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To Thee Be the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: God’S Glory in St. Louis, Missouri
To Thee Be the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: God’S Glory in St. Louis, Missouri
To Thee Be the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: God’S Glory in St. Louis, Missouri
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To Thee Be the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: God’S Glory in St. Louis, Missouri

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We are living in the last hour. The plot thickens between the forces of light and darkness. Jesus Victory is on the rise and his victory is eminent. His era has begun. Jesus Christ has cracked open the code to the Abundant Life. He hasl abolishes foes. He will obtain the kingdom the power and the glory that are rightfully his. He is a door whoever enters him will be saved.
Release dateApr 7, 2018
To Thee Be the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: God’S Glory in St. Louis, Missouri

Dwayne Lesueur

Dwayne Lesueur is a member of World Overcomes Christian Center Fellowship, under the leadership of Apostles Kenneth and Tonya Stewart in St. Louis Missouri.

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    To Thee Be the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory - Dwayne Lesueur

    To Thee Be

    the Kingdom,

    the Power,

    and the Glory

    God’s Glory in St. Louis, Missouri





    Copyright © 2018 Dwayne Lesueur.

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    Scripture quotations from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]


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    Dwayne’s Dedication


    1.     The Key Of David The Legacy Continues

    2.     What In The World Are You Here For

    3.     The Haya (Past) Hovey (Present) And Yhey (Future) Of God

    4.     In The Beginning Unlocking the Genesis Code

    5.     Change Your Mind- Change Your World

    6.     Gods Numerology System

    7.     Design And Delugion-Understanding God’s Mind. Theos Noma

    8.     Freedom Is Letting Go

    9.     The Less Is God’s Best

    10.   Time Space Continuum-Going Boldly where no Man has gone Before

    11.   My Kingdom is not of thisWorld

    12.   Transcending Toward The Light Living In The Light Of Christ

    13.   Ego Eimi- The Being- Tapping into the Christ in You

    14.   Jesus- The Resurrection and The Life.

    15.   Can You Handle The Truth?

    16.   The Secrets Of God

    17.   The Communion of Peace and Indignation

    18.   The Secret of Sawtan

    19.   In My Name

    20.   The Infernal Names of Satan/ Demons and their Meanings

    21.   Hades House- Holding Place of the Condemned

    22.   Babylon Reborn He Just Keeps Talking Nonse

    23.   The Secret of Belief and Freedom

    24.   The Desecration the Abomination that makes Desolate

    25.   The Holidays of God and Satan

    26.   Jesus The Ultimate Reality

    27.   Jesus The Builder of the House (Zodiac) of God

    28.   Destiny and Fate-Choosing Your Path in Life

    29.   Elements of Gods Happy Kingdom

    30.   The Abundant Life Experiencing God’s Richest

    31.   God’s Goal- His Son’s Happiness and Ours

    32.   The Secrets of God

    33.   Reigning in The Glory

    34.   Jesus, The Praise of the Lord


    I would first like to thank GOD, the Father, His Son Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit, the Revealer of secrets for being gracious to me in the writing of this book. Jesus’ truth is marching on. I want to also thank my parents Pierre Lesueur (deceased) Edison and Janet Clinkscale. May God bless you all. May God grant you long life and peace. God bless my deceased sister Denise and Donald Ellis, see you on the other side. I love you so much. Special thanks to my home church World Overcomers Christian Center Fellowship Church in St. Louis Missouri under Apostles Kenneth and Tonya Stewart. You both are beacons of light to God’s Glory in St. Louis and the world. Lead God’s ship to shore. May all of your visions in God manifest your vision to touch the world by the power of prayer. His Glory is rising. I also want to extend special gratitude to Sr. Prophets Cedric and Deshornia Winthrope of World Overcomers Christian Fellowship Church You two have has been great influences of my life and gave me encouragement in the production of this book. Blessings to my friend in Christ Corzell Jackson Jr. a true champion of God who drew illustrations for this book. For the first time in my life i have learned to look for the heart of God instead of the mind of God


    I am who God says i am.

    I can have all that He promises.

    His words in my mouth seasoned with faith is a powerful force for victory.

    The words that i speak, the words that i act upon shall stand forever and ever Amen.

    "Who shall ascend into the Hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His Holy Place?

    He that has clean hands and a pure heart. Who has not lifted up his soul to vanity or sworn deceitfully. He shall receive the blessing of the Lord and righteousness from God.of his salvation. This is the generation that seeks Thy face O Jacob. Selah"

    Psalms 24:3-6


    Empowering mankind through prayer and the Word of God on how to live a victorious life. We are the hands that inspire people to pray and develop an intimate relationship with God by faith which causes us to overcome and live victoriously. 1 John 5:4,5 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world even our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? We are a fellowship of believers who teach, motivate and empower the Body of Christ with sound Biblical principles which lead to victorious living. Our ministry focus is to transform lives through teaching the Word of God and imparting how to factors that produce change. World Overcomers Christian Fellowship is a supernatural organism birthed out of God to impregnate mankind with the Word of Life worldwide.




