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Four different girls. Four different personalities.
One reason to live.

One remembers living a thousand different lives, and saved the world in each of them. This time it's different.
Three new girls have been chosen to help Rosalind protect human kind from a threat that she has never encountered before. Or so she thinks.

Rosalind Fisher
Hayley Jones
Mia Mayfield
Adelina Rizzo

Can these four girls, four Soldiers, undertake and succeed with the very thing that is the purpose for their existence?
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateMar 12, 2018

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    Book preview

    Sunrise - Rebekah Bissmire


    Rebekah Bissmire

    Copyright © 2018 by Rebekah Bissmire.

    ISBN:                  Softcover                        978-1-5434-0707-5

                                eBook                             978-1-5434-0706-8

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Rev. date: 03/06/2018






    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three


    To Claire, Isabella, Lauren, Libby, Rachel,

    Natasha, Felicity, Fiona, and Brittany, who gave me

    a friendship and love that inspired me to write this book.

    Will forever love you all!

    And to my Grandparents

    Who taught me that every story is worth telling.


    A person who will listen and not condemn

    Someone on whom you can depend

    They will not flee when bad times are here

    Instead they will be there to lend an ear

    They will think of ways to make you smile

    So you can be happy for a while

    When times are good and happy thereafter

    They will be there to share the laughter

    Do not forget your friends at all

    For they pick you up when you fall

    Do not expect to just take and hold

    Give friendship back, it is pure gold.

    * ‘A Friend’ by Gillian Jones; 2008

    I used my water to help me slide under the truck thrown towards me. The bus following it surprised me, but I managed to jump over it.

    On the other side was my one enemy, Noxus.

    Noxus really was just a large black shadow that was impossible to see at night, unless you were me and had an uncanny ability to not only see in the dark but could produce light out of your fingertips.

    Noxus grew to the size of a skyscraper during battles, and his size was also heightened by the black essences of souls floating around him. The souls of the people he has torn the hearts out and devoured. The ones I couldn’t save.

    The only parts of Noxus that weren’t black were his eyes, and they were even darker than the rest of him.

    To startle and distract Noxus, I summoned a wave of my water and knocked it into him. I then shot bullets of my powerful light towards him, small, quick and powerful, they went right through him. Noxus roared in his usual way when he was attacked by his one weakness, the light, and began shrinking.

    I jumped on a streetlight and this time charged up a large ray of light that hit Noxus right in the chest.

    By the time my light ray was disappeared, Noxus had withered back into the shadows of the night where he belonged.

    The wheezing of my alarm cut me off from my rare good dream. I wasn’t sure how it happened during my fight with Noxus last night, but my shoulder was insanely sore.

    A hot shower helped.

    I was getting dressed when Karen, my mother, knocked on my door and peeped her head in.

    Karen looked a lot like me, brown hair, blue eyes. Except her age showed on her skin. I could remember living many lives before this one, and I was sure it didn’t even show in my eyes.

    Can I help you? I asked her as I pulled my shirt down.

    You have a woman here to see you? And don’t give me attitude, Rosalind, Karen said to me.

    I pulled my only skirt and went out to meet this woman. I wasn’t expecting company but when I was introduced to an old woman, definitely older than most women I even talked to on a daily basis, something told me that this was a woman I could trust my life with.

    Her blue eyes reminded me so much of my own.

    Hello, Rosalind, She said smiling at me in her age.

    Can I get you some tea? I offered her quickly.

    Oh no, dear, I’m fine. Is there anywhere we can talk privately?

    Why privately? I thought.

    And as if she read my thoughts, she winked at me and began walking to our back door.

    I noticed one of my four brothers, Kenny, my personal favourite of the four, was giving me a confused look. I just shrugged at him and followed after the old woman.

    By the time I reached her, she was sitting at our small picnic table in the backyard. She looked rather at home.

    Do I know you? I asked her.

    Not yet, Rose, She said softly. But I know you.

    What does that mean? I asked sitting opposite her.

    LightWave is getting a little old, don’t you think?

    I looked at her surprised.

    LightWave was who I became when Noxus caused trouble or when the world needed someone who could help in ways the police or fire department couldn’t. How this old woman seemed to know, was confusing and most of all, terrifying.

