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Devil in Disguise
Devil in Disguise
Devil in Disguise
Ebook185 pages2 hours

Devil in Disguise

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About this ebook

In Venezuela, young, nave Sadie McKenzie is dating the older, worldly Jonny Logan. There, she meets his family, including his nephew, Seth. Sadie and Seth become fast friends, and with Seths help, she manages to escape Jonnys controlling and sometimes violent nature by moving to New York. Once there, she achieves her dream of becoming a bestselling author.

In time, Seth finds her again, and they explore a passion that has been smoldering for years. When Sadie agrees to marry Seth and move to his home in Florida, shes surprised by what she finds. Seth has made some unethical choices in pursuit of success. Now that hes met Sadie again, he wants to become an upstanding construction mogul, but it might be too late.

Seth has a devilish reputation, so his enemiesincluding Uncle Jonny, Seths secretary, and a detective on the brink of retirementare determined to punish him for his past. Jealousy, revenge, and romance are hotter than the Florida sun as Sadie fights to protect the man she loves, even if she has to make some difficult moral decisions of her own.
Release dateFeb 27, 2018
Devil in Disguise

Sally McGuire

Sally McGuire has written many short stories and always keeps a journal. Her love of researching the history of various cultures earned her an award of excellence. She lives in New York with her son. She is also the author of Destined to Love, Forever yours, Devil in Disguise and children’s book the Missing Letters.

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    Devil in Disguise - Sally McGuire

    Copyright © 2018 Sally McGuire.

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-4454-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-4455-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018902546

    iUniverse rev. date:   02/23/2018




    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16


    Special quotes

    ‘A man, who conquers himself, is greater than one who conquers a thousand men in battle.’ Buddha


    T O - ROBERT ALEX RAMDEEN. You help me to truly understand that black and white thinking does not work in a grey world. Thank you. Now I can see rainbows. ICNHU. XoXo

    Special thanks

    Dianne Simon, Courtney Bridgeman, Hakeem Basheer, Milton Coy, Tracy Thompson, Sherridon Poyer, Attlee Sandy.


    ‘D AD, I WOULD LIKE YOU to meet Sadie McKenzie, Sadie heard her boyfriend say as he introduced her to his father.

    It’s nice to meet you, she replied, smiling at the elderly man who was smiling back in greeting. She had been dating Jonny Logan for the past few months and for all that time it seemed that Jonny constantly talked about his father. He had told her all about his father’s younger years as a solder in the Vietnam War. Sadie had been looking forward to meeting him.

    Mr. Logan was polite and friendly. He offered her a seat in the small leaving room at his house and they soon began chatting like they had known each other for many years. They spoke about her lineage and other details about her life. Then she asked him about his experience in the army and he was happy to tell her about it. Sadie would look at Jonny from time to time and noticed that he seemed uncomfortable. She could not understand why. He was always going on about his unconditional love for his father, but now that he was in the same room with him, he seemed different. Jonny played with his cell phone, not engaging in any conversation. He appeared relieved when he got a phone call and stepped outside to take it.

    How long have you known my son? old man asked, looking at Sadie with curious eyes. He could not help noticing how young and beautiful his guest was. She was unlike most of the women that he had seen in her son’s company.

    A few months, Sadie replied, recalling the first time she met Jonny. She had finished college and just started her first job as a receptionist at a local hotel. He came to meet up with one of his friends and was soon making conversation with her. From that day, he came to the hotel regularly, asking her to go out with him. He was very persistent and charming, and she soon agreed. She was reluctant at first, as he was so much older than her eighteen years. He was known as a womanizer in the village.

    I met him at my job, she added.

    Where do you work Sadie? Mr. Logan asked. For some strange reason he was drawn to this young girl, who seemed very innocent. He had a strong urge to protect her and keep her safe.

    I work as a receptionist at JW Marriott,’ she replied, smiling. She was very happy and thrilled to be working at her job. Caracas, Venezuela was a popular tourist destination and she enjoyed meeting people from different cultures and countries. She hoped to travel to the United States one day and follow her dreams. I love my job, but I hope to be a bestselling writer one day."

    That is fantastic. I hope that your dreams come true, the man said, looking into her brown eyes. Let me give you some advice that I hope will guide you in this life.

    What is it? she whispered, looking at the old man. He was in his seventies, thin, and had a few strands of grey hair remaining on his head. His eyes were warm and kind.

    Do not judge a book by the cover, he replied, looking directly at her. What I mean is, do not judge the worth of someone based on outward appearance alone. Judge them on their actions, values, and, most importantly, the look in their eyes.

    Thank you, I will remember that,’ Sadie said, wondering why the old man was giving her that advice. I do appreciate your wisdom."

    You seem like a very smart young lady and I know that one day you will come to truly value my words. Can I get you something to drink?"

    Yes, I would love a drink, she replied. She had developed an instant liking for the old gentleman. Can you point me to the kitchen? she asked him. I can help myself.

    With Mr. Logan’s direction, Sadie made her way to the small kitchen. It was dark, even though it was mid-afternoon. She put the light on, then went to the refrigerator and poured herself a glass of lemonade. She saw a shadow as she put the jug of juice back into the fridge and looked up. Dark, friendly eyes met hers and she grinned.

    Hello, she said to the young man standing in the kitchen doorway. I am Sadie.

    My name is Seth, he replied as he came closer to her. You were talking to my grandfather.

    Nice to meet you, Seth, she said softly. He was not very tall—about five-five—and very lanky. There was a mop of unruly, black curls on his head. He had a long face and full lips. His most amazing features were his black eyes. They seemed to light up when he smiled. She could tell that he was a few years younger than she. I did not know that Jonny had a nephew.