    In my book, To Thee Be The Kingdom Power and the Glory Christ ushers in His New Kingdom now And reveals to us step by step how He has secured His kingdom. The plot thickens and the stakes are high. The clock is reaching the midnight hour. Satan is mustering his evil forces in the hope of world domination. Jesus victory is imminent. He has crushed the head of the Dragon And will annihilate Babylon with the sword of His mouth and will destroy the Anti-Christ with the brightness of His coming. This book will teach us how to live the abundant life that Jesus promised by uniting us with The Being and tapping into our fullest potential. This book will also help us to understand the Bible in code by God’s numerology system from Genesis to Revelation and how to get into alignment to receive the blessings of God. We will also expose the infamous mark of the Beast as revealed in Revelation and understand more fully the desecration that will follow leading up to Christ’s N.W.O. When Jesus establishes His throne and ushers in His eternal peace, endless joy, and rest. We will also know the original Sabbath day and the exact time, day and hour of Jesus death as revealed in scripture. We will also look into God’s Glory in understanding Jesus, The Great I Am is coded scripture. God shows us how we have complete power, authority and dominion in the Sacred Name Jesus Christ. We will uncover the mystery of the Beast, secrets of loving our self God and others, rejection, suffering and faith, Satan, the mark of the beast and the world of the demonic. This book will expose the agenda of Satan’s unholy trinity and His diabolical plot to rule the world and how He will use the world system to attempt accomplish this. This book will also explain the difference between destiny and fate and how we can choose the intended destiny Jesus has for all of us. God has given us the knowledge to walk the path called straight.

    We will know the symbolism connected with the Lake of Fire and how it is related to the Gospel and the Law. We will also confirm the location of Hell and its purpose. And why it was necessary for God to create such a place. We will even see God’s love as related to His judgements connected with lost humanity and understand more fully the consequences of human choice of free will. We will also come to understand God’s New Thing that He will start on planet earth beginning in 2014 with the revelation of His Open Door of knowledge that will begin to spur an evangelism explosion in 2017 when the Holy spirit will fall with Fire upon the entire world beginning in St. Louis. We will come to understand that God has given America an interval of time to repent and turn back to Him. We will also see how God will unfold Satan’s tricks and expose Him in all of the secret societies and hidden secrets which have kept the world bound since time began. Satan will launch His final attempt and vent out His fury at Armageddon where He, The AntiChrist and the False Prophet will be taken alive and thrown into the Lake of Fire and banished forever. We will come to understand the enemy of death and how Jesus will destroy Him and one day wipe all tears from our eyes. The former things will be past and He will make all things new. Jesus stands at the door and knocks. He offers His living water freely. All liars, whoress, effiminate, sorcerers, and murderers will have their part in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. This will be the second death. Let us now come and eat the Bread of Heaven and drink of His water and learn about the Being ChrIst.









    It seemed like just yesterday on that quiet morning on Saturday February. 8, 2014. I had just woken up from sleep and it was almost seven o’clock in the morning when Jesus came by to visit me. I was taken by surprise as God began to communicate to me that He was about to do a New Thing that would change the entire world, and that change was about to begin in St. Louis Missouri. Jesus began to express in His heart specifically about St. Louis and how His Glory l would come straight through the Arch. He expressed His desire for me to write a book by many strange and repetitious circumstances. Jesus said to me that, St. Louis will no more be the gateway to the west but to freedom. Jesus proved to me that what He was showing me was really not of my own mind but was His thoughts that He was communicating to my spirit-consciousness helping me to understand His will… God did not show me His mysteries all at once about His secrets and the revival that will soon take place. God revealed His mind over a process of time so I would be able to understand what I was writing. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. A process that would take over three years to complete. The book began as an outline titled Who Rolled Away the Stone. God is with us always in good and bad circumstances.. God first revealed to me that He is our Lighthouse. On the first morning He visited me I saw lighthouses everywhere. It was on a book, then after that I heard a song about My Lighthouse by Rend Collective on the radio, and if that was not enough before I took a bath there was a lighthouse lamp outside the bathroom door and lighthouse wallpaper in the bathroom. These were too many lighthouses to be a coincidence. God told me that same morning to take a bath.

    After this God told me to go into the den and open the Bible and to my amazement my eyes fell on Revelation 3:7 where Jesus stated that He is the Key of David. It was then that i began to study the origins of the Key of David and what it actually means. I saw that God gave this revelation to the Church of Philadelphia (brotherly love) in the book of Revelation. God has given His church the keys to gain access into the Divine. After looking closer I found the answer. They were known for loving one another. I also began to study the life of David and realized his worship and devotion was the key that activated His intimacy with God. He was a man after God’s’ own heart. David had a passion for God like none other. He didn’t just want what God had, he wanted Him. Because of his sincere desire God opened secrets and mysteries to him in the Psalms and the things he wrote. God said we will find Him if we search for Him with all of our heart. We will never find God if we are not looking for Him. We must search for God with fervent passion. God is always talking to us but we are not always listening. We need to open our ears and hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches. For the record I’m not the only one God has revealed some things to and I also do not infer that I have received some new revelation from God adding to the Bible what has already been written but I do believe God gives his people the ability to interpret what is already written more clearly over time. We have more understanding than the Christians of the first century church of Jesus the Christ because times have changed and become more dangerous. Jesus is the OPEN DOOR (Hashar) of opportunity that is set before us whereby we can gain knowledge and opportunities to combat the evil works of Satan. (Revelation 3:8) The door of God is the Heart of God and His keys are His words that free us from all sin and bondage.