    You don’t have to be afraid of me, Rosalind. I will not tell anyone, and yet, no one will remember I am here after this.

    Why? I asked as I stood. Who are you?

    The one sent to tell you news.


    It’s time for LightWave to grow up, The one woman said after rolling her ancient blue eyes. The world doesn’t need the young, alone, girl anymore. They need a leader.

    I don’t want to lead the world, I said crossing my arms.

    I did not mention anything about leading the world, young one. This life will prove to be very different from your past lives, child. But you will not face it alone. Keep an eye out for a girl with a heart of black fire, but remember, even the evilest of elements can prove to be the greatest of allies. Keep a watch for a girl of the worst storms, her wings carry more weight than she lets others see. Don’t look past a girl of shining wood, her beauty and grace only hides the fear she feels.

    What are you-

    You will not face your future battles alone, Rosalind. The world no longer needs LightWave. Now, the world needs Boss.

    I felt my jaw go slack as the old woman produced a small bubble of white water in the palm of her hands. My white water. I flinched as she threw it at me and when my eyes opened again, she was gone.

    Rosalind? Karen called from the back door. What in heavens name are you doing out here? Get inside quickly! You’ll catch your death this early in the morning!

    Where’d she go? I asked looking around for the old woman.

    Where’d who go? Don’t play games, Rose, come inside.

    No one will remember I am here, she had said.

    What? I repeated to myself under my breath.

    Chapter One

    Almost a full year had passed since the old woman visited and so much had changed that she didn’t warn me about.

    For starters, Karen had moved her, my four brothers and myself all to Canberra, Australia, so that was huge. I got three jobs to keep myself busy. And discovered that Noxus seemed to enjoy fighting me so much, that he followed us there.

    My oldest brother, Eric, didn’t cope with the change well, he never did. The twins, Nigel and Basil, loved it and couldn’t wait to go to an Australian school.

    Also, LightWave really was no more, the first time I Changed my form to fight Noxus after the old woman’s visit, I knew straight away I was different.

    I wasn’t in my usual short skirt, boots, and bracers, instead, I was in an outfit that made me not only look older and more powerful but made me feel a lot older and more powerful.

    And I was yet to meet any of the girls she had told me I’d meet, the girl with a heart of black fire, the girl of the worse storms and the girl of shining wood. It had been a year, and I was still alone, no longer LightWave, with the new outfit I called myself what she had called me, Boss, but I was still alone.

    Alone but busy all the time.

    One day, I was running from one job to the other and a girl ran into me, tripping me over.

    Oh my gosh! Are you okay? I’m so sorry, She babbled. "I’m really, really sorry! Did I hurt you? Please say I didn’t hurt you? Are you okay? I’m sorry—"

    It’s fine, really. It happens all the time. I shouldn’t have been running, I said calmly.

    Her soft green eyes were strongly painted with fear and worry, as if she expected me to have broken a bone, from tripping.

    So, you’re okay? She asked again.

    A little late for work, but fine. Have a good day.

    I turned to walk away, this time not running.

    Hey! Excuse me! The girl said again.

    What? I said it’s alright, I’m fine—

    No, it’s not that. Have we met? She asked.

    Her eyes really did tell her every emotion, now she was extremely curious.

    No, we haven’t, I said calmly.

    Is there no possible way we could know each other?

    There isn’t. Look, I’m in a bit of a rush, so if you don’t mind—

    This is going to sound crazy, especially as I sorta just crashed into you. But I swear I know you from somewhere. Who knows, maybe it was another life, she said with a shrug.

    I’d recognize those eyes from any life, I thought to myself.

    Fine. What do you want? I asked, giving up.

    Can we talk? She asked with a weary sort of smile.

    I’m late for work.

    I went to turn again to hurry to work.

    I need your help! She yelled after me.

    How could I help her? She is a stranger to me. I thought.

    People could get hurt! You need to help me!

    She must have realised that she was making a fool of herself as she stopped yelling. Yet it made me curious. Why was she asking me for help? Someone she didn’t even know. Someone she ran into in the shopping centre as they ran to work.

    You’re late, Rose! Stacey, my manager, said to me as I signed on.

    Sorry! You know what it’s like—

    No, Rose, I don’t. Don’t be late again, got it?

    Yes, Stacey. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.

