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The a 'Kempis Connection
The a 'Kempis Connection
The a 'Kempis Connection
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The a 'Kempis Connection

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When a leading theology professor releases a series of papers set about finding links and influences of secret societies within the world’s Christian religions and political parties, it draws immediate attention from within the Vatican and American government. One such fellowship/secret society he delved into in depth held great interest for some of those examining their contents, for this group was deemed to be wiped out of existence in the middle Dark Ages.

The professor, one Jackson MacInness, claimed that they not only currently existed but also still operated clandestinely within many houses of influence throughout the world. Then as a bonus to this news, he also claimed it was said they held control over a huge treasure put into their trust by the Knights Templar when fleeing France.

He went on to add that they also were the guardians of the only true personal relics of Christ still on this earth—something left for mankind that did not leave with him at the time of his ascension into heaven.

MacInness is offered the challenge to research and solve the puzzles within the ancient codes that could lead to their recovery. And so, he starts a venture of religious secrecy, unaware of attracting a group of desperadoes with the glint of gold in their eyes.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateMar 13, 2018
The a 'Kempis Connection

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    The a 'Kempis Connection - Michael A Kelly

    The A ‘Kempis



    Michael A. Kelly

    Copyright © 2018 by Michael A. Kelly.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2018902607

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-5434-0712-9

                    Softcover        978-1-5434-0711-2

                    eBook             978-1-5434-0710-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 06/30/2018






    Chapter 1   To Much Heat in the Kitchen

    Chapter 2   A Journey of Intrigue

    Chapter 3   Enter Uncle Sam

    Chapter 4   Enter the Sacrificial Lamb

    Chapter 5   Decisions to be Made

    Chapter 6   A Seed Is Sown

    Chapter 7   And so the Story Goes

    Chapter 8   An Opportunity Arises

    Chapter 9   Cometh a Soulmate

    Chapter 10   An Insight Into an Enquiring Mind

    Chapter 11   An Offer Too Good to Refuse

    Chapter 12   An Obligation to Mother Church

    Chapter 13   A Hidden Life

    Chapter 14   A Game of Cat And Mouse

    Chapter 15   A Flight Towards Discovery

    Chapter 16   The Roman Uptake

    Chapter 17   Holding Back the Past

    Chapter 18   The Conspiracy Begins

    Chapter 19   The Inquisition Starts

    Chapter 20   What’s it All About?

    Chapter 21   A believer meets his maker

    Chapter 22   Inquisition of a Holy Man

    Chapter 23   Goodbye to an Old Friend

    Chapter 24   Unexpected Revelations

    Chapter 25   A Soul’s Journey

    Chapter 26   The Fellowship Within

    Chapter 27   The Pressure For Answers

    Chapter 28   Sour Grapes

    Chapter 29   Research Within Hallowed Ground

    Chapter 30   A Time for Reflection

    Chapter 31   A Moment of Bonding

    Chapter 32   A Taste of Bitter Wine

    Chapter 33   The Battle of Ok Corral

    Chapter 34   Unhappy Locals

    Chapter 35   Answers Required

    Chapter 36   Finding a Rare Vintage

    Chapter 37   The Quest for Answers Begins

    Chapter 38   A Fall to Remember

    Chapter 39   A Lead Discovered

    Chapter 40   A Small Breakthrough

    Chapter 41   The Grim Reaper Gives a Call

    Chapter 42   A Sad Homecoming

    Chapter 43   A Feeling of Hopelessness

    Chapter 44   A Treasure Map Found, a Challenge Offered

    Chapter 45   An Interesting Bit of Cloak-And-Dagger

    Chapter 46   An Unfathomable Let-Down

    Chapter 47   A Strange Intervention with an Unusual Twist

    Chapter 48   A Request for Answers

    Chapter 49   More Questions, Less Answers

    Chapter 50   The Mystery of the Cross Grows Deeper

    Chapter 51   Has Zoe Got it Right?

    Chapter 52   Fun Time with Jason

    Chapter 53   The Handover

    Chapter 54   And so Endeth the Lesson


    I n that era known as The Dark Ages, portrayed a sad time within history that saw Christianity constantly at war not only with Islam, but also within itself and with its loyal followers.

    It was a time when men carried opposing views on the values and doctrines propounded forth by Rome. It was a period that saw splinter groups develop in the form of secret societies. Each group operated clandestinely, their members sworn faithful to their pledge to remain undiscovered for fear of the vengeful hand of Mother Church.

    The time of the Reformation saw trumped-up brutality in the form of torture and death being introduced, a cruel plan meant to help keep the masses under control. This church-sponsored massacre of so many innocents, coupled with the raping of wealth from both the poor and middle classes, was clearly backed by the debauched royal monarchies of Europe. This period of sponsored sadism saw the start of these secret societies gather momentum. Many concerned Christians were hiding within Mother Church remaining very active members to such secret societies. One such fellowship that came into being was the ‘Devotio Moderna’ (New Devotion). One of its founding leaders was an old German monk by the name of Thomas À Kempis.

    Accompanying the whispers were claims linked to the Devotio Moderna of acquiring an immense hoard of golden treasures once placed in their care by the Knights Templar at the time they fled France, pursued by the good King Louis. Also, there existed strong rumours alleging of being in possession the only true relics connected to Christ Himself left on the face of this earth.

    Suspicion within some world governments and major Christian churches believed their members had penetrated governments, multinational companies, and even the hierarchy of many Christian churches with intentions to influence political, religious and monetary decisions.

    Papers released by a leading theologian, one Jack MacInness, brought forward À Kempis and his fellowship along with their alleged treasures back into the public eye.

