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Fiori Legend
Fiori Legend
Fiori Legend
Ebook1,137 pages19 hours

Fiori Legend

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Miko Fiori is a powerful and handsome Greek mercenary following in his fathers footsteps. Gifted with a muscular body that is impossible for women to ignore, Miko has certainly had his share of women. Yet lust and desire are all he has given of himself until the day a beautiful, green eyed vixen walked into his life and changed everything.

Skye Avalon, daughter of a high-ranking Irish member of the IRA, can arouse passion in a man with just one look. But as of yet, she is as untouched as newly fallen snow. When she is captivated by Miko at a charity ball, her friend, Tess, discloses his secret profession and makes Skye swear not to tell anyone. But Skye is not the only one who was bewitched that day. As they become embroiled in a torrid romance, Miko and Skye must attempt to survive seemingly insurmountable odds as their passionate journey leads them from the beautiful, languid Greek Islands to the turbulent unrest in Ireland where mercenaries clash in a battle with the IRA, a confrontation fueled by mens lust for power and the need to settle an old score.

Fiori Legend is a sizzling romance with a twist of wicked betrayal, danger and deceit, as a ruthless rogue mercenary finds unexpected love, but must battle Irelands powerful IRA to survive and keep it.

Release dateApr 16, 2018
Fiori Legend

Autumn McKenzie

Autumn McKenzie is an Ohio native who has traveled extensively and particularly enjoyed living in Germany with her husband and son for several years during her husbands career in the Air Force. Her favorite things to do, when she is not writing, are reading, crocheting and enjoying long talks with her son who lives out of state. Autumn lives with her husband and Chuck the goldfish in a small California town where she is currently working on a new book.

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    Fiori Legend - Autumn McKenzie


    COME, LET ME and all those so profoundly woven into this story, tell you about a Greek dynasty of mercenaries, each one a legend in their own lifetime, who have passed down this legacy to their sons through the generations. They are rough, lusty and rugged men who can be brutally ruthless and feared by many, but infinitely humble and fiercely protective when seared by the blazing flame of love and desire. These men are known as the Fiori Legends.

    In particular, I want to tell you about one of those sons, Miko Fiori, who followed in his father’s footsteps, and his journey through the intense and sometimes violent life of a mercenary, and how this turbulent trek eminently leads to one of the greatest love stories of all time. Oh, I know, you’re probably thinking you’ve heard them all, but you’re wrong. This isn’t the usual boring tale of a boy meets girl, they fall in love, get married and live happily ever after. No, nothing so mind-numbing as that. This is a story about the kind of love between two people so strong and pure, only a chosen few, if they are lucky, will ever experience in a lifetime, and one I, Tessandra Rothchild III, was privileged enough to share a small, insignificant part of.

    He is known to be an honorable man whom one can trust with their life. A man with a daunting, dangerous edge to his persona who walks that thin line between the dark shadows of good and evil and demands total loyalty from those he chooses to associate with. He stands alone by choice, never letting anyone get too close because of his chosen profession where danger is a constant, intimate companion. For this reason, he has closed all doors on love. Some tout this line of work as vicious and merciless, but it is one in which he has been trained since a boy, and highly excels at. He is the very best.

    Women find him irresistible. He is a magnificent, strikingly handsome and sophisticated specimen of manhood whose tall, powerful, muscular body is impossible for any woman to ignore. But, alas, infinitely unobtainable, except for a casual fling. He has had his share of women and enjoyed them fully. After all, a man has needs. But, lust and desire are all that he has ever given of himself until the day lady destiny stepped in his path by the name of Skye Avalon.

    Caught up in the strife of her brother’s ill deeds, this Irish firebrand desperately tries to claw her way out of his all-consuming evil before she loses herself completely. She is an exquisitely beautiful, desirable woman who can arouse lust in a man with just a look. But as yet, she is as untouched as newly fallen snow. She is intelligent, doggedly determined, and a force to be reckoned with when angered. Most say she carries her sense of duty and caring for others to a fault, but where do you draw the line regarding compassion? It is not in her nature to be mean spirited. Although, as many have found out, she can make one’s life a living hell, if the occasion calls for it.

    This story tells of the chance meeting of two people whose lives become entangled in lusty desire, unspoken secrets and cruel betrayal. But, more to the point, it speaks of the ultimate test their love must endure, and the obstacles they must conquer that many faint of heart would not have overcome.

    Many years have passed and I’ve grown old, but the memories of that time are still as sharp and clear in my mind as if it just happened yesterday, as I’m sure it is with all those who were also caught up in that imposed maelstrom of revenge. So, let us lead you through this finely woven web of treachery, intrigue, and yes, love. It may make you laugh, it may make you cry, but I guarantee … it is a story you will never forget.

    Chapter 1

    Belle Vista Villa, Athens, Greece

    IT ALL STARTED at a charity ball at Belle Vista, a friend’s villa in Athens. That was where she first saw him as he leisurely strolled out onto the veranda, pausing there momentarily like some tanned Greek god. Guessing his height to be around six feet four, his powerful build presented an authoritative presence that commanded irrefutable respect. When he lazily walked over to lean against one of the white marble columns, her eyes took in the expensive cut of his tuxedo while the costly scent of his after shave slowly drifting over her way suggested an air of old money and mystery she found quite intriguing. She instantly knew this was a man who enjoyed the finer things in life and meant to have them all. The way the setting sun glinted off the crystal martini glass he was sipping champagne from so sensually as the soft evening breeze playfully tousled his thick black hair, she could only wonder where one flirtatious moment would lead her. If only she dared.

