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The Truth Shall Set You Free
The Truth Shall Set You Free
The Truth Shall Set You Free
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The Truth Shall Set You Free

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The Truth Shall Set You Free is a book that will help you overcome illusions of fear, anger, hate, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, perturbation, and discontent. It will guide you through beautiful poems and essays on how to replace those low and self-limiting emotions with true self-discovery that will lead you to a life of happiness, courage, confidence, abundance, contentment, and peace of mind.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateApr 19, 2018
The Truth Shall Set You Free

Enoch Mamo

If a snake gets into the home of a snake charmer, he will tame the serpent and may also keep it for his show. If the same snake gets into the home of another villager, they would run out scared asking for help, there will be chaos and fear until the snake is killed or removed from that home. Just like the snake charmer who puts on a show by playing with dangerous snakes that can kill, I tame the negative thoughts, emotions and experiences and transform them into lessons that I share with the rest of the world. Every year many people suffer or die from manifestation of these negative thoughts, emotions and experiences in form of; mental illness, drug addictions, murders and suicides, but if handled wisely, they can be transmuted into sources of strength, good health, joy and abundance. It is not the light that got me here, it is the darkness, my ignorance is the source of my wisdom.

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    The Truth Shall Set You Free - Enoch Mamo

    Copyright © 2018 Enoch Mamo.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-0067-1 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018903373

    Balboa Press rev. date: 04/18/2018



    Chapter 1: Opinion of Others versus Self-Confidence


    The Truth about Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

    Focusing on What Others Think of Us

    Dominant Opinions

    Opinion of Others and Attack

    The Girl with the Addiction Problem

    The Ego’s Forgetful Identity

    What If

    Let Not Anything outside Determine Your Dazzle

    What is Real or not Real

    Bring Dazzle and Confidence to Your Work

    Peace of Mind—Abandoning the Opinion of Others

    Better Courage Takes Me to Hell Than Fear Takes Me to Heaven

    Watching Kipchoge Keino at the Rio Olympics

    Confidence and Faith to Achieve Success

    Chapter 2: Self-Expression and Public Speaking


    Self-Expression versus Public Speaking

    The Illusion of the Introvert

    Celebrity Blessing


    Chapter 3: The Two Energies

    Why Do You Allow Your Day to Be Poisoned?

    Accepting Others’ Unique Contribution

    Blame Game and the Illusion of Suffering

    Self-Acceptance and Love

    And the Topic Is Love Today

    Your Very Existence Has Influence

    What Happened the Days You Felt His Absence?

    It Is Okay to Have Bad Thoughts

    I Know So Many Josephs

    Bad Relationship Clinging

    Life as a Canvas

    Chapter 4: The Present Moment

    Appreciating and Living in the Now

    Acceptance of Infinite Intelligence

    Today Is The Best Day of My Life

    Checking the Quality of Your Present Moment

    Means and Waste

    Our Time Is More Important Than Our Task


    Wasting Your Life Pleasing Others

    How Do You Avoid or Get Rid of Mr. Yes?

    Slave of Good Deeds

    The Moon Staring at Me

    Chapter 5: Fear and Worry

    Living with Fear and Worry

    Anxiety/Worry/Fear as Creations in an Invisible World

    Anxiety as a Result of an Attempt to Control

    Fear That Paralyzed the Hero

    Removing Anxiety/Worry

    Chapter 6: What Is Poverty?

    The Mud Pool

    Poor Thoughts

    Never Focus on Lack

    Begging for Favors and Other Things



    Creation and Underused Power of Mind

    Creation, Wastage, and Universal Law

    Celebration Instead of Thanks

    What Is Gratitude?

