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The Trunk
The Trunk
The Trunk
Ebook42 pages24 minutes

The Trunk

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Kathleens life is filled with love, stability, and comfort. Being a teenager, she is so unfocused about important issues such as how the bills are paid. Her main thoughts are on pancakes and sausages. She feels safe in her mothers home when her grandmother recently moved to another location. Kathleen misses her grandmother very much since she moved away.

Her mother wakes her up on the last day of school and asks her to help move a trunk her grandmother left. The contents in the trunk are filled with lovely items, especially a picture of a mysterious lady and letter that has instructions stating, Do Not Open.

The trunk holds a family secret that has been hidden for many years. The secret could not only separate the stability of the family statues but it could also cause a separation in the life of Kathleen.
Release dateMar 2, 2018
The Trunk

Gayles Evans

Gayles Evans is a retired associate college professor. She holds a BA, MLS and PhD. A former children and public and academic reference librarian, Gayles studied art at the Art Institute at Chicago and was a performance voice major at the American Conservatory of Music.

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    The Trunk - Gayles Evans






    Copyright © 2018 Gayles Evans.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-4435-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-4436-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018902372

    iUniverse rev. date: 03/01/2018

    This book is dedicated to my loving husband, mother, grandmother, son, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.


    My heartaches and tears have sealed the words on the pages of this book. My life struggles, disappointments, and distorted visions, along with the joys and laughter, are the glue that bound the pages together.

    I wish to thank many of my family members, friends, and colleagues who have supported and encouraged me in my career. The most challenging aspect of this literary piece was the disciplinary factor of finding the time to write.

    I want to especially thank my grandmother, who is no longer here but who helped raise me. Her love and spiritual inspiration influenced me in so many ways.

    I want to thank my friend Troas Alexander for her helpful ideas. As a published author of A Cat’s Tale, Mrs. Alexander has given me excellent advice regarding publishing a book.

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