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Catlorian Iv: Fire Gap Keep
Catlorian Iv: Fire Gap Keep
Catlorian Iv: Fire Gap Keep
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Catlorian Iv: Fire Gap Keep

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The game is in play, and pieces are being moved quickly on the worlds board. Master Lord Banshee has once again escaped imprisonment and is stealthily moving against Tael. Because he has lost his hold on the realms to the east of the Shederiallis Mountains, he should be attempting to change his strategy. But why isnt he?

Priestess Dementhal, the newly-appointed guardian of Dragon-kind, wants an answer to that question as she leads a group to find and keep weapons of the Mage War from Lord Banshee. That same question is on the minds of others who have taken the realms of Tael away from Lord Banshees lackeys and pushed the gualu to seek safety elsewhere. Another priestess who knows an artifact may weaken Lord Banshees powers returns with her sister to the Dark Keep to find what should never have been created. After they are joined by a huntmaster and a group of companions skilled in both war and magic, they must face many obstacles that leave them wondering if their time will run out before the dark lord destroys Tael.

Catlorian IV: Fire Gap Keep follows adventurers into darkness to find an artifact that they can only hope will stop a dark master on a vengeful journey.

Release dateApr 4, 2018
Catlorian Iv: Fire Gap Keep

R.L. Pool

R.L. Pool served in the US Army and traveled to several continents as a function of that service. After his retirement in 1988, he began work as a Metrology Technician for a branch of the National Institute of Standards Technology. He is a father and grandfather and currently lives in Leakey, Texas. This is the fifth book in the “Catlorian” series. Katherine L. Lewis is the niece of the author. Visit her website at:

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    Catlorian Iv - R.L. Pool

    Copyright © 2018 R.L. Pool.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-1646-0 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018904009

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    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32

    Chapter 33

    Chapter 34

    Chapter 35

    Chapter 36

    Chapter 37

    Chapter 38

    Chapter 39

    Chapter 40

    Chapter 41



    I’m not certain I understand, Maxim. stated the old sage as he looked up from his sheets of parchment. "Why send all of these people to these different places to … what? Find what they already knew might be there? If Banshe’e’s plan was to dominate the great cities of Catlor and Sharlend, all you’ve done is move his plans along a bit faster. By sending these people to take back the cities from his lackeys and bringing the rightful rulers … your words … back into power, have you not thrown the proverbial gauntlet? Having them go forth to seize these … artifacts? Does that not entice the evil one to retaliate?"

    Maxim Anteroe, Wanderer, looked down at the old sage and watched as that one shifted yet again, his discomfort at sitting for this long upon the soft grass within the glade apparent. The Archdruid knew that he trod a very thin line as he worked to place the valiant into possible danger without seeming to do so, yet could not directly help any of them. He stroked the tawny head of the puma as it napped with its head upon his lap and sighed.

    But, Terillion, my old friend, I have done none of that. I have but suggested a course of action, moved these staunch defenders of the world by advice alone, and given only a certain amount of knowledge whereby they could decide for themselves their individual courses of action.

    That may be, but I see that there are some … well … machinations created by you that may have limited those decisions. How do you reconcile that with the edict you live under?

    I see no conflict. stated Wanderer as he frowned at the sage. I see only that I have but given these something to think about … something to give them hope, yet a cause for concern.

    He cast his mirrored silver eyes toward the white walls of Catlorian in the distance and sighed yet again.

    To the savon’el, I gave time to find himself, that is all. To the young Mages and warriors that followed him and others, a purpose brought on by their own research and desires. I gave the two young heirs to the kingdom of Shedran and Dragon’s Teeth, as well as that one of Catlorian, a goal that may or may not be realized. Then there were things that required research to find an answer and only those of pure mind and spirit would have a chance to explore rationally the worth and purpose.

    Sounds a bit vague to me, my friend. said the old sage softly.

    And necessarily so, Terillion. replied Maxim with a grin as he glanced back at the sage. "You know that I have been warned not to directly influence the direction this world takes or the choices its people make. This has been my curse for … well … for more centuries than many will believe. I walked this world, as I did the two previous to this one, long before humanity appeared. The Creator brought this world into being and I was placed here by the Sisters to record the life of the planet and its eventual demise. My immortality, a gift of the Fates, has required me to watch the previous two worlds implode, the inhabitants … the ‘intelligent’ inhabitants using the bounty given freely by the Creator to extremes for their own profit without looking at, or caring, what their greed does to the surrounding creation. On those worlds I could but watch and record as they fell upon each other in greed for wealth and power and, by using the biases each race had one for the other, turned them against the other.

    "Those worlds fought great battles, each century causing more and more destruction while the powerful and greedy watched in glee. As more and more powerful machines of war were introduced, they were used to destroy beyond redemption what was created in perfection. Not being privy to the mind of the Creator, save from the thoughts provided by the Sisters, I am not certain that He didn’t shed a tear at the destruction, though would not break the one rule He has made unbreakable!

    "Mankind … Human, Elvin, Dwarven and all others within that definition … must be allowed to make their own choices! Though the gods, the servants of the Creator who have been allowed on this world to interact with his ‘Blessed Creation’, have tried to help without intervention, they too have witnessed humanity following blindly those who bend logic for their own greed. Their lies sound like truth, their pleas sound like hope and their smiles hide avarice. This world, Terillion, was ravaged by war that lasted more than twenty centuries and, if not for the saddened Mages of the past, would have followed the other two into total destruction!