    God knocks at each of our doors to gain entrance. (Revelation 3:20) We are to hide God’s Word in our hearts and make sure that there is no sin lying at the door. (Genesis 4:7) Jesus has given us the power to bind Satan and to lose His blessings from Heaven. We must take the opportunities that God opens up to us when He opens it. There are times when God gives His blessings and there are times whegs back. He opens blessings and no man shuts. He shuts blessings and no man can open. God gives us His knowledge in increments and not all at once. In these last hours the mysteries of Heaven are being revealed. The book of Daniel confirmed this many centuries ago by saying, Men will run to and fro and knowledge will be increased. God revealed His secrets to all of the prophets and He is also revealing them to us. God has begun teaching us more and more of the strategies of Satan and how to beat Him at His game. (Isaiah 43:19, Numbers 16:30, Isaiah 42:9)) In these last hours God will first transfer the wealth of the wicked into the hands of His people, then there will be a worldwide revival of power and liberation in epic proportions and then the beginning of the end will start.

    God is fulfilling His word and launching His revolution of change and we will do greater works than the first century church on a larger scale in the near future. (John 14:12) The writing of this book was no easy task, and why should it be? Satan will always fight against truth. As i continued to write down the words God gave me I learned a lot about the true love of God and how much He really cares for us because I saw firsthand how He cares for me. Jesus taught me that no matter how depraved or low a person is that He could and will still use any one even in their imperfect state to accomplish His perfect will but He will never leave us there. God is a mastermind and storehouse of unfathomable knowledge and wisdom. Who has known the mind of the Lord or who has been His counsellor? God does not need anyone to teach Him anything. He is omniscient. (Proverbs 2:6, Isaiah 11:2).

    Jesus has revealed His true purpose in dying on the cross only after He told Peter that He would soon release the keys of the kingdom. (Matthew 16:19) The power of God was in the sacrifice He made for us. This is the alter where we meet God. We can only access God’s riches when we crucify our flesh as Jesus did. This is the secret to ultimate love and power. The use of the key always precedes the unlocking of the door. We must use God’s knowledge to enter into domain of His presence. The keys (kleis) of the kingdom can shield us from danger, reveal Satan’s tricks and grant us love, health, strength and prosperity. Everything we need is in the keys in God’s right hand. Jesus took away the keys of death and hell from Satan when He Rose from the dead. (Revelation 1:18) We have already come to understand that 2014 was the year of the Open Door God has opened the door of opportunity for His people to come in to Him to ask for whatever they desire according to His will. We see God’s Door all through the Bible. In Genesis we see that we also have a door. Cain became jealous of Abel’s sacrifice and killed him because sin was lying at the door of His heart. Noah also made a door of wood and God Himself closed the door on the day it rained. God also told Moses to command the children of Israel to put blood around the doorposts of their houses so that the Death Angel would pass over them. God also visited the children of Israel in a mysterious cloud at the door of the tabernacle. This is where God chooses to meet with us. God stood by the door with two angels when He communed with Abraham in the heat of the day. Isaiah described a time when Eliakim would be elevated as the King’s steward. He was given the keys to the house of David. Jesus gives us authority to act in His name. A fountain has been opened in the house of David. (Zechariah 13:1)

    Jesus spoke plainly to the disciples when He said that He is the Door to the sheep. (John 10:7)) God opened a door of utterance for Paul to speak the mysteries of Christ. (Colossians 4:3) God also opened a door of faith. (Acts 14:27) The Apostle James warned us not to hold grudges because God is always watching at the door. (James 5:9) God’s door will not always be open. We all have a certain amount of time to respond to God’s call. Jesus said many will try to enter into the gate but will not enter in. (Luke 13:24) God is the Light that has shined into a dark place. God has given us the knowledge and wisdom to understand and do His will. No one can trust anyone who they do not understand. Unless we visualize God’s’ promises into our mind and believe them in our heart we can never experience the Law of liberty. (Psalms 116:15, 102:20, James 1:25,2:12)) This is knowing the way God. We must also realize that it takes more than knowing the word to make us free. We must believe on what we read and do it. We must believe that Jesus is really able to save us. We must also act on what God tells us. We must also speak to the mountains in our lives to be cast into the sea. This book will teach us how to master the spoken word out of our mouth and use it as a weapon against the enemy. God’s’ word shows us how to live the Abundant Life that Jesus promised to every believer. God has given us strategies in the word of God to out think Satan and beat Him at His game. We are "More than conquerors through Him that loved us.