    She had found out from her friend, Tess, that his name was Miko Fiori, he was thirty-two years old, and born on the island of Crete. She was told there was no wife or girlfriend, just a long trail of broken hearts wherever he went. Only by a slip of the tongue by Tess did she find out he was not only the owner of a very profitable antique business, but had also followed in the footsteps of his father’s profession, a mercenary for hire, and was well-known and highly respected in every elite circle around the world. Quite upset she let the cat out of the bag, Tess made her swear she would tell no one about his latter profession. Looking at his impressive physique from the shadows of the fragrant jasmine vines where she stood, she could well imagine him in that line of work.

    As she took in the finely chiseled features of his face, the strong cut of his jaw, slightly hidden under a well-manicured beard, she saw the determined set of his mouth and could well envision every woman falling under his quiet, brooding spell. It was a strikingly handsome, but rugged face that held a trace of sadness and secrets untold. Continuing her perusal, she let her eyes slowly travel from his broad shoulders down to a lean, trim waist, over slim hips and ending at his well-formed muscular thighs, and it quite unexpectedly took her breath away. Even the cut of his tuxedo couldn’t hide the commanding strength he exuded, and she could only imagine how his strong, solid body would react to her touch. The sudden flush of heat that image produced left her quite shaken, with pulse quickening, and a deep yearning she had never felt before beginning to stir between her legs.

    A little startled and embarrassed at the thoughts and feelings she was having, she quietly turned and slipped deeper into the shadows to sit on a bench, where the moonlight filtering through the veil of foliage was just enough to illuminate her striking emerald eyes. Whether he sensed her presence or she uttered a sigh while lost in her thoughts, she saw him turn towards her, his eyes searching the shadows until they met hers, touched by the soft glow of moonlight. And thus, began their story of love, hate, misery and wild abandon.

    Surprised to find someone watching him, his gaze lingered on her. As the moonlight spread over her small form even more, Miko let his eyes leisurely skim over every inch of her body as the delicate fragrance of jasmine wafted past him on the balmy evening breeze. He had to admit she was a beauty, there was no denying that, with full, firm breasts, a narrow waist and rounded hips. But it was her sultry green eyes in which a man could drown once caught in the depths of their gaze, and hair the color of blazing fire that made him heady with excitement. He hadn’t been drawn with such intense interest to any woman for a long time, but this mysterious firebrand definitely piqued his curiosity. He thought he knew all of Tess’s women friends, but apparently this one had escaped his acquaintance. Stranger yet was the fact Tess hadn’t even bothered mentioning she was visiting nor had she introduced them. Well, he would soon take care of that oversight and casually walked over to where the woman was seated.

    Looking into his piercing, ice-blue eyes as he moved closer and closer to her, Skye Avalon was making a further in-depth assessment about this tall, dark stranger who carried his lean, but powerful body with an air of intense virility, surprisingly devoid of the arrogance of which most men would be guilty. Thoughts drifting, she could almost imagine being held in his strong embrace making wild, passionate love through the night, instead of what she faced on her return to Ireland. Blushing and a little shocked about what she had been thinking, she lowered her eyes lest he could read her thoughts.

    Suddenly, he was standing before her. When she looked up at him, he gazed intently into the depths of those bewitching emerald jewels and sensed some deep, sad, yet very guarded secret, veiled from any intrusion by whomever dared to inquire. As she looked away, he noticed how the evening moonlight seemed to add a warm luster to her creamy skin, resembling fine, ivory porcelain. He wondered what it would feel like to caress such soft, delicate flesh, and before he could stop himself, he reached out and gently stroked her cheek, saying, Your beauty puts Mother Nature’s moonlight to shame dear lady. Suddenly aware of what he had just done, he quickly dropped his hand to his side as she raised her eyes to his, once again causing his whole body to tingle like a school boy on his first date. Staring at him, Skye felt as if his touch sent an electric shock through her whole body. Rather breathlessly and lightheartedly, she replied, You are too kind sir, but such a comparison could warrant you the status of traitor to Mother Nature. And then where would you be?

    Surprised and pleased at her sassy, carefree reply, he laughed softly as he leaned toward her, and replied, It would be worth any punishment to glimpse such beauty in one’s lifetime, but I guess in order to appease her womanly wiles and grant her the honor she so unequivocally deserves, I will just say you look exceptionally lovely tonight and hope she forgives my dastardly slip of the tongue. Unable to maintain their air of reserve after such lighthearted banter, both broke into laughter at their inane tirade, unaware of Tess observing them through the curtains in the library with a shrewd Cheshire Cat smile on her face. The intimate scene warmed her heart as she watched the two most favorite people in her life come together at last, and knew they were meant to be together. But how to make it happen?

    Sitting down on the bench next to Skye, Miko said, Forgive me for being so forward. Let me introduce myself. I am Miko Fiori, longtime friend of Tess and constant source of agitation when it comes to her eternal quest of matchmaking. And now, how should I address Mother Nature’s runner-up, if I may be so bold as to ask?

    Hesitating to reveal her real identity, she glanced around desperately for an answer. Then, as the sweet fragrance of the sweet jasmine blossoms tickled her nose, she answered, Since I’m such a close companion of Mother Nature, you can call me Jasmine, a fitting name for someone who runs with the crowd I do, wouldn’t you say? Eyes sparkling and panic subsiding, Skye found herself caught up in this light, relaxing exchange with a man who had been a stranger only a few moments ago, but now seemed as easy and comfortable to talk with as if she’d known him all her life.

    As the evening wore on, realizing they had talked into the wee hours of the morning, Miko suggested they take a walk down to the beach to stretch their legs and have a quick swim. Commenting on how warm the waters of the Mediterranean were this time of year, but not wanting to be too forward, he said, That is, unless you’d rather call it a night. Looking at him through long, silken lashes, her voice low, with a suggestion of underlying passion and sensuality, Skye said, No, a swim sounds divine, but, hesitating a moment, we don’t have our suits with us. What do you suggest?