    Yes, it will, She said with a sigh.

    She walked away and I got to work. There was one good thing about working at JayJays, the solitude.

    Ten minutes into my shift, she came in. The girl with green eyes and fire-red hair; and I had no escape.

    I need your help, she whispered.

    I’m working, and you’re creepy. Leave me alone, I said.

    Do you have any friends? She asked me as I cleaned up a pile of woollen jumpers.


    I bet you don’t. I bet your whole life revolves around your three jobs and that one thing you were born to do. That nobody else knows about, she whispered the last bit and that grabbed my attention.

    How on Earth does she know? How does she know I have a secret nobody knows about? How does she know that I was born to fulfil a task?

    I can also read minds, she whispered.

    Really? I thought.

    Yep. I know who you are, you’re the only one who can help me.

    She pulled off one of our jackets off the rack and slipped it on, posing slightly with a small smile.

    Rosalind! Stacey yelled from the counter.

    It faded.

    Sorry, I’ve gotten you in trouble, she said.

    Don’t worry about it. Okay, I’m here until closing and until then I can’t help you. I need the money, I can’t afford to get fired, I said.

    I know, but I’m scared, and then things get burnt, She said quietly.

    Keep an eye out for a girl with a heart of black fire, but remember, even the evilest of elements can prove to be the greatest of allies, the old woman had said.

    It was hard to believe that this green-eyed, orange-haired girl could have a heart of black fire. But who was I to judge off appearance?

    Wait here, I said. And get that, it suits you.

    Really? She said finally letting that smile come through.

    It made her look young and the smile suited her.

    I smiled back and left her, while she ran off to look in a mirror.


    Oh no. I know that tone. Not again, Rose. You can’t leave us high and dry for the third time this month! Stacey straight away said.

    "They were for very good reasons," I fought.

    "Your mother needing help with dinner is not a good reason."

    Alright, but this one is. But it won’t make any sense.

    Try me.

    She crossed her arms and lifted her chin, with her glasses and ponytails she looked ridiculous.

    She needs my help, I started.


    I can’t say.


    No, it’s nothing bad. It’s just… She’s one of my friends and she’s been a bit off lately, and this is the first time I’ve seen her smile since her parents broke up. She says she needs to talk to me. Stacey, she tried to kill herself last weekend. I don’t want her to go back down that path. Please, I’ll work double shifts next week, half of them for free, but please. She needs my help. Where the bloody hell did that come from?

    As horrible of an actor I was, Stacey believed me.

    Fine. Go, Stacey said with a breath.

    Thank you!

    I quickly clocked off before rejoining the girl again. She had bought the jacket.

    You know she doesn’t believe you, right? She said as we walked out the store.

    She doesn’t?

    She never has. But she likes you and your attitude. So she puts up with you. Also because JayJays is my favourite store of all time and I always go in there, she knows my face.

    How was I supposed to know that?

    You couldn’t. But I must say, I’m impressed with your improvisation skills. Didn’t know you had that in you.

    Thanks, I guess.

    Where are we going?

    Out of public ears. You want to talk; nobody can hear what we’re talking about.


    You should know that already.


    I lead her away from the shopping centre and we ended up in a small park, under a tree just sitting there.

    "I’m Hayley Jones, by the way, so you can stop calling me the girl in your head."

    Rosalind Fisher, I returned. So, you need my help?

    With control, I suppose. I don’t know, this is all very new to me. I mean, I’ve been reading minds my whole life, drove me crazy in primary school though it helped me fly through high school. If you know what I mean, Hayley said with a wink.

    She cheated her way through it.

    Yeah, she said with a shrug. But it’s not my psychic abilities I need your help with.

    I guessed.

    "See, things have been, burning, around me lately."

    You mentioned that.

    Well, it scares me, and I don’t know how to control it, Hayley muttered.

    The blade of grass she was holding in her hands burnt to ash and she curled herself into a ball. I couldn’t help but remembered my most recent past life. Elizabeth Dawson. I died in 1910 due to my own cause. I caused my entire street to burn to the floor just because some guy raped my neighbour.

    That’s a bit extravagant, but I probably would have acted the same, Hayley said watching me. You’ve lived past lives?

    A lot, I said. I don’t really count how many. But in every single one of them, I’ve had powers, and I remember, every one of them as well.