    When we learn to love as Jesus did with passion we will fulfill the truest call of God on our lives. This is God’s’ greatest commandment. (John 13:3) God Himself has come to break the chains that has us bound. He has made the crooked places straight and the gates of brass has been broken in pieces. God has removed the yoke from off our necks. This is the true meaning of the key of David. We are living in the last hours before Christ’s return. God’s prophetic timeline is in motion. This book will also reveal the prophecy given by Mark Taylor in 2011 concerning President Donald Trump, how Jesus will use him to mobilize world commerce and trade bringing wealth back into America that the Enemy has plundered for so long weeding out the terrorists in our country to make America GREAT again." I will expand on this in another chapter. There is no freedom in bondage. Jesus gave us the keys to annihilate all of the plots of the Enemy. Jesus has given us power, order and authority over all sickness, diseases, worries and fears. (Mark 3:27, Psalms 19:5)

    Jesus saves and delivers to the uttermost and the guttermost touching any and everyone who wills to come. Jesus keys to the kingdom regulates Gods affairs on earth simultaneously in synchronization with Heaven. It is bringing His will to earth. God’s kingdom consists of three basic elements that are righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. These Laws bring two domains in agreement and alliance of God’s will. God has only one will and that is for us to be happy and free in Him. Satan is the Strongman that Christ has defeated. He was a thief and murderer from the beginning. Satan comes to plunder everything we receive from God. God has given us His weapons of mass destruction against him to beat him at his game. We must use spiritual weapons to get spiritual results. Our warfare is not against flesh and blood but mighty through God to pull down strongholds. (2 Peter 1:3, Colossians 1:9) We must also lay aside every weight and sin that would keep us from our God given destiny. The race is not given to the swift or strong but to those who endure. So what is endurance? Sticking to it and trusting God all the way even in failure. We must always confess positive words over our life. We must never doubt God’s provision to see us through. (Proverbs 24:5) God desires for His people to be wise knowing what the will of God is. God wants us to have knowledge.

    Without knowledge, wisdom and understanding we will be pawns for Satan and sheep that have wandered off course. We must above all love our neighbor as we love God and our self. This is the second greatest new commandment that Jesus gave us. (Mark 12:28-31) We bind Satan with words of faith in God. God wants us to understand the strategies and tactics of Satan. We must watch and pray that we enter not into temptation. The Church will once again answer God’s call to arms and be mobilized and gain its ground over the Enemy. God will reveal to us how He will utterly destroy the Luciferian agenda against America and its allies. Let us hear what the Spirit is teaching to the church. God created man for purpose that we must discover only in knowing Him. Our purpose is in us. It is not to be looked for. We must work to find it in us. Many people do not even know the key as to why they are here.

    We must speak Christ’s name that is JESUS. This is the key that conquers. We must work to bring in JESUS kingdom now. Work is the first command that God ever gave man. We can have keys all day but if we never use them they are of no benefit to us. When we truly tap into God’s heart then our purpose will fade away and it is only then we will discover God and our true self. What is the mystery behind the seventy sevens as related to the prophecy of Daniel chapter 9:24-27? In the prophecies of Daniel and John the Divine lies the code to unlock the Mystery of the end of hours and the ushering in of Gods N.W.O. They are the keys leading up to the end. The seventy seven successions as it is to be understood started from the decree by Cyrus to rebuild the temple of God. Up to the cut off (Death of the Messiah) This the point of 62 sevens. The Romans came and destroyed the temple just as Jesus prophesied not leaving one stone upon another. No stone was left unturned.

    The only site where it is believed that the temple once stood is the remaining Wailing Wall which is revered by Jews as the most Holiest site in all Judaism. In the code of the seventy sevens we see the exile of the Jews and the Babylonian captivity. The seventy sevens is about 490 years. Jerusalem was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar around 587 b.c. Jesus was cut off from on the scene from the decree at 483 years. The Persian Emperor Artaxerxes Longimanus issued the decree and ruled in 464-424 b.c. in the twentieth year of his reign which was about 445 b.c. (Nehemiah 2:1-8) This brings up to 173,880 days which is about approximately ad 30. Jesus was crucified on Preparation Day. After Christs crucifixion within one generation Titus destroyed the temple just as Jesus prophesied. I really think that these perfect intervals of time are still being calculated to the very day and hour leading up to Christ’s ultimate return.

    Let us take into consideration some amazing discoveries concerning the nation of Israel. In 1917 Israel came back into their own land from exile and concentration camps after the six day war in about 1967. Israel finally has been also recognized by America under Donald Trump as Israel’s capital. An unprecedented sign that point to the soon to come last earthly temple that will soon to be rebuilt. Many nations have fought to destroy Israel but they will not. Those who turn on Israel will be turned on by God. America is God’s strategic pawn whereby by He will win the game and bring Israel into a trusting alliance to forward Gods program to turn back to the Jews however this peace as far as the world at large will be concerned is only temporary. The United Nations as a whole is against the progress of Israel. The missing puzzle piece is the allotted time that God has given the gentiles to repent but this door is slowly closing. God has promised that He will gather His people from the four corners of the earth and will build them back up and this He will and is doing. Israel has been to her enemies a cup of trembling and a rock of offense. The landmark victory of the Embassy of America in Tel Aviv to be moved to Jerusalem has come approximately 70 years since former President Harry Truman first acknowledged Israel in 1947. Israel will continue to suffer severe persecution leading up to Christs return. (Zechariah 12:2-3) God’s foreign policy is very simple. If you bless Israel you will be blessed. If you curse Israel you will be cursed. God has given America a extra grace card because it as a whole stands for Israel. (Genesis 12:1-3) The forces behind Vladimir Putin in Russia and their Turkey and Iranian allies will not win against the plans of God.









