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Little Pieces of Heaven
Little Pieces of Heaven
Little Pieces of Heaven
Ebook428 pages4 hours

Little Pieces of Heaven

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About this ebook

Little Pieces of Heaven was written when the author was starting her journal on her walk with God.

These includes prayers, thoughts and stories on helping others, reminders that God walks with you every day. This also includes daily scriptures that can help readers in daily struggles.

This book encourages women to spend time with a powerful and personal God.

This also helps readers to turn to God when they need help, guidance, spiritual insight and joy.
Release dateMar 5, 2018
Little Pieces of Heaven

Susen Mattison Molé

Susen Mattison Mole has a degree in Education from a Christian College in Keene Texas. She has a great desire to bless other woman that she has meet while she traveled the world with her Navy Doctor husband. She has seen the need for fellowship and prayer between women that love the Lord all over the world. She is the mother of two amazing daughters. Has homeschooled them for 10 years, and loved to teach in small christain schools in the USA and Okanawa Japan... She grew up as a missionary kid and enjoys the wonderful culture and people of many countries.

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    Little Pieces of Heaven - Susen Mattison Molé

    Copyright © 2018 by Susen Mattison Molé.

    ISBN:              Softcover               978-1-5437-4514-6

                             eBook                    978-1-5437-4515-3

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.




    Trying Not to Hurt Someone


    Being a Friend


    Mountain Top Church


    Blessings Back


    Flowers Will Grow


    Never Alone


    Freedom is Not Free


    Keep Us Warm


    Growing Up


    You Are Different


    Colors Shine on Me


    Jesus Came to Live with Us


    I want to say thanks to the following people for all they have done for me and for making my life full of joy.

    * Mom Tanksley for her love and friendship. She has always been there to talk and pray for me.

    * Megen and Kaity, they are the most wonderful gifts that God has given to me. Two beautiful girls who have filled my life with fun and full days since the moment they arrived, one on February 21 and the other on April 25.

    * My lover and my friend, my husband, who has given me a life of change and travel. We have been in a lot of places. All of them have been like a honeymoon.

    * Badona Kanka for her willingness to help me edit this book of my thoughts and moments of time with God.

    Thank you all for making my life better and sweeter for being a part of my life

    I would like to dedicate this book to all women who have asked God into their lives. When you are sad or lonely, remember that Jesus is there and wants to walk with you. Take His hand and spend each day with Him.

    Dear Readers,

    I hope that you read this little book.

    We as women have a hard time sometimes opening God’s gifts.

    We say:

    * Have hope in the future.

    * Love everyone.

    * Be filled up with joy.

    * Do not worry.

    * See the beauty in nature around you.

    * Rest in Jesus.

    I think that we say these things, but we forget to open them for our self and be filled with all of them. I am sure that you can find more of these sayings that we all use. But we must open them and apply them to our lives.

    * Be a loving person and receive love from others and God each day. Remember, He does love you very much.

    * Be hopeful. Each day you will be filled with His hope.

    * Be bubbling over with God’s love so you are never empty.

    * Be worry free, you will look younger; and, when you open this gift, you will feel like you could fly.

    * See all the big/little things that He gives you each day, the sunrise, or a bird that sings. You will see them if you look.

    * Please stop and r-e-s-t in Him who is the only one who can give you heavenly rest, so deep, so wide, so much that you will feel much younger than you are :)

    Open your eyes and open a gift each day from your loving and wonderful God, savior, and friend.

    This is my prayer for each of you,





    is made


    I choose

    to be like Jesus.

    Trying Not to Hurt Someone

    Sometimes when we care for someone we still hurt them. I remember a young guy in college who I loved like a brother. His feelings were different, however, and this made me very sad to hurt him when I cared so much. The two of us had so much fun doing things together that were fun and did not cost a lot of money.

    We once went to a small pond and went fishing, just sitting there talking and laughing. He showed me how to fish, and I was the one who hooked three fish.

    We would pool our money and drive to the store in his old car. We would buy a gallon of ice cream and eat it. Once it was snowing out, and I got so cold. But we had a lot of fun.

    We would ride around on his dirt bike and get so dirty that I am not sure how we got all that dirt off.

    He was a person who gave me a gift of friendship, and I will always remember him for his kindness and a whole lot of fun.

    To really have fun is sweet. It can be an inexpensive time with someone who is your friend. You will make memories that will never be lost.

    January 1

    1 Peter 2:9

    You are a special and chosen person. You are in the royal family of God. A person that is His forever.

    I sometimes feel like I am not important, that people walk by me. I, as a human, do a lot to try to be noticed. I make sure that I am dressed right, get educated right, and live in the right house. But Jesus can and will dress me in His best. He will give me His righteousness, His loving nature. What He has to give me is worth much more then gold and silver. It cost the Lord’s life, His blood and death to make me new.

