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The G Antichrist
The G Antichrist
The G Antichrist
Ebook152 pages2 hours

The G Antichrist

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Gods Handmaiden Petra has received many new revelations from the Heavenly Father. New in the sense that certain teachings are not like the church has portrayed them and preachers have been teaching them.. This knowledge was in the pages of the Bible all the timebut only now, the time of HIS COMING, have they been opened to our understanding as the former and the latter rain is falling. The Bible discloses dual meaning to the falling away; new meaning to the restrainer; new meaning to signs and wonders; new meaning to the 144,000; new meaning to the Rapture and Second Coming and what this book is aboutthe revealing of the name of the person who will embody Satan himself. The Bible teaches that there would come a time before the catching up of the Bride that this man of sin would be revealed. This is a must read for everyone who is looking for the Blessed Hope of the soon return of the one true God, Lord, Priest and King of the WorldJesus/Yeshua. As Scripture is opened to your understanding you will see why, only now, is it time for this man to be truthfully named and is not just many peoples speculation of who he might be. This author tells how she knows, without a doubt, who he is. If you have watched the HBO television series The Young Pope, you will see what Satans Prophets predict are in store for this world in the very near future. This author names The Young Pope they are teasing the world about and tells how she knows who he is and it is not someone anyone else has ever named. She has a true life testimony and witness of who he is.

Release dateFeb 19, 2018
The G Antichrist

GOD’S Handmaiden Petra

GODS HANDMAIDEN PETRA was ordained into ministry in 1995 in San Diego, California. In 1996 she started her ministry as an outreach for healing and deliverance. Gods Handmaiden PETRA is a native of Florida and is the author of several other books and co-author of one. She has a teaching ministry with signs following her, not her following after signs. In this book she gives an incredible true life testimony and the Holy Spirit has empowered her with revelation knowledge in teaching others what HE has revealed to her.

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    The G Antichrist - GOD’S Handmaiden Petra








    Copyright © 2018 GOD’S Handmaiden Petra.

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    Geneva Bible, 1599 Edition. Published by Tolle Lege Press. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in articles, reviews, and broadcasts.

    Scripture quotations marked (YLT) are taken from the 1898 YOUNG’S LITERAL TRANSLATION OF THE HOLY BIBLE by J.N. Young, (Author of the Young’s Analytical Concordance), public domain.

    Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition© 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. and are used by permission of the copyright owner. All Rights Reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-1539-5 (sc)

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    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 02/13/2018



    By Reverend L. L. Miller

    Author’s Testimony:

    Joel 2:28, 29


    Daniel 12:9

    Chapter One:

    What Is Or Was The Restrainer?

    II Thessalonians 2:3-6 and I Peter 1:24

    Chapter Two:

    Virgin Mary Apparitions the Mother of God?

    Ephesians 2:2

    Chapter Three: The Young Pope

    Chapter Four: Antichrist…The Beauty And The Beast

    I John 2:22

    Chapter Five: What Is Next?

    Revelation 11:1-14


    By Reverend L. L. Miller


    Jesuit Oath: A Public Document

    Vatican comment on my YouTube Channel

    The Shema

    Day of the Lord Prayer

    A Thousand Years is as a Day… And a Day isas a Thousand Years.


    GOD’S HANDMAIDEN PETRA was ordained into ministry in 1995 in San Diego, California. In 1996 she started her ministry as an outreach for healing and deliverance. God’s Handmaiden PETRA is a native of Florida and is the author of several other books and co-author of one. She has a teaching ministry with signs following her, not her following after signs. In this book she gives an incredible true life testimony and the Holy Spirit has empowered her with revelation knowledge in teaching others what HE has revealed to her.



    Reverend L. L. Miller

    I sit thoughtfully pondering the many years that have passed, and the involvement that I have been led to partake of, in the editing and filtering of the contents of this specific revelation which is also contained in a larger book. The recognition that the time for this revelation to find its way into your hands is not lost on me.

    Thus the season requires that vital information, including other new revelatory insight, be expedited to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. The times demand a sober view of that which is taking place and the prophetic content of the end times scenarios found in the Bible.

    So here you have it. The sacrifices that have been made to put this information in your hands have been real. The author, her family, my family and I, have been under consistent attack from the enemy of our souls. There have been losses that tear at one’s heart, but the commission to see this to the end such that the truth of God’s word, His prophetic warnings and the signs of the times could be presented to a lost and dying world were of absolute necessity.

    You are about to enter into a level of information that no one person can claim to have put together, but the Holy Spirit has directed, authored and edited this transformational presentation of the truth. This work is an excellent, forthright, uncompromising compilation of real time events, prophesy, end-times scenarios and the realities of what will soon transpire.

    Nothing about this book begs for notoriety for any person of flesh who participated in the compilation over the last twenty years. The gathering of the information, as well as its presentation, has certainly brought attacks in every aspect of the lives of those who were called to this task. To God be the glory!