    A decision was made after a consultation of gathered intelligence between the Vatican and the US president to investigate such claims.

    The problem was being able to penetrate useful information written within complex coding of historical documents at the Vatican. They agreed by offering an assignment to the outstanding linguist and theologian MacInness to work with the CIA to try and translate the as-yet undeciphered secret documents within the Vatican secret vaults.

    This assignment was seen to also have the side benefit of finding out, first, the verification and, second, the hiding place of the fabled treasure, along with the alleged relics. Not bad compensation for the first-up investment.

    Our protagonist invites his assistant one Zoe Cole, a talented and very attractive academic to join him on the trip, the CIA also threw in their best theology agent for good measure. So now you have a very determined trio set on the task of bringing into the light something no other scholar has ever been able to achieve.

    As their investigation progressed, others who somehow got access to information about this project had their priority set on nothing but the glitter of a fabled hoard that gold visually assaulted their corneas. They quickly emerged into the picture, bringing murder and mayhem along with them.

    Finally, what they find may well be described as the Trinity. Nothing like this has ever been exposed in such an ending as offered in the final chapters of this book. If life mirrors fiction, then fiction must also mirror life.



    I ndiana, USA, 9 p.m.

    A bleak rainy night thrust its needles of freezing rain down upon the prestigious campus of the University of Notre Dame, the very home of everything Catholic.

    This esteemed institution, considered to be the traditional Ivy League pillar of learning for everything religious, sometimes harboured dark secrets. It is a university internationally recognised as a stalwart pillar of academia, to say the very least, holding within its archives many challenging facts pertaining to all religions. Some great controversy on interpretation that is said to be contradictory to current Scripture is rumoured to be held back from the public domain. Religion itself is so challenging to keep stable but offers to the world a chance for mankind to live a respectable life in walking in the shoes of the fisherman. Hence, Notre Dame is seen as a leading international opinionative and collective authority on theology and is highly respected across all Christian denominations.

    Pride in their alma mater is a significant quality set into its scholars, who sought never to compromise their seeking of academic correctness against pressured influences. However, a small pocket of its academics, dedicated as one to maintain their lust for truth, sometime stir the pot by questioning some of what they conceive as political interference. Each of these men had the ability to delve deep into the forefront of modern religious theology with absolute correctness.

    On this night within its hallowed walls, it overtly hosted a meeting of strange bedfellows. Seated in an area off the main library; two male figures sat facing each other in a semi-darkened office, the subject of their discussion clearly displayed a high level of tension. Expressions charged with visual annoyance set upon the landscape of their faces like ridges of granite, with lips narrowed and eyebrows dancing like angry worms above glaring eyes.

    The atmosphere was poised for a scene of combat, with each man displaying mutual annoyance with the other. One could consider a common factor as a Palaeolithic reaction to each block of words communicated between them, fluctuating with both volume and intensity.

    The younger of the two was a tall man of athletic stature. His chiselled face sported a designer stubble. Its owner seemed set just to glare reactively, as if desperate to intercept the words flowing towards him and throw back a rebuff not at all necessarily in a polite manner. The other combatant was well into middle age, dressed in a neat tailored black suit, sporting a crimson dicky front topped with the familiar white reverse collar: a prebendary sent with a message. This man of the cloth seemed incensed that the advice he was set about delivering was so easily argued against by the person it was meant to influence. It was obvious that the intensity and stress of what he was delivering lifted his blood pressure. The veins on his nose filled to their capacity; their capillaries expanded with the fluid of life, almost making it shine luminously in the semidarkness. The lips of the Monsignor (as was this person) retreated to a thin clenched line at the end of each sentence, as if set in anticipation of another contradictive reply to the proposals he had put forward.

    An abnormal situation, one might say, that a senior leader with the potential of an appointment to the ranks of bishop, a true doyen of the church, was agitated and debating vigorously; his adversary was a theology professor, following a different line of thought. Truly a strained situation, for it seemed each locked in a mental wrestle, trying to gain some capitulating hold on their personal argument on whether the tradition of knowledge of any religious consequence currently discovered should see it first presented to the Vatican to evaluate and filter its contents in a manner suitable to ensure that the faithful were given direction, not confusion. The Monsignor’s combatant in this debate was indeed a theological scholar of high standing, one Jack MacInness. Although a Catholic, he was seemingly not prepared to capitulate to the being put forward.

    Directly opposite was his opponent in this debate, firmly defending his point that any knowledge researched and found to be of intellectual importance should be presented for all to assess its worth. His firm belief saw within the archaeological history of Christendom should without exemption—hidden away over the millennia, regardless of its opinions or version of history—be introduced upon its discovery into an open forum.

    He firmly believed that once accuracy and confirmation of authenticity were confirmed, it then should be made available to allow full openness of debate in accessing its true value and meaning for mankind.

    A strange quirk that sometimes flashed through MacInness’ mind was one most likely precipitated by the mix-up of views across Christianity or, in fact, religion by any name. For in his opinion, each continued to present conflicting views on interpretation to suit their brand of elected denomination. We have always been taught about the absolute infallibility of God. Jack would often mention before adding a conclusion that annoyed the Monsignor. ‘God probably thought it a good idea at the time to create what He no doubt saw as a simple path leading man to eternity, but one which I see as having fallen slap-dab on the seat of its pants when handed over to mankind to put into effect!’

    Obviously not sharing any part of this view was one Monsignor Murray, acting in his role of representing ‘the Vatican’. His point of argument unanimously agreed upon by of the Catholic College of Bishops, was to drop a cone of silence on further research that was contradictory to the current teachings of Mother Church. The opinions expressed to MacInness by Murray were developed as a critique on a series of what the college considered to be disruptive papers and articles written by MacInness, summarising his research into the early centuries of the Catholic Church and its internal conflict leading to a fellowship being formed known as the Devotio Moderna (New Devotion).

