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The Armor of Light: Protection from Spiritual Darkness
The Armor of Light: Protection from Spiritual Darkness
The Armor of Light: Protection from Spiritual Darkness
Ebook81 pages1 hour

The Armor of Light: Protection from Spiritual Darkness

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Christians are under spiritual attack yet many are unaware that there is a powerful weapon of protection. Satan is on the prowl looking for those he can devour and Christians who do not have on the proper armor are an easy target for these attacks.

In The Armor of Light, author Charles A. Ness shows fellow Christians how to protect themselves and their families by putting on the armor of light. Romans 13:12 instructs us to put on the armor of light; that is a covering of light imparted by the glorious presence of the Lord, acting as a shield of protection that is put on through prayer.

You can experience a new level of spiritual protection and victory over evil when wrapped in Gods glorious light.

Charles Ness has done the Anabaptist nation as well as the body of Christ a great service in writing that which the Lord has revealed to him about the armor of light! His biblical grounding and revelation of the armor of light will not only benefit and help many, but will bring breakthrough for all those who apply it in their lives. I found Charlies clear articulation, thoughtful exposition, and practical examples to be deeply valuable and insightful. May God continue to unfold his kingdom reign on earth as it is in heaven as we put on and walk in the armor of light.
Noel Santiago, LEADership minister, Franconia Mennonite Conference

It is obvious God Anointed you for this moment-in-time to share with us this high level message that is so applicable for mature Christians. Had I understood this message more fully in years past, I could have spared myself much trouble and heartaches.
Ben Girod, Bishop, Amish Church

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateApr 4, 2018
The Armor of Light: Protection from Spiritual Darkness

Charles A. Ness

Charles A. Ness is an ordained Mennonite minister, and he has served the church for nearly fifty years. As a pastor he led two churches in spiritual renewal and numerical growth, and as an evangelist he has conducted many renewal meetings in churches and prisons across the country. For forty years he has been involved in prison ministry, and he is cofounder of Liberty Ministries. Charles has also led mission teams abroad in Central and South America and in Europe, and he and his wife, Janet, have four grown children and seven grandchildren.

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    The Armor of Light - Charles A. Ness

    Copyright © 2018 Charles A. Ness.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-2336-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-2337-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018903701

    WestBow Press rev. date: 03/27/2018


    My thanks to the Lord for his grace extended to me in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am thankful for godly heritage passed on to me by generations of faithful servants of the Lord. Thanks to my wife, Janet, and our family, who have been a great support in ministry; to Earl Falls and Beth Roth, who first challenged me to put on the armor of light, and for their valuable editing assistance; to Paula Marolewski, for her editing skills; and to Dr. Mike Spinelli, Pastor of Perkiomenville Mennonite Church, for his suggestions. Thanks also to the Perkiomenville Mennonite Church and the men in Bible study at the State Correctional Institution at Graterford, Pennsylvania, who first heard this teaching; and to all those who are applying this teaching in their lives.



    CHAPTER 1   The Need

    CHAPTER 2   Armor and Light

    CHAPTER 3   God Is Light

    CHAPTER 4   Protection and Direction

    CHAPTER 5   Put On the Armor

    CHAPTER 6   Put On The Full Armor

    CHAPTER 7   The Armor of Holiness

    CHAPTER 8   Testimonies


    Questions for Reflection and Application


    As I considered writing this book, I asked myself, Why write another book on spiritual warfare? You may be asking the same question. It would seem that everything has already been written on this topic. However, as I searched bookseller websites, I did not find one book written from this perspective.

    I have been active in deliverance ministry and spiritual warfare for more than thirty years. I preached and taught on the subject. I read many books and attended seminars to better understand the dynamics of this topic. I thought I had a fairly complete knowledge of the scriptural teaching and practice of warfare ministry. I understood and practiced putting on the whole armor of God as listed in Ephesians 6.

    Therefore, I was dismayed when a brother in Christ mentioned the need to put on the armor of light. I am embarrassed to say that I wasn’t sure what he was talking about. He said, Read Romans 13:12. I read it and was at a loss to explain what the armor of light is:

    The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. (Romans 13:12)

    This started a journey of learning that has been very exciting and revealing. I discovered truth I was unaware of, and this has led to a new way of praying, both for myself and for others. It has been an effective weapon in the battle against the devil and his influence.

    As I was studying, there were doubts about the concept. I wondered about its validity and whether anyone else had experiences with the armor of light. When I read the introduction to Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young, I received confirmation as she described experiencing the covering of light and its effect in her counseling ministry (see chapter 8).

    My prayer is that through this teaching, you will also learn new ways to effectively stand against evil forces and walk in new levels of victory.




    The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

    John 10:10

    E ngaging in spiritual warfare presumes t there is, indeed, a battle. It presumes there are entities that are at war with each other. John 10:10 is the key to understanding the nature of that battle. Jesus makes it clear that there is an enemy of the believer. There is an entity, described in scripture

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