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16 Spells
16 Spells
16 Spells
Ebook113 pages1 hour

16 Spells

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About this ebook

Unknowing of her powerful gift, Jen, who just turned sixteen, is brought in a type of world she hasnt known existed for centuries. She learns that due to her age, she only has sixteen spells that she can use. And due to the type of magic that runs in her family, her magic holds up every other sixteen-year-old magic together. When Jen finds her grandmothers old spell locket, she mixes two spells together and unlocks some of her new powers. Now her magic is unbalanced and out of control, throwing others magic out of control. Now she has to figure out how to get things back to the way they were before she opens a magic portal to the land of forbidden.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 19, 2018
16 Spells

Priska L. Debreus

Born in Cap Haitien, Haiti, in 2002 Priska L Debreus, grew up in a small neighborhood in the Charrier Mountains. In 2012, at the age of 10 she moved to the U.S and settled in Panama City, Florida. She attended Hiland Park Elementary, and Jinks middle school. As a young child, she found it hard to find something she really enjoyed doing in her spare time. Reading was never her thing, but she managed. In 2013, at the age of 11, Debreus took up writing, and wrote the first chapter of her book My brothers My Mate, after publishing it electronically on an app, she found success was hard and ended up trashing the idea. Months later, she re-opened the idea once more, this time succeeding massively with 50 thousand reads. The success was short lived, once criticism about the content of the book lacking interest arose. Instead of throwing the idea away like the beginning, she turned it into something different, better, and with a plethora of interesting content. The book 16 Spells, is one of many attempts, and a massive success on the app which got her started. Reaching 90.2 thousand reads in a short period of time. Eventually in 2016 at the age of 14 she moved to Miami and attended North Miami Middle School, and North Miami Senior High, where she continued to write and grow her success. In 2017, at the age of 15, Debreus took a bigger step at an even bigger success, by wanting to self publish her book 16 Spells.

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    Book preview

    16 Spells - Priska L. Debreus

    16 Spells

    Priska L Debreus

    Copyright © 2018 by Priska L Debreus.

    ISBN:                  Softcover                                     978-1-5434-7471-8

                               eBook                                           978-1-5434-7470-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 01/13/2018





    Chapter two

    Chapter three

    Chapter four

    Chapter five

    Chapter six

    Chapter seven

    Chapter eight

    Chapter nine

    Chapter ten

    Chapter eleven

    Chapter twelve

    Chapter thirteen

    Chapter fourteen

    Chapter fifteen

    Chapter sixteen

    Chapter seventeen

    Chapter eighteen

    Chapter nineteen

    Chapter twenty

    Chapter twenty one

    Chapter twenty two

    Chapter twenty three

    Chapter twenty four

    Chapter twenty five

    Chapter twenty six

    My alarm clock rings, and I quickly lift off under the sheets, stretching my arms out. It’s officially my birthday. The day I turn 16 is here. I slip on my fluffy slippers, with the letter J sewn on them. I throw on my robe, and make my way downstairs for my birthday breakfast.

    ‘‘There is our birthday girl!’’ Dad place down his news paper, and takes a look at me.

    ‘‘Today is going to be fantastic.’’ I took my seat, ad wait patiently as mom places my large breakfast in front of me.

    ‘‘Your favorite." She smiles and hand me my chocolate shake. My birthday is the only time of year, where I get to eat sweets for breakfast.

    ‘‘What are we doing today?’’ I ask, taking a bite of my breakfast.

    ‘‘Well, your father and I have to take you somewhere in a couple of minutes, so finish up, and go get dress. I rush to finish, and run up the steps, and into my room. I quickly open up my walking closet, and grab the outfit that I had plan to wear today since last night. I run to the bathroom and start the water. A good 30 minutes has passed, and I finally step out of the warm shower feeling refreshed, and ready to go wherever my parents are taking me for my first birthday surprise I’m guessing. I walk out of the bathroom, and dry my self up. I slip on my under garments, and slip on my robe, and start on my hair. I hear a knock on the door.

    ‘‘Come in.’’ I raise my voice slightly. I turn my head to look over at who came in, and there was Kal standing there with a huge smile on his face.

    ‘‘Hello beautiful.’’ He kissed my cheek. ‘‘These are for you.’’ He hands my a large bouquet of flowers.

    ‘‘Kal, you didn’t have to get me flowers.’’ I smile.

    ‘‘Are you kidding me! It’s your birthday. I have to get my love flowers.’’ He place his hands on my waist and pull me in. Just then, mom walks in.