    Their conversation was started this time by the Monsignor’s opening foray of words being anything but convivial. ‘For shit’s sake "Jack!’ declared Murray. ‘You are missing the point to all intents and purposes, so shut up and listen to me, for I need to put it to you bluntly. For starters, the College of Cardinals feel that you have not done the church nor yourself any favours by putting out into the open discussion on this small group, dragging them back into public exposure after any attention to them has long been forgotten in the many spheres of the Christian faiths, then in the hell didn’t you just let it go? Mainly, may I add to the fact, it was believed that the brotherhood, fellowship, or whatever tag you would like to pin on the Devotio Moderna became extinct as far back as the thirteenth century, and believe me, that’s the safest place to let them be in.’

    Murray paused, using the moment to try to gain from any facial expression if MacInness was digesting any part at all of what he was trying desperately to convey. He was annoyed, believing that MacInness saw the whole topic of attempted discipline as boring humdrum. The usual dribble so often proposed by most leaders of Christian denominations was that of ‘best let sleeping dogs lie’ and leave the current view developed from archival records stand in its current form. Their opinion was that a new reformation for the Christian churches was not needed.

    Thus, Murray’s intention was clear in delivering the synod’s conclusions, indicating to MacInness to drop the Devotio Moderna thing.

    However, despite this summation, a major point sitting squarely in Jack’s mind were the mystical stories about this fellowship and their custodianship of extraordinary religious relics, said to have been linked directly to Jesus that had apparently vanished, along with a fabled fortune of Knights Templar gold. Jack found an area of shady history extremely interesting, and he longed to deeply research just to crack open either of the rumours.

    The tense current situation as it now stood had arisen, spawned in part by a set of innocuous lectures and papers presented for those of like mind by MacInness.

    Unproven information, all rubbish. Murray pontificated, ‘Stuff like this thrown around with gay abandonment and with no absolute proof could only spawn real trouble for all dominations of Christianity.’ For all the reasons being suggested by Murray, it was very clear the church needed to intervene, step in, and vet any open debate—something MacInness detested. But for the sake of his job, he finally succumbed and reluctantly agreed. Their aim was not to allow any disruptive forms of contradiction, but to gather oxygen in open debate on unproven and uncompleted research, believing this to be the best action to eliminate unforeseen consequences. Very obviously within the conclave of bishops was an undertow of dislike for Mac Inness’s radical views that sometimes clashed with current philosophy.

    It appeared to them that Mac Inness’s research echoed down the line of the council, posing questions that offered them no pleasantries. Appointing Murray to stick close to him reflected the old saying of ‘keep your friends close but keep your enemies even closer’; it was the possible reasoning for MacInness not being stood aside at the university (a philosophy used well by the church), not wanting to let a maverick go where they had no control. Thus, by doing this, it was easier to keep an eye on his work and effect some form of intervention should it be necessary. Judging by Murray’s attempts at intervention, it was clear that this was the rule of thumb that had been decided upon.

    MacInness could hold back no longer; he cut Murray off midbreath and set him back on his heels by asking in a forceful tone, ‘Look, Mons, how about you cut to the chase? If you’re been sent here to nail me to a cross, get on with it. Or if you really do have something new sitting in your agenda, spit it out. I’m sick of prattling over old ground.’

    These words spat forth by MacInness really set in place that phase so often bashed forward of the fabled pregnant pause. He stared straight at Murray’s face, knowing full well the bucket he had just tipped and hit its mark, and Murray now had nowhere to go other than risk MacInness walking out and that the discussion he was meant to have not being delivered.

    Clearly, MacInness very obviously was not the synod of American bishops’ most favourite son; from the time of his appointment, he had always rattled their nerves. He was a man zealous in his approach to progress with new-found knowledge and always presented unchallengeable facts into open debate. He loved specialising in exposure of so-called secretive societies, especially those that have so stealthily and secretively worked to influence mankind skilfully and clandestinely throughout the ages.

    What was stirring the pot at this time was MacInness had made, without official clearance, exposé in papers on his latest subject of the continued modern existence of, and including some previously unknown facts about, the Devotio Moderna, bringing forth information that it was founded by disgruntled intellectual clerics within the church during the Dark Ages and their being joined in force by many of the Illuminati behind the back of the church in those troubled times.

    With a very audible sigh, Murray started up again. ‘All right,’ Murray started, his face set with the sternest look Jack had ever seen. ‘I’m here to request your help in some matters that are causing great concern for Mother Church—matters, may I add, vital to the stability of Christianity. Over the last few years, the Vatican secret service has partly believed they have found indicators that within the highest components of our banking and administration, there could be sleepers or even active agents of a certain secret society actively affecting or influencing the private operations or decisions within the church’s management. We believe they hold intention to plant work favouring their complex mixed agendas.’

    At last, this was right up Jack’s alley, something to get his teeth into; although itching to say something, he bit his lip and remained silent, hanging on what the Mons would come out with next.

    ‘What I need to inform you of that some of our theologians were given access to the most secret files held within the Vatican’s most secure vaults. The reason being that we needed to try to find out how the DM had intended to set themselves up in the past to cope with these modern times. Mind you, that’s providing that they really do still exist. I also make the point that how come not even one of the slimy bastards has ever come forward and spilt the beans on the fellowships activities nor betrayed even the slightest clue of how they have continued to operate over so many centuries? Would you not assume that someone sometime would have become disgruntled enough to maybe fall out with their philosophies and come forward and spill their guts?’