    Pulling her up from the bench, Miko was surprised to see she was so petite, as the top of her head barely reached his shoulder, bringing out every protective instinct he possessed. Looking down at her, he could envision her small, warm body under his as he pleasured her throughout the night, and felt himself getting hard. Dragging his thoughts back to the moment, he held the palms of her hands firmly against his chest, and with a rakish grin he said, Well, it seems to me that anyone who claims to exist among the enchanted world of Mother Nature, fairies and water nymphs, would want to be as free and unrestrained as possible and would not only enjoy, but relish the moment to throw off the bonds of clothing and become one with nature!

    Looking deep into Miko’s eyes, Skye instantly felt in her heart she could trust him. So, throwing caution to the wind, she kicked off her shoes, grabbed the bowl of fruit on the table next to them and said decisively, All right. If we’re going to adhere to nature and watch the sun come up, let’s make sure we’re not hungry doing it, then turned and walked swiftly down the steps towards the beach. Watching as her hips swayed in a tantalizingly, seductive way as she started down the path, he grabbed a blanket from the bench as he passed and quickly caught up with her, completely charmed and seduced by this fascinating nymph he met only hours before.

    Lying on the beach as morning began to dawn, after a luscious feast of fruit and each other during the night, Miko decided to take a dip in the refreshing waters of the Mediterranean. Looking down at Skye as she lay sleeping in his arms, he carefully slipped his arm out from under her head and headed towards the water.

    As the cool water enveloped his body, he closed his eyes and thought of their lovemaking in the early hours of the morning and found himself becoming aroused, once again, and burn with desire to bury himself deep within her body. Last night his intuition told him she was a virgin and had never been intimate with a man, so he made no demands. He tempered his kisses and caresses so as not to frighten her, and waited patiently until she was ready to surrender to him. Looking deep into her eyes as he held her, he finally saw the trust she was willing to give him, and the unmistakable passion she felt. Deepening his kiss, the taste of her like sweet nectar, he slowly covered her and spread her thighs with his knee, then reached down between them to find and caress the sensitive nub at the core of her womanhood.

    Taking time to prepare her, he remembered how she had shattered with her first orgasm and cried out his name in fiery ecstasy. Then, waiting until she had somewhat recovered, he had slowly and gently penetrated the soft, swollen folds of her innocence until he came to the resistant barrier of her virginity. Knowing he was going to hurt her, he was hesitant to continue until he could no longer deny the lusty demands of his body and thrust quickly. Hearing her gasp of pain as he tore through her maidenhood, he remained still, beads of sweat breaking out on his forehead as he concentrated to control the urge to thrust deeper into her tight, hot sheath until she was ready. Looking down at her, recalling how her eyes had misted over with tears, he had said huskily, I’m so sorry I hurt you, but there was no other way. Are you alright?

    After what seemed an eternity, she nodded, then slowly begin to relax and move her hips beneath him. Letting out a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding, he slightly withdrew, then slowly eased back into her inch by inch until he was buried to the hilt. Hearing her sweet moans of pleasure was music to his ears, and the fluidness of their rhythm was unlike anything he had ever experienced with another woman. From the first minute he looked into her fathomless pools of emerald green, the desire to possess her mind, body and soul was as imperative as the air he breathed. Yes, from the moment he broke through her maidenhead and flooded her with his seed, she became his and no one else’s. He would never let her go.

    Waking, just as Miko emerged from the water, Skye’s eyes drank in his broad, muscular shoulders and strong, toned body, deeply tanned and glistening in the sun. She knew in her heart that one touch from him again would send her into the rapture she had experienced over and over during the night. A night of heightened pleasure and passion she had only dreamt of in her most private moments, making her surrender even sweeter. The thought of his lips on hers filled her with intense desire, awakening emotions she had never felt before and probably never would again once she returned to Ireland.

    Looking at him now, standing naked before her, his hard, thick arousal unmistakable as it jutted out of the black nest of curls between his legs, she knew she wanted him more than anything. When he knelt down on the blanket, she reached for him, letting her hands slowly and deliberately glide down his powerful, virile body until she felt his muscles shudder with desire. Moving closer to him, she offered herself freely, hungry for his touch and the sheer euphoria she felt when he was deep inside her.

    As he eased himself down by her side and gazed into her eyes, Miko was utterly spellbound by her beauty. Slowly trailing the back of his fingers down her cheek, he knew he didn’t want to use her like some cheap whore from the streets to prove his masculinity. She was a rare jewel meant to be coveted and treasured. Somehow, and it was a complete mystery to him, she had become someone very special. She was everything he had been missing out of his life for a long time and there was no way he was going to let her walk away. She was his.

    Holding her gaze, he slowly let one hand slide down her flat stomach and over the curve of her slim, rounded hip, while he cupped her breast with the other hand and gently caressed the nipple, which immediately hardened at his touch. As he slowly bent to close his lips around the sensitive bud and suckle hungrily, she moaned and cried out softly, eager for him to claim her, once again. Not wanting to hurt her again, he said, Are you sure you aren’t too tender and sore? In answer to his question, she shook her head, and said, The soreness is nothing compared to the pleasure you give me when you’re inside me. As she spread her legs wide, he kneeled between her thighs, then slipping his hands under her hips, he quickly lowered himself onto her, thrusting deep into her welcoming moistness.

    Clutching his shoulders, she moaned with undisguised pleasure as he entered her fiery heat. When he bent to kiss her, she returned his kiss with such intensity, he groaned from the sheer burn of passion she ignited within him. Feeling her arch lustily to accept his long, thick shaft even deeper into her body, he lost track of all conscious thought except for the fevered need to plunder her warmth. If anyone had happened upon the scene, they would have been mesmerized by the two glistening bodies moving in perfect, sensual harmony, as the iridescent beams of the morning sunrise embraced their bodies with a golden luminescence, giving them the appearance of bronze statues come to life.