    Life Is about Celebrating Small Moments

    Chapter 7: Victim Identity

    Drop of Blood

    The Weak Target

    Different Mentality of Solving Problems

    Reclaiming Your Kingdom and Power

    Faith and wisdom to reclaim your kingdom

    Stop focusing on your past performances

    The Power of Your Choices and Consequences

    Living Fully in This World

    End of Illusions

    Spiritual Orgasm

    Chapter 8: Power of Belief and Faith

    The Knife (Power) in Your Hands

    The Relationship between Your Dhabbinn and the Knife (Power)


    The Relationship between Dwelling Thoughts or Faith and Your Realities

    Hope and Faith

    Faith but Not Strength

    Half of Americans Have a Better Voice

    The Power of the Healed

    Change—Getting Rid of Illusions

    Two Weeks of Diet and Change

    What Does the Revelation of Invisible Change Mean?

    Chapter 9: Being Yourself and Conformity

    The Best Person You Can Imitate

    Futile Imitation

    Finding Your Talent

    Modern Education System and Worship of Mentors

    More Than Grades

    Being a Success as Yourself

    Life’s Equation

    The World Within

    Looking within and Its Repercussion

    Ideas and Talents—They Are Already Within

    The Knowledge of Truth and Its Use

    Nonconformity in the Modern World

    Focusing on Past Teachings

    No Writer Is Made in a Classroom


    Better Comes after Nonconformity


    The Architect

    Seeking Group Identity

    Chapter 10: Living in the Real World


    Giving up Searching and Seeking

    Desperation Voted out on X Factor

    Listening to the Rain

    Living Like a Powerless Victim

    When the World You Created Looks Imposed

    Seeking Pain and Hurt

    Chapter 11: What Is Not Life

    Modern Exploitation

    Becoming Enslaved by the System

    Substance Abuse and the Vicious Cycle

    Puffing the Smoke

    Smoking or Doing Drugs over Anger, Stress, or Challenge

    Modern Medicine

    Chapter 12: True Living

    The City and the Star

    Components of Success and Failure

    The Illusion of Roles

    Changing Faces

    Respect the One with Whom You Live Forever

    What You Own Owns You

    Never Leave Your Dhabbinn

    The Most Important Is You

    Chapter 13: The Illusion of Loss

    One with Nothing to Lose Fears Loss Most

    Wealth Disparity

    You Are Not Fair to Your Employer

    Ninety-Two Years Census Question

    From Those Who Have Little

    Chapter 14: Anger

    Boxing Yourself

    Anger and Rage

    Anger and Hurt

    No One Can Hurt the Sage


    This book is a result of my decision to stop reading the teachings of others in search of fulfillment, spiritual harmony, and the meaning of life and our existence. It forced me to live and interpret spirituality based on my own everyday life experience. I came to appreciate and value my intuition and accept my life with all its imperfections. I hope this book will also help you to stop the search and teach you to accept yourself and your present conditions in order to live a life full of happiness, abundance, health, and many other blessings.

    The change in my attitude and perspective led me to enjoy the present moment rather than trying to achieve some state of spiritual or external fulfillment to start living a happy life. Sometimes I was stuck in a state of seeking or searching for a perfect life with a clear purpose based on external accomplishment to be achieved in the future. The search was a futile effort that wasted years of my life. I was not too sure what kind of life I was even seeking, and this made the present unpleasant and led me to endless searches in the hope of finding a perfect and enlightened future. It was a life of chasing after the wind.

    I imagined, What if all the past and present great inventors, poets, and philosophers lived the same life? No one can get anywhere by analyzing the endless questions of life. That was the path of wastage that I was heading to, and many of us waste our precious time focusing on how to live life rather than just living life. My life was almost consumed by seeking and searching that had no end. It looked to me like the unconscious life is far better than perpetual seeking and searching to become enlightened or reach spiritual fulfillment. I felt I could only get there by accepting that I am already there. I finally decided I am enlightened and conscious enough today and that I am happy and content with my life. All enlightenment and wisdom will come from within now; no time or future accomplishment is necessary.

