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The Secret to Ageless Beauty!: Living Graciously and Positively
The Secret to Ageless Beauty!: Living Graciously and Positively
The Secret to Ageless Beauty!: Living Graciously and Positively
Ebook135 pages1 hour

The Secret to Ageless Beauty!: Living Graciously and Positively

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The Secret To Ageless Beauty! Living Graciously and Positively is a 21st Century sophisticated, yet simplistic masterpiece of a unique and powerfully driven TESTIMONIAL in practical living at this dimension as to the SUPERNATURAL STRENGTH OF JESUS THE CHRIST! Jennifer Dale Cotten-Rashwan, J.D. is a talented and gifted Author in that her passion for Christ Jesus and sharing one of many TESTIMONIALS to strengthen Souls in Christ Jesus as well as encouraging Souls to open their heart to receiving Christ Jesus is genuine and authentic! Moreover, such WISDOM crafted by good judgment during harsh conditions at every level of life and living. Hence, that is birthing through great and deep pains of labor at various living patterns; mirroring unthinkable adversities at every level of the life daily experiences; to inspire beloved readers to embrace this Jesus and come to know him as your Lord and Savior!

While Jennifer Dale Cotten-Rashwan, J.D. was rearing her daughter with a unique creation; through THE HEART OF GOD; The Lord was empowering clarity grooming her for His Service; which far outweighs the disappointments; loss; and brokenness that literally TRANSFORM the Soul of ones being and purifies and sanctifies the readiness vessel for Kingdom literacy! The reading of such masterpiece is profound in that its transformative power speaks through powerful clarity, brevity in its writing to so many people; irrespective of background, orientations, upbringing and/or even religious affiliations!

Accordingly, the ultimate beauty of such a masterpiece is that it is an experience that shall bless all whom reads it!

Release dateMar 22, 2018
The Secret to Ageless Beauty!: Living Graciously and Positively

Jennifer Rashwan

Jennifer Rashwan is a Graduate of Seton Hall University School of Law, Juris Doctoris (J.D.) conferred June 1991. JENNIFER RASHWAN is also a Graduate of William Patterson University, Baccalaureate Arts in Political Science, May 1983. JENNIFER RASHWAN reared as a divorcee’ parent; a precious daughter, Princess Sarah in which they experienced highs and lows. Thus, navigated through as OVERCOMER’s: considering having accepted CHRIST JESUS as LORD AND SAVIOR within their hearts! Additionally, testifying to Christ Jesus’ AMAZING GRACE AND MERCY; JENNIFER RASHWAN shares the vicissitudes as president and CEO, ATTITUDE & SUCCESS, INC. (a Georgia Corporation) to emerging as a talented Author and gifted Orator. JENNIFER DALE COTTEN-RASHWAN, J.D. also served as a Council Member to the Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities in Atlanta, July 2002-2003.

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    The Secret to Ageless Beauty! - Jennifer Rashwan

    Copyright © 2018 Jennifer D. Rashwan, J.D.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4624-1228-0 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018901302

    Inspiring Voices rev. date: 03/21/2018



    Chapter 1. Transparency and Candor Will Result in Growth

    Chapter 2. The Art of Humility

    Chapter 3. Embrace Life like a Boomerang!

    Chapter 4. God can use all of us for His Glory!

    Chapter 5. No More Bootae’ Calls: Living Graciously and Positively

    Chapter 6. We Are Created To Worship: Transforming Our Special Needs

    Chapter 7. Three-Dimensional Balance: Mind, Body and Spirit

    Chapter 8. We Can Live In Love and With Peace: It Is a Choice

    Chapter 9. Living Graciously and Positively

    Chapter 10. How to Experience Daily Joy!

    Chapter 11. Have the Courage to Live

    Chapter 12. A New Lease on Life


    Special Acknowledgments

    A Note of Appreciation

    A Note of Gratitude

    A Missive of Gratitude


    A Christmas Miracle

    A Note About The Author


    T he Secret to Ageless Beauty is actually a journey that begins within the soul! Wow! What could possibly begin from within and be featured without? Well, this testimonial in written format is to share how God through His Son Jesus; BLESSING on my life; orchestrated journey; that favor life; by Grace and Mercy with an indescribable ageless beauty! It is the writing of this book that I keep you in mind as most cherished readers! To that end, allow me to share that true and lasting beauty does begin from within! We have heard many times that, attitude is everything. Well, it encompasses an array of character traits as with personality trappings that gives life to the very breath of receiving such a unique BLESSING as to looking and simply feeling well daily: mind, body and spirit! While I understand, thus, appreciate that youthfulness, and aging are normal process development; into our Golden Years. For some there are potentially many years from that youthful formative beginning; into the lives of life in being at what we coin Golden Years!

