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Reservations for the Kingdom Please!
Reservations for the Kingdom Please!
Reservations for the Kingdom Please!
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Reservations for the Kingdom Please!

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About this ebook

Here are key areas to unlock the kingdom of heaven! With encouragement, life experiences, and biblical guidance, minister and author Paul Phillips brings to you in this book, Reservations for the Kingdom Please, an insight and areas you need to focus on, pray about, and live accordingly in order to receive the blessings of that kingdom. Minister Phillips reveals how to
recognize Gods voice,
keep a good name,
be transformed and be an effective listener,
live according to Gods Word, and
prepare yourself for the kingdom of heaven.

Whatever the situation you may be experiencing right now, you have rights to the kingdom of heaven! The place was prepared just for you!

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field (Matt. 13:44).
Release dateApr 19, 2018
Reservations for the Kingdom Please!

Paul Phillips

Paul Phillips is the Gretchen B. Kimball Director of Orchestral Studies and Associate Professor of Music at Stanford University. He is the author of A Clockwork Counterpoint: The Music and Literature of Anthony Burgess, published in 2010, and essays on Burgess published in six other books, including the Norton Critical Edition of A Clockwork Orange. He has led performances of many Burgess compositions in concert, including numerous premieres, and conducted the first commercial recording of Burgess's orchestral music, released by Naxos in 2016.

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    Reservations for the Kingdom Please! - Paul Phillips


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    Published by AuthorHouse  04/03/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-3317-6 (sc)

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    King James Version (KJV)

    Scriptures were taken from The King James Version of The Bible - Public Domain.

    New King James Version (NKJV)

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    As Jesus came preaching the gospel

    of THE KINGDOM OF GOD, He said

    Repent, for The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

    Matthew 3:2




    "There has to be something very special about our Heavenly Father which causes Him to pass through a million people to get to you. You are precious in the sight of the Lord!"

    Minister Paul Phillips Jr.


    Seek first HIS kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33

    The Kingdom of God (and its related form Kingdom of Heaven) as described in the Gospel of Matthews is one of the main teachings and the foundational message of the church founded by Him through His disciples.

    The Greek word for Kingdom according to the Strong’s Concordance is (Basileia), found 162 times in the New Testament primarily meaning The rule of God, Royal Power and Dominion.

    The phrase Kingdom of GOD is used more than sixty times in the King James New Testament mostly in the gospels of Mark and Luke and in the KJV more than thirty times. We read in the book of psalms that

    "The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all." (Psalms 103:19)

    Simply speaking, The kingdom is the spiritual reign or authority of God. The Bible speaks of the Kingdom of God, often called the Kingdom of Heaven and you can be assured that there are few things that could be more important.

    On a daily basis, we seek the Lord for His guidance, wisdom and knowledge praying that we can live a life to be more like Him. To be more like Him will one day allow us to not only see Him face to face, but to actually dwell with Him in His heavenly reign, The Kingdom! This so called place we now live on (earth) is only temporary. Our home and resting place when this life is over, is to reign and dwell with our heavenly Father in the Kingdom of God.


    I would like to dedicate this book to my three youngest grand children:

    Amina Okoth, Joseph Bunting and Jeremiah Morris

    Amina(Min Min), Even though you may not fully understand what PaPa is writing about right now, but one day you will. I need you to know that one day you are going to grow to become a beautiful young lady. I have always prayed that you will draw yourself closer to Christ and become the woman of GOD that HE has called you to become. Stay faithful to HIM and HE will be faithful to complete what HE started in your life. Be bold for CHRIST Amina!

    Joseph(Joey), I need you to know that you have always had a Papa that was constantly on his knees praying for you. You are a very smart and intelligent young man. Stay close to CHRIST and allow HIM to do a work in your life. You do have a beautiful purpose in life. Stand strong and tell everybody about CHRIST! Most of all keep GOD first in all that you desire to do in life and I promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you.

    Jeremiah (Day Day), You have always been special to my heart. I prayed for you while you were still in your mother’s belly. You have many angels covering you and all you have to do is call upon them in times of need. I want you to grow to become the Man of God that you were called to be. Stay strong and Don’t let anything stop you from achieving God’s purpose HE has for you in life. You were created for Greatness young man!

    Love You Always,





    Chapter 1   Just the mentioning of your name!

    Chapter 2   Jesus Christ in the Midst of thee

    Chapter 3   The Battle is not yours

    Chapter 4   Being in Line to what the Word of God says

    Chapter 5   Be Transformed

    Chapter 6   When the Church begins to pray!

    Chapter 7   Kingdom Preparation


    "If you have a desire to remain strong through turbulence, then ‘Reservations For The Kingdom, Please!’ will lead you into greater depth and focus for

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