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Revelation of the Beast
Revelation of the Beast
Revelation of the Beast
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Revelation of the Beast

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This book is about the revealing of the nation with the false Christ, the (SON) of PERDITION being revealed unto the world and many people will be caught up in his clutches because of unbelief and greed. And his number is the number of a man, 666.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 7, 2018
Revelation of the Beast

Betty Evans

I was born to Clarence and Vera Wallace of Evergreen Alabama in 1944. In 1953 My Father and Mother along with the three youngest children moved to Omaha, Nebraska. My older brother and sister under me moved there in 1954. In 1977 I attended Metropolitan Community nursing program. In 1979 I moved to Pomona California Where I obtained my LVN license. In 1980 Attended Mt Sac Community College for Business Management, and in 1981 moved to Long Beach California in 2007 attended NIT/Wyotech Community College for Nursing Assistant, graduated in 2008, was unable to get a job, so I began to write poetry and bother books, while wondering , when where how and why my life went the way it have gone.

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    Revelation of the Beast - Betty Evans

    Copyright © 2018 by Betty Evans.

    ISBN:                     Softcover           978-1-4931-0285-3

                                    eBook                978-1-4931-0286-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 08/06/2018










    Revelation: To reveal a dramatic disclosure of something hidden or unknown? Just what is a beast? Is it referring to an animal of some kind? Something very grotesque vicious, and dangerous to man. A beast usually denotes a animal, referring to the carnivorous nature of animals and more often the ferocious brutal nature of mans, wild beast figuratively setting may symbolizes the selfish tyrannical (MONARCHES) countries with (KINGS) and QUEENS) such as (ENGLAND) or any country with political presidential leadership, such as the (UNITED STATES OF AMERICA)

    (Geneses: 1:24), (Job: 12:7), (PS: 49:2), (1st. Corinthians: 15: 32)

    (James: 3: 7, 11) and (2nd. Peters:2:12)


    He’s the ancient of days’ he has been here since the beginning of time. He was created the most beautiful angel in (HEAVEN) with a free will mind. He saw his reflection, vanity set in, he became lustful was arrogant and full of pride. He resolved within himself that he should rule (GODS) kingdom in (HEAVEN) and rule (GODS) creation including man.

    The beast was first brought to focus in the book of (DANIEL) (KJV) in the old testament of the (HOLY BIBLE). For he has traveled across the space of time reeking havoc upon the land and in people lives, leaving behind death and destruction, persecuting all those who dare to defy him.

    Some things in life should remain hidden, undisclosed because they may cause more harm than good to those who maybe involved. Of the content of the (REVELATION OF THE BEAST) I’m pretty safe to say everyone who ever lived on earth have at least one skeleton in their closet they care not to share with the world.

    There are things in the past of man existence that should be made known in order to enlighten or broaden our spectrum of our origin and to where we are going and how we plan on arriving at our destination. Just what is the beast and where is its domain? Is it referring to an animal of some kind, something grotesque, vicious and dangerous to mankind? Or is it Talking about something more sinister than we dare to dream or imagine? the beast that dwells inside of man.

    There is a beast I want to make you aware of, the beast of the world that lurks in alleys, down the dangerous highways of life as we journey through this vast unknown world of ours, that will swallow you up, strip you of your morals and integrity and leave you senseless, sometime not knowing right from wrong. It will destroy your mind, body and soul, if you’re not careful of the things you say or do, it will leave you disconnected from (GOD). It will never say no, it’s like a fire that will never say it’s enough, nor will it get tired or sick of you and spit you out, like the whale that spat (JONAH) upon shore when he was running away from the face of (GOD). It’s like an ocean that never gets full, like a bottomless abyss that you just keep on falling till there is no way out or no return.

    We have come from creation of the dinosaurs, mammoth beasts, days of sorceress, the practice of witchcraft, through the biblical times, dark ages and reconstruction to the renaissance man, lawless and hard times, wars and rumors of wars to the tearing down of humanity to this present time. We’re now in space age time, new technology and science beyond ones wildest imagination, where you can grow a body part from a person stem cell and more.

    Man have traveled through this vast universe to lands unknown not knowing what dangers he may have to face and overcome in order to realize his endeavor. But mans quest for knowledge and power, have sometime left him without compassion for his fellow man.

    In establishing the political arena where they fight most of their gladiatorial battles with wars, and rumors of wars sometime leading to death and destruction and to the victor goes the spoils, many times to his own selfish demise. Because of unbelief and disobedience to god, man has fallen farther and farther away from (GODS) grace. However I have come to this resolve, somebody have to love the poor, needy and despised, just for the comfort and character of his heart, or they will forever be driven by desires of their hearts, and the loneliness of their spirits, wandering through this land. For as the man of color, especially the so called (AFRO-AMERICAN) the most of whom have no inkling of who they really are. Knowing nothing about their fore fathers or mothers. Yet too many young men and women keep issuing forth out of their loins children of a nearly forgotten race.

    Through ignorance, under the oppressive hands of the beast to be deprived of their rights and inheritance, deprived, despised, depraved, and oppressed soon to become the forgotten race at hand. But one day will come where we will rise from our ancestors’ ashes, but now roaming aimlessly about with no particular place to go. All of us were indoctrinated to the ways of the world at one time, and we can not get beyond our slaves masters ways, so we pass it on to our offspring. But lift your head up high, it is time for you to rise above your circumstances, grasp hold of what lies before you in all (HONESTY) In (FAITHFULNESS) with love and courage, determine to claim your rightful place before (GOD) and (MAN) a complete and whole man in society doing good to all man, regardless of race, color or creed. When we come to the end of our journey, what we have to fear most is man himself.

    Just what are we trying to do? And where are we trying to go?

    Revelation: reveal or manifest. It took 430 years before (GOD) answered the (Hebrews) cries for relief from their bondage. The prophets prophesied (JESUS) coming another 400 years. According to information I’ve come across (JESUS) was born A.D 6. His arrival was seen in the stars by the wise men before they journeyed to (JERUSALEM) in search of the babe(JESUS). In (ST.LUKE: 2: 1-7) (KJV) and the 7th verse said: and she brought forth her first born son, referring to (MARY) and (JESUS). And (LUKE: 2: 35) said yea, a sword shall pierce through your own soul also, that the thoughts of many maybe revealed. So you see many things had to be revealed or manifested before the revelation of the first

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