    Though I may have had some small part to play in their redirection, the gods themselves aided in allowing those of power to see the truth and bring the destruction to a halt. They too have been directed not to intervene, yet by subtly suggesting a course of action or allowing for their servants to have the time to think objectively, the powerful combatants were able to see the manipulators for what they were and shed themselves of them. That is the only reason I can see for the end of the Mage War. Those powerful men and women of the past found that they could no longer see any good coming from the destruction brought on by those depraved souls who destroyed for the sake of destruction alone and came together finally to end it.

    Yes, Maxim, but did it end? asked the old sage as he dipped his pen into his small inkwell once again. It seems that the hate, bigotry and violence of the past, though muted, still exist long after the War. It seems to me that no matter how many times men quell the hatred, the bias, the stupid bigotry … it keeps coming back.

    That is true, Terillion, but that is because on this world, as it is on others, none want to confront the specter of history. Those now in power and those who seek it think that they are the first. They cannot or will not see the results within the realm of historical documentation. They continue to think that, somehow, they can do it better and will reap greater benefit for themselves in the process. They are shocked, it seems, when the whole thing falls down about them and then they blame the Creator for their downfall. I sometimes feel that my purpose is to witness the insanity of it all.

    Then … again … why? asked the old sage.

    Maxim pondered for a moment before he answered the question that had riddled him for billions of years. Why indeed? Was it that though he could see, through the history imprinted upon his mind, the choices humanity made could be guided toward the simple balance the Creator desired? Was it the love he still had for some who would give all, including their lives, to see that history not repeat? Was it that he wished for at least one world, any world that he was sent to by the goddesses, to live out its life without strife and was allowed at some long future date to cease of its own?

    "I can see the balance, Terillion. I can see, in the eyes of children, the possibility of peace and selflessness that could reign here. Children have no hatred within their minds and will seek each other despite differences. Only after being taught that there are differences will they notice this. Were it not for lessons taught by those of bias, the children of this and other worlds could bring about an eternal peace that I believe the Creator craves.

    Yet here, as on those others, children are taught from an early age to seek only those who look like, think like, or agree with their thoughts. All others should be shunned or destroyed. If, as a dwarf said to an elf once, we could put all children into a safe environment without the supposed intelligent adults, one would find that if they didn’t like someone, it would be because they just didn’t like them! However, if they liked each other, it would be because they, with their differences, liked each other for what was within, not that which shows without.

    Then you suppose that the Creator may have made a mistake …

    Not at all! interrupted the Archdruid sharply. "Once I questioned this and was cursed beyond my needs! I asked the goddesses I serve why they could not step in and stop humanity from its self-destructive impulses! They stated, in no uncertain terms, that the Creator had allowed for choices in humanity and would not allow others, like them, to make but puppets! I believe that the Creator, who can see the result of every choice that could possibly be made in each and every decision, has hope for His creation to find enlightenment and come together at some point to live within the framework He created.

    Though I can understand, on some level, the restriction placed upon me, I still feel that these should be allowed a … let us say a guiding hand. A hand of someone, deity or otherwise, who can see that their choices will bring disaster and can guide them from it.

    And you think that someone is you? That seems a bit pompous, Maxim, if you were to ask me.

    Maxim grinned at the old sage. He had hit on the immortal’s dilemma. Were the choices he, Maxim Anteroe, desired the correct ones? Were they the most logical of choices and would they bring about the calm peace that he wished for? Was he actually guilty of placing himself on the same level as the Creator and thinking that he, above all others, knew best? He hoped not!

    No, my friend. he replied softly. "I have been cautioned against imposing my will on the Creator’s blessed, and rightfully so. All I wish to do is seek all possibilities and knowledge about the evil, find those who may have the desire to push that evil back into the darkness and … nudge them toward the decisions that they will have to make in that effort. I cannot, and I now believe should not, actively serve as a … defining force in their lives.

    However …


    T he walls about the town were relatively low. At twenty feet with a wide walk and parapet, it seemed to be less secure than many others Terry McLonden had seen. The back wall marked the border to the Eldewood Vale and there was but one gate through that low wall as there was but one gate here on the southern side of Laranthia. The crescent shape of the large Elvin city was something all who saw it wondered at.

    Who goes there? came the challenge from above the closed gate.

    Melissa Greenleaf and company. replied the ranger loudly.

    Lissa? said the voice as its owner stood and peered through the parapet down at the small company of men with the two mounted women in the front. It’s been a long time!

    That it has, Galt! shouted the ranger girl with a grin. Now, are you going to let us in or are we going to chat like this all morning?

    Who’s that with you, girl?

    Anastasia Dementhal, Pak Chu-so and the men of the McLonden clan. replied the red haired ranger. Red Wolf is here as well but desires to stay outside the gate for awhile with the wolves.

    Where is he?

    Right here, friend Galt. replied the barbarian as he melted from the forest next to Lissa’s mount. I will be seeking entrance later. Now I must see to my friends.

    Hey, Wolf, just holler when you want in. I owe you a tankard, if my memory doesn’t elude me.

    That you do, my friend. responded the barbarian with a grin. Then, with a wave, he turned and disappeared back into the forest.

    Open the gates boys. said Galt as he turned to walk down the steps inside the stone walls.

    He met the small group just to the other side of the large gates and, as the three stout steel bars dropped into the receptacles to close it behind them, Galt stood beside the ranger girl’s stirrup.

    This ain’t your horse, Lissa. he said as he looked over the brown mare she rode.

    Gintil is in Catlorian, Galt. I had to travel … a different route than normal and she couldn’t come with me. I will see her once we arrive there. What’s been happening here?

    It’s been kinda quiet here for awhile, Lissa. replied the guard captain as he glanced at the people with her. Ain’t seen no gualu or mercenaries about in several days. The Knights of the Laurel rode out … I think it was over a couple of weeks ago with some rangers but we ain’t heard back from ‘em yet.