    ‘‘Mom, knock.’’ I point to the door.

    ‘‘Kal, as much as I enjoy your company, and I know Jen adores your company, you cannot distract the girl.’’ Mom walks in, and places a hand on Kal’s shoulder.

    ‘‘Mom, please leave.’’ I open the door for her.

    ‘‘Fine. Just hurry up.’’ She makes her way out. I close the door, and walk up to Kal.

    ‘‘Where were we?’’ He fix my hair out of my face.

    ‘‘Jen!’’ Mom yells from the other side of the door.

    ‘‘Fine!’’ I shout back, and finish on with my hair.

    ‘‘Kal, can you grab my dress for me in the closet.’’ I push my hair into a pony tail, and stood up.

    ‘‘Here.’’ He hands me the cocktail dress.

    ‘‘What do you think?’’ I zip up the side zipper, and fix my hair.

    ‘‘Stunning.’’ He looks up and looks back down on his phone.

    ‘‘Kal!’’ I grab the phone from his hand.

    ‘‘I’m sorry, I’ve was sending in the final payments in for your birthday gift.’’ He stands up.

    ‘‘What birthday gift?’’ I ask worried.

    ‘‘You’ll see.’’ He grabs my heels from the bed, and gets down on one knee. ‘‘Ma lady.’’ He puts the shoe in front of me, and I slip my foot in.

    ‘‘Shall we?’’ I grab his hand, and walk out of the door. We make our way down the stairs.

    ‘‘Jen, you look 16.’’ Mom hugs me.

    ‘‘Your first surprise of the day.’’ Kal opens the door. ‘‘A red regera.’’ There, in my drive way a very expensive looking car.

    ‘‘Kal! Are you sure?’’ I questioned him before I run and jump on him.

    ‘‘Yes, I’m sure.’’ He grabs my hand, and leads me to the car.

    ‘‘How did you afford this?’’ I ask.

    ‘‘I had a little bit of help, from your father and my father.’’ He look at dad and smiles.

    ‘‘It’s all yours.’’ Dad throws a pair of keys my way. I quickly get in the driver seat.

    ‘‘So where are we going?’’ I ask my parents.

    ‘‘No darling. Were taking you. After when we come back, we’ll have your party and then you and Kal can go with the car.’’ Mom opens the door, drags me out.

    ‘‘I’ll see you later, I kiss his lips and get into my parents car. I watch as they drive out of the drive way, and onto the road. A few minutes pass, and they turn the corner and park in a dark alley.

    ‘‘Mom, it’s my birthday. I don’t think that this is where I want to spend the morning of it.’’ I look around the disgusting looking place.

    ‘‘We are about to show you something. Because it’s your 16 birthday, it’s time.’’ dad and her walks to the middle of the alley, and chant weird sounding words, and all of a sudden a door appears from no where.

    ‘‘What is going on?’’ I blink a few times to make sure that I’m not tripping with my vision and that I’m seeing correctly. A door just appear in thin air. I look at my mom and dad waiting for an understandable answer.

    ‘‘When we go in, you’ll understand better.’’ She opens the door, grab my hand and pull me in with her. I look behind me to see no door. I look around and see a room, full of other girls I’ll say about my age. The room also is full of books, and stones, and liquids. I was walking around and I saw my name on many things.

    ‘‘This is the witches den.’’ My dad spoke up behind me.

    ‘‘The what lab?’’ I look at him. Everyone else in here seems so happy and cannot wait for whatever is about to happen.

    ‘‘Today you get your powers.’’ Mom grabs a book off of the shelves with my name printed on the cover.

    ‘‘Powers?’’ I watch as mom grab my hands, and place them on the pages of the open book.

    ‘‘Yes. Powers. Keep your hands on the pages, and you’ll be surprised at what you see.’’ Mom and dad close their eyes, and place their hands on my hands. Here we go again with the random words that sounds like old Latin to me.

    Chapter two

    ‘‘What did you think?’’ Mom ask me as das start to drive out of the dark alley and onto the road.

    ‘‘It’s amazing, yet weird.’’ I spoke out while looking at my hands. I made a lighting bolt with my hand. Who knew that turning 16 came with powers. ‘‘Who else knows?’’ I ask.

    ‘‘Where we live, half of the population has powers. Kal is one of them, Alia is one also.’’ Dad pulls up to the drive way, and I step out of the car, walk in the house and make my way up to my room. I step in front of the mirror, and I place my hands in front of me, and it lights up. I touch my dress, and it burns off and changes.


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