    When all their passion had been spent and they lay sated and cradled in each other’s arms, the nagging thoughts Skye had successfully pushed to the back of her mind all night, once again thrust their way into the present until she could no longer ignore them. There was so much she wanted to tell him, but what kind of woman would he think her if she did? Did she want to take that chance? Lying there in the safe circle of his arms, she wondered how many years it would be before she would be able to feel alive again, once she returned to Ireland and her inevitable fate. Who could have ever foreseen that she would meet and fall in love with someone so quickly and undeniably, then have to face the fact it could never be? Would she ever feel the excitement of burning passion flow through her veins again, or experience the gentle caress of strong hands on her body making her tremble with desire? How could she ever give up this moment of happiness? How could she go back and pretend nothing happened? Was this brief encounter all of passion and desire she would ever know? Closing her eyes tightly, as if to shut out all thoughts of Ireland and the continuing questions, she lay quietly savoring the moment as if to indelibly imprint it on her memory forever as she drifted off into a troubled sleep.

    Hearing the steady rhythm of her breathing, Miko raised himself up on one elbow and peered intently at the exquisite creature next to him who, only hours before, had been a complete stranger. Somehow, by some wild twist of fate, he had been given another chance to free his heart from the cold grasp of pain he had been living with for five long years. He was not going to let this good fortune pass him by. He was going to fight, if need be, to convince her of the happiness they could have together. You are mine now, he thought, and I’ll never let you go.

    Watching as a frown passed fleetingly across her face and breath quicken, experience told him there was something she was hiding. Something so frightening and unspeakable that to reveal it would certainly shatter her world. If that were so, it could mean the end of a beautiful beginning for them or could it bring them closer if she chose to share her secret. But, it was not for him to question. He was a patient man and could wait until she was ready to reveal whatever mystery she concealed. She was his now and he would make it clear he would help carry whatever burden it was that weighed so heavily upon her.

    Unable to sleep, Miko got up, careful not to wake her, and made his way down to the water for another quick dip. After awhile, he emerged from the water and walked back to Skye. When he reached the blanket, he knelt down and tenderly kissed her neck while his hand gently caressed the rounded softness of her breasts, smiling as she rendered a soft moan as she slept. Laying down on the blanket, he wondered, in amazement, how it had happened that this little slip of a thing could have wormed her way into his heart so quickly. He had thought he would never again feel the burning desire to be with another woman and experience all the passion and commitment of one’s self to another. There had been many women in his life, but none that so masterfully took his breath away as this beautiful, mysterious creature managed to do when she looked at him with those bewitching green eyes.

    Suddenly pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of a barking dog, Miko looked towards the path leading to the villa, unaware that Tess’s manservant had been given instructions to discreetly send her greyhound ahead to warn of his intrusion. Gently shaking Skye awake, he said, I think we’re getting visitors, and quickly handed her dress to her. As Miko hastily pulled on his trousers, Skye quickly slipped into her dress, and by the time Lawrence reached them they were both presentable.

    Out of breath, but in his best reserved, British butler voice, Lawrence said, I’m sorry to intrude Miss, but you have an urgent call waiting at the villa. Shall I go ahead and let them know you will be coming? As she turned to look at Miko, it was as if an impenetrable wall had suddenly been erected behind those sparkling emerald gems that quickly became filled with a painful shadow of caution and despair. In a quick, half whispered voice, she pointedly turned to glance at Lawrence, and said, Yes … yes Lawrence, please be so kind as to tell them I’ll be right there. Watching as he started back to the villa, she slowly returned her gaze to Miko. Without saying a word, she reached up to gently caress his face, as if to try and engrave his very image upon her soul. Then, standing on her tiptoes, she drew his head down and kissed him longingly, pressing her body to his for a brief, passionate moment, then quickly turned and ran to the villa.

    To say he was just a little perplexed at the whole turn of events was to say the least. Especially, since the only name he knew her by was Jasmine, the name they had jokingly nicknamed her when they met. Grabbing the blanket and half empty bowl of fruit, he headed back to the villa hoping to catch up with her. When he reached the villa, she had disappeared. Assuming she had gone to her room to take her call, he decided he would have time to go to his room and shower before she was through, then they could meet up again.

    When he finally went downstairs and walked into the dining room for breakfast, he was pleased to see Jasmine talking with Tess. Coming in on the tail end of their conversation, he was surprised and quite disappointed to hear Tess was sending her friend home in her private plane. Hearing Miko come in, Tess turned and said, Oh, Miko, I’m so glad you’re here. You’re just in time for me to formally introduce you to my very dear friend before she leaves. Taking his arm, Tess said, Miko Fiori, please meet, and before Tess could utter another word, Skye spoke up in a strained, but firm voice, and said, Skye, Skye Avalon. I’m pleased to meet you Mr. Fiori, her voice cool and guarded as she looked at him.

    Rather taken aback by Skye’s stiff, reserved manner towards Miko, since she knew both of them had spent the night together on the beach, Tess remained silent, her expression giving nothing away as Skye offered her hand to him. Miko, decidedly surprised by her aloof demeanor, thinking she may be embarrassed about Tess suspecting how intimate they had been, he played along as if this were their first meeting. Pleased to finally know her real name, Miko took her hand in his, and replied, It’s a pleasure to meet you, too, Miss Avalon, and felt her hand tremble slightly as he turned it over to kiss her palm. When he looked up, it unnerved him to see tears welling up in those beautiful eyes and wondered if it was because she was leaving Belle Vista or for him, after what they had shared last night.

    Turning to Tess, Skye gave her a final hug, then walked out to a waiting limousine. Staring at her as she climbed into the car, Miko couldn’t help but notice her flaming red hair whipping in the wind like the mane of a wild Mustang that, just hours earlier, he had entwined between his fingers. Thinking of her on the beach, her hair spread out on the blanket like a flaming red halo, all the passion and desire they had experienced welled up within him again, and he knew he had to find out why Miss Skye Avalon had left with such an air of sadness and mystery.