    Well, my friend, she stated as she leaned on the pommel and smiled down at the ranger, much has transpired in the past few weeks. After I’ve made my report to Prince LeMand, I’ll tell you of it over a tankard. Fair?

    I’ll meet ya there, Lissa. Galt said as he turned with a grin and started back up the steps to the parapet.

    Terry looked up and saw that at every third opening, a ranger sat on a stone block next to a large bin of arrows. As far down the wall as he could see was the same. Just below the wall at each of these points was a … shed of some sort with a pulley system attached that would draw more cases of arrows to the wall as well as stacked stone. He nodded at the prepared way the seemingly unguarded low wall was indeed guarded. He and his kin followed the ranger girl and the old Master down the wide street through the city with its many shops and homes toward the stone, double gates of the palace compound.

    As the small company approached, the stone gates began to slip into the walls to either side and the portcullis just beyond began to rise. The thirty foot high walls about this compound were topped with a wide walk and protective parapets where men slowly walked in pairs along in either direction.

    As they passed within the vast palace grounds, Terry could see the bowmen’s bows rested at each opening in the parapet in racks with the arrow racks just next to them. More men walked about the base of the wall going to and from the low barracks and the main kitchen of the compound. Two hundred yards beyond the gate was the palace, a simple stone, blockish structure of two floors with stout steel banded, wood double doors guarding the way inside at the top of three wide steps. As Lissa and her small group stopped and dismounted, one of those doors began to open.

    Lissa and the McLondens all went to one knee as the man walked into the morning sunlight. Pak Chu-so bowed from the waist and waited as Anastasia curtsied to the ground as well. The silver haired Elvin prince stopped before Lissa and, as his smile of welcome came to both his lips and light gray eyes, he nodded.

    Welcome Ranger Melissa Greenleaf, Mage Anastasia Dementhal of the Dragon, Master Pak Chu-so and men of the McLonden clan. said Prince LeMand, his voice soft as velvet, yet powerful. Welcome to Laranthia. May the safety of our city aid you and comfort you as you shake off the rigors of travel. Lady Galen said you would be arriving this morning and I was to see that you are well cared for. Please, my friends, come inside. As all but the McLondens rose, he added, You gentlemen are welcome as well. Lady Galen has spoken of your loss and prowess in the effort to retake Dragon’s Teeth from Yavosh. Please, my friends, come along.

    Prince LeMand waited while the men of the McLonden clan rose to their feet, looks of awe on their faces. Then he led them all through the door into the Great Hall of the palace.

    On the far wall, two great chairs sat upon a dais that rose two steps above the main floor. They were not ornate, though larger than the norm, and were of ancient polished dark wood. The companions followed the prince to a doorway to the right of the dais and through to a large dining area with many tables and chairs scattered throughout. One was set and waited for the companions to come to table.

    Rest here my friends. said the prince as he held a chair for Anastasia. Then, with a grin, he added, Have some food prepared by other than your own hands. I know you have been sorely afflicted of late and a bit of pampering at my hands is not out of order. Now I have seen to your mounts and your packs have been set just inside the door of the Great Hall. When you are ready to leave Laranthia, I will set provisions for the next leg of your journey. It is my gift to the honorable men of McLonden and our friends of many years, Red Wolf, Mage Anastasia and our very good friend, Melissa Greenleaf. Then, with a deep bow, he added, I am not forgetting you, Master Pak, as your legend has reached us here in the south as well. Please enjoy our hospitality.

    Prince LeMand leaned down and whispered into Anastasia’s ear, Lady Galen will see you just beyond the Vale Gate, Lady Anastasia. Rest and eat. Then, when you are ready, you know the way. There is no hurry for time is of no consequence there.

    As he smiled and walked back toward the door to the Great Room, smiling young Elvin men and women came out of the back room with platters laden with fresh fruit and cheeses, meat and bread, while others brought a large pot of steaming Kaff and pitchers of wine and ale. Soon, the companions were relaxing and talking to the servants as if they had known them for a lifetime.

    Anastasia ate sparingly yet smiled as the group seemed to relax and grin at each other and their hosts. The servants told the companions where everything they asked about could be found within the city and the McLondens made plans to visit some of the shops there. Their intention was to buy some trinket that could only be found within the walls of the fabled city for their loved ones at home.

    The mage girl took the last sip from her wineglass, rose softly, and moved toward the door not willing to upset the calm of the companion’s humor. Terry glanced her way.

    Lady Anastasia?

    Not to worry, Terry. she replied as she turned to his questioning gaze. Lady Galen has asked for my presence within the Vale. I will seek you out later. Enjoy yourselves while here, my friends. The safety of this city is profound. Take advantage of that.

    Terry grinned and nodded as the mage girl turned back toward the door.

    Anastasia passed through the Great Room and out through the door to the outside. She’d been here before, though only as far as the gardens behind the palace. She turned right as she stepped down to the courtyard and followed the gravel path to the open gate to the gardens. She saw the two guards smile at her as she approached the Vale Gate in the great wall at the rear of the gardens and, as they bowed softly, opened the small gate for her.

    She walked through and immediately opened her heavy cloak. It was springtime here within the Eldewood Vale and the warm weather was a welcome change to the cold she’d been used to over the past several days of travel from Dragon’s Teeth. The air was fresh and sweet and the slight warm breeze was welcome. She draped her cloak over a branch that seemed willing to take the weight, dusted some of the travel from her brown leather pants and walked slowly into the forest, her eyes closed and the calming rustle of the leaves a song to her heart.