    Since the beginning of time man has asked the question. Why am I here? What is the meaning of life and where will I go when I leave here? I believe God has given us the answers we need to know in His word. God has given us the answers of this life and the world to come in this Word. God reveals all mysteries that are relevant for us to know. God hates secrets. Over and over He tells us in His word that he does not hold out on us. He is our Guide, Shelter and our Lighthouse. Christ’s’ light exposes the darkness. God exposes things out of deep darkness and exposes the shadow of death. There is nothing hidden that God does not know. The Bible confirms All is naked and open unto the eyes of Him with Whom we will deal with. (Hebrews 4:13) Since this is the case we can have confidence in knowing that God will help us if we call on His name. From conception man was created to love and be loved by God. This is the primary reason why all people were created. Jesus desires a family to love. God also wants to be loved. Even God desires love. We must understand that we are all the creation of God but that does not mean we are all in God’s’ family. We must believe from our heart that Jesus died and rose again from the dead and not only believe that but accept that into our hearts. God wants to conform us to Christ’s Image. Jesus is the picture of the invisible God. (B tzelem Hashem) God wants us to bear the image of His Son. (Genesis 1;27,1 Corinthians 11:7,Colossians 1:15) Once we are transferred from the kingdom of darkness to light we must undergo a lifelong purification of the salvation of the soul. Bearing God’s Image is obeying His commands and pleasing him in what we think and how we do.

    The spirit consciousness is immediately saved once Jesus gains residence. The body and soul are not. We must die daily to our own ambitions by crucifying the flesh. The pains of death could not hold Him Jesus was also born again to the most powerful supernatural existence. Beams of love truth and light radiated from His being as He was lifted out of Hell into eternal life. God has not only come to give us eternal life in the hereafter but a life of love and fulfillment right here on earth. The Bible teaches us how to be as God is. We must come to a point Once we understand this concept we can act as God acts. God’s’ knowledge in His word will transform us and make our desires in alignment with His desires. God is not a force but is a person just like we are. The Bible refers to God as the masculine deities God the Father, His Son, Jesus the Christ and the Holy Spirit who is also a person. We were also created to have faith in God and forgive. I add faith because without it we cannot even please God. Wherever your treasure is there our heart will be also. We must place God’s’ love in our heart to possess all He has for us. We are commanded not to love the things in the world more than God. We have already established that Love is literally God. They are the Divine loving union. Love was never conceived it always was because God always was. The Bible states that God had no beginning and end so love, hope and faith had no beginning or end. There is only one thing we need to do in life to be successful and that is to love God. This is the first and greatest commandment. This is Godly love. God’s love is not based on the object of that love loving Him back but God does desire love. God has a right to even love some things He made over others because He owns all things.

    God loves angels and all He made but He loves us more. Loving God is dwelling in the Secret Place. Of the Most High. It is an impenetrable force. Satan cannot understand God’s love. Nothing or no one can understand the complexity of God’s’ infinite love. (Hebrews 2:6) God’s’ love is transparent, liberating, and full of joy. Love also is a discerner of the heart of mankind. Love is also courageous, kind, does not act strange, and is not prideful. (1 Corinthians 13). Perfect love does not have fear. (1 John 4:18) Fear is lack of understanding truth. Perfect love casts out fear. All loves are not the same. There are certain levels and types of love. Agape love is the secret of the love of the Lord. It is impossible for God not to love. God cannot deny himself. This would be a denial of His Being. I will talk more about the Being of God in another chapter. We must believe that God loves us. (1 John 4: 10-16). God gives all His creation the choice to love Him or not. We must choose to love God. God has loved us first before we ever loved Him. Humans cannot love something or someone they do not trust. Love is connected to belief and trust. Love is an action based on the feeling of the heart. We must also understand that loving God would cause us to understand and love our self and our neighbor. (2 John 1:4, 1 John 3:14).

    Anything that is not based in God’s’ love is sin. Truth lies in love and understanding and hate lies in hate and illusion. Love and hate are opposed reciprocating forces, as love and godliness expands hate and sin retracts. We will get back exactly what we give out and will receive it back in greater measure. Happiness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit is the kingdom of God in us. To love God is to keep His commandments. God loves all people without reservation but some become more intimate with God when they come closer to God in relationship due to the choice of their will. As we draw closer to God we come to understand and love Him more. We cannot say we love God if we don’t obey Him. Having the love of God is a sign that we have passed from death to life. God does not want us to live to love but love to live. Christians are known by the love of God. When we fail to love we have failed the test of life. Jesus demonstrated the ultimate act of love by laying down His life for us. Jesus said, No greater love hath no man than this to lay down His life for a friend. (John 15:13). Jesus exemplified God’s’ love in the highest degree. Jesus gave up His natural life to bring us salvation. Jesus had to become a man to save man. He could not have used His God vested abilities to save us as God. The law of God was strict and no one could live up to it but Jesus alone. (Hebrews 2:9-18) Let us remember to love God more than any and every thing. God desires for us to come out of shallow water and dive into the deepness of His unfathomable love.