    What I need to do more of is to try to remember to talk about what He has done for me. Then I need to ask Him into my life and ask Him to change each part of me that needs to be made new, and to dress me in His character.

    I am special, I should not forget it. If God thinks so much of me, then I should also and stand for what I was created to be.

    Dear Father,

    Help me to be that chosen person for you today. Help me to dress in your way and to glorify only you. Amen

    January 2

    Psalm 37:25

    From being young until I become old, I have never seen God’s people left without His help. He takes care of those who love Him.

    I asked myself, Do I worry? I know that the answer is Yes. I worry about money. I worry about health. I worry about my children. I worry about many things. I need to ask Jesus to help me stop worrying

    Really, would God save me and give me salvation and then watch me fall? Would He have died on the cross, then not promise to take care of me? I am glad that He is always there.

    He has sent His angels to watch over me each day. Would He do that if He wanted me to worry? No, I do not think so.

    I hope that I will help someone today so that they will know that they do not have to worry. I want to help them with their burden.

    Dear Father,

    When I worry, help me to stop and run to you. Help me learn to trust in your love. Amen

    January 3

    John 15:11

    I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.

    Joy! God wants me to be filled with Joy! Over those who come to Him, His work is complete, finished. He is going to finish the work and save all His children. I am one of them.

    Please let me make sure that I share the love and His promises that God gives me with those who I live and work with and those I meet in this life.

    I must give to others:

    * Smiles, and hugs.

    * Letters and emails.

    * Prayers and sharing.

    These are some ways that I can help in the Lord’s work, saving souls for heaven.

    Dear Jesus,

    Show me the person today who needs you. Put me where you want me to be. Help me to be open to your leading. Amen

    January 4

    Ephesians 1:19

    You will know that God’s power is very, very great to us when we believe.

    God is the greatest artist ever. He loves to create. When I look around me, I wonder, How many different flowers are there? How many interesting little creatures are there? I cannot count.

    He creates in me also when let Him into my life and heart. If I have been hurt, He will replace this part of my life with grace. If I am in need of a friend, He is there to be my best friend. He is remodeling me heart and life, sometimes it does not feel pleasant. I do not mind if there are a few changes that He wants to make; but most of the time, it is maybe the whole house.

    He wants to keep making His masterpiece ME better and better until He is finished and I become the Rembrandt of His creation.

    Dear Father,

    Please help me trust you to make me what you created me to be. Help me to listen to your kind and helpful words that make me your child. Amen

    January 5

    Genesis 18:14

    Is anything too hard for the Lord? No!

    Do I really believe this statement? I hope and pray that I do.

    God loves surprises. He loves giving to His children what they need and desire.

    * Sarah was too old to have a baby; in steps God.

    * David kills and is unfaithful; God forgives.

    * Esther learns her people are going to be killed; God answered their prayers.

    So what is the lesson of life? Do not give up! When the day is hard, do not stop and give up. When someone you love leaves you, go to God for a hug. God is working out your problem right now, in His time!

    Your job, money, whatever your concern, Jesus is there fixing and leading. Don’t give up. Start praying.

    Also look around you. You will see others who need to be helped and cheered up.

    Dear Jesus,

    Teach me to believe that I can do anything! Amen

    January 6

    Hebrews 8:12

    I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.

    To those who love the Lord, this is a big source of joy. It gives us courage also. All our wrong doing is filtered through, hidden in, and screened out by the sacrifice of what Jesus did for me.

    When God looks at me, He doesn’t see my sins and the bad stuff. He sees Jesus because Jesus is in me and around me. So when I fail, I think of Jesus. I try not to be discouraged and concerned. I know that my victory is secure.

    That gives me great courage. I put a smile on my face, and sing a song of joy in my heart.

    Remember to forgive others and lift them up.

    Dear Father,

    I thank you today for your gift of salvation. Help me to take this gift and rest in your love, and also to share it with others. Amen

    January 7

    Psalm 142:1

    I cry out to the Lord; I pray to the Lord for help and mercy.

    Have you ever talked to someone and realized that they have not been listening? That is not the way God is. When I talk, He listens. I matter to Him. He takes my voice seriously.

    When I go to God, I come into His presence. He turns and looks at me and bends down to hear my whisper. He is never too busy. I have no fear that I will be ignored.

    Is it hard sometimes to tell Him what I need? I do not worry. He listens and understands all I say and want to say. He has sent the Holy Spirit to help me ask. So I just talk to Jesus.

    When I step into His presence, God stops and gives me His one hundred percent attention.

    I also pray that I will do the same with those who need help, to be a listening ear.