    ‘Let me cut in here,’ interrupted Jack. ‘I seem to get the message that your jolly little scribes hit brick walls when trying to break the intricate codes used by the DM. Hence, the boys in crimson have become a bit desperate and sent you to proposition me as a last-ditch chance with my expertise in coding and ancient languages to come on board cap in hand and help a little bit. How’s that sound for starters?’

    ‘Thanks,’ came the reply from Murray. ‘Was I really that transparent? For a fact, Jack, the church really needs your expertise as there are internal pressures of maintaining its image and protecting its values and helping maintain it to stay on track and put forth Christ’s message of redemption to the world. Please think it over. You will be given unrestricted access to our most secret archives, something no lay person has ever been granted to view before.

    ‘We really do need your skills. If you answer in the affirmative, I will give you a full brief of what we are looking for and the reasons why I have made this approach to close many loopholes. As to why mother church was prioritising information on the Devotio Moderna is clearly recorded within Christianity throughout the ages. The fellowship gathered steam and grew to a point where it was a popular competitor for souls. No doubt, for that very reason, Rome set about disembowelling the whole organisation, and as we are now in full discussion about them, one could assume without success, unable to draw any definitive conclusions at this point of time. Hence, we seen the formation of this very secret society remain as they intended a very secret society. We know they started as the Brethren of the Common Life (later to become the Devotio Moderna) and without doubt had clandestine impact upon the royals and ruling elite of the church in general, possibly still up until this day. As you have pointed out drawing their attention to Rome, who set about laying plans for violent retribution. Rome’s intention, no doubt, was to wipe out those they saw as perpetrators of conspiracy most foul that challenged the power of the Church, post-haste.’

    From what Murray was saying, what MacInness has resurrected about them doing a study block on Thomas À Kempis really had let a fox loose in the henhouse.

    MacInness (Jack to his friends) specialised in ancient Hebrew, Latin, and Saxon, along with several dialects of Aramaic, the language used by Jesus, covering most forms of spoken and written communication of those times. He experienced great success in his outstanding ability of decoding their complicated enigma codes using his acquired skills developed and honed as a cryptologist in the Australian Army. His studies mainly centred on the Catholic Church and its activities, including its powerful political influence in the period of the Dark Ages. His reviewing unlocked veiled information indicating that a Christian group formed in those tremulous times as the Brethren of the Common Life, later to become known as the Devotio Moderna.

    After being exposed to the development and philosophies of this fellowship somehow by reading through some of À Kempis’s works, MacInness stumbled upon some clues that made him believe the DM was still indeed in existence and, in fact, flourishing. Further clues alleging that within their keeping were artefacts and relics claimed to have been directly linked to Jesus Christ Himself excited his investigative gases beyond belief. To any theologian, this was ‘an offer too good to refuse’, as the saying goes. Another bonus he discovered was they were said to hold ancient scrolls, along with volumes of letters many said to have been written by contemporaries of Christ.

    What a coup d’ etat, it would be to get hold of original documents compiled by true witnesses to His mission on earth: records of Christ’s sermons, miracles, and general daily life—all of it recorded from personal on-the-spot viewing and not hand-me-down tales.

    If correct, one must admit such items may provide contradiction to current Scripture and maybe prove to be dangerous by highlighting the common bounds of religious interoperation as being ‘overexaggerated’ or perhaps slightly twisted. Not all that hard to believe, as some of the tripe being handed out by conservative denominations of the Bible-bashing type could be best described as over-the-top fearmongering for religious pickpocketing.

    The summary of such information brought forth by MacInness within the publishing of his research had now produced a ripple effect right through the university, along with the College of Cardinals. He received messages first suggesting that the world does not need to have fuel added to the fire of confusion within Christian denominations. Second, it may be wise judgement to let such myths remain u-debated, especially in current troubled religious times.

    But now it seemed from this visit by Monsignor Murray that there had been a complete about-face. MacInness, being no fool, felt the pull of a strong undertow trying to pull him into deeper water as the previously assigned theologians were unable to unravel the complexities of their ancient secrets to hopefully expose the workings of the Devotio Moderna. Obviously, all their efforts had floundered. Hence, here they came cap in hand to seek his help and throw open to their not-all-that-favourite son access to long-held secret material. Maybe there existed some back burner thoughts within the cardinals that they might like to get hold that which they conceived was once rightly the church’s property exclusively, also no doubt liking to get their hands on any fabled treasure.

    However, Murray still held an ace, for he knew full well Mac Inness’s ego couldn’t resist taking up this sort of challenge.

    A starting point of this whole project started when MacInness had indicated within his papers that the fellowship’s objectives somewhat centred around the point of seeing the directives coming from Rome in those times as those of a dictatorship, simply building an empire of earthly greed.

    Believing that some pontificated messages to the faithful were not what Jesus absolutely intended for mankind, instead, they chose with deliberate intention to follow a path based on Jesus’s direct simplistic teachings—one that led them to believe the gentle God-loving path that Jesus originally offered had now drifted well away from its intended message under the current direction.

    Thus, the interpretation by the Devotio Moderna was much closer to that which Christ offered in His teachings than those portrayed in the Gospels written so many years after His death. So as a result, many intellectuals felt an alternative path was needed by those either fearing or resenting how Rome operated in that period.