    Let your journey begin. You are about to receive REVELATION!


    JOEL 2:28, 29

    28) "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.

    29) And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my Spirit."

    One evening when I was 12 years old, I was swinging on the front porch of our old wooden frame, shotgun style house. I was contemplating the thousands upon thousands of twinkling multi-colored stars. I was mesmerized by the vast expanse and beauty of the heavens. The year was 1959.

    I am a product of the baby-boomer generation and was an accident I was told. My parents were both around 45 years old when I was born. My dad was Ole’ time Methodist and my mother Southern Baptist. I had accepted Salvation by Jesus (Yahushua in Hebrew some pronounce it Yahshua or Yeshua) and had been baptized in water at the Baptist Church which I faithfully attended with my mother.

    Anyway, there I was in the swing, barely dry from the baptismal water at our church that day trying to figure out how God made all those stars. Peace quickly eluded me as I began having horrible picturesque thoughts about a nuclear holocaust. I remember welling up inside with panic and fear. I couldn’t help but imagine what my future held in a world of neutron/nuclear power. As it turned out, that fear returned many times during the rocky years of the Cold War with Russia and the Bay of Pigs invasion during the Kennedy years. As those thoughts filled my mind, I felt like I really didn’t belong here and frankly never have wanted to be. I always felt like there was some mistake…like I WAS an accident and maybe God HAD sent me here by mistake. But God does not make mistakes or have accidents. Everything HE does is perfectly ordered. I remember thinking, I want to go home. I don’t belong here. I belong out there, beyond those stars.

    This particular evening seemed different. I felt as if I were not alone. I felt something that I had never experienced before and decided it might not be too wise to tell anyone. I had a warm, loving feeling as if I was being hugged, and in my Spirit and mind, I felt like I heard, Do not be afraid for you will not be here when those things you fear come to pass. By now I’m thinking I’ll probably be dead by then anyway. I shook off the feeling and retreated inside.

    My seed was apparently sown along the wayside. I had heard the Word of God, believed it and was saved and baptized in water. But somewhere along the path of life, I guess around 18, as most teenagers do; I lost my way and turned from the Lord. I distinctly remember telling the Lord one day out loud, Lord, let me live a little and when you’re ready to come back, let me know. Looking back at this now I always had to wonder why the Lord didn’t strike me dead with a bolt of lightning for my insolence. But HE had a plan.

    My second experience with the supernatural came while married to my first husband. My father had died and was buried on the third day. I was making a bathroom run in the middle of the night and at end of the hallway I saw my father as clear as day standing there in the suit he had been buried in that very day. I made my way back to bed trembling and waked my husband and told him. He said I was just dreaming to go back to sleep. Shortly after this experience my life began to fall apart and I started drinking and running with the wrong crowd….those that led me away from the Lord, and away from my husband. I didn’t understand it then but now I know…this was not my father but a demonic apparition posing as my father to let me know he was coming for me. From that moment on my life started unraveling into deeper and deeper sin.

    I liken myself to the Woman at the Well. I have been married five times and divorced, (once by common law which still required a divorce), and by January of 1976, was in my fourth marriage. Together we had five children. We had yours, mine and ours. He had three and I had one and together we had one. I had become a full-fledged alcoholic, and on one occasion attempted suicide. I had been involved in just about anything occultic there was. So much for doing things in my life, my way.

    One evening, while I was watching television, a program came on narrated by Orson Wells about a man called Nostradamus. It literally scared the hell out of me! I had never heard of this man. The narrator spoke of his predictions about nuclear war and all the many things he had predicted that had come true. It was presented in a doomsday, dark occultic fashion. Every fear I ever had returned. I was in utter panic and desperation.

    I started back to the bedroom to get my daily astrology book to check out the next day. My astrology book had become my Bible substitute and I could not go a day without it. Within me an incredible despair arose as I said inwardly, I don’t want to know just about tomorrow, I need to know all the tomorrows.

    Before I reached my bedroom, I literally felt someone’s breath on the back of my neck. I felt a presence standing behind me. Then a physical touch on my right shoulder with the audible words, calling my name twice Petra. Petra. It’s time now. I swung around rapidly, but there was no one there. (Acts 9:7.)

    I hit my knees right there in the hallway, and in the loneliness of that night, with all five children in bed and my husband working away from home, I prayed for the first time in 23 years. Overnight I became a tee-totaller. As time went on I reached a balance where I know that with Jesus to drink may be lawful for me to do but not the best for a Christian to do for his own body’s sake and also for appearance sake in front of those who may not understand. Jesus was ostracized by the religious crowd for being a winebibber (drinker) and one who ate with publicans. They were the unsaved crowd and the dreaded tax collectors (gentiles).

    I prevailed upon my husband on his next weekend trip home to retrieve my Bible from the attic. This was the same Bible my mother had given to me as a child. It was the only one I had ever had. I began

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