    It is only when we experience the deepness of God’s’ love that we will draw others out of the sea of sin. The more we love, the more convinced the world will be that we know God. Jesus Himself said that, By this will all men know you are my disciples if you love one another. This is when we will truly become fishers of men. When we abide in the love of God then God will give us the desires of our heart because we have given Him the desire of His heart. (1 John 3:22). A fish is only good to a man when it is eaten. We get nourishment and fulfillment when we love others. Love is rest from the struggle. When we love God and others we will learn to meaningfully love ourselves and others. Faith is the next most powerful force in the universe and is connected to hope. There are levels to faith as there are also levels of hope and love. These are the abiding forces. We must learn not to believe what we see and to believe what we don’t see. God deals with us in small increments as a child. When we mature God gives us more of what we need. Faith is living in the fifth dimension of the supernatural realm of Jesus.

    It is the sphere of no limitations and endless possibilities. Jesus said, all things are possible to him that believes. Jesus further stated that whatever we ask in His Name He will do it. (John 14:13) and also. If we say to any mountain be removed and cast into the sea it will obey us. (Matthew 18:18) Faith is saying what God says and believing what God believes. Corzell Jackson Jr., the illustrator of this book will expand on this in a later chapter but we will hit on this subject now since it also is connected with our purpose on earth. Faith has substance and is the evidence to God of what we don’t yet see. Our actions in belief toward God is the proof that we trust in Him. We must learn in life to have faith in God. This is also a reason why we are here. It is impossible to please God without faith so logically if we do not have faith we will have a miserable life and God will never be pleased with us. To have lack of faith is to negate in our mind and believe God does not exist. It is impossible to gain faith without reading the bible.

    The more we read and believe the Bible the more faith we will have and vice versa. The disciples of Jesus were trained to walk in faith in the early stages of Jesus ministry. We must forgive ourselves. This is crucial to our productivity in God. Unforgiveness toward yourself and others is a lack of love. We must also forgive. God if we hold any resentment against Him. Unforgiveness is also a judgmental attitude. There is righteous judgement and unrighteous judgement. Jesus used a parable of a man attempting to pull a splinter out of a man’s’ eye. This man had had a beam of his own. He did not recognize his own mistakes. The eye is very sensitive even as hearts are. The splinter and beam represents the irritation and fault we all have in us that only God is eligible to deal with. We will never see clearly until we deal with our own faults and then we will be able to clearly see others in God’s’ way and not our own way. (Matthew 7:5).

    When we judge others we act in place of God and become hypocritical not walking in the reality of our own weaknesses. Many times our hypocrisy is an outward expression of how we are viewing ourselves. Gods’ blood paid for our sins and he bore His own cross. We too must bear our own cross and not try to carry others in an inappropriate way. We do not have time to judge others. It takes twenty four hours to take care of our own business. God will judge us if we continue to judge others. (Luke 6:37-42). Unforgiveness can be based on truthful or untruthful circumstances that happened to is by another person but its effect will generate the same outcome to the guilty as well as one who is not guilty of the offense. God will not tell us to forgive if it were not possible. The Bible commands us to put away bitterness wrath and anger. (Ephesians 4:31) God does not want us to remain near sighted or draw back from responsibility. I did not say that forgiveness would be easy to do but with God it is very possible.

    We must be willing not to ignore the problem but confront it. After we do this only then will we find release and healing of inner hurts. A drug addicts ’problem is not the drug but the hurts he experienced to draw him to the drug. We must dig up the root of the problem. Forgiveness and unforgiveness has a boomerang effect just as love and hate. Jesus is the yoke destroyer and the burden remover. Jesus said, My yoke is easy and my burdens are light. (Matthew 11:30). We are to cast your cares on Him, He cares for all of us. Unforgiveness will block all of God’s’ blessings in our life. Unforgiveness will also cause God not to forgive us. (Matthew 18:35). Unforgiveness at its base is rooted in rejection and hatred for yourself another person and sometimes even God. Unforgiveness imprisons the one who seeks to imprison another. Forgiveness sends away the pain. If Jesus could forgive us all when He hung bleeding on the cross God expects us to do the same for our neighbor.

    Jesus was the first Mover of forgiveness. It is only through God can we forgive our neighbor. This is another key of the kingdom. We must look into our self and be honest with God and our self to analyze our ways. Forgiveness is the giving of oneself for another one’s benefit. We are also called to worship God. Worship means to put in high regard, or praise. God deserves worship not only because He is Creator of all that exists but that He also loves us and has our best interests at heart. God’s’ not callous, moving us like pawns on a chess board to control us by His whim. True love will never force an object to serve Him. Thanksgiving comes before worship. We were created to worship the Lord. Jesus gave us the model prayer and said we must first Hallow (to be Holy, set apart) the Name of God when we start to pray. Worship sets up the atmosphere for us to receive all of God’s’ blessings. And gives Him the Glory that He is due.