    The Devotio Moderna, as a Christian alternative, saw its major development grow when directed by a German monk named Thomas À Kempis, who developed a line of teaching for his devotees offering a more direct way to travel the path to eternal life. But this simplistic approach they preached to their followers soon drew papal attention and anger. Thus, it would seem the finality and consequence of their literal presentation of Christ’s Word saw both À Kempis and his followers fall foul of the church. This was brought about mainly because he included within his views encouragement for devotees to defy the tyrannical authority practised with so much fervour in those fearful times, along with its applied ‘heavenly taxes’. He preached strongly against the debauched monarchies that so strongly controlled Rome. Thus, like so many other reformists, À Kempis suddenly found himself and his group of followers set up for annihilation. Hence, a move for self-preservation saw them set themselves up to become a secret underground fellowship with real secrets.

    Despite centuries of being hunted, they somehow survived, although opinion grew that, finally, they were believed to have been exterminated. Somehow in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, À Kempis’s legacy of heartfelt religious literature forced its way back into seminary life. It would especially seem that his teachings in Ireland were carried forward, led by faithful members bound to its code. MacInness had found conclusive proof that Ireland’s main seminary, Carlow College (circa 1930s and up to and beyond the twentieth century), was chaired by its president, Daniel Mannix, who insolently just happened to end his priesthood as archbishop of Melbourne, Australia, just over a short stretch of water from the island of Tasmania.

    Obviously, this was a move made by the British because of carrying in his undertones a definite support for the Republicans. He was, as they say, exported there on board a British battleship for good measure. It was said that he oversaw the seminary; he introduced a required common practice for the seminarians to read À Kempis’s works on the ‘The Imitation of Christ’, also ‘Prayers and Meditations on the Life of Christ’, and ‘On the Passion of Christ’ as a prerequisite every morning. This practice was obviously noted in Rome.

    One understands the current twenty-first century fact that religion does not only harvest souls, but also, as most know, loves to bring in a good crop of the almighty dollar, thus leading one to assume that it is most essential to expand recruitment. For with numbers, there is the collection of tax-free wealth and political influence—a numerical force enabling religious groups to advance their agendas subtly and quietly, always aiming to advance persuasion over the political and social layers of society.

    The original platform of all religions to this day continue to set their traditional goals aimed at recruiting supporting souls in as large numbers as possible: some with the pacifist philosophies of Christ and others using brainwashing tactics with loose translations from the Old Testament in the form of ‘fire and brimstone’ preaching—a passionate method used to hold them as spiritual captives, hammering home the fear of hell to a point of mania meant to amalgamate them under an invisible bond by offering rituals, along with high-voltage presentation. We see them using with repetition their version of the Scriptures to firmly hold control, pushing a view of fire and brimstone. Their rhetoric is delivered with force, favouring a consistent agenda that is presented in full favour of their church to bind their followers in fear of trespassing that would lead to eternal damnation. All is still occurring to this very day and all done, it may well be said, without a skerrick of conscience. Specifically adding building blocks of drama and intrigue, they tell of false miracles and nominate unfit persons as saints. There is no stone left unturned in order to bind their masses in blind faith.

    Within those early centuries, Rome’s policy continued to overstep moral boundaries in its push for complete supremacy of the religious world. But they underestimated the populace, for as it grew, the faithful enjoyed better levels of education. This led to the laity whose intellect disputed slanted handouts of interoperation, and they began to see movements split into different denominations of Christianity.

    Disgruntled Christians made their move throughout the Middle Ages, which saw the rise of the Anglican, Presbyterian, Lutheran, and Methodist Protestant line of churches, along with a host of Christian Orthodox, as nations grabbed their own brand of Christianity.

    In viewing the papers published by MacInness, senior Christian officials right across the board speculated a what-if scenario should occur if they let him off the leash or what detrimental ramifications could beset their denominations if his hypotheses gained too much publicity. He was also aware of pressure being exerted onto his university for him to tone down some of his hypotheses about simply imitating the life of Christ as a best form of redemption if you don’t want to participate in an organised religion. Religion and simplicity have never blended together in all their history since man sought to organise his fellow beings to gain control and power by those claiming to be the anointed ones by whatever deity, universal object, or unseen god they could conjure up.

    However, the conclusion reached by the combined denominations’ synod discussing the resurrection and appearances of Christ after His death confirmed the long-time scenario of saying that Christ the person ascended directly into paradise in heavenly perfection, leaving only His Word to guide the faithful, as would be expected of the Son of God. They dismissed as a whole that any personal part or single possession of the Saviour would have remained, let alone survived without previous discovery to this day. Their conclusions are based on the creditable fact that so many offerings of miraculous happenings such as bleeding statues and paintings oozing Christ’s blood have all been proven fake as modern DNA science can match blood samples to the exact person and race; even such revered items as the Shroud of Turin cannot prove their claims after scientific examination. So I ask you, why are the relics, said to be held in care by the Devotio Moderna claimed to be so authentic?

    Finally, here they were, the major Christian denominations requiring MacInness and his outstanding intellectual skills in ancient languages and codebreaking to come onside. You might say desperation had them hedge their bets each way and hope to control a part-time rebel.

    However, one factor they had rigidly decided on was the requirement that MacInness pass on all credible findings for testing independently under their control before publishing or even making any public statements.

    This clause was inserted into his brief, their point made abundantly clear. Clearly, their intention was to put the onus on MacInness to establish beyond all doubt their lineage and direct providence, backed with undeniable proof confirming all claims about the fellowship and its current existence.

    MacInness was, as expected, annoyed, mainly as to why so much discourse was directed at him at the mere mention of the name of Devotio Moderna, for he had met other challenges head-on before. No one was all that fazed at the reaction his works had stirred up as by-products of his original program, or at least not to his face.