    Welcome back, Anastasia. came the voice soft as silk with the slight trilling accent of Sha’terra. Anastasia turned and dropped into a deep curtsy as the beautiful Elvin woman walked out of the forest, her yellow gossamer gown floating in the breeze and her bare feet making no noise whatsoever. Please, let us not fall prey to formality, Daughter of Frey.

    Anastasia rose and took the woman’s soft hands in hers and felt the calm power there. The mage girl smiled into the soft blue eyes and noticed how the long silver hair flowed about this woman as if clothing her in strands of Elvin silver.

    Lady Galen, I am honored. said the mage girl softly with a nod.

    It is I who has been honored from the first time we met, Anastasia. said Lady Galen softly. Though the Creator knows the pathways we might take in our journey to the Bright Lands, it pleases me when someone finds their way here while traveling to that destination. Though your service to Frey, the god of Retribution and the twin to Lady Freya, of Love and Birth, has tended to wander from the origins of your faith, know that he still watches over you with love.

    I’ve never spoken of my faith to others, Lady Galen. said the mage girl softly, yet with a small frown. The god of Wrath has no doubt questioned my devotion in the past, though my anger still gets in the way at the most inopportune times. Many times in my past I’ve thought that he would give up on me entirely.

    He has seen you respond to evil in retribution, Anastasia, but he has also seen you balance your response to the duty at hand. He is pleased with your growth as the new Guardian … Anastasia jerked her eyes to those soft blue orbs as Galen smiled. Yes, I have been informed and, before you ask, none else is aware.

    But how can you possibly know …?

    Ask your sisters. she responded softly as she pointed to the orb ring on her finger.

    *She is not who you think she is, sister.* came the many voices to her mind. *Lady Galen, the Lady of the Eldewood is She who is served by the many rangers and knights of this world. She is that goddess who is called the ‘Mother of Creation’ and has the ear of the Creator.* As Anastasia fell to her knees, the voices continued, *We have all been honored with this knowledge in the past and have kept this secret for thousands of lifetimes. It is now yours to know, sister.*

    My Lady. she breathed.

    Please, Anastasia, said the beautiful Elvin goddess as she took Anastasia’s hands in her soft ones, don’t carry on so. I am but a servant of the Creator as are those of my brothers and sisters. We have been granted permission to live among and aid the Creator’s chosen through their lives and attempt to help them through the choices they, by necessity, must make for themselves. You have made a choice in becoming the Guardian of Dragon-kind that may, in the dim future, bring you pain and heartache. I know this for I, too, have found that the necessity of living alone has strained my heart to its breaking. Lady Galen sighed and Anastasia felt the soft pain in that breath.

    I have served many princes in the past, my dear, yet this one, Dorian LeMand, has my heart. I have questioned the sanity of my love for him because, like you, I am doomed to watch him grow old, though that is a far eventuality, and die. I will still be here within the Vales when he becomes dust, his soul travelling to the Bright Lands to be with his kin. She squeezed the hands she held and smiled softly at the mage girl. Is it worth it, my young Mage?

    Anastasia looked into those ancient eyes and saw the pain as well as the strength within this goddess. She had lived many lifetimes here within the Eldewood and knew what lay before this young mage girl. Anastasia smiled.

    "Whether for good or ill, m’lady, I have made that choice. If I can serve humanity, or just one soul, in my service to the Lords of Dragon-kind, it will be worth the sacrifice. I am not, nor will I ever be, a goddess, Lady Galen, but I know that my life, however long it will be, will not be wasted. The knowledge I gain in the years or centuries I’ve been granted, not lost. The love and hope, fears and sadness, joy and strife … all of the things I have and will have seen within my extended lifetime will bring a new understanding to the next and, hopefully, the next Guardian.

    There may come a time when I will find love that I must choose to take or walk from as have you, but I will have to make that choice at that time. Anastasia continued with a sad smile. I refuse to fall into sadness before that sadness falls upon me. It may come that I will find the love of my life and, though I will never be allowed to divulge my true form, may well seek solace in his arms for a time, may watch as he grows old and becomes dust. But, if I do make that choice, I am hoping that I will walk from it with a smile knowing that there was one who loved me beyond my calling and I will hold that within my heart for the rest of the eternity that is my life. She smiled into the soft blue eyes and added, If I may be so bold, what is the purpose of love if the ending brings only pain? Would it not be better to love fully, give your heart completely and, afterward, remember the joy of that love for an eternity?

    That it would, my friend. said the Elvin goddess softly. I am now reminded why the Lords of Dragon-kind were inclined to ask for your help as Guardian.Then, with a sheepish grin, she added, Two centuries ago I begged a waiver from my Lord to act upon my love. It was granted and, though there will be no joy from procreation between us, Dorian has returned my love unconditionally.

    Anastasia smiled and squeezed the soft hands as she asked, If I may, my Lady, I would like permission to come here periodically and seek your counsel in the future? I know that, barring some disastrous catastrophe, I will be forced to live apart from most, yet I wish to be able to speak to one who understands from time to time. Is that possible?

    That is not only possible, my sweet Anastasia, but recommended! stated the goddess with a smile. You see, because of your love of living things and your heart filled with a caring soul, you were selected as Guardian. Those who serve me are also those who care for the living things about us and those who are tasked with maintaining them. If you would, I would ask that you allow me to help you along your way. Lord Frey has asked that I take you for he sees in you a caring soul and faithful follower of the Creator’s edicts.