    Chapter 2

    AFTER THE LIMOUSINE pulled away, Miko walked out onto the veranda with a cup of coffee, puzzled at what had just happened. Following him, Tess sat down in one of the lounge chairs, and said, Well Miko, what did you think of my friend Skye? Before he could answer, she continued, saying, It’s a crime such a beautiful creature as she will have to spend the rest of her life married to such an old dried up piece of flesh as Shamus O’Donan, isn’t it? Looking at him over the rim of her tea cup, she continued, saying with disdain, Yes, it just breaks my heart to see such a vibrant, fun loving thing like Skye put in that dreadful situation.

    Trying to digest this remarkable piece of information, Miko could only make some inaudible response as he waited for Tess to continue. Seeing she had his full and undivided attention, Tess said with disgust, The whole state of affairs hinges on the side of medieval bullying if you ask me. That was her brother Roark on the phone earlier. He finally managed to track her down, poor thing. She just showed up on my doorstep, out of the blue, two weeks ago from Ireland with not much more than a toothbrush in her bag and no explanation except she needed a place to stay for a while. Of course, I welcomed her with open arms and told her she could stay as long as necessary, but asked no questions. I didn’t feel it was my place to stick my nose into her private affairs, especially since she didn’t seem inclined to be forthcoming with any explanations.

    Shaking her head as she tapped her finger irritably on the table, she continued, saying, Subsequently, while having lunch with a very reliable friend of mine one day, that’s when I found out about the marriage and who the groom was to be. But, the most shocking part of it all is that her brother arranged that life sentence for her, you know, and she is as loyal to him as they come. Can you imagine that in this day and age? And to make matters even worse, that piece of scum brother of hers is supposedly going to get a very tidy sum from the bargain. Now how disgusting is that? Slamming her cup down on the table with chagrin, Miko could see how completely vexing Skye’s situation was to her.

    With a frustrated edge to her voice she looked at Miko, and said, When she finally broke down and told me why she had come, I tried to talk her out of it until I was blue in the face, but she has always felt indebted in some strange way to her brother, and is really going to go through with the whole charade. Sounding very anxious, Tess said, Someone needs to go and just snatch that dear girl away before she regrets what she’s about to get herself into. Then, looking quite intensely at Miko with a mischievous smile on her face, she leaned forward in her chair, and laying her hand over his, she said, She needs someone like you Miko with all that hot Greek blood flowing in your veins to ride to her rescue and change her mind.

    Leaning back in her chair, Tess said offhandedly, After all, you’re still the most handsome thing walking around on two legs, and after the way I saw you two looking at each other last night on the veranda, then spending the night on the beach together, well, I would have bet money she would have thought twice about leaving, ignoring his look of surprise that she knew about that. Still speechless, Miko could only look at Tess as she continued, saying speculatively, But, looking puzzled at him, what I can’t figure out for the life of me is why she tried to hide the fact that you knew each other this morning. Unless, as she tapped her chin with her finger in contemplation, she was embarrassed at what I would think. But no, that doesn’t sound like her at all. Anyway, sighing deeply, I just know you could go right over there and use some of that devilish Greek charm of yours and convince her to come back with you. Plus, my dear, leaning forward to drive her point home more effectively, while reaching over to run her fingers though his thick, black mane, I’m afraid these silver hairs around your temples are a definite giveaway that you’re not getting any younger you know … if you get my drift, as she gave him a wide eyed innocent smile.

    Chuckling as he stood up, Miko pulled Tess from her chair, and drawing her close against him, he said, Tess Remaldi, you are such a conniving little fox. Am I too late to convince you we could make beautiful music together? Laughing softly, as she looked up at him, she said, My dear Miko, you know there’s nothing more I love than a wild, passionate romp with a handsome man, but alas, we’ve been friends far too long to spoil it by doing that, so you’ll just have to go out and use all that charm and charisma to get Skye back, as she gave him a quick kiss.

    As she turned to walk back into the villa, Miko said, Before you go Tess, can I ask why you never introduced me to Miss Avalon last night? Have I turned into such an ogre that you fear for your guests? Hesitating a moment, she stopped, then slowly turned around, saying, in a serious tone of voice, I didn’t introduce Skye to anyone Miko because that is the way she wanted it. And, as you know, I always respect the wishes of my guests until they tell me differently. Stepping closer to him, her demeanor somber, she said quietly, But, I must tell you in all honesty Miko, I have a very bad feeling about the future of my dear friend unless someone or something can intervene and redirect the path she is on now. Reaching out to pat his arm, breaking her gaze, she took a deep breath, and said, Well, enough said. I’ll meet you in the dining room if you want to join me for breakfast, and walked away.

    After Tess went into the villa, Miko remained on the veranda, his thoughts in turmoil. Now, he finally understood the sadness with which Skye looked at him when they parted on the beach. Suddenly, the thought of losing what could be the best thing that had happened to him in a long time, he knew what he had to do. When he entered the dining room, Tess carefully put her cup of tea down and slowly stood up as Miko walked towards her. Knowing instinctively, from the urgency in his step, what he was about to tell her, she said, You’re leaving? Nodding his head, giving her that all too familiar crooked smile of his, Miko said, I have an important matter to attend to my dear, as you well know, so I’ll be leaving immediately.