    Indwardly he felt the gap in his research could be closed if he was ever given access to such hidden information as that he believed had been stashed away within the Vatican’s vaults. This was information that could perhaps lead to a trail of how the Knights Templar travelled after leaving France and what possible sympathisers of the Templar would offer them sanctuary and store at great personal risk all the fabled goods the Knights had collected during their crusades in absolute trust until the Knights could again claim their property. He was totally aware that the Vatican over the centuries had not found any academic with the skills of breaking the enigma-type codes set into place within many manuscripts or books that had been perused held within their vaults. For some strange reason, he felt therein lay opportunity for him to challenge himself and help unravel such fabled coded mysteries.

    For these very reasons, over the years, he continually dropped hints to those he thought might put up a case for him to gain access to the Pandora’s box of unexplored theology. His studies over the years had exposed secrets that even the best-skilled calligraphers and mathematicians had implanted within general text in manuscripts during those ancient times. So many secrets were hidden from unwanted eyes, many in the form of illustrations with dual meanings and others encapsulated in literary or numerical codes within their works. Nevertheless, he maintained a gut feeling that the church was inwardly and secretly desperate to find out all it could about such opposing organisations, past and present, especially those who not only survived persecution, but also come through the ages still intact and might have well currently penetrated subtly deep within the halls of the Vatican with the capability of having influence via double agents sitting in administrative areas of nations and corporative key businesses. MacInness believed there existed answers, lying in wait for discovery within those hallowed halls.

    But as a realist, he was painfully aware that this path of knowledge was closed to him and would possibly always be. He had only dreamt of what was about to fulfil his lifelong ambition.

    Stealthy, anonymous influences made up some of the so-called true believers—no doubt each with a strong dose of curiosity stimulated by hidden treasure and items of antiquity. Paint a picture such as this, and a race begins to see who can breast the tape first. The Vatican, by soliciting Mac Inness’s skills, had no doubt a retained underlying interest in not just the religious articles, but also the items of earthly value.

    A situation like this was definitely an unwanted diversion and could accelerate current dissention within the Christian bodies, who currently seem to constantly squabble over anything, including the current doctrine, let alone something with a jackpot attached.

    From Rome’s point of view, if during the research any long-lost scrolls or manuscripts came to light, in no way did they want to expose information that would add confusion and disbelief, viewing any unproven controversial propaganda may pull even more individuals away from Christianity. Those still wanting to pursue a course seeking eternal life may well drop into such offshoot groups as Scientology, or other cults and the like.

    Aware that his research was controversial, MacInness knew he needed to tread carefully, for it was like swimming against a trillion-dollar tide of worldwide investments, which may prove disastrous to the Western world if the Christian philosophy was fragmented by wild conspiracies. This scenario was something. Jack’s moral beliefs would never allow his religion to be placed in such jeopardy. Realising full well he had to deal with the hue and cry of exposure, a continual tightrope to walk on, for if any whistle-blowing buffoon sought self-gain to twist part or all his hypothesis, especially those on traditions and Scriptures, to gain personal advantage was something he would guard against with his life. Secrecy was absolute.

    It is well known that registered religions offer a nice tax-free haven for many get-rich frauds—a tempting opportunity for crooks to set up tax-free high-volume enterprises, operating under the guise of genuine religions. Therefore, Jack was fully aware of what and who could be considered or deemed to be ‘loose cannons’ at the top. He observed many opportunists associated with any religion set after worldly gains, using the Spiritual side for manipulation of the faithful. Sadly, offering not much more than exploitation of their followers. His full intention if anything came out of all this was to remain staunchly to his ideals, hold fast against any plan that could give them any further oxygen to help them breathe more easily and muddy the waters of Christianity even further.

    His caveat was made very clear: that if he should find any undiscovered theology with the potential of challenging some current teachings or doctrine contrary to those now in practice, it must be held back by him until fully evaluated by a synod of combined denominations. It was a mouthful of demands, but Jack was never one to step back from a challenge.

    His dream of academic achievement was one of the main reasons continually pushing him, for it was his belief that modern religions function well in their overall purpose of serving God for the overall good of mankind; but many religious high-flyers skilfully use false interoperation, along with a smoke and mirrors presentation, to hold the attention of their flocks, thus maintaining their numbers whilst expanding their personal wealth. Not exactly the way he believed Christ’s message to be.

    MacInness once mentioned in a lecture to senior students that if you stand back and take an unbiased look, you can see that most religions remain confident in their opinions and that most believe that the sensible way to hold the status quo together and on track is to maintain the unbroken wheel philosophy of not wanting to change what has been expounded as religious fact, even be it a little shaky. Reasoning adheres to this well-produced method, for it has been a proven that this age-old rhetoric has offered security to the faithful, handed out in a long-proven manner and designed to hold their minds on course along the established road to redemption.

    One famous quotation alleged to have been expressed by À Kempis is ‘FAITH FOR EVERYONE IS FREE, BUT RELIGION MUST BE PAID FOR.’

    However, one must consider human nature being what it is and that being teased with the benefits of a mystical legend that could offer fame, fortune, and worldly acclaim—opportunism for self-benefit is often an irresistible challenge—sometimes mixes up ethics and morals.

    To those listening in on the parameters of this assignment, such rumours are a true earthly temptation, raising dollar signs imprinted on their retinas and helping to set forth some devious ideas, ready to appear like a tiger out of nowhere, stalking their prey. You don’t have to be Einstein to realise that despite trying to keep a lid on Mac Inness’s activities, loose lips spread word of the possibility of his finding the repository of the Templar gold apparently to most offering high value worldly values ahead of anything Spititual.