    God inhabits the praises of His people. The more we praise God the more He indwells us and gives us what we need. This greatly pleases God. Jesus was a true worshipper of His Father. Jesus demonstrated His Supremacy after His forty day fast when He confronted the Devil in the wideness. Satan offered Jesus all the riches and glory of the world if He would but only fall down and worship him. Jesus rebuked Satan sternly and told him that he was only to worship God alone and Him only was he to serve (Matthew 4:9). God desires us to worship Him in spirit and in truth.(John 4:23) All of Heaven and creation worships God. Even the Father praises Jesus saying, Thy throne O God is forever and ever. Four beast Seraphs around the throne of God praise God day and night nonstop saying, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, Who, Was, and Is and Is to come. (Revelation 4:8) God condemns the worship of anything other than Him. Satanic deities and idols are forbidden to be worshipped. God is, A jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers to four generations upon the heads of the sons and daughters. The guilty and the relatives will pay the price of retribution for those who rebel against God. We must live holy lives free of guilt to enter into God’s’ presence.

    Holiness (Sanctum) is one of the most mysterious traits of God shrouded in His Glory. Only God is pure holiness. There is no sin in God. God also does not change. They are the same yesterday, today and forever. (James 1:17, Hebrews 13:8) Holiness is much more than a set of dos and don’ts’ but it is being first. Holiness is doing what is Godly. There are good things we do to please ourselves and there are Godly things we do to please God. There is a big difference. Good things only serve our ego and is rooted in selfishness where Godly things is God directed in helping others. It is the supreme mark of His unadulterated purity. There is no fault or error in God. God calls us to be Holy as He is Holy. It is very possible for us to live Holy while on earth. I did not mean we can live without any strata of sin but we can live above sin bondage and influence.

    There is a righteousness that God imputes to us once we become believers and a righteousness that we live out by doing good works in appreciation for what God has done for us. What God thinks will come to pass and what He says is a done deal. It was always in the Father’s’ heart for Jesus to die for us. Whatever road we take the final outcome will be in God’s’ favor. There is nothing God does not know. Knowing this will give us confidence to trust Him more. God spoke through the prophet Isaiah and said, I AM God, there is no other, I AM God, there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning. My counsel shall stand. And I will do all MY pleasure. (Isaiah 46:9-13). God will go to any length to make His Son happy and will take steps to make it happen. God not only wants to make His Son happy but us happy as well. Let us go down the line and see what has not given man lasting happiness. Sex (eros) was created by God to give man pleasure in the sanctity of marriage love and romance but sex in and of itself will not give us lasting happiness. When we go without sex we will eventually want it again.

    Food and the indulgence of the appetite can also be a danger and cause major health problems if not controlled. Obesity and anorexia, are symptoms of eating too much or too little. Everything in our life must be done in balance and moderation. The only thing we cannot have too much of is God. There are however things in the mind of God that He alone knows these secrets are forbidden and guarded among the Gods. In the book of Exodus God cautions to warn the people not to break through to gaze at God’s Glory. Let us remember that it is not good for us to know everything. Jesus corrected His disciples when they asked Him when the end will come. Jesus replied that it was not for them to know the times and seasons of the Father. (Acts 1:7) Understand that nothing in life happens by accident. All things are calculated and has a cause effect paradigm. An untimely birth, a miscarriage, even a sudden death, Everything happens for a reason. God does not always tell us those reasons but we can trust His judgement in every situation. We must also realize what we do to someone will come back to us greater.

    The stone you roll on someone else will fall on you. This is a law God set in motion and is an eternal principle. These are a few keys to having a successful life. We must watch how we treat our neighbor. How we use the keys God gives us will determine our destiny fate. I will be discussing destiny or fate which I will discuss in another chapter. These are the facts of life. It is also very important to be realistic about life and ourselves. Never expect to be a doctor if you do not possess the knowledge or skills to become one. We must live in the framework of our capabilities. Life is a mixture of good and bad events. These are things we cannot change. We must be prepared to go through good and bad times. To the start of everything there is an end and there is a purpose for everything whether it be good or evil. Let us keep these things in mind as well. Remembering these things can cause us to live more productive lives. It is very important not to fail the test of life. At the end of life God will grade us all. God will not grade on a curve of those who do not know Jesus. Once you die you cannot take the test over.

    You will not be able to take a course over again once your time is up. We only have a limited time to make a difference in our lives and the lives of others. God says we are to Call on Him while He is near and at a accepted time. Now, is the day of salvation. God means exactly what He says. A lot of times we take God too figuratively and not literally. Just because God cannot be seen is not a reason that we should not trust Him. He is more f than us. Man is very slow to comprehend God. The writer of Ecclesiastes laments over the meaninglessness and vanity of all of man’s’ vain pursuits in life. We must also understand that calamity happens to the bad as well as the good. Even though bad things do happen to us all we must realize that God has a reason for everything He does and allows even if we do not know the reasons why. What was is what is, and what is will be. What will be is forever. The choices we make are very important and have long range effects.