    But would that not bring strife between you and Lord Frey? asked the mage girl with concern. I would not want to be …

    You do not understand, my friend. stated the goddess. The gods and goddesses of this world all serve the Creator in all things. We speak one to the other and when we find a follower who would serve best with another, and with the authorization of He who created us all, the change is seen as joy in all of our hearts. Do not worry that you will be giving up on Lord Frey, but that he has blessed you to make your choice one good for your soul. He will be pleased no matter which you choose, though he believes that to remain in his service might restrict your calling.

    Galen smiled at the confused mage girl for a moment and continued, Don’t make your choice right now, my dear. Wait and ponder your decision. If you choose to continue to follow Frey, I will give you my blessing and what aid I can provide. If you choose to serve my passion, Lord Frey will gladly help you attain your true calling and stand with you if the need arises. That is the way with gods of this world, Anastasia. We all seek to follow the word of our Creator and serve the creation he has blessed. There is never strife between us. The choice, as it must always be, is yours. Then, with a grin that would rival that of an impish little girl, the goddess added, Let’s walk a bit in the Vales, Annie!

    I thought I’d left that name on the other side of the world, Galen! replied Anastasia with a giggle. Then, with her grin fallen a bit, she added, I can’t be away for very long, m’lady, for as you know the Vales slow time. If we stay here for awhile as is my wont …

    "You forget, Anastasia, the Vales are my domain and, for us, I’ve reversed time. Time, by the grace of the Creator, is mine to manipulate, though within the parameters He has assigned to me. Now your friends exist at a slower rate than we. Come, my friend. Join me!"

    With pleasure, m’lady. giggled Anastasia. Then she followed the little Elvin goddess as she skipped through the trees of the Eldewood Vale toward the Inner Vale many miles away.


    Well, gentlemen, said Lissa as she stood and stretched, I think it is time we paid a visit to the city! You’ve never been here before have you?

    No, m’lady. said Terry with a grin. I marveled at the smiles on every face as we came through and would very much like to look in some of the shops here. My cousins and I have thought to find that one thing that could only be found here to take back to our families, though the cost may seem frivolous.

    Raven said that the gold he presented to you was for your use, McLonden. Lissa chided with a frown. I’d say that an heirloom may well be found in the fabled shops of Laranthia. The merchants here are not like those beyond these borders. They are committed to presenting wares at fair prices for the use of the populace. The way they see it, it is more profitable to serve a friend than a patron. Shall we?

    The men stood and followed the ranger out and, as they came to the door to the palace, they found their saddlebags set carefully on the floor next to it. Terry opened the treasure pouch and, as each told him their desire, counted out the requested gold pieces.

    Just leave the bags here, Terry. said Lissa with a grin. Trust that they will be here unmolested when we return.

    The six mercenaries followed the ranger through the door and out into the courtyard. The guards at the gate saw them coming and, with sincere smiles, pulled the levers to open the portcullis and stone gates. They waved at the small group of fighters as they passed through.

    The McLondens marveled at the smiles on every face, the cherry helloes and the grinning response to their return.

    They all seem so … so happy to see us, Lissa. remarked Terry softly. I can see that most of these people are elves but they don’t seem to mind that we are not.

    That is because they have left their bias outside of the Main Gate, Terry. replied the smiling ranger girl. You see, the Mother holds them all within the palm of Her sweet hand and they have no animosity toward any. Though they’ve seen strife and war in the past, they will not let it influence their inherent desire for peace. The Mother guarantees their safety within these walls and they have learned to share their peace with any and all who come here with good intentions. Understand, they will fight ferociously to maintain their lifestyle and the peace that reigns here, but they refuse to dwell on it.

    They are just so … happy! echoed Timothy softly as he looked from face to face. I could live here forever!

    And they would welcome you, young Tim. said Lissa her smile a constant thing. Sadly, we cannot linger, though you will find welcome here anytime you passed this way. Of that I am certain.

    Look at all of the shops, Terry! said Michael excitedly. You remember what Gavin said just before we left Athelon? He said that, with the gold we will earn in Dragon’s Teeth, he would have enough to finally get Helena the jewelry box she always wanted. Do you think we might …

    We’ll look, Mikey, but we will all have to decide which one to buy. replied the older mercenary as he grinned at his cousins. It will have to be something Gavin himself would bring to Helena as well as my sweet niece, Gretchen. Are we in accord?

    After he received the smiling ayes, he asked Lissa where they would find such a thing.

    Let’s just walk through the town and look in the storefronts, gentlemen. said the ranger as she smiled at the excitement on each face. Something there might just jump out at you!

    They walked along the walkway on the left side of the street looking into each shop window at the goods displayed. Here was a weapons shop that displayed the marvelous Elvin armor and weapons only dreamed of in their home city. The clothing stores displayed fine clothing as well as the comfortable work cloths of the populace, all of good to excellent make and stitching. The leather craft shop had them stopping to watch the cobbler’s sure hands bring a boot to life as he grinned at them from time to time from within the shop.

    John McLonden was the first to look through the woodcraft window and the goods displayed.

    Terry! Look at these! he said excitedly.

    The mercenary looked over the youthful John’s shoulder and saw the beautiful light wood, intricately carved box with the gold catches and hinges. Though it looked to be too small to hold his sister-in-law’s jewelry, he felt that it would be something he could bring back to the pretty woman as a keepsake. He slapped the young McLonden on the shoulder and they entered.

    "Hello, Lissa!’ came the cherry voice of the short man covered in small wood chips.

    Hi, Tholus! said the ranger as she gave the balding elf a quick hug. Then as she waved a hand about the group of mercenaries, she added, These are my friends and they are looking to buy something for the wife of their fallen kin, something that would help to heal a broken heart. You know of anything …?