    How old were you in 1910? That’s such a weird question to ask someone who isn’t a great-grandparent.

    I chuckled then thought about it. I never really bothered to remember my age of my past lives; all I knew is that I always died young.

    That’s a bit depressing. Do you remember the war? Hayley asked.

    I had never been alive for any major wars. I could remember that.

    Do you remember your life before that?

    Wow, before that…

    Sarah Jackson. I could control the air and metal around me, and I died in 1891. Don’t ask me at what age. I think I lived in Chicago back then.

    Okay, Hayley said sitting on her knees. I could just see a huge grin on her face. "You have no idea how cool that is! Your mind and soul are practically immortal. That’s super awesome!"

    I’m glad you think so.

    You’d understand every bit of pain I go through, every bit of fear—

    And every drop of hope. Hayley, fire is only destructive if you make it so. Otherwise, it’s just another thing that guides people in the dark, I said suddenly. You can’t be afraid of it, especially not the heat, because if you’re afraid, it can control you. In my experience fire is the hardest to get a grip on. But it wouldn’t have been given to you if the people who gave us these powers didn’t think you could handle it.

    She nodded quietly and looked up at the tree.

    First things first, we need to find out what triggers your powers, I started. It could be anything, an emotion or perhaps a thought. I forgot what my trigger was a long time ago, but it’s been the same thing for so long it just comes naturally to me. Once we find your trigger we can work on it, build your powers and your control. Then one day you won’t even need that trigger to be so prominent. It will just be a thing, constantly in the back of your head, ready to jump forward when you need it too.

    Like Bruce Banner, Hayley said quickly.


    You know, The Hulk? Bruce Banner only turns into The Hulk when he’s really angry, right? In The Avengers movie Iron Man asks him what his secret to control is, and his secret is that he is always angry. He found his trigger, and he found a way to semi-control it.

    Then, in that case. Yes, but better than Bruce Banner, because there will be no ‘semi’ before the ‘control’. And one day, you’ll be able to move the sun from your own backyard.

    Wow, Hayley said, actually seeming really surprised. I could destroy the planet.

    I could destroy the planet if I wanted too. But I choose not to and I always have, because the alternative is unthinkable, I said staring at her. I’m not going to try and control where you go with your powers, Hayley. But I will give you a warning. You say you know who I am, then you know what I’ve done. You don’t want that as your enemy.

    She scoffed a laugh and looked at me with a disbelieving look.

    Only stupid people would go against you. And that Noxus freak, he deserves his own category.

    For the first time in this lifetime, I found myself laughing. The sound sounded off but nothing had ever felt more right. The smile, the laughter bubbling in my ribs and throat.

    I had to take a deep breath to calm myself down and Hayley was looking at me with a smile on her face.

    That’s where I recognize you from, she said softly. Actually, it was the softest she had spoken in the entire time we had been together today. I remember seeing your picture on the Internet somewhere for the highest mark of your year in High School? I remember seeing all the comments on it saying things like how you never smiled, how you never laughed. You were always so serious and always had at least one hour off school every week. It caught my attention because I just couldn’t understand how someone could live without smiling or laughing. But I just cracked you. And her smile was back and her playful tone. I made the unlaughable, laugh.

    I smile, thank you very much. Just not at school. But this isn’t about me, we need to work on you. What do you think your trigger is?

    I have no idea, Hayley sighed and leant against the tree.

    I quickly grabbed her and held her forward.

    What? She asked.

    I think while we try and find out your trigger, you shouldn’t be touching anything big and flammable. Like a tree, I stated.

    What about all this grass?

    I can hide a little grass fire. A whole tree burst into flames, not so much. So, your trigger?

    Well, she paused and seemed to be thinking hard about it. I got angry at a castmate last week and burnt my script as it was in my hands.

    Anger, I said with a nod. Any more incidents like that? You mentioned fear earlier?

    Fear makes me mad. Oh! I fought with my dad and melted our rubbish bin. And, just then a moment ago, I was remembering something that pissed me off—

    She cut off because her hands were suddenly on fire. She almost screamed but I made my hands of water and put them over hers, our hands steamed and she looked at me, terrified.

    Whatever that memory is, stop thinking it, I said.

    She nodded.