    We too much turn away from what we value and put God first. Jesus himself said if we gain our self life we will lose it and if we lose our self life we will gain it. Nothing is more tragic than gaining the whole world and losing your soul. This is an example of a man who builds his house on the sand and not on Jesus the Rock. Jesus is our sure Foundation and an anchor for the soul. He is the only one that will make our house stand. If we try to enter into Christ’s’ kingdom any other way but through the door God will consider us a robber and a thief. (John 10:1-2). We can only walk straight through Jesus Christ He is the straightener of the bent. We cannot make the crooked straight or the straight crooked. (Ecclesiastes 7:13). We must consider our ways, then turn. Like a fish in an evil net we do not know our time to leave this earth. (Ecclesiastes 9:12, James 1:9) The sooner we seek God’s’ guidance the better off we will be. We must seek the Lord with purpose and the right attitude. We cannot look for God like casually kicking rocks. God will not answer you.

    Jesus is meek and is lowly but He is also very high and lifted up and we must revere and fear Him. The sooner we find God with our heart the better off we will be. God is not the Man Upstairs or a evil Scrooge out to destroy us. This logic is as far from the truth as night and day or the distance of infinity. loved us., God has Borne us on eagles wings and brought us to himself. (Exodus 19:4) God is not egotistical and selfish. Jesus is sinless and without fault. The only fault is in us. (Genesis 4:7) It is literally impossible for God to sin. There is only Light in God and no darkness at all or shadow of turning. This is the Light that lighteth every man that comes into the world. Gods light and fellowship makes our joy complete. Everything that is truth is of the Light. Paul is an example of a man who thought he knew what life was all about, a man who fought against The Way. Born as Saul, he bound Christian’s hand and foot to be chained and executed.

    One day Saul had an encounter with the Supernatural that rocked his world. He for the first time met the one he was going against. As he was nearing Damascus a great Light shone out of Heaven and knocked him off his horse and spoke to Him saying, Saul, Saul why are you persecuting Me? Jesus posed a question to him. What justifiable reason are you doing this? He asked. Who are you Lord? And God replied, I Am Jesus" It is a no win battle when we go against God. It is like kicking thorns with your bare feet or going up against a brick wall. We will lose every time. Saul immediately responded to the call of God on his life and excelled above even the original twelve apostles of Jesus and went on to write about two thirds of the New Testament. Until we respond to the Light our words will only hit the ceiling and come back to us. God is out to build His house one by one through our free will. Christ desires to rule in our hearts and impart His righteousness, peace and joy.

    The door of opportunity is slowly closing for Jew and Gentile. God is very close to wrapping things up concerning His plan of salvation. Many times Jesus told parables to those slow of heart to believe. Jesus appeared to Cleopas and others on the road to Damascus at the sixth mile. He chided their lack of belief on His RESURRECTION. The disciples could not see past the sixth mile because of their unbelief.. Jesus withheld His identity from their knowledge. They did not recognize Him because they were in a state of unbelief. He asked them, What are you discussing as you are walking along? They said, About Jesus of Nazareth. We hoped He would be the One who would redeem Israel." Jesus sternly called them fools and slow of heart to believe. Most people think the Resurrection of Christ is a fairy tale. Some who want to believe say I must pray more or read my bible more or do good deeds to know God. These are they who try to get into heaven by their own righteousness.

    Others irrationally say there are many paths to God it is not just one to diminish the value of Christ’s’ atonement and excuse themselves from judgement. Some practice false piety and say a good God will not surely send a soul to Hell but will He? These are they who say we are really not all that bad as God would say besides, I never killed anybody. Some also say, It is totally unloving and inconceivable for God to allow a soul to suffer for eternity for just a lifetime of wrongdoing. These people are ignorant of the seriousness of sin and do not understand the scope of God’s’ righteousness, love, and justice. Is it really unfair for God to judge us? No it is not. For one God made us, and He has rights to do what He wants to do with what He has made. We really have no right to question God on what or how He does things. Jesus Himself said, Is it not lawful for me to do what i want with that which is mine? (Matthew 20:15). Ezekiel the prophet says, You say the ways of God are not just. Is my way unfair? Says the Lord, is it not your ways who are not right?" We are the ones that are evil not God. Most of us simply do not want to face ourselves and be honest. God allowed man to crucify Him and went through much pain and torment while on earth.

    In addition, He took on the sins of the whole world and His flesh and soul became corrupt and condemned. We were created to love God. God is the Divine Union. Love is the Supreme unification of our oneness of God. It is the connection of our unity in Him. Love is God’s most profound and misunderstood trait. We will not ever understand why God loves us. What is man that He is mindful of us or the son of man that He visits us.? (Psalms 8:4) God’s love does not operate on the premise of our initial love to Him. God loved us first when we were dead in trespasses and sins. God is the initiator and completer of love. God’s love is eternal. God will never stop loving us. God’s love is indestructible no man or demon can stop God’s love. God’s love is indiscriminate. God’s love us extended to all classes, races, races and levels of humanity. God’s love is directed.

    God loves humans more than any creation He has made. God’s love is reciprocal. God desires back the love He has showed to us. God is a human too. Jesus Christ became us so that He as a human can be sympathetic to our pain through His human body. God’s love is ultimate sacrifice. Jesus went to the very limits to love us. He said there was no greater love than one to give up his own life for a friend. (John 15:13) God’s love is unique. No one can love like God. God’s love is deeper than the oceans, time and eternity itself. God’s love is free. God’s love cannot be bought. It is too valuable and yet anyone

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