    You are the McLondens? he asked softly, his sad look causing the men to look at their feet. I thought as much. What did you have in mind?

    We saw the small jewelry box in the window and … began Terry softly.

    That will not do, gentlemen! Tholus said sternly and turned back to the door at the rear of his shop. When he returned, he held a larger box of the same wood in his hands, the gold catches and hinges glistening. Now this will hold all of Lady Helena’s jewelry and to spare! he exclaimed.

    How did you know … began Terry with a frown.

    Lady Galen came in here two … no, three days ago and said you would be around and that you would be looking to buy something for the wife of one of the heroes of Dragon’s Teeth. said the balding elf as he set the jewelry box carefully on the counter. I’ve been working on this for some time now and I think it will bring a smile to her sad face.

    He slipped the two catches on the front and as he gently lifted the lid, two platforms of the light wood rose with it, each with a blue satin, cushioned covering within. He brought the front of the box down and a compartment slid out with that same cushioned velvet covering the inside. He beamed as the men looked at the marvelous piece of art as every surface was carved with Elvin figures and the soft runes of Elvin that seemed to speak of the love that went into the creation.

    The top shelf has recesses in the velvet to display her rings. Lady Galen said she had but three, though I added room for three more. The others will hold her necklaces and broaches comfortably without causing them to intermingle and knot up the silver and gold chains. What do you think?

    Terry was speechless! This is exactly what Gavin would have bought his wife, had he the gold. As he thought it over, he noticed the small silver ring stuck into the velvet of the top shelf. He took it out gently and held it in his hand. It was small, but had tiny Elvin script that covered it.

    Sorry! said the man softly as he took the ring from Terry’s hand gently. That is for Gretchen. Terry glanced up and the man grinned at the awed look on his face. Lady Galen said that the little girl should have something that only her father would buy for her as well. I found this in the jewelry shop down the street and thought it to be perfect for a little girl to remember her poppa. He pointed to the delicate script and added, It reads, ‘Love, Hope, Honor’, three words that speak volumes of the heart of Gavin McLonden.

    How do you know that it will fit her little fingers, sir? asked Timothy softly.

    In answer, the craftsman placed the small ring on the tip of his little finger and, as the men stared with shock, the ring seemed to grow until it slipped gently to rest at the bottom of that finger.

    Mage Lorien, one of the Mages of the city, said the shopkeeper, asked if she could aid the craftsman in his endeavor and was allowed to see that, not only would it fit the child, but would grow with her! She also added a charm that would aid in the child’s protection should the need arise. Don’t worry about it falling off either. he added as he turned that hand down and shook it. The only way it can be removed is if the child removes it herself.

    Terry looked from the ring to the beautiful jewelry box and hung his head.

    I’m very sorry, sir. he said sadly. We haven’t brought enough gold to buy this beautiful piece of love nor that wonderful trinket, and even if we had, we have to think about the community and their needs. We just cannot afford …

    But you misunderstand, m’lord. said the man as he smiled at the men of the McLonden clan. You cannot buy this or the ring. At Terry’s shocked look, the man’s smile broadened and, as he replaced the tiny ring within the safety of the blue velvet, he added, These things are a gift from the citizens of Laranthia to the family of one who gave all for the safety and peace of gentle people! They are yours to present to his family, if you will, sir. Then, as he looked at the strange looks on all faces, save Lissa’s of course, he asked, Shall I wrap them for you?

    Yes please … and thank you! said Terry as he stretched a calloused hand toward the small craftsman.

    No sir. said Tholus with a serious look as he took the hand and held it in a strong grip. Thank you and yours for your devotion to good people. Then, he added, Save your gold for the shop just up the street toward the palace. Hamish has told Lady Galen that, if you will pay for the materials used, he has excellent long swords and daggers for you. We were told that they are your preferred weapons and we all feel that you should have the best to continue your work.

    I … I don’t know what to say. said Terry softly.

    Nothing need be said, sir. said Tholus as he laid a hand to the mercenary’s shoulder. Just accept our gifts for what they are and accept our thanks for your sacrifice.

    Terry swallowed hard and, after he gave the man a nod of acceptance, Tholus smiled and carried the box to the back of the shop. I will have them wrapped and ready for you this afternoon, gentlemen. he said as he disappeared into the back room.

    Lissa grinned at the men. John and Timothy had tears running down their faces while the other four looked after the small craftsman with looks of amazed awe.

    It would seem that your honor precedes you, gentlemen. she said softly. As the looks drifted her way, she continued, Get used to it, my friends. There are those who will welcome you for your actions alone. Good men are revered in these places and are rewarded in accordance with their honor. Lady Galen knows just about everything there is to know about everyone of consequence and will provide what is necessary for the deserving few. She tapped Terry on the shoulder with a grin and added, I think we need to visit that shop down the street now, don’t you?

    Is this what it feels like to be a ranger, Miss Lissa? asked John softly as he wiped his face on the back of his hand.

    More often than not, my young friend. she replied. A ranger doesn’t seek gold in repayment for the work we do, John. We do what we need to do to keep gentle people safe and sometimes we are rewarded. We don’t actively seek reward but accept that given with the same emotion as the one offering. To turn down a gift is an insult unless it is all a man has. If that happens, the gift can be offered back to the giver in the same manner as it was offered.

    At the questioning glances she got, Lissa continued, For example, should a man offer food to you for aiding him and his family to safety, yet you see they have little or nothing for themselves, you offer to share and after adding to the offered food by hunting or foraging edible plants or berries, you can receive the gift yet the family will be better off with more of what they didn’t have in the first place. She grinned and added, Sounds confusing but there is a method taught to young rangers to that end.