    Smiling, well pleased with herself, Tess took his arm and walked with him to the foot of the staircase. Looking at him contemplatively, she said, So, there was a connection, hmmm? Unable to hide his feelings from her, as always, he replied, You know very well there was, and yes, I have to admit it has taken me completely by surprise, Tess. Gripping his arm tightly, her tone of voice suddenly grave, Tess said, Be very careful Miko. Both Roark and Shamus are very ruthless men and do not like to lose what they think belongs exclusively to them. Sensing she knew exactly what she was talking about, Miko looked at her intently, and said, Every man has his Achilles heel Tess, and I already know Skye is theirs, so I’m ahead of the game. I mean to get her back, never fear. I can’t explain what happened between us, I wish I could. All I am sure of is it just seemed right, his voice holding an earnestness she had never heard before.

    Reaching up to lay her hand against his cheek, Tess smiled warmly, and said, Good things happen in the blink of an eye Miko whether you’re prepared for it or not. And so, it has happened to you with my Skye. And since you are clever enough to recognize that gift, you grab hold and never let go, you hear. Cupping her chin in his hand, he gave her a quick kiss and said, You’re a wise woman Tessandra Remaldi and sometimes you scare me to death, then proceeded up to his room to call his pilot to ready his plane for a flight to Dublin.

    After seeing Miko off, Tess was thoroughly convinced, that he and Skye were made for each other. She had caught that look of intimacy that had passed between them this morning when they pretended not to have met each other. She was neither blind nor an idiot. Plus, knowing she and Skye always made it a nightly ritual of having a cup of tea together in Skye’s bedroom before either one of them retired for the night, didn’t Skye think she would be missed when she wasn’t in her bedroom?

    Tess knew Skye and Miko’s destinies were meant to be entwined, if only they could get this ridiculous marriage thing straightened out that Skye had committed herself to. She could not believe that Skye would actually go through with this sham of a marriage, even though she had told her she must because Roark had bidden her to do it. Sadly, shaking her head, Tess knew Skye always complied with his wishes. Still, sighing deeply, she couldn’t imagine, in her wildest dreams, what could have possessed Roark to even consider Shamus O’Donan as a husband for Skye, who had just turned twenty-six recently. The man was forty-five years her senior for God’s sake. Could Roark have possibly run through their fortune so quickly as to do this to his own sister for the sake of money? Surely, she thought, he could not be that heartless.

    Sitting on the veranda, thoughtfully sipping her tea, Tess remembered Skye telling her that both her parents had been killed in a bomb explosion in Belfast, Ireland when she was five and Roark was ten. Mercifully, they had died instantly. It was widely thought at the time that the bombing was the work of the IRA, but as with all speculations, the only thing that was sadly evident was the fact two loving parents had been killed, leaving two small children alone and homeless.

    Since there were no other living relatives of either parent, Shamus O’Donan, having been friends with their parents, agreed to take the children into his home to live. It was a generous thing for him to do, until one noticed the lack of one important piece to the equation. Love. For two children to be tragically plucked out of their home and the arms of loving parents, then sheltered in a home bereft of love, it was a stark reality they were cruelly made to face all too soon for ones so young.

    Thankfully, their father, wealthy in his own right, had made provisions in his will for the children to continue to live the life to which they were accustomed if anything happened to him and his wife. The cost of their education at the finest schools was also provided without the need of financial help from Shamus O’Donan. Skye chose to attend Vassar, where she met Tess, and received her degree in business law. Roark chose Oxford and obtained his degree in the field of architecture. They had made many important and highly influential friends while at their prospective universities. Powerful people including politicians, royalty, and formidable CEO’s whom would not hesitate to come to the aid of either one if need be.

    Looking out over the quiet waters of the Mediterranean, Tess could only hope Miko would have success in persuading Skye to come back to Belle Vista with him. But, as an old, familiar sense of unease swept over her, she was loath to admit she felt there was a sinister storm of untold magnitude looming ahead for her friends, and closed her eyes to pray.

    Chapter 3

    Miko Fiori’s Private Plane

    ONCE ON BOARD the plane, Miko started to formulate his plan to find Skye and take her back to Greece. As he sat there listening to the steady drone of the engines, he closed his eyes while his thoughts ran wild with a thousand questions for which he had no answers. But maybe, with the help of his friend, Flannen Dougherty, he could remedy that situation. Miko vaguely remembered he had met Shamus O’Donan briefly at a charity function he attended with Flannen during one visit to Flannen’s home, Dougherty Manor, which adjoined O’Donan’s estate, Cliff Haven. Needless to say, he hadn’t been impressed with the man or the cold tomb he called home.

    Miko had never met or even known of Skye, as she had apparently been one of O’Donan’s well-kept secrets at the time of his visits. But, Tess was absolutely correct when she warned him to be very careful of O’Donan. From the minute he met the man, he knew he would be quite ruthless if the need arose, or when he wanted something. Needless to say, he wanted Skye and had initiated the means to get her through her brother. Shaking his head, he was at a loss to even imagine why she would ever agree to marry such a man. Better yet, why would her brother be so callous as to consider condemning his sister to a marriage with a man old enough to be her grandfather? Albeit perhaps a short marriage due to O’Donan’s age, it was a cruel sentence just for the sake of money. Closing his eyes, unable to accept the possibility of that union ever happening, he concentrated on Skye, still amazed by the strong emotions she brought out in him he thought he had buried long ago. Just the mere thought of her soft moans of pleasure when they made love on the beach only hours earlier rekindled a deep, burning desire in his groin. Although he couldn’t imagine Skye ever willingly letting O’Donan touch her, he couldn’t get the sickening image out of his mind. If indeed the wedding night became a reality, he wondered if she would respond to O’Donan if he demanded his husbandly rights?

    The thought of it cut him to the core and he must have groaned aloud, because the next thing he knew the stewardess was shaking his arm, saying, Are you all right Mr. Fiori? Can I get you anything? Opening his eyes, surprised he had let his thoughts get so out of hand, he straightened his seat and decided a drink might be just the thing he needed at that moment, and replied, Thank you Darla. I’m fine, but I could use a very dry martini with lime, please? When she left, he unbuckled the seatbelt, and leaning forward, he ran his hands over his face hoping to clear his head and think things out in a more clear, concise manner.