    Well, we know your trigger at least. That was easy.

    I hate being angry though, Hayley sighed and leant back on the tree again. As I had noticed her powers mainly came from her hands so I didn’t worry about it anymore. It makes you go all wrinkly, and anger is extremely unattractive.

    I needed to change the topic, help her calm down.

    You mentioned castmates, I stated. What is it that you do?

    Oh, I study the arts. I’m working on a musical with my own little theatre group at the moment. It’s so frustrating! My theatre group, university, and now these powers? Hayley asked sounding more upset now. Somebody wants me to stop doing what I love doing, and I hate it. But I’m going to have to! Because I don’t have time to do all three of those things—

    Can I make a suggestion? I asked.


    Drop out of Uni. I never went, never saw the need to. I say drop out, because whatever you’re doing at university, drawing, painting, photos, even acting, dancing, or singing, it’s all stuff you can do in the real world. And it’s all stuff that you don’t really need a degree and some fancy label, to be a part of.

    Why didn’t you go to university? Can I ask?

    The question I hated to answer.

    Because what’s the point of going to a university when I’m born to save the world and I never live past the age of twenty-one? I thought.

    Hayley’s look was almost sympathetic.

    This is all I’ve ever been. Saving the world, one life at a time, I said. Everybody grows up, wondering what they’re going to become, and then once they pass that stage, they spend the rest of their lives finding out where they belong in the world. So what do you go and study, if you already know? And you already know that studying will just be just a waste of your time?

    Hayley was speechless, and I began to wonder what was going through her head.

    It’s not practical for me to study, I added. It’s a waste of time and mental energy that I could be using for something else. Something much more important than an impossible future.

    That sucks. That fucking sucks, Hayley suddenly said.

    That was a word I wasn’t expecting to come out of her mouth.

    Sorry, but that really does suck. I mean, come on! The not going to university thing that’s cool. But knowing when you’re going to die? That… sucks! I’m glad I’m destined to be your friend now, because… wait, how old are you now?


    And when is your birthday?

    Five months.

    Well then, I am going to make it my sole duty, to make your last… seventeen months of life, the best you’ve ever lived.

    Were you really just counting on your fingers? I asked, laughing again.

    Oh, shut up, I suck at math alright! And look, I’m already doing my job brilliantly. You’re laughing again.

    She was a girl I couldn’t understand, but after knowing her for a short period of time, I already knew that she was a girl who I wanted to. She seemed to be the type of person who lives to make others smile, because every time she made me chuckle or even crack the smallest of smiles, her own would grow.

    After a while of just sitting there, and getting to know Hayley Jones, I made her get up.

    Come on! I said part chuckling.

    Why? I’m liking it under this tree, she groaned.

    Because there is no way you’re going to be able to practice, sitting on your bottom, under a silly old tree.

    Do we have to do it, now? She groaned. And did you really just say ‘bottom’?

    Yes and yes, because at this hour of the day, it’s too bright for fire to cause any source of light, and it’s too dark for smoke to stand out like a sore thumb.

    You know I never understood that phrase.

    Honestly? Neither did I. Let’s go!

    She did get up eventually, and as she did I quickly checked around for people. This time of the day people would either be home or on their way home and the roads were out of sight as well. We were alone.

    So I Changed. I closed my eyes and let the familiarity of the water bubble inside me. The feeling of the water and the light, growing, building. It washed over me quickly leaving a sort of tingling in my entire body. When I opened my eyes, Hayley was staring at me, in shock. I actually didn’t think her jaw could go any lower.

    What? I asked her, doing a little twirl. Does it look bad? I’ve honestly never seen myself.

    You’re not LightWave, she pointed out, finally being able to speak after a rather obvious swallow.

    Not anymore. LightWave lived and worked alone; this new me, this… more loyal me, has moved on from her. LightWave grew up to be the woman she always wanted to be. Hopefully, I sighed.

    So, what do I call you know?

    The world no longer needs LightWave. Now, the world needs Boss, the old lady said.

    Really? Hayley asked raising a brow. She called you Boss, and your sticking with it?

    Well… I still don’t know who she was but she was important and was right about a lot of stuff. So, yes, I’m sticking with it, I answered.

    Boss. Hmm. Alright. Well, I’ll need a cool name. Something to match my powers.