    Dear Father,

    Thanks for listening to me and loving me. Please help me to stay in your arms and to love someone who needs you also. Amen

    January 8

    John 13:5

    He (Jesus) poured water into a bowl and began to wash the followers’ feet (your feet)…drying them with a towel that was wrapped around Him.

    I, who have chosen Jesus, need to be serious about giving my life to Him. I need to place my feet in the basin so that He can clean the filthiest part of my life. This only happens when I give all into His hands.

    Jesus is also showing me that I need to serve others, willingly and lovingly. His example is clear! He will wash the grimiest part of my life. So I can do the same to others.

    Will I let Him? The water of the servant (Jesus) comes only when I ask and let Him clean me. I need to realize my deep need: that I am dirty and in great need.

    Only when I see that I am in great need, does He do his miracle. He will not and cannot, unless I ask.

    Then I can wash the feet of someone who has hurt me deeply and serve them in love.

    Dear Father,

    Show me how to be a servant. Amen

    January 9

    Hebrews 4:15

    Our high priest is able to help us in our weakness. When He lived on earth, He was tempted in every way that we are, but He did not sin.

    God is ready for any question that I have. He knows what I need before I ask. He knows what I am going to ask.

    Questions that I ask:

    Why is it so very hard down here on this world?

    Why is it so hard to be good?

    God has given me help before I ask.

    God boldly says, Look at Jesus. He has a way!

    Jesus is not an angel, ambassador, or another person. He

    shared fully, not partially, not nearly, not almost, in all of my experiences, every hurt, each ache, all the stresses and all the strains. No exceptions! No substitutes!

    Why? So the God of the universe can sympathize with my weaknesses and show me victory!

    Dear Jesus,

    Thank you so very, very much for giving me all. Keep me looking to you. Amen

    January 10

    John 18:36

    My kingdom does not belong to this world….

    Sometimes I am lonely. I feel that I am in a strange land? God put a little electrical bug in my heart so that I would be home sick for heaven and Him.

    I was made for a better place, where there is joy, peace and love.

    I will not ever be completely happy here on this earth. Simply because I was made for heaven and the new earth that God is planning for me.

    I will see glimpses of this special place in the light of the sunrise. I will see joy moments in the smile of a child or hug of a friend. Peace in the evening wind that touches my check.

    But I will have to wait, and hope for this new place, the happy every after, until Jesus comes back.

    Dear Jesus,

    Show me each day the glimpses of joy, love, light and peace. Amen

    January 11

    Luke 19:10 (Paraphrased)

    The Son of Man has come to find lost people and save them.

    Many times I feel God is following me. When I am somewhere I should not be, or say things that I know I should not say, I feel His hand on me saying, You are not walking with me.

    His first mission is to save me. Do I feel His presence through the kindness of a stranger? Through the majesty of the sunset, or the wonder of love? Through the commitment of my spouse? Through His special touch or the spoken word?

    God came down to save me; He came in a human body: Jesus. He wants to save me even when I choose not to listen or hovel in my trashy place, or follow my own ideas. He never forces me. He never leaves me. He uses all His power to save me if I will trust Him.

    Dear Father,

    Please help me take your gift and listen to your voice. You seeing the mess that I make when I do not have your help. Amen

    January 12

    Luke 10:40-42

    Martha was distracted with much serving … but Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.

    I thought that I was to serve! Work for the Lord!

    I must not forget one thing that is more important. What is this?

    Martha was worried about something good. She was having Jesus over for dinner! She was doing the serving. I think that her aim was to please Jesus, but she made a common, yet dangerous mistake. As she began to work for Him, her work became more important than her Lord.

    Serving became a way to serve self. I forget this, also. I need to honor God. We sometimes end up honoring me. How do I know when I am doing this? Listen to Jesus’ sweet voice.

    Dear Father,

    I pray that I will take time to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to His voice and be filled. I need to sit at His feet first, and then serve. Amen

    January 13

    John 16:24

    Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.

    When was the last time you asked God for something? Not for a fancy car, but for help? To help you with a problem or a sadness in your life? A time when you were not sure what way to go?

    Use the Bible as your guide and with prayer, start to follow Him who will give you answers and joy. He will give you what you need.

    You need to ask for the spiritual things first. He will give you those because His goal is to save you. There are other things that He will give you, but after He has saved you!

    So ask and receive His blessings and shine, shine, shine for Him.

    Dear Lord of my life,

    Help me to ask and really want to be saved into your kingdom. Help me to be changed, be kind, be loving, be gentle, like You. Amen

    January 14

    Psalm 9:2

    I will be glad and rejoice in You: I will sing praise to your name, O Most High.

    When is the last day or moment that I thanked God? Have

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