    But we’re mercenaries, Miss Lissa. said John softly. We’re soldiers first but we work for pay. How can we do what you do and …

    Many mercenaries find my way of life more appealing, gentlemen. said the ranger softly. Don’t get me wrong! Mercenaries, especially those who seek honorable employment, are needed and the pay can range from just enough to get by to bags of gold. A ranger, by definition, needs only his wits and skills in ranger lore to survive well in the wild, yet will accept just payment if offered. We don’t do what we do for payment because we don’t generally have families to feed or communities that need our assistance. We assist where needed and accept food or lodging if offered as a reward for the services we are trained to render. A mercenary is generally one who must work for payment to keep his family and friends fed. Though the work is mostly the same, the method of payment between our professions is different. Rangers are no better nor worse than an honorable mercenary, my young friend. I have known many of both and revere their friendships the same.

    Can somebody like me learn to be a ranger? asked Michael softly.

    Yes, but is that what you really want to do? Lissa asked with a frown. A ranger’s life is seldom his or her own, gentlemen, and more often than not it is a thankless burden. We have the same skills as you, yet we train in other skills that you do not. We learn lore, herbal remedies, animal husbandry, archery … There are many skills we work on to learn and the learning never stops. The pay, if that is what you are in it for, is exceptionally low and the hours are necessarily brutal! A good honest mercenary can make a very good living where a ranger generally fends for themselves and those around them with little or no gold in the offing.

    But if one has no family … like a wife and kids I mean … Timothy began but looked at his cousins and became quiet.

    No Tim, said Terry, if you’re interested and it is something you might want to look into, I’d be proud to support you! You aren’t breaking any family tradition if you are seeking what is good for you. You’ve already seen what doing good can bring. If that feeling is something you want and wish to strive for, I say good for you!

    But how would we even start, Miss Lissa? asked John.

    Seeing that you are already experienced and trained soldiers, the Guildmaster in Catlorian has what he calls an ‘accelerated course’ for young men like yourselves. she replied as a grin crept back to her lips. It includes twelve to eighteen hour days of study and training and an extensive test at the end, but if you pass the Guildmaster’s test, you become a ‘ranger in training’. After that, it is incumbent upon rangers like myself to help you along with your training, as well as frequent trips back to the Guild for specialty training. If you want to see what it is like, once we are back in Catlorian I will introduce you to Stone, the Guildmaster.

    We’d really appreciate that, Miss Lissa. said Michael softly as the men walked out of the wood craft shop.

    Well, the first thing you can do then is stop calling me ‘Miss Lissa’. she said with a grin. I’m just Lissa … Melissa Greenleaf, a woodland ranger assigned the Western Region. I’m no better or worse than you, Mikey. The last got the grin she was aiming for and she led the men back toward the weapons shop.


    It was mid-morning by the time the small group reentered the palace grounds. Lissa saw the children running toward the Garden Gate and, as the McLondens followed her, she passed through that gate for the garden at the rear of the palace. They all stopped and watched in awe as Master Pak Chu-so moved through the intricate patterns of his morning ritual.

    His arms flowed slowly and precisely through the movements of Kansai Son-hui, the Way of Balance. His concentration was total as his body … that seemingly frail and old form … moved with a grace belying his years. The children who watched made not a sound until the old Master came slowly to a position where he stood with his hands before him palms together and bowed slowly to an unseen entity. He opened his eyes and grinned at the youthful awe on the faces about him.

    Good morning, children. he said softly with a gentle smile.

    Good morning, Master Pak. they replied in unison as they all bowed from the waist.

    Enjoy the day, my young friends. said the old Master. This day was presented to you and it should not be wasted. Live and enjoy, children. As the children grinned and ran off in all directions, Pak turned to the awed faces of the men of McLonden. And you, my friends … what have you been up to this fine morning?

    Uh … stammered Terry as he shook his head. We’ve been shopping within the city, Master.

    And have you found anything of value?

    We found gifts for my brother’s wife and daughter, Master Pak. Terry responded softly, almost embarrassingly, The craftsmen offered them as gifts! It was strange.

    Why so strange, my friend? asked the old Master as he tilted his head to the side and grinned at the mercenary’s discomfort. There are many who value selfless service beyond all things. Your reputation as ones who would place yourselves before strangers in the cause of protecting them from aggressors seems to be well known about the palace. It seems it is so within the city as well. Know that though rewards for doing what should and must be done with the talents you have shown may be few and far between, there are still those who revere the practitioners of good. Never forget the feeling this reward gives your hearts, my friends. It will sustain you when no thanks are forthcoming in the future and will guide you to the next instance where you must again give of yourselves. Know that your sacrifice is welcomed by the best, though the worst may attempt to take advantage.

    It seems we are the ones taking advantage, friend Pak. said the mercenary softly.

    How so? asked the small Master with a tilt to his head.

    We were directed to a weapon smith and, when he found who we were, offered his weapons to us at the cost of the materials used. We purchased new long swords and daggers made of such quality and skill that I am thinking of returning to his shop to return them.

    But if this skilled artisan offered them to you at … no price, would that not be his choice? asked Pak softly. Would you negate the good in his heart to do good for those whose skill and sacrifice have proven worthy of his skill? Accept what is given freely, young ones. If it is within your power to aid another with the weapons freely given by one who wishes only for your good talents to be rendered for others, should you not pursue it?

    I can see your point, Master. stated Terry as the others nodded softly. Then we are bound by the talents of this artist’s skill to use these weapons in defense of good people under duress.