    How about, before you find your ‘name’, why don’t we start working on your control? I asked.

    "But a name is a necessity to every superhero in history. You can’t have Clark Kent without Superman, you can’t have Bruce Wayne without Batman, and you definitely cannot have Diana Prince without Wonder Woman. They need their names so they can at least have a reminisce of a normal life outside of crime fighting and saving the world. If I start my training without a name, I’m setting myself up for a lifetime of media discrimination."

    And then you get Tony Stark who wants the entire world to know he’s Iron Man, Steve Rogers, who everybody already knows is Captain America and then Bruce Banner, who wants everybody he knows to know his secret simply for their own protection. Oh, and was Kitty Pride known as Shadowcat before she became an X-Men? What about Ororo Monroe? And Scott Summers? Consider me Charles Xavier, Hayley. You don’t get a name until I believe you deserve it.

    What about Rogue? Marie? She became Rogue before she knew Professor X.

    She named herself when she was by herself. That’s like me naming myself LightWave. But that’s another reason why I want you to consider me like Charles Xavier. He protects his unnamed students from the harms of media and the government, and that’s what I plan to do for you.

    You don’t strike me as a superhero fan.

    I get bored.

    Really? Between three jobs and saving the world?

    Batman is worth it.

    Is he your favourite—

    Hayley! I yelled getting a little annoyed with her. Get up and let’s do this!

    She seemed genuinely surprised that I had yelled. But it got her moving; she stood, smiled weakly and looked around cautiously.

    How do I change? I’ve gotta be able to, right? She muttered to herself.

    Close your eyes, I said with a sigh. She stared at me in confusion. Close them.

    She obeyed.

    Clear your mind—

    You do realise how hard that is for me? Clearing my mind is like, kicking everybody else’s out; that’s a headache in itself, she mumbled.

    I don’t care how you do it, just do it.

    Hayley nodded, still keeping her eyes closed.

    Now, look inside yourself. You’ll feel a small source of power, when you find it, hold it. Don’t let it run away. Then let it feed, give it everything that has ever made you angry. Let it grow with your anger, let it spread all over your body, I continued.

    Her hands clenched into fists and her brows slowly started pulling together.

    Just as that power reaches your hands, think only of protection for yourself. Hiding who you are from the world. Think, to protect yourself and your power, you need to hide your face.

    By now I was backing away, and good timing as well. I was at a safe distance when her whole body was enveloped in flames for a mere second, and when they vanished, Hayley looked completely different.

    Her curly hair and turned dead straight. Her green eyes had become red. And she wore, I have to admit, I rather cute red and black outfit with red boots and black wrist bracers… A rather abstract, black mask half hid her face.

    Nice, I said to her.

    She smiled at me and lifted a hand, still clenched, just as it caught alight.

    Unfortunately, you’ll have to stay angry to stay that way. But as I said, soon it’ll just be a thing in the back of your head, bending to your will.

    "I really hate being angry," she said through her teeth.

    Then this should be easy.

    I regretted saying it just as a tear fell from her unmasked eye. Anger made her cry.

    Or not. Look, I don’t promise you it will be easy; gosh, I remember my first life, it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But over time, it got easier. Besides I think my task is a little harder than yours, I added with a chuckle.


    I have to teach you, as soon as possible, what took me a hundred lifetimes to learn.

    Good thing I’m a fast learner.

    Stay angry. You don’t want to lose your mask. Now, let’s get started. We’ll start with something simple, fireballs. Though, for me, they’re this, I started.

    I produced a water orb in my hands and allowed myself to smile as I played with it.

    Now, your turn. Start by shaping your hands like a ball, as if you’re holding one in between your hands…

    The lesson went on until the night, when Hayley’s fire did cause a bit of light but so did I.

    After Changing back, I explained to Hayley that the only way to become her normal self again was the feel the thing opposite to your trigger, for her it would have been peace and calm.

    I would have thought it would have been easy for her, but she seemed to struggle a lot.

    Relax and think of things that make you happy, that makes you feel at ease, loved, I said trying to help her.

    She had been angry for too long.

    A forced knocked me so far to the side I went straight through a tree or two. But when I looked to see what, all I could see was Hayley, eyes open, still as her Changed self. She was looking at me, worried. I recognized the black tendrils turning into claws around her body then she screamed as Noxus picked her up.