    That decision to stop searching led me to immediately stop reading the book I had in my hand. This was because of my contempt of seeking wisdom and enlightenment outside of myself in order to feel complete. I reached a point where I felt that I had read and searched enough and had no more time to waste in searching for anything. I found God in that moment and in this lifestyle of mine with all the imperfections. I do not wish to see God in any other state of mind or lifestyle at a future date. Let all my wisdom, poems, truths, enlightenment, and consciousness come to me in this very moment and state of mind, or I absolutely do not need them. These qualities are here with me now at this very moment. I despised the idea of looking forward to a better tomorrow through wasting the present, and I felt, in this very moment, I am one with the infinite intelligence within. This is not a favor that I seek from anyone, and it is not something that will be given to me because of my good behavior, or enlightenment, or wisdom, or the amount of books I read, or my discipline and the time I spend on meditation. As a matter of fact, I reduced the time I was spending on meditation to prove this point. I said enough with life-consuming thoughts and teachings that tell you, You are not good enough. I said to myself and the universe, Take me as I am! Nothing will ever make me deserving of grace. I am already in a state of grace, regardless of my lifestyle and situations. It is the ego that creates this illusion of seeking the grace through living a particular way or gaining a certain level or wisdom in order to receive grace. We just have to recognize and accept this truth and have trust in the existence of grace within us. I hope this book will guide you into discovering the abundant power, grace, treasures, and intelligence within you. Your conditions and situations have no power to bestow you with this eternal grace or take it away from you. Your simple recognition will make you see and experience this grace. Once you recognize this truth, you cannot un-recognize it, but your unconscious life can create the illusion of lacking this grace. I believe that knowing this truth will set you free.

    Many people who achieve extraordinary success in life are those who have overcome personal challenges. This is what Steve Jobs called the gap in one of his televised interviews. This allows you to see beyond the conventional or ordinary world. After deeply looking within, you become one with your spiritual world, and creativity oozes out of you. I am extraordinarily blessed and lucky to have been given the opportunity after what other people would term as challenges or failures, and now I call them blessings. I think the challenges teach you to look at life differently and give you that gap to step back and change your perspective. So, much is expected from me because I was blessed with so many incredible experiences as a result of the challenges and soul-searching I went through. I was given the wisdom to transmute my struggles to opportunities.

    My past unconscious life is part of the journey to enlightenment. It is as important as the enlightened or conscious part of my life. This journey started right from the time I was born. All the events led me to the purification of my soul and shading off of what is not life. Each part of the journey is as important as the other. I must have supremely played my past role of unconscious life; that is how I got my ideas and life perspectives I share in this book. At the time, the past life looked like a failure and meaningless, but that was the path that led me to purification. I hope to impart those lessons to other people who are going through challenging times.

    One of the main teachings of this book is personal responsibility; it means not blaming other people, God, or the devil for the problems in your life. This responsibility comes with empowerment and wisdom. You will have a better understanding of the power and effects of your thoughts, beliefs, and faith. It will teach you to find enlightenment and right-mindedness in your current circumstances or life situation, and this will enable you to discover and use your power to create a good life for yourself and others. Your life’s problems are not because you don’t have power or because you don’t have faith; they are mainly because you don’t have the right-mindedness or knowledge of the universal laws.


    Opinion of Others versus Self-Confidence


    One of the most important character attributes

    To have in life is courage and confidence.

    No matter what you do or who you are,

    Confidence is vital in your endeavor.

    If you lose your job because you refused to be intimidated

    Or, because of your confidence, your boss is perturbed

    And wants you to break down and feel inferior and subdued,

    Stand your ground and never compromise your self-worth.

    You will find a better job that accepts your courage.

    If you lose your marriage because your spouse

    Undermines yourself worth and confidence,

    Don’t be afraid to walk away to start a better life.

    If you have people around who are offended by your confidence,

    Then offend them more, for they don’t deserve to be your friends

    If there are people around you who are not confident

    And you bring down yourself to look like them,

    Then you are destroying yourself and the little confidence they have.