    Totally unaware of this background of muttering, MacInness set about with enthusiasm, preparing to grab with determination his chance to tilt at windmills and conquer the dragon. But as nature ordains to any inquisitive mind (and his was no exception), there is nothing like a dream of finding a hidden treasure to stimulate one’s ego. Take it as it is, what may set out to be the honourable intentions of the white knights of the world often unintentionally spawns interest from deep within the underworld of the dark side. Time has proven that perhaps every good man sometime in his life does not have a wild thought of dipping his toe into the bucket, but some have the strength to push that temptation aside.

    However, in this new-found age of cyberspace, sharing everything from accurate to unfounded conspiracy theories beggars belief as it floods the minds of web surfers with totally untested and uncensored gibberish, along with mixed unethical rhetoric and deliberate misinformation. The reality is that their distorted beliefs deny them of considering anything outside their misguided interoperations; it is a monumental insult to their ideological views, and they are to firmly remain with minds closed to anything else, such as the philosophy of ISIS. Either way, in these fragile times, religious zealots spur their brainwashed followers into terrorism just for its own sake, radicalisation; and brainwashing has become a tool of recruitment for terrorists and so-called religious prophets alike, leaving a bad taste of suspicion hanging over all religions, not just Islam.

    One might liken its overall effect to a labyrinth, drawing its victim towards its vortex, a black hole with apparently no bottom. The ramblings surrounding Mac Inness’s works saw intrigue and curiosity start to weave deadly patterns—worrying, to say the least, as to what reaction and side effects it may produce.

    At this point, MacInness was unaware that a background curiosity was forming within some sect-type religions outside the recognised churches. Attention was being given to negate the development of an ultra-extreme fundamentalist Islam, with fanatical interoperations of the Koran being pushed forward by such groups as ISIS and the Taliban. Groups like these set about to distort the peace Islam carries within its beliefs to somehow replace it with hate and ruthless cruelty. Financial radicalisation, preached as an accurate interoperation of the Koran, demands no mercy, including torture and death to either fellow Muslims or infidels, absolutely anyone opposing them and all their aims. It attempts to tip the whole of Islam back to the seventh century.

    Unknown to him, standing on the periphery of this bunfight was a group of multiple players, each independent of the other, but all set with one purpose—hell-bent on scheming how to use him as bait to lure the prophesised treasure out of hiding. To the detriment of his planned trip, the innocent intention of our protagonist saw him still believing that any new findings would prove to be of a benefit to mankind. An honourable thought since he was unaware that a shadowy group was forming behind him with full-on intentions of hijacking any worthwhile results. However, MacInness remained totally unaware that this distant group of players were prepared to use any pernicious action needed to gain control of anything discovered to give them first-hand advantage. So for now, the race was on to see who would breast the tape first.

    Totally fired up, Jack (as was his given name) had fully intended on succeeding where so many others had failed. His rejection of extremist views on either side of any religion was without question, and something else he had to deal with was his larger-than-normal ego, something he found at times hard to control.

    ‘What’s wrong with attempting to truly present Christ’s Word as He intended it to be?’ he would rant out, ‘And not any shamed-up interpretation by some religious freak set to gain self-advantage?’ ‘What’s the financial world afraid of?’ was a question he often asked of students and fellow theologians alike.

    It was clear that at this point of his life, MacInness was prepared to deal with any personal controversy, choosing to hold firm to his intention of dealing with further comments on the subject of the Devotio Moderna later.

    Thinking through the situation at hand, he recalled that when his replies demanded some awkward answers, the type the Monsignor didn’t want to hear, his reverend adversary would immediately switch to a softer line by attempting to change the subject, not always succeeding, as Jack hung in like an old bulldog. However, sometimes for the sake of diplomacy, he would ease up on pushing a critical or sarcastic reviewing of Murray’s explanations. You might say a nice gesture on the major points of Murray’s arguments so as not to lift the level of annoyance where friendship could be affected. Sometimes the Monsignor seemed to structure the format of his argument to that of a request; hidden within his words was a small undertone of a plea for Jack to sometimes slow down his research, as he felt Jack was reaching into parts unwanted.

    The Mons was very much aware of the complexities pressuring the church at this current time, its imagery being snapped at by its shameful handling of the paedophilia now exposed and the pathetic cover-ups and humiliation inflicted upon its victims. Jack often thought if Christ still lay within an earthly grave, He would be turning over in it. He often suggested to different church hierarchies that, in his opinion, the church would be better off to address them with greater compassion and set those responsible to feel the full force of the law. Clearing the rubbish out of the clergy with a clean sweep of all the known accused would no doubt help the pontiff in remodelling some aspects of the church to better finish the twentieth century off with a body of clergy fitting to follow in the footsteps of Christ and not a bunch of sexual predators lurking amongst the majority of good men.

    Murray would sometimes temper his reply to Jack’s overviews as if desperate to gain greater cooperation from him. To pacify the moment, he would sometimes coyly offer as an explanation the need for a better level of conviviality between Jack and the College of Bishops by adding, ‘What with the unresolved and continuing volume of sexual exploitations inflicted upon innocents by the clergy for starters. Then you add to that the controversies over contraception, abortion, gay marriage, women as priests, and dealing with homosexuality—you can see that, no doubt, they have their hands full. I guess one might say that you don’t have to be a Rhodes scholar to surmise what a bunfight we have on our hands. So take it from me, we don’t need you to stir up the pot all that much further.’

    Murray delivered his message exasperated with the fact that Jack seemed to never be prepared to completely toe the line. The lines on his brow were like furrows on a ploughed field.

    ‘You know’, Jack started, ‘It’s piling in upon us without precedent. The combined mass of these continuing problems is weighing very heavily on the general clergy, and that’s including the congregational body of the church. All of them—and we’re the majority—are true to our holy orders and want all bastards that offend in the name of God out of our blessed church. Sadly, we must tread carefully and back our rhetoric with well-thought-out action. For sure we don’t need to rock the boat further.’