    No, I murmured.

    Of course, I couldn’t see Noxus! It was night!

    "Where is she? Noxus’ voice echoed through the park. Tell me where your water counterpart is! And why can I not remember her mortal face!"

    He couldn’t remember me! That was the best news I’ve had all day.

    Hayley screamed as his claws stuck into her.

    "Where is she?"

    Like… I’d tell you… you… worm… Hayley managed to choke out.

    He crushed her tighter than before and her screams probably could have broken glass, if there had been any around.

    Suddenly, all I could see was fire. Hayley had stopped screaming, but where she floated in the air, there was only fire, and the fire had swollen over Noxus entire, misty body!

    You shouldn’t mess with the fires of hell! I heard a voice say. It wasn’t Hayley, though it was a woman. Definitely a woman but laced with intense power, fire, and darkness in one.

    Noxus did his deafening screech before he dropped her. She hit the ground and all sources of fire disappeared.

    That’s when I decided to finally run to her; she was back to her normal self. And now I was closer, I could just see Noxus’ blurry outline, still recovering from the flames.

    I looked at Noxus as I Changed back to Boss and stood.

    You have a bad habit of showing up, Noxus. Now, how about we make this a fair fight so I can see you a bit better! I yelled.

    I shot a large ball of light into the sky above Noxus so I could see him, still slightly pink after the fire, yet still quivering with the souls of the thousands of people he had slaughtered.

    "You are not LightWave," He pointed out.

    LightWave grew up, I informed him. You have to deal with me now.

    "And what do I call you?"


    He didn’t seem to like that idea. He grumbled before he faded back into the shadows, I didn’t return to my normal self until I could no longer hear his slithering.

    And just as I did, Hayley stirred.

    Hey, I said softly. Careful, you had a nasty fall.

    Yeah, the fall I remember, She said stretching her neck.

    Nice one-liner, by the way, if that really was you, I chuckled helping her stand.


    "What do you remember?"

    I remember you getting thrown away, me getting picked up by… Noxus? I remember feeling as if my energy was draining out of me, and it got me really mad. Next thing I know, I fell, hit the ground, and when I finally opened my eyes again… well, you know that part, Hayley sighed. What have I left out?

    Your anger protected you, I chuckled. You became so angry, that your own body caught fire and took Noxus with it. You said a great one-liner, which makes me think that I have a name for you.

    What did I say? She seemed so eager and excited to hear.

    You shouldn’t mess with the fires of hell, I quoted.

    God, I sound badass!

    You sounded a lot scarier than a badass. Remind me to not get on your bad side.

    So, her name?


    She thought about it a little before she grinned and nodded.

    I like it, She said.

    Come on, we better get home, I said softly.



    Thank you.

    For a girl who I didn’t fully know, even if she could read my mind, how she made me feel more like a part of something since my thirteenth life, she didn’t need to thank me. It’s the first time I have ever found somebody like it; I would have helped her anyway. Just like I will anybody else who comes along.

    Hayley and I said our farewells before we both drove separate ways.

    Chapter Two

    Kenny greeted me with a warm, brotherly, hug when I returned from another training session with Hayley.

    It was no surprise to me to see the Eric on his piano, headphones, playing Debussy.

    Where’s Karen? I asked.

    Working. She said she’d be home late tonight, Kenny answered.

    Of course she did, has anybody thought of tea?

    I’ve put lasagna in the oven, and the potatoes are already on and cooking waiting to get mashed. But it is late.

    I know, sorry, I admitted.

    That’s happening a lot lately.

    I know.


    I looked at my favourite brother and winked at him softly before making my way into the kitchen, the potatoes had been on far too long so I took them off and got cooking.

    Kenny, check the lasagna.

    Karen didn’t get home until ten-thirty at night, all the boys had already gone to bed but I had stayed awake. Never normally slept until at least eleven anyway.

    Busy day? I asked her after she quietly closed the door.

    Rose! She gasped. What are you still doing awake?

    I didn’t answer that. She knew I stayed up.

    Yes, actually, She finally answered. But you’d understand that, having three jobs of your own. What did you have for tea?

    Lasagna, there’s some left over in the oven.

    I went back to watching

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