    Instead, lift them up to the throne you all deserve.

    I prefer to eat grass and live with animals than lose my confidence

    To keep my job or the false comfort of life.

    I prefer to sleep in caves than lose my confidence

    To keep my home or job or the illusory status.

    Why are we so afraid? Why do we bring down ourselves,

    Giving away our dignity and self-worth for others’ sake?

    Show me a woman or a man whose life is miserable

    Because he or she is too confident and remained respectable,

    But I will show you countless people who lead a miserable life

    Because they lacked confidence to stand up for themselves.

    Be the first man to die of hunger and poverty

    Because you refused to sell your integrity.

    It has never happened, and it never will.

    You have one life to live and live it well.

    The worst thing in life is not material poverty

    But loss of one’s worth and a spiritual bankruptcy.

    Material wealth can come and go or change over time.

    In bad or good times, your spiritual wealth will thrive.

    If you have spiritual wealth, you are always rich,

    Happy, confident, and healthy, so heavens you can reach.

    It is the best wealth you can have in this world,

    And every other blessings and success will come.

    There is no single justification for our fear and lack of confidence,

    For all of us were gifted with this eternal grace.

    It is not given to one person more and to another less,

    But the difference is in how much dirt has covered our grace.

    How much have you covered the sunshine within your chest?

    And prevented yourself from becoming the best?

    How much talent are you holding back from the world

    By preventing confidence from shining through your heart?

    Confidence is not something you gain from without.

    It is already there within. Just remove the dirt.

    Bring out the eternal light and make your world bright.

    A victory is guaranteed, so don’t give up the fight.

    The Truth about Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

    Self-confidence means what you think of yourself, the opinion you have about yourself. It is never about the opinion of others about you or what they think of you. You are at the center, and nobody else is at the center with you. Self-confidence is purely what you think of yourself. As other people are entitled to their thoughts, you are also entitled to yours. The only thought you should care about at all is yours. That means the world to you, and that is your only and primary world. You live there. Your confidence lives there.

    You can control only your thoughts. What others think of you should not be your concern. They also live in the mental world that they chose create. Take care of your world and let them take care of theirs. Your self-confidence comes from within and flows outward, never from without to within. So never expect other people to boost your self-confidence or give it to you.

    The mistake we always make is we look at self-confidence as a measure of how and what people think of us. We think in terms of how people see us, whether they see us as confident or not confident. Therefore, we say to ourselves, They think I am confident, or otherwise. We are only concerned about how people think of us rather than what we think of ourselves. It is not about our confidence that we worry, but it is what people think of our confidence that we worry about. You create your self-image based on how people see you or what they say about you. So, if in the past people described you as lacking self-confidence, then you adopt those opinions to create an identity for yourself.

    Your self-confidence is always there; it is part of your nature and everybody’s. As kids, we were not aware of other people’s judgments, so we played and acted without much concern about their opinion. We never thought about having or not having self-confidence. Your self-confidence never leaves you, even when you thought you lacked it. Instead, the shining power of your self-confidence depended on how much you covered it with the opinion of others. The times that you feel less confident are because you are reflecting on the opinion of others and what you believe they are thinking of you rather than the absence of self-confidence. It is the opinion of others that you are worried about, and that worry just veils your self-confidence more. If you don’t see the blue sky or the sun covered by the cloud, your doubt cannot make them disappear. Your ignorance cannot change a fact but just gives you the wrong perception, and likewise, your understanding cannot change the fact that inalienable self-confidence exists within you.

    The truth is that you can only control what you think and not what other people think of you or the world. You cannot control how much confidence other people think you have. People’s opinions change frequently, and they have thousands of thoughts a day. What they think is their right, and all you should focus on is what you think about yourself and your self-image. Worrying about the opinions of every person that you come across disintegrates your soul. You will not have an anchored faith and foundation from which your self-image is created. This results in frequent change of self-confidence, depending on the opinion of others and whether they say things to you that

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