    As it should be, my friends. stated the Master as he folded his hands before him and bowed. Now, if I may, I would like very much to see one of these fine weapons.

    Terry slipped the long sword from the sheath at his back and presented it, hilt first, to the old Master. Pak held the sword as if it weighed nothing and, as he backed away, spun it in the mid-morning sunlight. The balance was perfect in the silver sheen of the thin, tapering, three and a half foot blade. It had an extended hilt of bone wrapped tightly in fine gray chain with a slightly down-turned cross-guard. The pommel was of Elvin silver and helped to make the weapon an extension of the wielder.

    The blade in the old Master’s hands spun and danced as it moved faster and faster. Its song spoke of deeds that would be done, lives that would be saved and honor that would be given. As the Master brought the blade to a stop, both hands to the hilt and held as still as death straight out before him, Pak smiled.

    It is everything the smith has said and more, my friend. he said with a sigh. Used for good, it will see you through many dangerous and dark places and bring you triumphantly into the light. Used for evil …

    That will never happen, friend Pak! stated Terry emphatically. On my soul and the souls of my kin, I will die before that is a happenstance!

    These weapons will hold you to your vow, my friend. said the Master softly as he passed the sword, hilt first, back to its owner. Now, I think it time for a bit of tea. Will you join me? and he turned toward the Garden Gate.

    That sounds wonderful! came a soft voice from behind the old Master. May we join you as well?

    As you wish, beautiful ladies. stated Pak as he turned and smiled at Anastasia and Lady Galen. I have not had the pleasure of being introduced …

    Then may I … said Anastasia as Lissa and the McLondens all knelt before the Elvin lady, their heads bowed. Then again, that may be redundant.


    T he caravan of six wagons trundled toward the Great Gates of Heartstone. Though the first three were laden with sack upon sack of grain, beans, wheat flour and Kaff, the next two were vans and larger than the first. Within could be found fresh vegetables and fruit from the warehouse of Dragon’s Teeth. The last was a large steel banded van with pink crystals embedded into the roof glinting in the early morning sunlight.

    The caravan was flanked to either side and behind by twenty of the mercenaries of the seaside realm while Lord Dekion DeLough rode at the head of the column with Prince Raven Moshar to his right. Taofey and Jan rode to either side of the first wagon close to the seat at the front. The dark mage girl in the dark blue cloak grinned as they came toward the gates after the three day journey. Conway held the reins loosely as he glanced at her with a grin.

    I should like to check in with the Master Warehouseman within the city before we off-load anything, m’lady. he said softly. He should know where all of these goods will do the most good.

    Lady Rene’ said nothing about the warehouses here in her message, Conway. replied Lilith softly with a frown. As a matter of fact, she made mention of the fact that the Magistrate and Chancellor here had been using the warehouse to embezzle the city’s gold from King Urich. There was no mention of a Master Warehouseman within the city. Lady Rene’ and Lady Melisande have been seeing to the supply of the city from the Temple of the Triad at the end of Temple Row.

    Though that bodes ill, m’lady, said the apprentice warehouseman softly with a frown, we are taught that, should strife fall within our city, we are to walk away. Though the main warehouse will be looted or used for ill, the secrets of the warehouse are hidden deep within the magiks. If the Master is within the city, I will find him and his apprentices.

    If you do find them, my friend, replied the mage girl softly, take them to Lady Rene’ in the temple. Since she is aware of your existence, she would be the one to help bring the warehouse back under control. Then she asked, Is King Urich aware that the Warehousemen exist?

    The rule is that each Master must choose to bring the crown into their confidence. he responded with a worried frown. It is possible that the Master here did not see any gain in divulging our secret and kept his own counsel. I will not prejudge his motives for that decision, m’lady.

    Nor will I, my friend. Lilith replied with a grin. After we arrive and get a feeling for what is happening, you are free to seek the Master at your discretion. I know that Raven will agree with that premise and know that your secret, and his, will remain between us.

    Thank you, m’lady. Ah! We are here! and he drew rein to bring the great draft horses of the Master Warehouseman of Dragon’s Teeth to a halt.

    Lord Dekion and Raven rode forward and dismounted as the two black crystal golems strode toward them.

    Lord Dekion and Prince Raven, welcome to Heartstone. said one of the two as he and his companion bowed slightly at the waist. Commander Kohl spoke of you earlier this week and said you would be coming with supplies for the city. It is incumbent upon us to check the credentials of your companions however. I notice a daku …

    Lady Lilith Galdreal is only half daku, sir. stated Raven sharply. She has been invited to Heartstone by the Priestess Rene’. Will my vouchsafe be sufficient?

    Normally, my Lord, yes but …

    The Great Gate opened and Kohl walked out and toward the two men. He took Raven’s hand in greeting and smiled up at the dark mage girl.

    I think mine will suffice, Kithan, don’t you? stated the Commander sharply.

    Yes, my Commander. I apologize …

    Never apologize for performing your duty for those you are sworn to protect, my friend. stated the big crystal golem. Caution during this time of turmoil is warranted and I thank you for yours. However, Lady Lilith was instrumental in freeing Dragon’s Teeth and should be accorded all honors. Then, as Kohl turned to Prince Raven, he added, King Urich has been informed of your arrival as well as the priestesses Rene’ and Melisande. They await you before the palace.

    Thank you, Kohl. replied the prince. Then, as he grinned at the big golem, he added, Will you walk with us, Commander?

    My honor, my friend. replied the smiling crystal warrior. Then he turned and shouted, Open the gate for the Crown Prince of Dragon’s Teeth!

    The Great Gates opened slowly and the wagons trundled through. Dekion and Raven walked at the fore with the black crystal

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