    Oh, really? he replied. My mom is Jonny’s sister. She died one year after my grandmother, from breast cancer. I was only a few months old.

    I am so sorry to hear about your mother, Sadie replied, looking into his eyes. Jonny had spoken about his mother, but not his sister. Your grandfather raised you?

    My father did not want to be bothered with a baby, so my grandfather took care of me. When I was about five years old, he left Miami and moved to Caracas. It wasn’t easy for him, but here we are. He means a lot to me.

    "He seems to be an amazing person,’ Sadie said.

    Do you like to listen to music? Seth asked her with enthusiasm.

    Sadie wore a short summer dress, black two-inch pumps and her long hair was pulled back in a ponytail. When she smiled, she exposed her rosy cheeks and her white teeth. Yes, I do, she replied.

    From that moment, Seth and Sadie became great friends. They chatted on the phone for hours and he come to her job regularly after school. She would then accompany him back to his home, where they listened to music, played games or went to the garden and collected local fruits. They talked for hours about the things that they wanted to accomplish in the future. She spoke about travelling to the United States and becoming a bestselling author. Seth wanted to be his own boss and become a millionaire at a young age. As time passed, the bond between the two young friends became stronger.

    Wait! Where are you rushing off to? Jonny asked one afternoon after they finished a late lunch. He had recently come back from a business trip in Miami and had not seen her in weeks. He was a merchant who traveled regularly overseas to purchase goods for his thriving businesses. They had spoken a few times on the phone, but she seemed so distant and was always busy. This made him very angry. Many women would love to be in her position. He was handsome, had money and material things, and knew how to show a woman a good time. She was not the only woman in his life, but she was the one he wanted—for now.

    I am going to visit your father, Sadie replied. It’s his birthday today.

    Why do you have to go there right this minute?he asked crossly. Since he had introduced her to his father, she was always at his place and that made him mad. He was starting to worry, given that he didn’t want her to get too close to his family. He couldn’t risk her finding out about his reputation before he could have sex with her. He loved sleeping with random women and being a player. Sadie was young and innocent, and he pretended to be the kind of man that she wanted. He acted as if he respected her wishes and supported her dreams. In fact, all he wanted was to satisfy his huge sexual appetite, then break up with her afterwards. When he first met her, he thought that she would be easy to charm. They had been dating for months and he couldn’t get her to make love to him. She was always rejecting his advances and stating that she was not ready. This frustrated him even more. No woman had ever said no to him before. I want to spend some time with you.

    I can’t right now, she said softly, quite surprised that he didn’t say anything about his father’s birthday. He had not visited his father since he brought her to his home months ago. She was starting to believe that he was not as close to his father as he pretended to be. School should be over right about now and Seth will be here soon. We are going to pick up a cake for him.

    Seth? That boy is extremely obnoxious, Jonny said furiously. He hated that she was choosing to spend time with his dad and nephew instead of him. Why can’t he hang with his own kind?

    What kind is that? Seth is a good guy and I love being his friend, Sadie replied crossly. She couldn’t understand why Jonny was always saying negative things and trying to make it seem like his nephew was a terrible person. Why do you always have to say awful things about him?

    You have only known my nephew for a few months. Why are you always defending him? he inquired heatedly. He did not care much for his nephew. They were never close. They did not have a relationship and he was fine with that. My nephew will not turn out to be anything good. He is a loser.

    How can you say that? I believe he will be successful one day, Sadie replied. She wanted to defend and protect Seth. He was a good kid and she didn’t like it when anyone said bad things about him. If you knew who he really was, you would not be saying such mean things.

    I do know him. All that my nephew wants to do is have sex with you! You are so stupid that you can’t see that, Jonny said as jealousy rose in his heart. He had seen them a few times in the city, chatting and laughing—and she was always talking about him. He knew that when she visited his father they were spending time with each other.

    You are crazy! Sadie said furiously, getting to her feet. She couldn’t believe that Jonny would think that way. Seth is my friend. I can’t believe that you would say such things. There were not many people dining at the small restaurant. There was indoor and outside seating. They were seated outside and the music playing in the background made it impossible for anyone to hear their heated conversation.

    I can say whatever I want about that little punk! Jonny replied. She was defending his nephew and he loathed it. All he wanted to do was spend time with her and she was rejecting him yet again.

    Goodbye Jonny! Sadie said when she saw Seth walking towards them. She did not want him to hear the mean things that his uncle was saying about him. She did not want him to be sad.

    Seth looked at Sadie with admiration. He was always glad to see her. From the moment that she came into his life, she had made him very happy. He looked forward to seeing her and thinking about her always made him smile. His grandfather was also happier because of her. He noticed that she seemed angry and wondered why.

    "Good afternoon, Uncle Jonny,’ he said politely, acknowledging his uncle.

    Let’s get out of here, Sadie said, grabbing his arm. They walked away without looking back.

    What did I just miss? Seth asked as he looked at her. He could tell that she and Jonny had been arguing. He was quite aware that his uncle did not like him, and he could never understand why. He was not surprised when he didn’t answer his greeting.

    Nothing much, Sadie replied, smiling up at him. She did not want him to know about all the mean things that were said about him. Your uncle believes that I am not spending enough time with him.

    He is right, Seth replied, realizing that she didn’t want to tell him what they were talking about. He had gotten accustomed to Jonny saying mean things about him. At first, when he was much younger, his words made him cry, but now he really didn’t care. You do spend a lot of time with me and my grandpa.

    Yes, I do, and I love every minute of it. My parents said that you guys are my new family, she replied cheerily.

    Oh really? Seth said,

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