    Gazing out the window of the plane, his thoughts unwillingly returned to Skye. It was baffling to him how he could possibly have such deep feelings for someone he had just met. What was even more astonishing, he instinctively knew she felt the same way about him. Not only because she had given herself to him so completely, but because of the anguished look in her eyes when they parted on the beach. Somehow, what seemed just a whisper in time, she had captured his heart and unleashed a hunger to possess her that no other woman had been able to do since Moya. His thoughts were interrupted when his drink arrived, and as he sipped the drink, he realized his attention needed to be focused solely on finding Skye. He couldn’t afford to be distracted if he wanted to accomplish what he set out to do. From this point on, he had to hold all personal feelings at bay until he had her safely back in Greece.

    Chapter 4

    Tess Remaldi’s Private Plane

    LISTENING TO THE humming of the jet engines spiriting her away from Miko and the safety of Belle Vista, Skye had never felt so trapped and hopeless as she did at that moment. Staring at the engines on the plane, the only thing she could think of were those last incredible hours on the beach with Miko. She never thought it possible to fall in love with someone she had only known for a few brief hours. She had given him her heart, body and soul, and hoped that their short time together would be enough to sustain her through what she knew would be many lonely nights in the future. If only the circumstances had been different she would have loved to have stayed in his arms forever, but sadly, that was not to be.

    Leaning her head back against the seat, she recalled the day Roark told her about his involvement with the IRA and the deal he was forced to make with Shamus. It had been the single worst day of her life. He told her Shamus had somehow found out about his murky connection with the IRA and confronted him about it. He knew about the faction uprisings in which Roark had been involved during the past few years, and how he had used his friendship with many influential people to learn when and where missions, troop movements and weapon shipments would be.

    Shamus knew if Roark’s connection with the IRA and the subsequent information he had passed on ever became known to the Garda, the penalty would be death by hanging. Thus, Shamus presented his proposition to keep silent about Roark’s activities in the IRA in return for marriage to her. Being the coward he was, Roark willingly promised anything in order to keep his neck out of the hangman’s noose. As offensive and obscene as the thought of marrying Shamus might be to her, Roark knew her fear of what could happen to him if she did not do as he asked was even more frightening. Yes, she was sure if she didn’t marry Shamus, he would not hesitate to inform the Garda about Roark, and she reluctantly agreed to the marriage.

    Closing her eyes, she shook her head remembering the next bombshell Roark dropped on her that almost sent her world spinning out of control. Before she had fully recovered from the shock of the first confession, he told her their parents had also been deeply involved with the IRA. As she stared at Roark in stunned disbelief, he told her he had been approached a few years back by the organization to join their cause, and had been informed how highly respected their parents were when they had joined their ranks. They told him their parents had been stalwart supporters of the cause and died bravely for what they believed in. Sadly, they had been in Belfast on a mission to obtain weapons that day and, unbeknownst to the organization, a splinter faction of the IRA had discovered the plan and planted the bomb that killed them and so many others that day. Not exactly shocked by this piece of information, it finally all made sense to Roark. Even at the young age of ten at the time of their deaths, being smarter than the average child of his years, he had already begun to suspect his parent’s involvement with the IRA. What they told him only verified everything he had deduced.

    When she was finally able to speak, Skye asked Roark why he had never told her about any of this before and he stated he had wanted to shield her from the pain of knowing the truth. Not one to stick around to comfort anyone after revealing such shocking news, Roark left immediately to go to a business meeting. She didn’t remember how long she sat there, her head spinning, trying to process everything she had learned. Suddenly, feeling as if she would go mad if she had to stay at Cliff Haven a minute longer, her first instinct was to run to the nearest safe haven to try and figure it all out, and Belle Vista offered that light at the end of the tunnel she so desperately needed. So, she packed only what she could carry and quietly slipped out of the house and drove to the airport before Roark returned.

    Furious at her disappearance when he arrived home that night, and after many days of searching, Roark discovered where she had gone and was bound and determined to get her back. When he finally spoke with her, he made it clear that Shamus wanted the marriage to proceed as soon as possible, and if she didn’t return immediately, he would come to Belle Vista himself and drag her back. Like an animal baked into a corner without anywhere else to go, she had no other choice but to obey him.

    After meeting Skye’s plane and they were on their way back to Cliff Haven, Roark was hesitant to engage her in conversation until his anger had subsided and he could speak rationally. He had to make her realize how vital his work was with the IRA if Ireland were to become whole again. Certainly, she could understand that, and if not, well there were ways to convince her. Always able to twist things around to suit his own selfish interests, Roark soon dismissed Skye’s sacrifice as inconsequential. After all, she would only be forfeiting a few years of her life to an old man who would die sooner than later and leave her a much wealthier woman. In his demented mind, he reasoned there were those who were giving up their very lives every day for the cause so she could keep and enjoy the daily comforts she took for granted, so her marriage to Shamus was just a minor inconvenience.

    Unable to meet Roark’s eyes after her act of cowardice by running away, Skye tried to concentrate on the passing countryside as she looked out the window of the car. Unable to stop her thoughts from drifting back to Greece, she couldn’t help remembering, with vivid clarity, the magical night she spent on the beach with Miko. The happiest night of her life. But now, lowering her head so Roark couldn’t see the silent tears slipping down her face, she couldn’t dispel the despondency she felt every time she thought of marrying Shamus O’Donan. The mere thought of him touching her body as intimately as Miko had done made her physically ill. Marry him, yes. She had no choice. Submit to him, never. She would kill him first.