    I write to you with humility and fundamental understanding that you can have ageless beauty starting with thoughts; consistent life of Prayer, vibrant Praise, and Worship as with attitudes of good-will towards all! I am writing this book as a Lady of God whom has been through many adversities and challenges within life experiences! Contrast, powerful growth from within emerges daily as I continue to embrace each day in fresh newness with THE JOY OF THE LORD while perpetually walking with this Jesus the Christ, thus working out my Salvation daily! Some of you may be asking; Jennifer, what on earth do you mean by walking with this Jesus the Christ and/or working out daily Salvation? I am neither Pastor, Evangelist nor any notable recognizable Scholar in Theology likened to Pastors; Ministers either licensed or lay; nor an Evangelist. Although I study and meditate upon God’s Holy Word and believe in His Word; follow His Will and absolutely appreciative of His magnificent supernatural saving power! Moreover, I am so utterly grateful, and thankful as a sincere Lady of God whose Testimony is so empowering in that it relishes the crux of struggling that such an unyielding appreciation as to the AMAZING GRACE AND SUPERNATURAL MERCY bestowed because I have been through unbelievable adversities! Notwithstanding that some situations I created, and several I did not; yet GOD’s WORD never fails! It is a fundamental understanding, thus, recognizing God’s Hand upon life and living! Hence, being open and receptive to that still small voice of The Holy Spirit; truly has yielded incredible perpetual strength! In fact, memory accentuates the Book of Hebrews while typing in that it states that, The Word of God is powerful it is a Shield and a Buckler; and sharper than a two edged sword; it can penetrate both soul and spirit; bone and marrow. Hebrews 4:12 What that means in relationship and application as to personal Testimonial is that no matter how heart hardened over years; having that Seed; the Word of God planted at such an early age; welds up within me.

    As many times as I’d heard Pastors generally invite people to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior; the last Sunday in 2012 really sharpened minds’ eye because upon hearing Pastors’ Invitation as I was praying at pew as an Intercessor; realized that for years, I, too, lived life on own terms with as much Scriptural verses that I knew, yet, truly blocked heart from re-dedicating life to Jesus Christ. I shall detail the guide and lead of Holy Spirit during yet another season of adversities and THE VICTORY as to following the guide and lead of the awesome Holy Spirit. Even while living as both Muslim and Christian; I knew deeply that Jesus is the Son of God; but in Al-Islam; Jesus is referred and accepted as a most Honorable Prophet and that Muhammad was the Seal of all Prophets, thus according to Al-Islam; the only Prophet whom lived out his life in a lifetime. Oh, but one night; while I was really challenged by life and living; I received a visitation from Jesus; simply telling me; Jennifer, open your heart; I am the Son of God. I turned over and went back to sleep. However, I did share such visitation with dear friend from Seton Hall University School of Law; (Ms. Kim Kidd, Esquire) telephonic because I knew that she is Christian and still resides in New Jersey; knows me well; and we could discuss candidly even though I reside in Georgia. Furthermore, we are friends and often discuss many topics. I really could not get that visitation out of neither mind nor heart! It was about a year or more later that I totally surrendered, and submitted to the WILL OF GOD by acceptance that this Jesus is in fact the Son of God and Lord of my life, and underwent several additional Baptisms in the Name of Jesus (The Father, Son and Holy Spirit) by way of local assembly both daughter and myself! Even though I had been baptized early in life (prior to age 10). However, it was the first time that precious daughter Baptized into universal Body of Christ! While you would think that accepting Jesus as Lord of our lives would grant Cart Blanche freedom into all things good; it was quite the opposite! The journey had really just started. However, within this journey came an unshakeable FAITH in that God’s Word never fails neither returns void. It is through the fire that you understand the essence of Grace and Mercy. It is through trials at this stage in living that you come to know that God is simply God! It is through such journey that one begins to accept by FAITH in hearing and studying The Word of God that He is true to His Word; God is a FAITHFUL GOD, and even though weapons will undoubtedly form; they truly will not prosper! While I may have endured mitigating circumstances that hit 401k, and earning potential as professional blessed with Juris Doctoris (Latin for Doctor of Law or Doctorate in Jurisprudence) conferred June 1, 1991 by Seton Hall University School of Law, Newark, New Jersey more than twenty years ago; I have come to understand that there are three things that money cannot purchase; sincere BELIEF in THE incorruptible Word of God; excellent and/or good health: mind, body and spirit, as with true and lasting natural spiritual soul beauty that radiates The Glory of God! An added benefit when you study thus incorporate the Word of God with FAITH and BELIEF, you shall come to that wealthy place and operate thus live in the overflow of God’s riches and Glory! In fact, having such journey is the very catalyst that prompted me to share how you as well can radiate the GLORY OF GOD beginning with your smile! I believe that one can ascertain completeness in God by acceptance of His Son and Savior Jesus the Christ and thereby compelled to smile as an automatic gesture to such pronounced promises and benefits. While I am neither Pastor, Evangelist either Theologian; I am a Witness to the amazing Grace and Mercy that God Himself has bestowed upon me! It is within this journey that I have come to develop a personal intimate relationship with this Jesus, and hope that you are encouraged by such Testimony or shall cultivate such intimacy with Jesus as well! As for they whom already have accepted Jesus into their hearts; be BLESSED and strengthened by POWERFUL Testimony of Grace and Mercy! It is by far a privilege to share with you the POWER that is within each one of us so long as we align both

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