    He delivered this to Jack with his attempt of humility (which was not an easy quality for him to project), no doubt hoping that he had made some ground with his changed approach.

    It was clear that Murray was feeling the need to get a little more off his chest. ‘You see, Jack . . .’ At this point, he paused momentarily. ‘I see it as unsubstantiated rot, plastered out there to promote doubts. It puts forward the thought of the old saying that if you throw enough shit at a blanket, some’s bound to stick.’

    ‘Then’, replied Jack, ‘you will just have to ride it, as has always been the practice of the church. And let time, as it always does, conveniently prepare to absorb memories and contradictions and fade them into history.’

    Jack’s answer drew a further comment. ‘You may well be right, Jack. In all, it could prove to be most insalubrious.’

    Unfortunately, with all these happenings coming together like a perfect storm, they could perhaps create enough upheaval that would further initiate internal conflict within the conclave of cardinals. Something like that is not all that good for anybody. May I just add on to that little point? That’s not all that hard to do at the best of times. All this beggars one prime question, Jack. And that is, where do you stand about the protection and sanctification of our holy mother, the church?’ Murray put it straight to him.

    ‘That’s easy to answer,’ Jack replied. ‘You might not like my answer, but it’s where I really stand on beliefs and principles.’ He took a moment to accumulate his thoughts. ‘Yes, I profess myself to be a Catholic as the chosen medium of basing my faith. I totally believe there is a God, and furthermore, I would like to confirm to you that I do believe Jesus was sent to earth to offer a forgiving and more passive path for mankind to follow towards eternity and the hope of an everlasting life after death’. Pausing to look Murray squarely in the face, he added, ‘Don’t worry, you can add to that, that I also believe Jesus to be the Son of God and a part of the Holy Trinity, however that mystery works. I trust that clarifies my position.’

    At this point, he held his peace for a few seconds to gauge Murray’s facial expression, saw what he wanted, then added, ‘However, may I put forward a point of conflict that I have become disenchanted with in some ways with my church because its princes have fallen for the pursuit and acceptance of an extravagant life, not always heeding Christ’s message of striving for equality for all men, rich and poor—prostitution, in my opinion, of some of the teachings of Jesus for personal gain of position and power, something the church should never hold as acceptable. If there is such a thing as sin, then this should be one. This accusation of mine applies not only to Catholics, but also right across the spectrum of so many Christian and non-Christian churches.’

    A moment’s silence greeted Jack’s comments before he continued. ‘You see that more often or not, the faithful, in some instances, are fed a line not always believed in by the deliverer.’

    That comment was received with one raised eyebrow from Murray, who, at this point, cut Jack short as if gathering a reply before saying, ‘I don’t want to go any further on this subject.’

    Both men seemed to embrace silence as a tool, each hesitating as if digesting the pertinent points raised during the conversation by the other. Murray was obviously taken aback by some of Jack’s personal opinions.

    Sounding slightly frustrated, Murray plucked up the courage to blurt out, ‘Enough! Understand me well, Jack. The church is currently faced with a multitude of crises, some with threatening consequences. In fact, currently, we might see these multiple dilemmas lead to lay down a pathway set to spawn the first resignation of a pope in four hundred years. Think that one out. A bit frightening, is it not?’ Without waiting for an answer, he continued, ‘Take it from me. For what you are about to try and resurrect about the À Kempis mob, an exposé-type thesis needs never to be introduced into a public forum at this most difficult of times. For the very fact if you come up claiming that they have been able to survive and successfully penetrated many religions and governments, we don’t need to forewarn them until all investigations are concluded to find out if they still have any influence or effect over any major happenings within the church or government. We need absolute proof of their possible penetration within governments, world financial markets, and major religions in general in this present day and age. Finally, I would like to make this point, one that must just sit in confidence just between you and me. I reckon that they still do exist. There, I said it, and you are playing right into their hands.’

    Jack just sat there, not offering any comment at this time.

    The Mons continued, ‘Jack, stop and think of the possibility that if they somehow infiltrated your mind, you may well turn out to be the modern version of their bloody marketing manager. Despite worrying about this, we still hold our offer for you to go to Rome. Don’t destroy our faith in you.’

    At this point, the two men just sat looking at each other.

    After a few moments of silence, Murray again spoke. ‘My advice is be careful, Jack. Blast too much reform stuff in a direction where it is definitely not wanted, and you may well be setting yourself up with a death wish! Also, Jack, I would like to add—you seem to display aggression, offering by suggestion that in no way any holy institution adhering to true Christian values should have been hunted down in such a sadistic and deceptive way, especially by a faith that claimed to honestly believe in and preach what it claimed to be the true teachings of Jesus Christ. Where in the hell is your proof of this ever happening? Give me a break!’

    He could see that Jack, in hearing this comment, was eager to respond. ‘Just let me finish.’ He moved quickly to say, ‘All these early actions practised in those dark days definitely does not apply to mother church now. You know that, so why keep bringing the bloody past up? It makes no sense. Anyway’, he said, throwing his head back, ‘the further you carry on mentioning that those highly intellectual devotees who saw À Kempis and his theology as a closer interpretation of a truer rendition of Christ’s real message, the more toes you step on, if you get my gist. Oh, and by the way, the more negative reaction you put out, the more you will receive. I don’t dispute that there were several Illuminati introduced and indoctrinated to the philosophies of Christ’s message as per À Kempis’s interoperations, but I feel they were subversively seduced into joining the Devotio Moderna. Now I intend to leave this whole conversation right there.’

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