    The consequences Roark would have to face if she didn’t go through with the marriage didn’t bear thinking of. So, she would do as her brother asked and consent to the marriage and Shamus would remain silent about Roark’s questionable IRA activities. But most importantly, Roark would not hang. From now on, she was resigned to the fact that she would never give her heart to any other man. She left that behind in Greece along with all her hopes and dreams.

    After several hours of driving in tense silence, Skye and Roark arrived at Cliff Haven. Walking into the foyer, Skye could feel the cold, penetrating dampness of a house shut away from the world far too long and felt like she had returned to a prison. Just at that moment, Shamus greeted them from the winding staircase above, saying, Good evening Roark, Skye. I see my lovely bride-to-be has returned from her flight of fancy and decided it was time to come back to the nest.

    As he made his way down to the bottom of the stairs, he walked over to Skye, and said, I have set our wedding date for two weeks from Sunday, my dear. This should give you time to do whatever it is women do to prepare for their wedding. Now, I’m sure your tired from all your traveling and would like to retire, so I’ll send Jenny up to help you unpack and get settled. As if listening behind closed doors, Jenny suddenly appeared and Skye was led up to her bedroom without uttering a word.

    Chapter 5

    Cliff Haven Estate, Ireland

    MOTIONING FOR ROARK to follow him, Shamus went into the library and sat down behind a large, imposing walnut desk. Slowly sitting down in one of the overstuffed chairs in front of the desk, Roark waited silently to see what Shamus’s next move would be. As Roark watched him unlock the desk drawer, he wondered what price this man had paid in order to wield the power he seemed to encompass with such fierce tenacity.

    Having recognized long ago the seemingly unlimited power Shamus brandished, Roark knew this made him a very formidable enemy, giving him just the insight he needed to bide his time until the day came when Shamus would realize he had met his match. If it was the last thing he ever did, he would make sure his ill deeds were never brought to light by the old bastard, and would relish the day he would cut the old coot’s throat. Yes, he wanted to see the look in Shamus’s eyes when he saw who was responsible for his death. And as his life slowly ebbed away, he would laugh in his face. Aye, he thought, every dog has his day and Shamus’s would come soon enough. He was a patient man and could afford to wait until after the wedding when he had the money in hand that was promised him by Shamus before he took his revenge.

    Hearing his name spoken curtly, Roark’s train of thought was broken as he looked up into the face of the man he had just eliminated in his mind. As he looked at Roark, Shamus was momentarily taken aback by the cold, enigmatic glare of a man he had, as yet, been unable to categorize in his menagerie of souls bought and paid for. He was sure if push came to shove and the right amount of money were not there, Roark would withdraw the offer of his sister in marriage, perhaps even at the risk of his own life. As it was, Skye became a good bargaining tool for Shamus’s silence and Roark’s life. Of course, the one million euros Roark would acquire from this bargain meant the purchase of a lot of badly needed guns and ammunition for this splinter faction Roark was involved in, and he was sure Roark would think twice before giving that up. It was the kind of money he was sure would give Roark the kind of leverage and status the fool so relentlessly strove for. But, as sure as the sun rose and set each day, Shamus knew he would have to tread very cautiously with Roark, because a rattlesnake only needs one strike to deliver its deadly venom if crossed, and being a smart man, Shamus didn’t ever intend to be within that striking distance.

    Taking a piece of paper out of the desk drawer, Shamus pushed it across the desk towards Roark saying, I took the liberty of drawing up a little agreement for you to sign. It states your involvement and rather unsavory activities with the IRA and my, how shall I put it, my forced monetary contribution and silence under threat of bodily harm. This is, just for lack of a better word, my insurance that I do not meet an untimely death at your hand after my marriage to your sister. Gazing at Shamus in amusement, Roark said, Now why would I sign a paper incriminating myself and letting you off scot free? The only one who is benefiting from this so-called agreement is you from what I can see, as he pushed the paper back at him.

    Getting up from his chair, Shamus slowly walked around the desk and paused beside Roark saying in a low, threatening voice, You’ll sign, because it’s the only offer you’re going to get if you want that one million euros for your precious cause, not to mention avoiding that ever present hangman’s noose from tightening around your neck. Silent for a moment to let the reality of what he said sink in before continuing, Shamus said, And then, of course, there’s that unfortunate, nasty little business in Eire I’ve included that I’m sure you wouldn’t want known. So, I’d advise you to sign quickly before I change my mind. Then, leaning down close to whisper in Roark’s ear, he said, The day I slip that ring on your dear sister’s finger, you’ll get your money and our little agreement will be locked away forever.

    Then, straightening up, he said, Unless, of course, I have an unfortunate accident and then, well, I have no doubt it will magically reappear in some Garda’s hands and they will be looking you up. Stunned that Shamus had somehow found out what happened in Eire, Roark knew he had no other choice at the moment and snatched the pen from Shamus and signed the agreement. Watching the old man go over to a picture above the fireplace, he saw him swing it open and deposit the agreement in a safe hidden behind it. That’s okay you old son-of-a-bitch, Roark thought, you might have the upper hand now, but it won’t always be that way.

    Chapter 6

    Airport Near Dougherty Manor, Ireland

    STANDING AT THE airport waiting for Miko to get off the plane, Flannen Dougherty couldn’t help but be a little anxious wondering what brought about this sudden visit. Just watching Miko walk down the ramp towards him with such determination, he could tell something was up but knew any questions would be an intrusion into the private world this man had built around himself and coveted so fiercely, until he was ready to discuss it.

    Most of Miko’s friends knew little to nothing about him except there was a dark side to him that anyone, with any brains at all, held a healthy respect for and never crossed the line to inquire about. One thing was certain though, once you took the avenue to cross Miko Fiori, death would be an intimate shadow waiting for you around the next corner. Few knew anything about his personal life, his marriage or its tragic outcome, and it was a subject never broached, especially by him. On the flip side, what they did know was that he was someone you could count on no matter how rough the

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