birth of Jesus, is a book that may arouse the polemic among many Christian readers. The publishing of this book, which is the result of many research that I have made on that very controversial theme of Christmas, a subject that makes no consensus in the midst of the protestant Christian sector but however needs to shed light upon.

    I am happy to present it now to the general public. I dedicate its pages to all those who desire deepen their knowledge on the events regarding the date of birth of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. He was born, He lived among us, He died and was risen from death, He was lifted up to heaven, and He will soon come back to take all those who believe in Him. I wish that it contribute to the well-being of all those who own a copy.

    Rev. Wilguymps CHARLES.


    Dear readers, this book, that is presented to you and you are about to read, is an attempt to shed light on a very controversial topic that I have researched, and have written about which is: The date of birth of Jesus. December 25th, the date of celebration of Christmas, which is associated with the date of birth of the LORD Jesus Christ, is a date that presents a lot of controversies. Maybe some of you are asking yourselves this question: What else is left to be said or to be proven on that subject; someone must be very courageous, someone may have a lot of fearlessness that he can rush himself in such venture? Well! I hope that what will be demonstrated in the pages of this book will make all the difference in the hearts and thoughts of all those who will read this "little" book. In fact, nothing has ever been truly proven until now with regard to that subject; everything that has been said so far remains as suppositions, speculations and assumptions.

    In fact, no one can ignore the reality that Jesus was born one day on our planet earth but the great interrogation has always been to establish when His birth took place. Christmas is a Christian holiday that is celebrated on December 25 in honor of the birth of Jesus-Christ. Though there is a lack of consensus on it, December 25th is the date traditionally recognized and adopted by the majority of Christians, for the worldwide celebration of this great and wonderful event known as: Christmas,

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